Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 eriku said: I thought Hasbro's last word was that Classics wasn't permanantly over with and that they may revisit the line in the future? Either way, regardless of what the lines are called, I just want more TF toys that are designed like the Classics are. And if we're lucky they'll release that Classics Cosmos in some other line. That is what they said at botcon, I hope that holds true. They said if they made Galvatron, he would be an all new mold, not a repaint of Megatron. Galvatron, Arcee, Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, Jazz, Cosmos and a few others were on the short list.
JB0 Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Ginrai said: And now you're assuming that it's easy to track down the rights from the folded company, if they folded. Could easily be like DYRL where a bunch of different companies had a stake and now the rights are unclear. Maybe it's not complex at all, but maybe it's just not worth the extra bucks to license something when they can just use stuff they already own. Who knows? I'm leaning towards the latter, personally. But quit being unfun.
Ginrai Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 That's all vague maybe speak. What they said WOULD happen is the Botcon exclusives are based on Classics toys.
promethuem5 Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I would buy a Classics Arcee, maybe Galvatron, and definetaly Cosmos. I like to own one definitive version of every character (which explains why I am no longer buying Decepticon Alternators) so guys like Jazz and Sideswipe are already covered in BT/Alts.
Chewie Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I want a new, GOOD combiner in good colors. I think the last thing we (in the states) got was the RiD Contruction bots, right? I'd like to see something like Defensor remade or the Aerial Bots.
Alpha OTS Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Chewie said: I want a new, GOOD combiner in good colors. I think the last thing we (in the states) got was the RiD Contruction bots, right? I'd like to see something like Defensor remade or the Aerial Bots. Energon(toyline history: RiD -> Armada -> Energon) had a construction combiner, an aerial bot set and a combaticon set. Feet and hands are composed of energon weapons though and don't look conventional. They are pretty poseable and the individual bots are pretty nice. Although each set only has 3 unique molds with clones of the limb molds used to complete the gestalt. Pretty decent, although the limbs do take a little imagination. There's a classics repaint coming of the construction combiner in a Devastator color scheme that I'm looking forward to. There was a Devastator themed recolor of the RiD Constructicon set that you mentioned done about a year back that was a Target exclusive and is my favorite Devastator set. There was also some reissued micromaster combiner sets released thru KayBee over the last few years that included Devastator, Defensor, Superion and a train set. Very nice, very small, but not much articulation.
David Hingtgen Posted March 8, 2007 Author Posted March 8, 2007 I would recommend just buying whatever Energon combiner bits you like---you'll be able to match colors/appearance better than Hasbro did, and you won't end up with a half-dozen repaints. I'd start with Bruticus as the "core" then add an Aerialbot and a Constructicon.
areaseven Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I just finished watching disc 2 of Transformers: The Movie 20th Anniversary Special Edition. The bonus features left me with a lot of questions, but for today, here are a few I'll ask: 1. Why couldn't Hasbro preserve their old commercials instead of resorting to using some schmoe's crappy VHS copies? 2. On both U.S. and Japanese toy commercials, why are the kids' faces blurred out?
JB0 Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Saw an Ultra Magnus/Skywarp package. I picked it up, just because I like how Skywarp looks. I was tempted to leave some twist ties wrapped around Magnus after I got him loose. The clipped remnants were hanging in such a way that it looked like he'd ripped them apart while breaking out of a prison or something. But then they started falling off. I may do it on my next 'bot. This concludes today's episode of "Fun With the Box in Spite of Hasbro." Seriously, how about they use a third the twist ties and put the money they save into more paint apps?
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I just want them to give Magnus HIS OWN FRIGGIN" HEAD! Why is it always a Prime repaint these days? How hard is it to cast a different head?
Renato Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 areaseven said: 1. Why couldn't Hasbro preserve their old commercials instead of resorting to using some schmoe's crappy VHS copies? They must've lost the masters. And it's even worse -- I'm pretty sure they just got hold of the compressed movie files that used to be (or probably still are) on the TF Archive website. Quote 2. On both U.S. and Japanese toy commercials, why are the kids' faces blurred out? I think that way they can avoid having to pay the child actors any royalties.
HoveringCheesecake Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Yep, they either a) didn't want to track down all of those kids, or more likely b) they didn't want to track them down AND pay royalties.
