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Based on the VTOL fan and his arms, I really get a Armada Thrust vibe from him---anything from "directly inspired from" to "reworked unreleased mold".


All the parts are different, and he has a different transformation and structure. Its like a Energon Starscream vs G2 Smokescreen - based upon heavily, but not exactly the same.

  David Hingtgen said:

Based on the VTOL fan and his arms, I really get a Armada Thrust vibe from him---anything from "directly inspired from" to "reworked unreleased mold".

Armada Thrust was the first thing that came to mind for me too, and that's not a good thing.

Although I found out that this figure/mold is essentially a drone from the videogame, so I can kind of forgive how sloppy/nonexistent the transformation is.


That's what I meant. IMHO it's sort of a "lazy" way to get a new TF---same design and transformation as a previous one, just with different-looking parts. Due to the F-35's bloatedness and Harrier-style intakes, it worked well for Thrust. But an all-new design would have made a better MiG-29 IMHO. (Of course, if you got rid of the missile-firing gimmick, Movie SS would probably have a pretty nice vehicle mode).

Side note: Saw the movie protoform preview toys today. Smaller than I expected. And kind of a waste to have an entire endcap filled with just 2 toys that probably won't be in very high demand.


I actually like Dreadwing's flame missiles.

Yeah, Starscream's missile thing is rubbish. I hope the rumoured Deluxe-class Starscream looks better and actually looks like a Raptor. We know Hasbro/Takara can do it.

Posted (edited)

Bought the classics Ultra Magnus vs Skywarp two pack. Really like Skywarps' fighter mode. Unlike Starscream the black plastic of the head piece is disguised better since his body is mostly black too. (you can see a black section on the side of Starscream in fighter mode which sticks out since he is mostly grey)

Ultra Magnus isn't too bad either. I like that you can use his blaster in truck mode as a gun turret. I prefer doing that instead of having it transformed into the rounded bit that sits on top of the truck. But it's weird how his grille is still on his stomach when the real grille is on his back now. Why did they do that? Have a fake grille and a real one?

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)


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MP-05 Megatron took a dive from my top shelf. I searched high and low and I couldn't find his missing shoulder (right) piece ... so I took this photo, hoping to post it on to MW for all you razor eyes to have a gander at it.

It turns out the piece was sitting right in under my very nose ... I have since found the shoulder piece, but I thought I'd post this up anyway.

The missing piece in question is the bit that turns into the bit you cock when Megatron is in gun mode (well, half of it anyway - the other half is the other shoulder piece). It IS visible in this picture ...

HINT: Ignore Evangelion, Eureka Seven and Mospeada. :D This *is* a Transformers thread after all. Hope you guys know your Galaxy Force! Look carefully ...

Edited by shiyao

Interesting, in the final issue of IDW Movie Prequel comic, it seems Starscream 'interrupted' a test flight of the F-22 Raptor. Did any crash in real life in 2003?

Check out the preview pages here

  shiyao said:
HINT: Ignore Evangelion, Eureka Seven and Mospeada. :D This *is* a Transformers thread after all. Hope you guys know your Galaxy Force! Look carefully ...

Get those TFs off the near bottom shelf, you jerk! :p

I know of one F-22 crash, I'll have to see when it was. ::checks::

Nope, December of 2004.

PS--the comic clearly shows a YF-22. One of those crashed, but it was many years ago. The other YF-22 hasn't flown in a decade.


I recognise the angle of the fighter in one of the panels. I think Don just went on google and found an old photo and used that as a basis.

Of course there was no crash in 2003. The government lied to us!


Problem is, most people can't tell a YF-22 from an F-22, so a lot of pics are unintentionally mis-labled. You can specifically ask for F-22 pics, and end up with YF-22 pics---unless you know the difference, you can't trust anything. Same problem (but even worse) with the F-15ACTIVE and F-15S/MTD----*most* of those pics are mis-labled, and it's very hard to convince people since most any website or source you could turn to will be wrong.


Hey, even I can't tell the difference at a glance. Personally I was concentrating on Josh Bucham's great colouring on Starscream's laser cannon glow.


I gave up. I couldn't find the Megatron piece in that picture. :(

I do wonder though, I saw your Alphas on those stands. I would love to get a decent stand for my Unicron in planet mode. The one that unicron.com sells is a complete piece of unstable crap. How well would something like that support a heavy tf like Unicron? Or is there a better stand that could do it?


Hmmm.. I certainly hope the unicron.com one is alright... I bought one when BBTS was selling them but have never gotten to try it out because my Uni is in storage...

  Veritas said:

Hmm, according to Cullen there's going to be at least 2 more movies released in the future due to the hefty investment that had to be made to develop Prime and Pals in CG...


If true... I can't say that I'm particularly excited about it. But news is news.

