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After playing with this thing for a day, the back annoyed the crappers outta me so heres my fix







and all you need is parts from an old toilet cistern, parts from a lamp, a nail, glue, and putty :rolleyes:

still in proto form, but gotta wait till its dry tomorrow before doing anything more. Not perfect, but i can zoom it now ! :lol::lol:

Posted (edited)

For those who have this thing, the hands attach via simple ball socket joints, right? I'm just wondering how easy it would be to pop on some different hands on the off chance that the originals break.

Edited by eriku
  Alex said:
Caution CM's Legioss/Tread is bad for your health!!!

I was in Yodobashi t'other day and saw one lonely set sitting all by itself. I was idly thinking of nabbing it for a friend. Just as i'm about to lay my fingers on it this skinny little b$%tard literally jumps in under my outstretched arm and pushes me away by slamming me with his bony little spine. :angry::lol:

Which team in the Asian Hockey League does that dude play for?

Sounds like lift lines in Korea or trying to get on a train. Good showing restraint and letting the little b$%tard go.


Well, after seeing all the post and pics from those who've gotten theirs, my opinions are as follows :


1. I don't like that gap in the rear in fighter mode.

2. I also don't like that it's floppy in fighter mode.

3. They designed this thing from scratch and still couldn't come up with a more solid way to join the two fighters together.

4. There's no feet thrusters for fighter mode which is just wrong.

5. The price is ludicrous for something that looks so toyish.


1. Tampo printed markings out the ass! (Yamato could stand to take notes on that)

2. No apparent QC issues unlike the Toynami Alphas.

3. It's actually made to be transformed more than a handful of times without breaking.

I'm sticking with my MPC Shadow Fighter, it looks better in fighter mode (To me) and I'd rather wait for the MPC Beta to come out for it. Less money spent overall for a Legioss/Tread combo than the CM's version.

However, for those who are happy with theirs, I'm happy for them. :)



lol thanks eriku, after making it i felt quite 'flushed'. hehehe.

thought of a couple of other ways to do it now, that would also be quite tough. might try those out today as well.


prob need a 'spacer' or something.. . not sure.. will look =-)


Just managed to get the CM corp out of the box and gotten some pics taking done.. came out with an idea to make the link up more secure and more mechanically logical, cause i read thru the manual and found it to be abit toyish.. thus i did some fiddling.. and well i got it done!!

Individually the mechas are awesome.. but the problem is with the link up.. it's floppy alright in fighter mode..

But i think the playability puts toynami way backwards..

attached a few pics for your viewing though..

And i think those who has had their stuff enjoys the legioss and tread as well =)







Posted (edited)

I can't tell what you did with the link-up Eyesonme, how's it different? Did you try having your tlead up and your legioss in soldier mode? I'm having the worst time getting it all to balance and I'm not sure if I'm not just doing something wrong.

EDIT - looks like it's time for you to update your sig.

Edited by jenius
Posted (edited)

Hmm, it does look like the main issue is the connecting joint being too low for the Legioss arms to slot into the chest "plugs" on the Tlead. As indicated in earlier post, a customized linkage would solve that. And judging by the way the heel of the Legioss is butting up against the thighs of the Tlead, bringing the Legioss up a centimeter or so should give the Legioss legs room to straighten, improving the overall look in Combined Fighter.

The tricky part here is that the connector piece needs to accomodate the Combination with the Legioss in Armo-Soldier mode too, that makes it tricky.. unless you don't care to display the toy in that mode at all.

Edited by Lynx7725

Why not just do two different connecting pieces? It seems to be the most logical choice. It seems like CMs meant for the connecting arm to do more but for the life of me I can't get it to be any better than "kinda lame" in everything I try to do with it.

  eyesonme78 said:
Just managed to get the CM corp out of the box and gotten some pics taking done.. came out with an idea to make the link up more secure and more mechanically logical, cause i read thru the manual and found it to be abit toyish.. thus i did some fiddling.. and well i got it done!!

Individually the mechas are awesome.. but the problem is with the link up.. it's floppy alright in fighter mode..

But i think the playability puts toynami way backwards..

attached a few pics for your viewing though..

And i think those who has had their stuff enjoys the legioss and tread as well =)

I'm still gonna' wait for the Toynaim Beta. Still seems to have the best proportions and link up, overalll.

Posted (edited)

Yes, if you're at all a scale for proportions or scale pass on the CMs. The pilots for the Legioss and the Tread are clearly two different sizes. The Legioss appears to be at 1/48 scale but it's piloted by a 1/60 scale figure and I don't have a ruler handy but the Tread looks like it's 1/60 scale piloted by a 1/72 figure.

EDIT - I posted this in the Mospeada lineart thread but it's just as appropriate here:


Edited by jenius
  jenius said:
Why not just do two different connecting pieces? It seems to be the most logical choice. It seems like CMs meant for the connecting arm to do more but for the life of me I can't get it to be any better than "kinda lame" in everything I try to do with it.

