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  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Its not intentional the ones you found may have been tampered with.

Prime is decent, he has some (automorphing) going on and that was pretty impressive. He's just overshadowed hardcore by the $20 classics prime. Overall not too bad if you are not expecting much.

Megatron by far is the star of the set. The only thing that bothers me is the lack of a right hand and the fact that he lacks a "normal" elbow joint on his right hand since he has an arm gimmick where his gun folds down sideways and becomes some twirling thing. Other than that, his sculpt, paint and articulation is excellent, a dead ringer for marvel comics 80's era megatron since he has a dark grey helmet and his red light piped eyes are cool. Overall I was very happy with him. I look at the 2 pack as the versions of prime and megatron prior to getting the $20 classics bodies.

That little 2 pack Prime is poo, man. The only good thing about him is his gun. I'm considering giving the Prime to a kid, but I wondered if that would be cruel :p

I'm using the little Megatron as Blitzwing. Oddly, the little Megatron will be released single-carded in Europe.

  Fit For Natalie said:

That little 2 pack Prime is poo, man. The only good thing about him is his gun. I'm considering giving the Prime to a kid, but I wondered if that would be cruel :p

I'm using the little Megatron as Blitzwing. Oddly, the little Megatron will be released single-carded in Europe.

He's not that bad, I use him as "movie" prime from the 86 movie(he is just a bit taller than hot rod so it fits) and in my world he gets torn up then gets the $20 classics body. BTW did you mean that the liason has no connection to hasbro anymore or that takara has no connection to hasbro anymore?

Do you guys think classics megatron will be repainted? I am wondering whether or not to pick up gun megatron now or wait for a repaint.

  Radd said:

Has anyone else seen that two pack, Optimus Prime vs. Megatron? It has a G1 styled Optimus, but much lower looking quality than the Classics Optimus. His head is still visible in truck mode, no trailer, etcetera.

What struck me is I saw like 5 boxes at Walmart, and in every single box Prime was missing his windows. The toy pictured on the box had windows, but the toy itself just had an open chest cavity where the windows ought to have been. That seems like an awfully odd choice if it was intentional.

Megatron, on the other hand, looked decent. Not great, but he did look as if he might be much better than Classics Megatron. This one is yet another Megatron as a tank, which I definitely approve of. He looks smaller than Classics Megs, but with better colouring if I recall correctly. His tank mode was still a bit sci-fi looking for my tastes, but not terrible.

I would love to pick up this Megatron, but the two pack is 20 bucks and while I probably wouldn't mind Megs for 10, that Prime looked more like a 3 dollar vending machine toy, and that might even be generous.

I've seen that box all over the place for a while.

Pretty sure Prime's supposed to have windows.

I've been mildly tempted to pick the box up. But only mildly. And it's not exactly going anywhere, so why rush?


Does HotRod have less die-cast? Or maybe the simpler, blockier transformation simply made it a less complex figure? The G1 cars are all pretty slick toys, and I don't really lump HotRod with them anyway...


I personally think the two pack Prime is decent. Oh it's nowhere near the Classics Mold which is godly, but it's ok. The truck mode is on par with Robot Masters prime, meaning it kind of sucks, although it looks much more solid than RM Prime's.

My favorite part of it is that this Prime has a big surprised expression because his eyes are so ridiculously large. Most people would hate that, but I think it's one of its charms. The tommy gun is kind of neat too. He also has a spinning torso gimmick like Megatron's twirling arm.

And be on the lookout for some of the G1 Titanium Transformers which are perfectly in scale with the classics. Rodimus, Scourge and the upcoming Ultra Magnus are all very nice.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

He's not that bad, I use him as "movie" prime from the 86 movie(he is just a bit taller than hot rod so it fits) and in my world he gets torn up then gets the $20 classics body. BTW did you mean that the liason has no connection to hasbro anymore or that takara has no connection to hasbro anymore?

Do you guys think classics megatron will be repainted? I am wondering whether or not to pick up gun megatron now or wait for a repaint.

Dunsay has no connection to Hasbro anymore. Takara still does TFs for Hasbro, eg the most of movie line.

They can only really make Megatron more purple, they can't do him black or silver or any other real gun colour.

  Alpha OTS said:
My favorite part of it is that this Prime has a big surprised expression because his eyes are so ridiculously large. Most people would hate that, but I think it's one of its charms.

I thin he got that shocked look stuck on his face, after some one told him Hot Rod had been charge. :lol:

  Fit For Natalie said:

Dunsay has no connection to Hasbro anymore. Takara still does TFs for Hasbro, eg the most of movie line.

They can only really make Megatron more purple, they can't do him black or silver or any other real gun colour.

I'd be happy if they made the purple parts grey. black, or dark red, and the green parts a fiery crimson. He'd look less "raver" and more sinister.

  Fit For Natalie said:

Dunsay has no connection to Hasbro anymore. Takara still does TFs for Hasbro, eg the most of movie line.