Chewie Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Seriously doubt they would have to pay royalties at all. Those kids' parents/agents probably signed a contract/release form. Back in that time it wasn't like those commercials were slated for anything more than maybe a full summer's run anyway. I think it's like Renato said, they probably lost the masters and had to resort to searching youtube for them. Lol Or, it could be that some dip who had the best set blocked out the kids faces since they were minors. /shrug
HoveringCheesecake Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 (edited) No, according to one of the administrators over at TFW2005 who was involved in the production of this DVD it WAS due to royalties. Edited March 8, 2007 by meh_cd
jardann Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 JB0 said: Saw an Ultra Magnus/Skywarp package. I picked it up, just because I like how Skywarp looks. I was tempted to leave some twist ties wrapped around Magnus after I got him loose. The clipped remnants were hanging in such a way that it looked like he'd ripped them apart while breaking out of a prison or something. But then they started falling off. I may do it on my next 'bot. This concludes today's episode of "Fun With the Box in Spite of Hasbro." Seriously, how about they use a third the twist ties and put the money they save into more paint apps? Yeah, I just picked up this set and had to open them too. The amount of twist ties was stupidly insane! I love the Skywarp, it is an awesome sculpt and it is very true to the original, yet with smart improvements. Ultra Magnus looks pretty sweet too. I hadn't bought a transformer in years because I thought they have been looking pretty lame for a long time. Liked some of the BT/Alts, but they were too pricey for me. When I saw this set I had to pick it up. I saw on the back of the box that there is a Starscream version, has anyone seen this yet. Also, does anyone know if there is an Optimus prime version like the Ultra Magnus from this set?
David Hingtgen Posted March 8, 2007 Author Posted March 8, 2007 Magnus and Skywarp are the repaints, Prime and Starscream came out months earlier.
Hoptimus Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Metal_Massacre_79 said: I just want them to give Magnus HIS OWN FRIGGIN" HEAD! Why is it always a Prime repaint these days? How hard is it to cast a different head? Well if you remember the original 1986 Ultra Magnus toy it was a white Prime under the Armor. So it would be cool if they made the Magnus Armor for the Classics figure or maybe an all new one. There is a Titanium G1 Ultra Magnus coming that is based on the old toy.
jardann Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 David Hingtgen said: Magnus and Skywarp are the repaints, Prime and Starscream came out months earlier. Figures, I don't pay attention to anything in the stores anymore really because nothing has been interesting to me for a long time. I was beginning to think I had just about finally outgrown toys!! No such luck! Now I'll have to look for more from this line I quess. Any idea if the Prime and Starscream are still easily available?
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 jardann said: Figures, I don't pay attention to anything in the stores anymore really because nothing has been interesting to me for a long time. I was beginning to think I had just about finally outgrown toys!! No such luck! Now I'll have to look for more from this line I quess. Any idea if the Prime and Starscream are still easily available? VERY available. The hard one to find is Megatron surprisingly, I've been able to find Jetfire more than I have been able to find Megatron. Prime is a shelfwarmer, its more of a case of where you feel like buying him rather than which store even has him. He is $20.
Greyryder Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 jardann said: Figures, I don't pay attention to anything in the stores anymore really because nothing has been interesting to me for a long time. I was beginning to think I had just about finally outgrown toys!! No such luck! Now I'll have to look for more from this line I quess. Any idea if the Prime and Starscream are still easily available? Starscream might be hard to find, now that Ramjet's out. Prime seems to be a huge shelfwarmer, so he should be easy to find.
konimon Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 jardann said: No such luck! Now I'll have to look for more from this line I quess. Any idea if the Prime and Starscream are still easily available? I see a whole bunch of classics prime all the time. I've seen Starscream and Ramjet only once though, then they disappeared... Prime (or Magnus) is quite a fun toy for me even though a semi-truck without a trailer looks kinda silly. I hope this line continues. I like them better than some of the movie line so far.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Rarely see Ramjet but I see Starscream a LOT. I see him more than Hot rod, bumblebee, grimlock and astrotrain.
Hoptimus Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said: VERY available. The hard one to find is Megatron surprisingly, I've been able to find Jetfire more than I have been able to find Megatron. Prime is a shelfwarmer, its more of a case of where you feel like buying him rather than which store even has him. He is $20. Prime is awesome. I think the reason there are so many is that he was in all Voyager Case assortments. Case 1 was 2 x prime 2x Megatron. Wave 2 was 2 x prime 1 x megs 1x jetfire. Wave 3 is 2x prime 2x jetfire. SO Megatron is hard to come by now. I gave up and got one from amazon.
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 All of them are still pretty easy to find in my neck of the woods. They aren't all at one place, so I'd have to drive to a few places to get them, but they're all available.
cube Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 strange...ive never even looked for these before, and the first time i went to a toys r us (last week) they had 2 primes and a megs....guess i shoud have picked up the megs for someone here
promethuem5 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 I don't think I've seen any Hotrods/Rodimus around here... Ive seen like 2 SS, one of whcih I picked up... lots of Primes and a few Megs, and the last time I checkd a whole bunch of JFs... the Prime/UM mold is one of the best in a longtime... really really fun figure, and it looks great!
Guest sh002 Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 Will Alternators Rumble and Ravage be on US toy shelves?
Hoptimus Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 sh002 said: Will Alternators Rumble and Ravage be on US toy shelves? The US Boxed Rumble has hit HK and is on Ebay now. So as long as stores are still gonna stock em we should see Rumble and I bet the case is 2 x Rumble 2 x Jaguar.
