Lindem Herz Posted September 29, 2007 Posted September 29, 2007 Effect said: Is the upcoming Battlestar Galactica film/event suppose to about the Pegasus pre-showing up in the series or what takes place on the ship while many of the Galactica crew were on New Caprica when it's under the command of Apollo? I can't remember. Actually, is all that Fatalist said, but also including the first mission of the Pegasus under Lee's command, and somethings about the first cylon war (like Adama in a Viper, childCain, and some old school toasters.
big F Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 vermillion01 said: But we can get the joyride Viper's quite cheap.. I bought 3 for £2.99 each about a year ago. But the U.K. generally sucks for things like this. where did you find em ?
vermillion01 Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 I found them on the Evilbay, they were listed individually but i got the seller to combine the shipment, so it cost me about £15 for the lot. Good catch eh? I usually luck out on the sweet deals too. in case you're interested, it was 2x blue sq. (the light ones) and 1x sliver spar (weathered/battle damage). Keep an eye out the UK bay, they still popup at around £5 from time to time.
connor99 Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Totally agree with VERMILLION01 'coz I find the JOYRIDE releases to be much better than those bite-size titaniums. Here are some photo references: (the BLUE SQUADRON VIPER is in the middle and the SILVER SPAR is the one to the right.)
vermillion01 Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 They are nice aren't they. I have 5 now, but i think i may pick up some more so i can do the squadron pose from the original show. By the way peeps... lists RAZOR mini-sodes as starting this friday (but i'm, sure you all already knew that)... WOOHOO...5 days and counting....
Mechleader Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 New Battlestar game for the PC and 360!;img;1
Mr March Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Omg, they killed Starbuck! What the hell? I didn't see this one coming. But there is something else going on. Lee Adama did see the Cylon Heavy Fighter in the atmosphere, so Kara Thrace wasn't hallucinating (entirely). She could be alive I suppose, though in a way I'd rather she wasn't. But they have to do something with the way she "ended" because they set up these plot elements that are now just hanging unless they address them. Well, only the final two episodes of Season 3 are left. I'm going to die when I'm done with them. There's going to be this insane urge to see more even though I know I can't. Arghhh! I hate television I like the new character Romo Lampkin. I hope they have more of his character cause I think he's up to something. His kleptomania is hilarious and entertaining too
vermillion01 Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 (edited) wait for it..... wait.... (can anyone else feel the anticipation pouring off Mr March?). Did you check out the old school vipers? they are a more reasonable 7" size. ANd not too long to wait for some new BSG goodness... friday in fact!! (ok, its only a wee small bit ) Please post your thoughts when u finish the season, as its great to read your BSG virgin reaction to new stuff. ( i mean that well.. i am excited for you - NO... NOT LIKE THAT! ) Edited October 1, 2007 by vermillion01
Dobber Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 LOL!! BSG virgin!! What a finish the trial has too plus everything else!! Mr. March, at least you won't have to wait a year like the rest of us had too to see Razor and S4. It's been soooooo long. The fact that they are taking so long to release S3 on DVD is really pissing me off too!!!!!! Chris
big F Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 (edited) Mr March I feel sorry for you just starting your cold turkey I remember when the cravings were still fresh Edited October 1, 2007 by big F
vermillion01 Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 i watched those last 2 episodes (well, the last one really) about 10 times and i was still giddy/shocked/amazed/satisfied/in awe. They could have (although i'm glad they didnt) ended nit right there and i would have been ok. sad. but ok. The wait is a killer.
vermillion01 Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 Almost forgot.. now that Mr March is upto speed i can post the only halfway decent pic i could find of the beast.
kalvasflam Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 I for one am glad for Youtube, I don't have to sit through Flash Gordon in order to watch the two minute episodes. I am curious to see what the old school stuff is about though, that'll be interesting. Will be sorry to see this show go.
Mr March Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Oh, I'll have no problem posting my thoughts. I'll hardly be able to contain myself once I finish out this season. I'm glad you guys are having fun reading my posts. I'm just really happy with this show so far and love to talk about it. I'm going to try and finish off the last two episodes this week. That's a great pciture of the Pegasus, btw. Thanks for posting. I've collected all the pictures of BSG that I've seen in this thread and some more I've found online. I'm really happy that ZOIC shared these with the fans.
vermillion01 Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 You mean you haven't finished yet!?! How could you?!? watch them now!!!!!