They can only really make Megatron more purple, they can't do him black or silver or any other real gun colour.

Do you know this for sure man? I plan on picking up Prime(hoping to find him in the clearance aisle once the movie figures start hitting. And Megatron is so damn tempting, I have started to overlook the colors because the figure is so damned good. 2 of my friends have him and I remember many of us thinking he was going to suck, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was one of the best, in my mind he was till I found Jetfire.


If anyone's interested, I spotted the 20th anniv. Prime on Walmart's clearance isle for $25.00. They had at least 5 at the one here so if you want to pick one up for real cheap (since it's not worth $90) this may be a good place to look. It's going to be a good b-day present for my 5yo son.


Twenty five dollars? Good Christ that's cheap... I'll admit the 20th Aniv. Prome isn't worth nearly as much as the earlier release MPConvoy, either Takara or Hasbro's... the paint work on 20thAniv Prime is way too bright and colorful, even if it is somehwhat closer to the cartoon.


Thats a great price I'll have to check in my area if the price has gone down.

My nephew would certainly enjoy one and I'm sure his dad would like one also.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Do you know this for sure man? I plan on picking up Prime(hoping to find him in the clearance aisle once the movie figures start hitting. And Megatron is so damn tempting, I have started to overlook the colors because the figure is so damned good. 2 of my friends have him and I remember many of us thinking he was going to suck, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was one of the best, in my mind he was till I found Jetfire.

Classics is over, unless there's an exclusive or two they haven't announced yet. Movie stuff still start in May-June, so its unlikely that there will be a Megatron repaint, no?
  promethuem5 said:
the paint work on 20thAniv Prime is way too bright and colorful

Didn't you hear? That was BEFORE the battle damage happened. They just wanted to pull a "Lucas" and release it ass backwards. LOL


I got Ramjet today, and had the pleasure of having to bore out a pin hole for the long... stick that the cockpit is attached to, so that the pin could go through completely and allow the cockpit to sit flush against his back in bot mode.

I stabbed myself under the nail while doing so. I bled for this toy!

  Fit For Natalie said:

I got Ramjet today, and had the pleasure of having to bore out a pin hole for the long... stick that the cockpit is attached to, so that the pin could go through completely and allow the cockpit to sit flush against his back in bot mode.

I stabbed myself under the nail while doing so. I bled for this toy!

At least you poured your blood into a seeker capable of standing on his own.

The leg wings REALLY help Ramjet's balance.


ALT RUMBLE arrived in Singapore over the weekend... 45 SGD from most sellers.

Quick run-thru:

- Gimmicks are back! Steering wheels, opening doors/hood/boot + engine/weapon. Additional weapon stowed in boot, but what it's disguise is... is anybody's guess.

- Both weapons are hard to stow in car mode... the available slot/pegs are not intiuitive nor secure. When I opened my package, the weapons were already loose and rattling in their respective compartments.

- Red plastic molding is acceptable (face it - paint will always look nicer)

- Transformation is quite straightforward, although the manual assumes you will know how to separate some of the trickier locking pegs.

- Chromed piledriver hands are spring-loaded and can be 'fired' by pressing a small trigger. When extended, the piledrivers do not lock into place - which means they rattle around quite a bit. Could be better!

- I like the head sculpt (suitably aggressive), and also the detailing on the 'heritage' chestplate.

- Posability is pretty good: Legs allow kneeling pose, waist turns. However, I haven't been able to put Rumble into a 'double piledriver on the ground' pose.

- Caution! Achtung!! The pivoting reinforcement spar that runs along and under the doors is prone to breakage if you're not careful in dis-engaging the locking pegs.

Overall, not bad... quite a fun Alternator. I'll rate it 7/10

TF-Robot Masters (fan dub ) the DVD that came with Convoy special package :

part-1 :


part-2 :

Pretty neat.

Brandon at TFcog.net might have those removed since he's not a fan of youtube and perfers his stuff being downloaded on his website.....I see it as advertisement really.


Just got classics skywarp today and my god is he cool!!! This is actually the first seeker that I've bought from the classics line and I'm impressed at how good the robot mode is. Great colours, blocky like the cartoon and good articulation. I love how the wings are high up on his back in robot mode and don't seem too big like the robot masters starscream.

I actualy think the classics robot mode looks more accurate to the cartoon then the masterpiece mold. The classics mold also shows how the tails fins and tailwings can fold up flush against the calves without ruining the appearance fo the legs. Why couldn't something like this have been tried on masterpiece screamer instead of those detachable tailbooms?

Admittedly the fighter mode suffers because of the kibble but my only two real complaints that could have been addressed with this toy are

1 . the guns are way too big and look silly

2. if skywarp's boobs folded upwards into the intake thingys the fighter mode would look much better from front on. As it is the boobs hang a fair way down in fighter mode and no one likes droopy boobs!

Posted (edited)

Probably because the F-15 in Classics is fairly inaccurate (it has an F-14 nose) on purpose, so it didn't matter how they handled the tail fins. The the way they rotate might look abit crap on MP SS.