JB0 Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 I still haven't seen a second Jetfire. Prime is EVERY-F'ING-WHERE, though
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 (edited) Picked up Jetfire tonight at a Wally World. They also had 10 Primes (got 2), 1 Megs (need), 1 more Jetfire (got 1), 4 Cliffjumpers (need), 2 Bumblebees (got 2), 4 Mirages (got 1), 1 Ramjet (got 1), 2 Grimlocks (got 1), 3 Rodimus (got 2), and 1 Dildotrain (got 1). Unless I'm missing one, the only one they DIDN'T have was Screamer (need), but I found a few of him at either Target or Shopko. For clarification, "got" doesn't mean I bought all of those tonight. I already have those from previous purchases. I'm not THAT much of a collector whore. They also had a Titanium Soundwave, but he looked like crap so I passed it up. I'm waiting for the TRU reissue this Spring/Summer. For product costs, shipping costs and a small finder's fee (like $2) I'll snag them if anyone needs one that I can find. Edited March 10, 2007 by Metal_Massacre_79
Radd Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 Has anyone else seen that two pack, Optimus Prime vs. Megatron? It has a G1 styled Optimus, but much lower looking quality than the Classics Optimus. His head is still visible in truck mode, no trailer, etcetera. What struck me is I saw like 5 boxes at Walmart, and in every single box Prime was missing his windows. The toy pictured on the box had windows, but the toy itself just had an open chest cavity where the windows ought to have been. That seems like an awfully odd choice if it was intentional. Megatron, on the other hand, looked decent. Not great, but he did look as if he might be much better than Classics Megatron. This one is yet another Megatron as a tank, which I definitely approve of. He looks smaller than Classics Megs, but with better colouring if I recall correctly. His tank mode was still a bit sci-fi looking for my tastes, but not terrible. I would love to pick up this Megatron, but the two pack is 20 bucks and while I probably wouldn't mind Megs for 10, that Prime looked more like a 3 dollar vending machine toy, and that might even be generous.
promethuem5 Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 I feel like I saw the twopack at least once, but I didn't notice any issues with it... from the pics I've seen, I thought the Prime alright... sort of equivalent to the Robot Masters Prime which was like a mini MPConvoy... maybe I didnt look too hard tho.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 Radd said: Has anyone else seen that two pack, Optimus Prime vs. Megatron? It has a G1 styled Optimus, but much lower looking quality than the Classics Optimus. His head is still visible in truck mode, no trailer, etcetera. What struck me is I saw like 5 boxes at Walmart, and in every single box Prime was missing his windows. The toy pictured on the box had windows, but the toy itself just had an open chest cavity where the windows ought to have been. That seems like an awfully odd choice if it was intentional. Megatron, on the other hand, looked decent. Not great, but he did look as if he might be much better than Classics Megatron. This one is yet another Megatron as a tank, which I definitely approve of. He looks smaller than Classics Megs, but with better colouring if I recall correctly. His tank mode was still a bit sci-fi looking for my tastes, but not terrible. I would love to pick up this Megatron, but the two pack is 20 bucks and while I probably wouldn't mind Megs for 10, that Prime looked more like a 3 dollar vending machine toy, and that might even be generous. Its not intentional the ones you found may have been tampered with. Prime is decent, he has some (automorphing) going on and that was pretty impressive. He's just overshadowed hardcore by the $20 classics prime. Overall not too bad if you are not expecting much. Megatron by far is the star of the set. The only thing that bothers me is the lack of a right hand and the fact that he lacks a "normal" elbow joint on his right hand since he has an arm gimmick where his gun folds down sideways and becomes some twirling thing. Other than that, his sculpt, paint and articulation is excellent, a dead ringer for marvel comics 80's era megatron since he has a dark grey helmet and his red light piped eyes are cool. Overall I was very happy with him. I look at the 2 pack as the versions of prime and megatron prior to getting the $20 classics bodies.
Fit For Natalie Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 (edited) Prime is more of a shelfwarmer because he's shipped 2 per case in EVERY Voyager assortment. Last I heard Megatron was phased out of the final Voyager assortment, replaced by another Jetfire. wolfx said: Can't they just "recast" the mould? Very high cost, takes some work and the problem with G1 reissues is a low return. George Dunsay, the man who helped develop the line and was the liason at Takara (he has absolutely no connection with Hasbro anymore) says that he expects that the production cost, produced at high numbers for a typical G1 reissue such as an Autobot car might be as high as $30US per unit, taking into account the increased cost of raw materials and the fact even at 'high numbers', these niche-market reissues would be in comparatively low numbers to other TFs Hasbro would make. So Hasbro would need to sell an absolute truckload of them, and the problem with reissues is no store except TRU was willing to take them, due to their limited customer base as well as being 'old toys'. areaseven said: I just finished watching disc 2 of Transformers: The Movie 20th Anniversary Special Edition. The bonus features left me with a lot of questions, but for today, here are a few I'll ask: 1. Why couldn't Hasbro preserve their old commercials instead of resorting to using some schmoe's crappy VHS copies? 2. On both U.S. and Japanese toy commercials, why are the kids' faces blurred out? No reason for them to preserve old commercials. How the heck would they know they would need them again in 22 years? Edited March 11, 2007 by Fit For Natalie
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