I'm actually pretty sure that if CM's Legioss takes off -- and it seems it has to some extent -- there will be fan-made after-market parts to do exactly what you said. I'm just wondering how best to tackle the problem, is all.

The pilots for the Legioss and the Tread are clearly two different sizes.

I LOVE it when that kind of thing happens lol... I'm always amused when conventional computer-aided design work goes ahead and proves that our cherished anime designs simple DON'T WORK in their original form... a big part of why I'm not a line-art nazi... I'd rather they do ahead and FIX the discrepancies... altho I'm quite afraid that if they'd bumped up the size of the Tread to fix the cockpit/pilot size issues this thing would have been even more absurd expensive...

And yes, all of you guys's photos are killing me now... I WANT!

I'm always amused when conventional computer-aided design work goes ahead and proves that our cherished anime designs simple DON'T WORK in their original form

I actually think that's the opposite of what happened here. CMs strayed so far from lineart by thinning everything out that they shot themselves in the foot when it came to cockpit space. It looks like they solved this problem by just making figures that fit the cockpit... whatever scale those figures may be. For example, the CMs and the Toynami Legioss toys are both 1/48 scale but the Toynami is far more faithful to the line art and comes with a 1/48 figure at the controls and the CMs does not.


well my 'custom' linkage first proto is finished, so basically



lets me do



its as tight as I could make it, and has complete zoom-ability!


Love this particular angle on em, and can see how much closer it is...



BTW, how do i make the little thumbnails so the pics aren't ginormous?


Very nice modding there, Sam.

As has already been mentioned, it's too bad CM's didn't just make two connecting booms: one for the Legioss Soldier combo and the other for the fighter combo.

Also, very nice work with the pic, jenius. Now you just need to stick a crapload of missiles onto the Tread's wings. ;):p


Sam, if you're selling, im buying!! :lol:

any way these can be reproduced?

(bootleg/3d party companies are you paying attention?). B))


hey jenius..

gotten thgat pic uploaded.. u can see from it.

haha will update my signature..


btw if the custom linkup is done i will be interested in 1 !! hahaha..




Thanks alot, from glad I passed to crap missed out.

CM will make money selling Treads thanks to your creation.

Great Job.

  jenius said:
Yes, if you're at all a scale for proportions or scale pass on the CMs. The pilots for the Legioss and the Tread are clearly two different sizes. The Legioss appears to be at 1/48 scale but it's piloted by a 1/60 scale figure and I don't have a ruler handy but the Tread looks like it's 1/60 scale piloted by a 1/72 figure.

EDIT - I posted this in the Mospeada lineart thread but it's just as appropriate here:


And that's how mine will be poised. Thanks for that jenius. HLJ site states shipped and shipping notice will be sent soon. I think I will have this bad boy by Friday. Man this is going to be a long week.

jenius when you do you review make sure you do a comparison between the CM's and the Gakken. How much does having this make the holy grail seam a little tarnished? :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Well I'll certainly mention Gakken's old 1/72 Tread but I don't own one so it won't be much of a comparison. Maybe now that this thing is out I'll finally be able to find one without breaking the bank! :D

EDIT - also, bad news, you won't be able to display your CMs like that pic unless someone makes a custom stand. I had to use the CM's stand to hold up the Tread, a Mega House stand to hold up one of the front feet, and about a 5" prop to hold up the connecting arm where it connected to the Legioss.

Edited by jenius
Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
EDIT - also, bad news, you won't be able to display your CMs like that pic unless someone makes a custom stand. I had to use the CM's stand to hold up the Tread, a Mega House stand to hold up one of the front feet, and about a 5" prop to hold up the connecting arm where it connected to the Legioss.

And you say that like it was a hard thing to do :D;)


EDIT----> I can't spell

Edited by misterryno

My Tread apparently landed at Heathrow earlier today, and is en-route from their to the Land of the Scots. I guess I'd better prepare myself for the voyage to the ParcelForce depot in order to retrieve it.

And I guess I'd better stock my wallet ready for them to mug it for the customs and handling charge I shall no doubt be due. Not looking forward to that bit. But looking forward to heading back into the office with a "big box of Tread" under my arm.


  Awacs said:
And I guess I'd better stock my wallet ready for them to mug it for the customs and handling charge I shall no doubt be due. Not looking forward to that bit. But looking forward to heading back into the office with a "big box of Tread" under my arm.


What is the approx. cost for customs? Customs sounds like a bunch o crap to me. Sorry that they rip alot of people off.



lol thanks guys, glad you like it. Took a while of fiddling but in the end its worth it just so I can fly it around LOL.

Being that half of it is metal though, not sure how it well it would recast, from a strength POV.

HOWEVER, Im working on a 'Mk II', that im making from lego, so if it works out well, will post up a 'requirements guide' to making your own, if theres any interest for it. So far its promising, and all it requires is some technics lego, Zap a Gap, and a File! gonna test fit again tonight.

will post here how it turns out at least ^_^

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