That or Kawamori was just interested in making an F-15 Valk, albiet one that doesn't need to conform to any sort of real-world engineering.

Here's a photo of all the cars and trucks they used in the movie in front of an F-22 Raptor Edwards AFB.

Edited by Fit For Natalie

Due to discussion on that thread, here's my scale F-22 vs Peterbilt 379 scale comparison pic:

In other words: An F-22 is friggin huge, even compared to the largest American semi-truck there is.

  David Hingtgen said:

Due to discussion on that thread, here's my scale F-22 vs Peterbilt 379 scale comparison pic:

In other words: An F-22 is friggin huge, even compared to the largest American semi-truck there is.

Yeah, but I think the jet transformation will spits the plane size in half. Startscream will be taller than prime but not that much. The wings are very thin and can't really turn into anything. It will probably just fold back or collapse.


He he he, the man from edwards (me) was there for that, even got to sit in a couple of the cars, as did several other people who helped out. Listen to the voices of the ATCs or certain pilots, and that is my CO. Of course you have to love that they are using our C-17 for it, and then the best (worst) part they used the freaking speckled trout as Air Force 1, ROLFMAO.


so i finally got around to picking up the MP prime. :)

its okay for the most part but after one transformation i had paint chips. :mellow:

the transformation sequence is pretty neat, not what i expected at all and it took a while to figure out how to get to truck mode without cheating. while the heft is awesome to some degree, i don't really care for how they designed the legs as posing is a bit stiff. ball joints/swivels would've been better but imagine the weight of the diecast would've made it a floppy mess.

all in all its cool but its not all that, its probably that TFs are 2 modes toys and being that macross toys are 3 mode toys(and better in everyway), it leaves me wanting more.


Paint chips?

There are so many versions these days. Was it:

Takara's MP-1 Convoy?

Takara's MP-4 Convoy w/ Trailer?

Hasbro's 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime?

Hasbro's Optimus Prime (with DVD)?

I have MP-1 and it's near perfect with no paint snafu's, chips, or misaligned parts.


The Takara versions appear to chip paint more easily than the Hasbro versions. For instance, I had two Hasbro 2004 20th Primes fall off a desk and hit hardwood floors with not a mark on his chests (the most vulnerable area), while my Takara-owning friends are bemoaning chips out of the box. Probably just luck.

Unfortunately, Takara's 2006 releases (Hong Kong bot only reissue and MP-04 Perfect Convoy) chip MUCH more easily than previous versions.


I don't believe I've got any chips on my original release Hasbro MP-Prime, and I handle it relatively frequently. SUcks that the later issues have more chipping... it looked like the more matte finished stuff on the new Hasbro one with the DVD might have paint problems...

  Knight26 said:

He he he, the man from edwards (me) was there for that, even got to sit in a couple of the cars, as did several other people who helped out. Listen to the voices of the ATCs or certain pilots, and that is my CO. Of course you have to love that they are using our C-17 for it, and then the best (worst) part they used the freaking speckled trout as Air Force 1, ROLFMAO.

Knight, what is a speckled trout? An AF term for a certain Aircraft? I'm an Air Traffic Controller (FAA not military) and just incase you didn't know, Air Force 1 is ANY airforce aircraft that the President flys on. Many people, not saying you, but many people don't get that and think that Airforce 1 is only a big Blue and Wite 747. If the president flew in an Air Force Cessna Skymaster, for some god forsaken reason, that would be called Air Force 1. When Bush flew aboard the U.S.S. Lincoln in the S-3, that S-3 was called Navy 1. Army one would be for any Army aircraft, Marine 1 would be any marine aircraft, and Executive 1 is for any civilian aircraft that the prez flies on. Just bring this up because you said best (worst) part about the Aircraft being used as AF1. Not sure if I just didn't understand what you were saying. ;)



And many air traffic controllers liked to point out that "AF1" meant Air France flight 1, not Air Force One. Air Force One was "A1". Until they changed it, so I think Air Force One is AF1 now. :)

If you really want to mess people up, ask them the differences between a VC-137A, VC-137B, and VC-137C. :)

Anyways--the speckled trout is one of the zillion _C-135_ variants. But it's one-of-a-kind. It's a modified C-135C used by the AF chief of staff, so it's kind of like his Air Force One.

PS---most of use who know the correct usage of Air Force (Navy, Marine, etc) One, still use the term "Air Force One" to refer to the 747's, because if we say "VC-25A" most people will have NO clue what we mean. Technically, the VC-25's are 747-2G4B's. Due to their build date/configuration, they have much more power than other 747-200's, and more than most -300's.


Just got the Grimlock and the Mirage. I transformed them without looking at the manual. Got it in the end. I'm pretty smart. :p

The designs are pretty good with these. I just can't help but laugh at Grimlock though, I find it funny that his head is in his ass in dino mode and how his t-rex scheme look's so cute.

Mirage is a lightweight, but menacing. Very good posability.

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