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Damn! Why can't MWCon ever be the week right before or right after the CCWS Long Beach event? Maybe then I'd actually be able to attend! (I live a LOOOONG way away from Long Beach and can only head over there once per year for CCWS courtesy of an old friend)


yea... unfortunately i just found out that it falls the same weekend as Otakon when SOMEONE told me he wanted it on this weekend.....

July 22nd still seems to be a good time to do it and i have already booked the con... BUT we can still possibly move the date...

However, if i do so... i will have to contact Mari again to see if she is available.... I leave it to you guys to decide... you guys can always go to Otakon for the 1st 2 days then fly out to So Cal for MW Con... then stay for SDCC!!!!! haha...

Posted (edited)

the closest hotel or place to stay is the Holiday Inn or the Mariott Residence Inn... both are less than 5 minutes driving distance and maybe a 15 minute walk....

If you guys fly Jet Blue, you can fly right into Long Beach, CA. Here's the website for the HI

Holiday Inn Long Beach

and here's the website for MRI

Marriot Residence Inn

Long Beach Airport is also about a 5-10 drive to the LBARC so it'll be conviniently close for anyone who flies in there....

There are also a lot of So Cal residents though that may be willing to offer up places to stay if you ask too...

Edited by kiririth

Keep it the 22nd or if you move it I suggest September. What ever date you use. Have it confirmed By the end of next week.


It will most likely stay the 22nd..... although i have heard from Mari twice about performing at the Con.... i contacted her again to confirm for sure that she is available and does not have plans to attend Otakon...

When i get her final confirmation Email, the MW Con Date will be set in Stone.... bank on the 22nd of July....

Posted (edited)

I'd like to come, not sure if I'll be able to cause of work.... That's going to be one long ass drive for me (I'm up in Reno, NV). This is something too good to pass up though.

Edit: Just thought about how I'd love to hear Mari Iijima sing "Angel's Paints" in person.

Edited by Oihan

I'm getting married the week before, but if we plan our honeymoon for august, count me in. I'm gonna have to get the customs out again, and finish up the elintseeker I did. I'll bring a few of the things we may not see too much (like I really have anything rare). :D


She'll already have tied the knot, LOL. But she likes anime, Macross, Robotech, all that stuff, so she's a keeper, and hot. :D

  Jasonc said:

She'll already have tied the knot, LOL. But she likes anime, Macross, Robotech, all that stuff, so she's a keeper, and hot. :D

Why cant I find one that has the same interest as mine? :ph34r:


Because we (Man and woman) are two different people. But i'm sure you already knew that. Jasonc, is a rare exception to the rule. And playing with toys doesn't make them feel secure. But I don't care because we ALL love our toys, right!


Just wanted to let everyone know that Mari has definitely commited to coming to MacrossWorld Con 2007 and will be performing at 1pm.

I already have a tentative schedule and layout of the con, but i will be needing some help in getting stuff...

one of the things that Mari requested for her performance is a Yamaha S80 keyboard to play on.... this is her 1st preference of keyboard to play on but as long as she knows how to use it, she should be good.

Does anyone have any info on renting or borrowing a Yamaha S80 keyboard for Mari to play on???


Here's something to get people excited about the Con... I have here a layout of what the Con is going to look like with a tentative schedule....

IPB Image

As you can see, we have lots of space for people to share their collections. If you are interested in bringing part of your collection to exhibit, please PM me so i can reserve some space for you. We will be roping off the section so noone can touch people's personal collections...

In addition, we will have an area for Sellers to sell some Macross goodies and other related stuff.... If you are interested in being a Seller at the Con, please PM me so i can reserve a table for you. There is no cost to reserve a table BUT you must notify me if you will be selling merchandise.

As for participating in contests and events, i will be posting more specific information about each event and the rules and prizes.

EXO will be in charge of the Customs Contest so look for his post about rules of entering.... People start working your CUSTOMS!!

You can also enter the 1/48 Yammie VF-1 transforming contest where each contestant will have to bring their own 1/48 to the Con and we will test to see how fast and accurate people can transform their valkyries. Enter at your own risk!! haha... but it should be fun we'll have cool prizes....

you can also enter the Macross Karaoke Contest... The Karaoke contest will be fun and games and Mari may be a guest judge for the event....

As for the Video Game Tournaments, i have not decided which games we will have tournaments in but if you have any suggestions, please post them here. We we have some good games that people are interested in, we will schedule the tournaments and have prizes at the end.

As soon as we know what movies we will be showing, i will post that schedule....

The poker tournament will be a Turbo Tournament with a maximum of 18 players at 2 tables.... It will be a $20 buy-in and will be support MW Con costs... Prizes will be given out to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

We will have food and snacks for everyone at the Con...we will be providing lunch and drinks....

