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Transformers Super Thread 5

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Well I gotta do a big ol Transformers movie toy review for Tag at tfcog if I can find these things...if I order them tomorrow I should get them on thursday....I'm pretty sure monday I'll get a list of numbers for target and toysrus stores in the portland area and call them up to see what their stock is.

so I just gotta be patient another 24 hours.

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Guest sh002

Hasbrotoyshop.com has a sale of 25% off and free shipping until May 28. There are a lot of movie TF figures available including the deluxes. Some are still coming soon after the sale is over. The code is FNFSPR7

I don't really like the figures so I passed and got the Transformers Monopoly game. Other than their faces, Bumblebee and Barricade look ok as figures. They look kind of like Alternators/Binaltechs. Voyager Blackout looks good but with a modified and updated Whirl head, it would look even better.

Titanium G1 Ultra Magnus is sold out at BBTS, Digital Toys, Hasbrotoyshop.com, etc. Plus insane prices on ebay.

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I've been looking all over for him as well with no luck.

He's been listed on eBay several times at sky-high prices ... WTF?!?!?

I'm still on the lookout for the 6" Titanium Fallen, Ultra Magnus as well as WWI Megatron if he's out as well. I don't know where people are getting them on eBay but my local Toys R Us, Walmart, Target still carry the older versions such as RID Prime, BM Prime, Rodimus Prime. THe only new news of newer Titaniums coming out were the 3" Battlestar Galactica Classic Cylon Raider which I was able to snag a couple weeks ago at a Walmart but the companion BSG Pegasus that I want still hasn't been seen anywhere!!!

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there's a fredmyer store about 15 miles from here, they had some titaniums, well they're like the only store in the area right now that still carries them....they had Optimal Optimus Primal, Scourge, and I think Soundwave.......other then that I really haven't seen anything new in oregon transformers wise since around the time the classics appeared in september

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In terms of the 6' Titaniums, the only ones I've ever seen at retail were: Scourge, RID Prime, WW Prime, GIJoe Megatron, Optimal Optimus & Starscream.

I bought Rodimus, Cheetor & Jetfire off of eBay at reasonable prices.

Still looking for Fallen & G1 Ultra Magnus ...


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Well I hit the deadend in my road finding anything Movie toy wise....I called up every Target, Walmart, fredmyers, ToysRUs from salem, to tualitan, canby, clackamas and downtown portland......I think I must of called 20 stores, NOTHING....unless ya want preview toys.

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I ordered them, used the code that Sh002 handed out, got 10 bucks knocked off with free autobot/decepticon magnets XD soooooooo hey free stuff! And I barely went over 40 bucks.

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Well, it seems Hasbro doesn't even actually have them. I recieved a shipping notice this morning (more like 3 mintues ago) with "ITEMS NOT SHIPPED" which were all the movie toys I ordered, EXCEPT the free magnets. It goes on saying "Estimated shipping date is June 4th"

0_o if I'm gonna wait that long for these things, I'm better off waiting until the retailers get them...I'm callin up hasbro to cancel.

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I got Barricade and Bumblebee on order, I figure right now with all the bills i got going on, 1 autobot 1 decepticon is good enough until june.

This time I went with amazon as they stated instock and ready to ship so according to the ordering info I should see them by Friday....I'll be pissed if they give me the same BS as Hasbro.

I'll just have to sit content with Megatron until then.

update: amazon is the way to go, my order shipped lastnight....so I should see it by friday.

Edited by Hikuro
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ok sorry guys, but I gotta bring it back to the real TF G1 stuff now. New pix of the upcoming MP? soundwave:



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That's mp3 player Soundwave for the MP price. Pass!

MP price would be around 90 to 100 bucks right? this thing is going to be around 75 to 85 bucks and it plays mp3's. So why not? The reissue soundwave takara version when it came out was about 65 bucks. For 10 to 20 dollars more, you can get this version that'll be able to play MP3's. So it's a definite buy for me! :D:p:lol:

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I'll probably pass on Soundwave. I'm not likely to ever use the MP3 functionality, and I don't care to pay so much for what appears to be a rather small figure. If there was a $20 version with no MP3 player, I'd be placing my preorder now.

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Picked up a few of the movie TF toys. Got Brawl, and he has problems keeping his arms locked to his chest in bot mode. Does anybody else have the same issue?

Yup. I use those clear plastic bands Hasbro is fond of using to keep the arms locked to his chest.

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Cool, he can even pose as if he's opening his chest. Wonder if he'll be able to fit a cassette in there too, or if he'll even come with one or two.

I believe his chest area is meant to place SD Cards into....since his hardrive space will be determined by the size of the SD Card you put in.

Otherwise, he's too small to actually put in a casset, i think he's almost 1/4th the size smaller then the original G1 toy.

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Well just the dinobots being individual would be ok.

They can save combiners for classics predaking.

I always felt the dinobots were better as a team who had to use "tactics" by splitting tasks up (even though they are supposed to be dumb in the cartoon version) to beat opponents that were bigger and tougher than themselves.

Like the x-men when they had to fight juggernaut in the 90s cartoon, lest they failed trying to fight him individually one by one. Or the Aquarion when Fudo gen decides 3 arrows together are weak but three individual arrows doing what they do best going off in seperate directions as a team makes a much stronger "fighting whole" (stronger than the sum of its parts?) than one big thing made up of weak things joined together trying to all co-ordinate their attacks despite being physically and mentally different. Why should all the dinobots go in the same direction when they can just fight in different ways that they are naturally good at all at once?

And besides grimlock is already done right, so he won't be able to combine.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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