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Posted (edited)
I wonder if I could salvage the Toynami box and get rid of thier alphas. hmmmm.

The box alone would be worth hundreds in the future. The alpha was just a bonus with it.

I'm only joking

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  Lonely Soldier Boy said:

I wonder where do they plan on storing the rear landing gear on the Tread. Also there's some details missing on the front of it and there's obviously a piece that conceals half of the upper arm that is also missing.

It seems there's still a lot of work to do on it.

From the pics it looks that the landing gears are attached to the conector piece which seems to be removable.

  Fort Max said:

Saverobotech has been holding out on us,

It could just be me, but doesn't this thing look BIGGER when it's in a video rather than photos? Must be that rumor that cameras add ten pounds. :ph34r:

  Fort Max said:

Saverobotech has been holding out on us,


I had sent that link to the Robotech Reporter for his blog, and figured it would make its way here. Plus Graham also has some video too. That one was more the gloat tward the RT fans, didn't want people here to think I was rubbing it thier faces here at MW, wouldn't do that to you guys.

Oh and those chating about CM's high prices you are not correct. Remember CM's has nothing to do with the import price you pay to get thier items. Both Graham and I have see the price from the Patlabor here in Tokyo be anywhere from ¥13900 = $115 all the way down to ¥10000 = $83.00 NEW. So now find something else to complain about.

Posted (edited)
  wwwmwww said:

I'm curious, specifically which DVDs is this pulled from?



No prob', Carl. They're from the 5-Disc ADV Films set for GCM.

Disc 4 Disc 3, "Production Portfolio," to be exact.

Edited by Mog
  neptunesurvey said:

All I can say is HOT DAMN! Its about time.

Hey Graham. Is this your partial face in this picture?

Yep, that's me.



:blink: Giggady, giggady... :wacko:


gets up.

I'll take it with all it's flaws and love it like only a parent can. Him and all his many colored twins.



TOYNAMI!!! :lol: IN YO FACE!!! :lol: IN YO FACE!!! :lol:

  tom64ss said:

I'll take it with all it's flaws and love it like only a parent can. Him and all his many colored twins.

Me too... but it finally dawned on me this morning what those Tread pics were making me think. I think that Tread is suffering from Anaphylactic shock. Judging from the severe swelling I say this poor boy needs an adrenaline injection quick.

Just being a concerned parent.


  Black Valkyrie said:

Hi Fort Max remember this, how ironic :


Great memory you have there, I can't remember what I posted two days ago...

It's true though and I stand by it, anything really can happen now so many Japanese toy companies are in the high end collectors toy game. :D

The one thing we can be sure of is the brutal and continual assault of our fabric currency holders.


I'm happy with what obviously appears to be an early sculpt. If some things on it look to be out of place like the hands, I'm sure they want to display articulation as much as possible without making 2 or more versions of an expensive prototype so we can see hands. One prototype is enough, and should keep overhead and our wallets just a slim amount fuller. I do hope they fix the legioss attachment bar and it's connecting piece. It looks off a bit, but then again, maybe it's just due to the all grey color blending.

I'm a bit concerned though... someone mentioned that CM usually makes these smaller??? I hope not. I'd rather pay the $250 for two large ones each, than $125 for a much smaller one. If it is made close to the same size as what Toynami dangles over our head, it's gonna be sheppard's pie all over Toynami for them holding their Beta hostage. :huh:


All in all I'm happy with the sculpt, especially on the TRAED. I hope they are accurate with the engineering. If you want to be nit picky, here's how some of those parts should work.

The clamp that hold the Legios and nose gear should telescope back into the hip area.

The hips should actually fold down/up 90 degrees depending on mode.

The cockpit should also fold down into the mid chest area.

The landing gear actually should sit/fold into a pod that folds and holds the center booster.

The arms and legs folding are easy to see.

Here are some pictures of a TREAD look alike I built with spare parts. It looks different, but the mechanics are the same. This is FAR from being done and has a lot of work to go.

[attachmentid=40788] Flying mode. The blue block in the center of the chest is for the cannon.

[attachmentid=40789] Gear and coupler out. The coupler needs gluing and the rear gear need to be added to the struts.

[attachmentid=40790] Cockpit folded in.

[attachmentid=40791] Battleoid mode or soldier mode. The block behind the hip part folds down and the gear fold into it. The outer hip parts rotates 90 degrees down.

