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Posted (edited)

I think it is just transformed wrong, like you see with most of these test shots.

Remember the banana nose the first shots of the alpha had.

With the feet in and the arm up it will look better.

I cannot believe that this is what CM will give us, it just does not fit in their trackrecord.

Please forgive my (lack off) photoshop skills.

lousy testshot:


The way it wil probably be:


Edited by gilermo

I'd buy it as-is today for $250.00, Just to have one finally. When you consider that the original cheep plastic one goes for a cool $1000.00 or more, This is a steel.

  SuperHobo said:
In addition after the whole Toynami/ Aoshima incident all of our expectations were set pretty high to blow us away.

I missed reading this, so what exactly happened? Was the Aoshima reissue of the Masterpiece Alpha good? and much better than the Toynami release? Can someone summarize for me please?


Thanks in advance.

  Vermillion21 said:
I missed reading this, so what exactly happened? Was the Aoshima reissue of the Masterpiece Alpha good? and much better than the Toynami release? Can someone summarize for me please?


Thanks in advance.

Aoshima basically re-released the Toynami Alpha with a few minor cosmetic changes. Most people reported that the QC was even worse than Toynami's on the Aoshima release and the backlash apparently caused Aoshima to drop their plans for a Beta/Tlead release.

Posted (edited)
  Vermillion21 said:
I missed reading this, so what exactly happened? Was the Aoshima reissue of the Masterpiece Alpha good? and much better than the Toynami release? Can someone summarize for me please?


Thanks in advance.

The Aoshima reissue of the MPC good? BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol::lol::lol:

.... That should be enough of a summary for you. Current scuttlebutt is that thanks to the QC problems Aoshima now has to field, the likelihood of a Beta is spiraling downwards to zero.

So, it's either CM, or Gakken. Take your pick, gentle-beings...

EDIT: Eriku beat me to it..

Edited by Lynx7725
  Vermillion21 said:
I missed reading this, so what exactly happened? Was the Aoshima reissue of the Masterpiece Alpha good? and much better than the Toynami release? Can someone summarize for me please?


Thanks in advance.

The Aoshima release was plagued with issues and while it is debatable as being worse than the original Toynami release, everyone pretty much agrees that it was just as bad. In other words they really "fixed" nothing. Supposedly Aoshima has suffered a backlash from Japanese fans over the sub par quality of the toys and if you believe the internet rumor mill has reportedly "pulled out" from any further joint toy development plans with Toynami, causing their Tread, which was contingent on Aoshima's support, to once again fall into the realm of dream and myth.

In my personal slant: Aoshima hitched their cart to a falling star without doing much research, either that or they bought into all of Toynami's hype then got pumped in the rump on the final product. IMHO Aoshima cannot run away fast enough from Toynami and probably wish they'd never heard the name cross a boardroom table.

Edit: Third in line it seems. But the sentiment is the same: Aoshima Legioss toys = plastic dog balls.

  Twoducks said:
Well, liking the CM design or not aside, for that QC ridden Alpha alone they asked 100$ a few years ago. Considering inflation and oil prices now, Toynami could ask for their wonderful product if it was first released today, what, 115-120$?

That's just one Alpha. Two would cost 240$, almost the retail price of the CM combo (and two Alphas have a lot less mass than an Alpha and a Beta).

Now the Beta was rumoured to go as much as 200$ by itself. That together with an Alpha at today’s price of ~60$ would put the Toynami version at the same price as the CM combo (and the CM comes with extras like the tiny mospeada with rider... not to mention a far greater history of quality products).

Yep, both versions are/would be expensive but this time at least we are getting a product from a company that builds solid toys and that is added value in my opinion.

Now people could wait and see if the price drops. The Toynami stuff has gone way down since it was released… unless you are talking about the Scott version which I’ve seen going for over $200 (don’t know if the Aoshima has affected their value).

I bought my Lancer for $50 shipped, and I just bought the Shadow Fighter brand new for $48 and change shipped. I can wait till I get a good deal, so it's no biggie to me, I will stick to my Toynami's because I only display them in fighter mode anyways. Maybe one day someone will step up to the plate and make these things actually look at least as good as the Toynami in fighter mode for $200+, but until they do, they'll not see one dime of my money...ever.



