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Hasegawa Ractive Armor Macross Zero - Yellow instead of white spruces/

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Meant to post in this section orginally. Got a few good replies, but was looking to see if others in this section had some additional input.......

I just purchased a Hasegawa Ractive Armor Macross Zero kit and the parts on the white spruces all have a yellow color to them and are not brillant white as in other Hasegawa kits. Was this normal? Has Hasegawa changed things when they molded these parts? Thanks. Any input would be helpful. I think they have prematurely yellow since the kit is fairly new. I usually leave the white parts alone, because they are molded in white and paint the other accordingly. Just to give an idea, they almost look like raw resin model parts, just to give an idea. I wish they hadn't of molded this kit like this, if it is the case. If anyone has pics to post of these spruces it would be great.....



yeah, it's not yellowing, the plastic comes that color, either way, hope you do enjoy building your reactive armor, I know I did, but it was a pain in a few moments

the instructions (since they are in japanese) aren't too clear for what to built first and stuff, and later when you're attaching the armor, it magicly points for it to attach on some holes on the intake leg part and the nosecone that don't exist, it really pissed me off cause it got me thinking I put on the wrong part and made me search for a while if the piece actually existed

oh yes, and I think there's a piece from those rubery thingy to use as pivots, is labeled wrong on the instructions

and there's a lot of decals that you can use instead of painting, I realized that too late, since I put the decals last and realized a painted a lot of stuff unnecesarily

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