All in all there is not a lot of anime magic on this design - much to my surprise. I got all my mechanical workings from the lineart and anime screen shots. I gotta finish building this thing after the Daedalus is done! It was a lot of fun to figure out.

I hope they don't settle for removeable parts. That usually means lost parts. We'll see... :) - MT






The Tread on the whole uses fairly little anime magic to transform, I agree, but the extending coupler mechanism is an exception to that rule: for that segment to extend far enough to reach the Legioss' crotch module, it practically has to be made of two inter-collapsing segments. Then, once the coupler is fully retracted, it has to fit snugly inside the Tread's crotch, and still somehow leave room for deployable landing gear and gear bays.

To try to pull that off with non-removeable parts on a toy of that scale would have been ludicrous; tolerances would be too tight and would be so fragile that the toy would collapse under its own weight. This is most likely why Toynami were taking so long with theirs, but to be honest, these guys at CM seem to have their act together--more power to them.


I really like how the CM prototypes look, but you engineering looks FANTASTIC MechTech. Hope CM do their best with their Tread as you are doing with yours.

But you better delete those pics before Toynami copies them :p .


I like your proto-tread there.

The part of the Tread's transformation that always required the most "magic" is that the cockpit could never fold down and fit neatly over the gun port. In the line-art the cockpit is too large, and the gun port too small.

In your version you have made a nice compromise, but I've always thought the right cockpit module could make or break a Tread rendition. And the more line-art accurate, the better the Tread looks. That's how I see it at least. That (and the legs) are my biggest problem with this CM thing.

And I had never thought of the forward landing gear/Legioss support arm not fitting. But the Capt's right. Huh.


Ah, finally. The thread fighter. It will be nice to see how the CMs Alpha Beta comes out in the final production (not to mention their boxes). They use styrofoams as the toy container, so that will be nice. I like my CMs Gaogaigar, so I have no concern of their ability to churn out a good quality toy.

Since CMs is a subsidiary of Yamato, I wonder if they both uses the same sculptor?


Thanks guys!

The Captain is right about the coupler. I worked hard on a solution for that, but nothing that could be done in plastic, especially styrene or ABS. Anime magic time!

Phyrox is right about the folding cockpit thang. The way I overcame it was by puttng a small shaped plate under the cockpit. When it folds out the hole is covered. When it folds in the cockpit covers the space.

The drawings never did collaborate well. The cockpit usually gets drawn too large in the anime.

Twoducks, if Toynami tries to copy my work, I'll slam 'em with a C&D :lol: ! Actually if they make this whole thing work good and LOOK good, I'll be ecstatic (as will the rest of us here)! - MT

  captain america said:
To try to pull that off with non-removeable parts on a toy of that scale would have been ludicrous; tolerances would be too tight and would be so fragile that the toy would collapse under its own weight.

I trust you already have this problem all worked out at 1/32 scale. ;)

The CM toys are sure going to make this bad boy look lonely.

IPB Image


  MechTech said:
Here are some pictures of a TREAD look alike I built with spare parts. It looks different, but the mechanics are the same. This is FAR from being done and has a lot of work to go.

Nice... I like it alot. Will it have a Legioss look alike to link with? I'm also curious about what you mean by spare parts? I can't wait to see this finished.



Thank you. I made this in 1/72nd scale so it actually fits up with a Legios model. Of course for the whole hook up link being just a little too short. It has all the missile hatches too, but I left those out of the photos. I made it out of spares from kit parts or completed kits that didn't make past house moves too well. - MT

  wwwmwww said:

I trust you already have this problem all worked out at 1/32 scale. ;)

The CM toys are sure going to make this bad boy look lonely.


You evil Bastig you had to reopen the oldest and deepest wound on MW, the 1:32 scale legioss that almost was. *In best WoK kirk voice* "YUNE!!!!" *end WoK kirk voice*

  MechTech said:

I made it out of spares from kit parts or completed kits that didn't make past house moves too well. - MT

I take it there was alot of cutting and glueing involved... correct? Its hard for me to believe you could find all the parts necessary to make a Tread as random parts in other kits.


  Knight26 said:

the 1:32 scale legioss that almost was.

Sorry... but I'll never give up hope. I'm too big of a Legioss fan. Where there is a will there is a way and I'm a very patient man.



Massive cutting, gluing, drilling...you get the idea. Hopefully CM will make your patience pay off ;) . - MT

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