Wow....you think the Toynami looks better in fighter mode? Maybe it was just the one I had but the thing looked terrible with it's sagging belly and none of it's parts lining up. Kinda looked like it got sat on.


In it's meager defense, the Toynami fighter mode did look decent... so long as you had a decent toy. Those decent toys were one in ten at best and a good number of people got a droopy, clunky, mismatched, crooked mess. The Toynami problem was an overambitious design with abysmal execution. Kind of like designing a Ferrari and then building it out of balsa wood, earwax and thumb tacks. From what I have seen so far of this CM's toy it looks like it may be the exact opposite... a very weak near bad design but built with good materials and high QC (if everyone's experiences with past CM's products are any indication).

So we may end up with a really polished overpriced CM's turd to place next to our overdesigned bargain bin Toynami turd... BUT... I still think this is a prototype. I mean it HAS to still be a prototype. If THAT... thing... is the final toy proof then as I said before they really, really cocked this up.


I heard the Toynami Beta was going to be $250, and none of us even know if they actually tooled up a sturdy connection for the Alpha and Beta. Wasn't the one shown at cons just a resin prototype?

I haven't watched much of Mospeada but plan to. The inaccuracies of the CM sculpt do not bother me as much, so long as it is durable, I may pick it up some day.

I heard the Toynami Beta was going to be $250, and none of us even know if they actually tooled up a sturdy connection for the Alpha and Beta. Wasn't the one shown at cons just a resin prototype?

That was a rumor being kicked around for a while as a reason why the Beta wasn't going to be made. It's a terrible bit of managerial accounting that came up with that price and should have never been considered realistic. Then Toynami struck the deal with Aoshima (which some RT guy says is still in place despite the terrible Legioss offering) giving them three new repaints they could sell and reducing the price to more standard Toynami MPC pricing (although it still may exceed $79.99).

In it's meager defense, the Toynami fighter mode did look decent... so long as you had a decent toy. Those decent toys were one in ten at best and a good number of people got a droopy, clunky, mismatched, crooked mess. The Toynami problem was an overambitious design with abysmal execution. Kind of like designing a Ferrari and then building it out of balsa wood, earwax and thumb tacks. From what I have seen so far of this CM's toy it looks like it may be the exact opposite... a very weak near bad design but built with good materials and high QC (if everyone's experiences with past CM's products are any indication).

I completely agree with that. I bought upward of a dozen Toynami MPCs and got three or four that were really good looking in all modes (although even the best of them weren't perfect). If you got one with flush seams, a nose that pointed straight out, and it didn't sit on the chest section when on the table it actually is an excellent representation of the Legioss/Alpha. It's too bad so few of them fit those requirements. The CMs on the other hand will probably all be up to snuff... unfortunately, from the look of things now, that snuff is pretty bad aesthetically.


Thanks to: eriku, Lynx7725, & JsARCLIGHT for the info on the recent Aoshima release of the Alpha.

Mucho appreciated mates.


Wow, I can't believe a Japanese release toy had worse QC issues than a Crapnami, er, Toynami release toy. Whoa, quite the surprise. A shame too, since their marketing/promo pics looked sooooo good. I didn't buy any when they were initially released due to budget constraints, but I guess I didn't miss out on anything.

Posted (edited)

EDIT: oops already posted. Sorry.

The scale and proportions for the BRAVE EX legioss/tread are kinda off aren't they?

Edited by wolfx

You know, I'd like to say it's just prototype pics and just wait for the final product.

BUT the issues we've been complaining/hoping CM's would change haven't been resolved.

As I said way back in April, they needed to fix the fighter combo connection. They haven't. Sure, they've made the connecting boom a little bit thicker. But it's not enough to make a significant improvement on the fighter combo's overall look.

Since the first pics of the Legioss in fighter mode came out, people have been concerned about the stretched-out nose and scrunched-up arms/boosters. What, if any, improvements has CM's done to the sculpt in these areas?

Look, I knew when we first saw these back in February that they were going to be a more stylish/artistic interpretation of the Legioss and Tread. But there are certain things you just can't change on the design (like how the two should be flush when in fighter combo mode).

Yeah, I'll probably buy one of these ('cause I really, really want a Tread). But the day I finally get it will somehow be a little less glorious than I expected.