It looks like this year's Con is shaping up to be a great one with lots of activities and good stuff!!! Hope to see a lot of you guys there!!


Thanks for all the work so far, Kiririth!

I will definitely be there. It will be a good chance to get out of Phoenix

during one of the hottest months here.


Did I say how freakin' great this is??? I think this con always inspires me to customize something, although, as of right now, I don't know what I want to customize. :p I will have to buy a ton of customizing material again, since mine has aged.

Does anyone know what music Mari will be playing? That's very cool. That should get some more people out there, and more women. :lol:


Damn, I just caught this thread by accident, count me in, I really should come to this part of the forums more often. Ill be hurting for funds, seems like everyone of my single friends are getting married on 07/07/07 , but i am making the trip for sure. Look forward to seeing everyone their.

  kiririth said:

ooooo... what could be the grand prize this year??? wonder when the SV-51 is scheduled for release..... haha... the poker tourney.....

maybe run some different Video game tourneys.... what else are people interested in???

I could use another Yammie..... :D

Posted (edited)

I've asked some people what attendance for this Con has been like in past years and i've heard it's always stayed around 30 or so people....

One of my goals for putting this on is getting a good crowd for Mari to sing to... What do you guys think of inviting other people to the Con just for the sake of having a good audience for Mari?

and by inviting other people, i'm thinking Robotech.com folks.... whattya guys think???

they're already advertising Mari's performance at Tekkoshocon so i don't see why we can't ask them to advertise her performance at our con....

Edited by kiririth

Ewww.....not Robotech! Nah, i'm just kiddin. We definitely should invite Robotech fans too. After all, if it wasn't for Robotech we never would have Macross. I mean for the U.S. folks.

  kiririth said:

As for the Video Game Tournaments, i have not decided which games we will have tournaments in but if you have any suggestions, please post them here. We we have some good games that people are interested in, we will schedule the tournaments and have prizes at the end.


Posted (edited)

I've got friend that is a non board member that would really like to come and see Mari perform.

Regardless of who attends, it behooves us to keep the raging "fanboyishness" to a minimum.

We'd like Mari to think we are kind of normal... :)

BTW, has she indicated any restrictions on what she is willing to autograph? (No, nothing wierd.

I would like her to sign the base that my Ryuji "Miss Macross" will go on.)

Edited by azrhino

Can't wait to see how this pans out on the net. I plan to go in the year 2009. Sounds sad, but it's the only way. :(

  azrhino said:

I've got friend that is a non board member that would really like to come and see Mari perform.

Regardless of who attends, it behooves us to keep the raging "fanboyishness" to a minimum.

We'd like Mari to think we are kind of normal... :)

BTW, has she indicated any restrictions on what she is willing to autograph? (No, nothing wierd.

I would like her to sign the base that my Ryuji "Miss Macross" will go on.)

I don't think she has any restrictions on what she'll autograph... i think 2 years ago, she was pretty cool about signing most anything....

Does anyone know if we have to provide her with markers to autograph??? like a silver pen or a black sharpie?

she'll have an autograph table after her performance, with some CD sales. We'll probably just form a line for her to autograph stuff.

Also... i'm thinking we should limit how many items we can have her sign per person, like 3 items only...


I think inviting others is a good idea. We'll just have to be exra vigilant about keeping an eye on the customs room and so forth so that things don't go "missing." There wouldn't be a problem with MW'ers, but with friends and friends of friends... things can get sketchy.

Posted (edited)
  kensei said:


Why not SSB:B? It will be out by then, more people could play, and it would be kick arse.

I just want the AX Chairman to promote Macross on its 25th anniversary, I mean it only happens once, and it is not going to come around again... <_<

As a suggestion, why not have a Cosplay contest. (Or am I getting that confused with the Customs contest?)

Edited by Ishimaru

So. Are any MW'ers in the Long Beach area willing to pick me up from the airport?

  UN Spacy said:

So. Are any MW'ers in the Long Beach area willing to pick me up from the airport?

If you're flying into Long Beach Airport... then you're just a quick 5 min drive from the Con... but i guess it depends on when you're flyiing in and if you need to go anywhere else....

I could easily give you a lift or any of the socal dudes.... PM me when you have your flight info and i'll arrange a pickup for you....


Mari is pretty cool about signing pretty much anything. I've seen her sign art books with Minmay pics, valks, dolls, CDs, etc. I think 3 items is good. AFter that you have to get back in line.


just added: Tom Bateman from Harmony Gold is interested in being a guest speaker at MacrossWorld Con.... He has some interesting stuff to share that a lot of us might want to see and hear...

hopefully we will draw a bigger crowd with Bateman and possibly Tommy Yune showing off some of their new stuff.....

still working on possibly getting Egan Loo to come.... =]

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