No surprise really. Seems Hollywood can only think in trilogies these days. It seems like, back in the day, a sequel was only made AFTER the prior movie was a success. Now, a movie is announced as a trilogy BEFORE the first movie is even released


I think that's it hiding behind the little motorbike to the right of the bottom drawer... :huh:

Those shoulder bits do detach from Megs a bit too easily, although it's almost a good thing as I found they got in the way a bit when trying to transform him. Same with the trigger bit on the legs. Am I alone in finding Megatron somewhat difficult to transform? English instructions would help but nonetheless...


Haven't transform Megatron into a gun yet, but already found a couple things you can do to improve him a bit.

Give him the evil eye make-up

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Yup, even our mighty villain needs some eye shadow you know. After looking at the cartoon and some stills, then back to the toy, the MP Megatron is begging to have his evil eyes from the cartoon. All you need is a fine tip black gundam marker and a steady hand and BAAAAM!!! Now that's Megatron alright.

Strengthen the ankle ball joint

While the ankle ball joint is good enough to keep the figure balanced without the cannon, its no where stiff enough to hold the weight of the huge cannon on the right arm, making him collapse with the slightest touch. And while there are screws underneath the feet, you still can't really take the thing apart and work with the ball joint alone. So what I tried is just rotate the feet to extreme 90 degree angles, so that I have a clean exposure on either the front, back, or outer side of the ball joint where it has constant contact with the socket. Then pick one of the angles, and apply a thick drop of superglue on the ball (make sure the glue is completely clear from touching any other parts of the foot or socket, other than the ball alone. Definitely don't want the glue to glue up your 90 degree turned foot for good :D), and let the glue completely dry after like 8-10 hours. Liquid superglue with a small brush applicator works best. Make sure don't rotate or mess with the joint before the glue completely dry and hardened. Otherwise, either it will rub off because its too soft, or will mess up your joint if there is still some wet glue inside the bump, which will be really bad. This drop of superglue then became a hard bump on the ball joint, and add more friction/tightness whenever it has contact with the socket. If one bump is not tight enough, then rotate the foot to a different 90 degree angle and add another bump, until it gets the tightness that you like. Works really well on mine, and now my Megatron can stand & pose without much issues with the cannon on.


1. That pic is Photoshopped with an airbrush tool. No Gundam marker was used.

2. If I remember correctly it is much wiser to use nail varnish to tighten ball joints. Might want to check with the toy customisers.

Posted (edited)
  Tober said:

1. That pic is Photoshopped with an airbrush tool. No Gundam marker was used.

2. If I remember correctly it is much wiser to use nail varnish to tighten ball joints. Might want to check with the toy customisers.

It was photochopped because I forgot my SD Card reader this morning and couldn't upload the pic I took this morning, so did that real quick to get the idea across.

Been using superglue for a few years fixing up my toys' loose joints. Good luck on the nail varnish if it doesn't scrape off. ;)

Edited by mpchi

If the alt Hot Rodimus is real im getting it.... doesnt look like the fishing rod/guns are included though. Thats was one gimmick I was really looking forward to.

Guest sh002

Damn I will get that Alternators Rodimus. Looks pretty good compared to KISS Rodimus and will probably be cheaper. Anymore Alternators possibly? Churn one or two more out.

After the movie comes out and if too many people aren't happy with the designs, perhaps they will go in a new direction. I'm sure a lot of people like them but there are also a lot who don't. Let's see what critics will say.

Guest sh002
Posted (edited)

BTW what scale is MP Starscream or close to? If it were 1/72 or 1/60 it would look cool next to a valkyrie. If it were repainted and customized with a valkyrie head, that would be interesting too.

Answer to my own question. It's about 1/60 scale so this would be a cool custom non-canon transformable Macross Zero F-15.

Edited by sh002


1/60 in Fighter Mode

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1/60 in Robot Mode.

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Just finish transforming MP-05 to gun mode for the first time. While it does take some patience and delicate handling, its no way as frustrating as some have put. Some parts do lock a bit too tight for the first time, so take a little while to figure which parts are supposed to come off and which parts doesn't. And I have a feeling a lot of the frustration comes from the Japanese language barrier. I find the instructions and diagrams are actually pretty clear with good description. Not sure why people said it sucks and not very helpful. :blink: The only thing that I can think of is that, the description should add comments at places where it "clicks" in order to know if you have push or slide a part far enough. Other than that, its great.

Overall, it did took me an hour to transform it for the first time. Though things should get easier now that I know exactly which parts to move around and loosen up some brand new locks. While still pretty complicated and not perfect, its not as bad as I've expected. Consider a good hour spent. :p


Yeah... so they put up pictures of the next Botcon Exclusive... Bug Bite... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

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Gotta love those Fast and Furious decals.

I guess this Autobot only lives his life a quarter mile at a time.

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