In all likelihood, I suspect I'm gonna have to mod these ever so slightly to make 'em look a hell of a lot better.

Posted (edited)

As far as opening the legs in Legioss/TREAD mode, the knee joint would probably look like that if the joint was intended to maybe swing out and away in fighter mode:


They seem to have it backwards. The arms are supposed to be apart and the legs together in fighter mode, not the other way around!

This thing looks awful.

Edited by Totoro242

I look at that CMs Legioss and I can't find one part of it that I like. The arms in fighter mode looks bad the leg joints are ugly and uglier in the link up. The middle of the body is too long it looks like it's wearing a tie. The head is too pointy. Maybe this is Mospeada:TAS version... then I can understand.

And I bought those Toynami Alphas. I got one good blue one that fitted decently, except the hands crumbled and one of the missile bay covers on the shoulders broke when I barely opened it. Then the next three releases only got worse and worse.

I dont even see why the Beta would cost that much. If you look at it by itself it's not really a big toy. So it's a little bit bulkier than the Alpha. Let's not forget this is suppose to be a domestically made toy. The only thing Toynami makes well are excuses. Excuses for delays, excuses for crappy toys, and excuses for overpricing them.


ugh, I've avoided this thread for a while but the CM legioss actually looks far worse than the toynami version to me and that legioss/tread link up just looks amazingly half-assed.

I guess I'll have more money my other hobbies.


LOL, I think picking apart toys has become a hobby in itself for a lot of you.

I still don't see one single thing I don't like about this set. Can't wait to get it. :D

  jenius said:
You don't mind the fact it can't turn its head???

When you look that awesome you don't need to turn your face to see stuff, stuff moves so you can see it.

Bisides, the eyes are on the sides of it's head, so the Legioss really doesn't need to move the head to see left and right :lol:

I'm getting tired of waiting for these two to come out... just two months left for Mospeada goodness.

  jenius said:
You don't mind the fact it can't turn its head???

I don't know what it's head can or can't do, we've only seen a few pictures. It looks like a fun toy to me, and I'm not one to keep a stack of linearts handy to compare everything to, so I'm all set. B))

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
oh right... it's a feature!!

Yes, that's the spirit!! ^_^:p

W00T!! Skull Leader's Lackey...about time, I was getting sick of scrubbing Valkyrie heat shields! :lol:


Edited by Kyp Durron
  eriku said:
LOL, I think picking apart toys has become a hobby in itself for a lot of you.

I still don't see one single thing I don't like about this set. Can't wait to get it. :D

I honestly try to stay pretty balanced in my views, and try to refrain from useless criticism, but... I just don't like this sculpt. I said as much back when the proto was introduced. It is incorrect in almost every detail, and takes many pointless liberties with a design that I love. I can understand the need for design or engineering compromises, but so many of these just seem to be completely arbitrary, cosmetic, and negatively affect the visual impact of the toy.

As many others have stated, I'd agree that he namitoy Legioss', though poor in execution, actually did have a pretty kick-ass sculpt, in terms of looking the part.


You wanna know what the saddest thing is about all this?

If I were to disregard Toynami's well-earned "reputation," I'd easily find myself longing for Toynami's version of the Beta right now.

Sure, Toynami's Beta has issues where the cockpit doesn't hide/disappear in battroid mode. But it can do the A-stance, and the combos both in fighter and battroid mode look fairly accurate. Add to that, Toynami's actually modified and improved its Beta sculpt a bit since its intial introduction.

Of course, we're going into Year 2 (or 3) of their "preproduction" phase :rolleyes:. But that's a whole other headache.

That's what's so frustrating about this whole Tread/Beta situation: I wanted CM's to come out with a kick-ass product. But they just seem so damn unwilling to make any kind of changes or improvements to the sculpts.

Remember, these things were originally supposed to come out last summer. With all this extra time, what have they done to improve the sculpt, design, or look of these items?


I was just thinking I may have to skip the YF-21 to afford this, but that's a fair trade to me. This thing looks more fun overall anyway. :)

Posted (edited)
  eriku said:
I was just thinking I may have to skip the YF-21 to afford this, but that's a fair trade to me. This thing looks more fun overall anyway. :)

More fun overall than the 1/60 Yamato YF-21? :blink: Well, if you like it, I'm happy for you.


Edited by Kyp Durron
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