Mr March Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 I'm at work. I can get away with spending my whole day surfing the web, but watching television or movies in full sound is going a bit too far I'm afraid. Mores the pity Plus I got my package of Revoltech figures coming in today. I might be torn
Mr March Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 WHOA Where to start? My gawd, these were two fantastic season ending episodes! I LOVED Lee Adama's character development in these two episodes. His final monologue on the stand was fantastic. I also really liked the animosity between him and his father. I have a feeling Admiral Adama was hard with his son intentionally, because he knew his son would make a great defense for Baltar and ensure a fair trial. I can not wait to see a scene with Lee and Bill together after these two episodes. The trial; wow, shades of OJ Simpson. A trial where almost everyone hates the guy and knows he's guilty, but he gets off. That was intense. Romo Lampkin again was great in action, especially his opening to the trial whcih even threw the judges off. I also really liked how he put Lee on the stand (and on the spot). That was so true to his character; it's exactly what he would have done. I was both thrilled and saddened to hear about Laura's cancer returning, although I think this is a great creative choice. Her miracle cure through injection of Cylon blood was a little too sci-fi cliche. I should have known these fellas wouldn't go that route for long. And yet again, Baltar never fails to entertain. His pathetic self-absorbed mind ran rampant in these episodes and it was a a riot watching him slime and slid on his belly. That what his character is best at. It's going to be interesting to see how Baltar's life turns out in season four now that he's been ostracized by everyone. The final...FOUR? Okay, so it's supposed to be FIVE, but who's counting? So if Tory, Tyrol, Tigh (whoa, never realized how many "t" names there were until now) and Samuel are all Cylons, how the hell can this be? The Cylon War happened 40 years ago and the Cyclons couldn't have developed/built near-perfect human models that quickly. So how can these four be Cylons from that long ago? The obvious answers is they have not been Cylons that long, that the originals did in fact exist and these Cylons are copies of the original humans that they replaced when the original humans were killed/captured. I've just seen the episodes, so I'm sure there are other possibilities I'm not considering as yet. But it's going to be fun thinking and posting about it. Okay, so how the hell is Starbuck still alive? Her Viper was seen exploding...or was it? I suppose it's possible that A) Thrace's Viper did explode, she ejected and was picked up by Cylons B) The Cylon Heavy Raider was the ship that actually exploded and somehow Thrace has managed to catch up with the Colonial fleet even though her Viper has no jump drive (piggy backing on a Cylon ship? Sounds kinda contrived, so I doubt it). Well, I'm eager to see how they explain this one in season four. Oh yeah, All Along The Watchtower. That was hilarious and quite fitting. Too bad they couldn't afford the original version of the song (or the U2 version, I love that cover). Well, that's about it for now, though I'm sure there is more coming
the white drew carey Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 I'm glad you likey. So many questions, so many possibilities. Who knows? I will answer this, though: From what I heard, Paramount did offer to snatch up some rights for them to use the Hendrix cover of Watchtower, but the producers wanted to go with something new and unique. Hmmm...
vermillion01 Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 I kinda like that version of 'all along the watchtower'.. and as for the final 4 (maybe 5 is you count starbuck?!?... maybe) yeah i saw it coming ut it still had a hit, The way the set us up fo rr those last few scenes was awsome. Lee's closing speaches were perfect and the battle between father and son is reminicent of the pilot and S1. I think it was a textbook finale... in the sense of, "if you want to know how to end a seseon. Watch this!"
Mr March Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 (edited) I can honestly say I liked this version of All Along The Watchtower as well. Actually, it may be more accurate to say I loved the instrumental both of the song itself and the build up near the end. That was some seriously awesome musical scoring. Starbuck as a Cylon? Well, I suppose with Tory, Tyrol, Tigh and Samuel all coming out, anything is possible. I can't deny that this was a great season finale. But then again, the multi-episode arcs and finales they've had already have been nothing but first rate. There's so much continuity in this series, I'm surprised it's so popular. But I guess that's the thing now. For a long, LOOOONG time television was standalone fare only. But with stuff like 24, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes and others, it seems grand long term storytelling on television is back in fashion. It's about damn time too I do indeed likey...very muchy! This television show rocks. It's just flat out the best science fiction on television. Edited October 3, 2007 by Mr March
Evil Porkchop Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 I really didn't like that they made Tigh, Tyrol, Tori and Anders cylons. It seemed to me to go against everything else the characters had done in the series. I know the final 5 cylons are fundamentaly different from the other 7 of 12 cyclons... but still. I'm waiting until the series is completely wrapped up before I pass judgement though. But I keep thinking about "This has happened before and it will happen again". I think that the Galactica and fleet are the 13th Tribe of Kobol that fled to Earth. I'll be curious as to what happens when they get to earth though.
Mr March Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Yeah, I thought about that too. When they had to flee Kobol I thought it might be possible that the whole story is a "full circle" kind of thing. It's also strongly hinted at with a few other occurances that are just too perfect, like the Algae Planet and the Supernova. And now that Tyrol is revealed as a Cylon, it makes much more sense why he of all people in the landing party discovered the Temple on the Algae Planet. Without Tyrol as a Cylon, his excuse; "I just felt compelled to walk" was pretty ridiculous. If Starbuck is the last Cylon of the Final Five, it could explain many things. Thrace's painting, which is also the marker showing the way to Earth, would be explained if she were a Cylon. This is also consistent with how the writers have tried to hint to the audience that Tyrol was a Cylon. Also, if the Final Five can be resurrected like the other Cylon human models, it would explain why Kara Thrace is alive after her quite obvious death. Her appearance in a Viper could easly be explained as a different Viper captured by the Cylons during the war, an occurance which has been established before.
HoveringCheesecake Posted October 3, 2007 Author Posted October 3, 2007 Mr March said: Yeah, I thought about that too. When they had to flee Kobol I thought it might be possible that the whole story is a "full circle" kind of thing. It's also strongly hinted at with a few other occurances that are just too perfect, like the Algae Planet and the Supernova. And now that Tyrol is revealed as a Cylon, it makes much more sense why he of all people in the landing party discovered the Temple on the Algae Planet. Without Tyrol as a Cylon, his excuse; "I just felt compelled to walk" was pretty ridiculous. If Starbuck is the last Cylon of the Final Five, it could explain many things. Thrace's painting, which is also the marker showing the way to Earth, would be explained if she were a Cylon. This is also consistent with how the writers have tried to hint to the audience that Tyrol was a Cylon. Also, if the Final Five can be resurrected like the other Cylon human models, it would explain why Kara Thrace is alive after her quite obvious death. Her appearance in a Viper could easly be explained as a different Viper captured by the Cylons during the war, an occurance which has been established before. I don't think the Significant Seven and the Final Five get along, so I doubt they'd give her a Viper.
kalvasflam Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Mr March said: Yeah, I thought about that too. When they had to flee Kobol I thought it might be possible that the whole story is a "full circle" kind of thing. It's also strongly hinted at with a few other occurances that are just too perfect, like the Algae Planet and the Supernova. And now that Tyrol is revealed as a Cylon, it makes much more sense why he of all people in the landing party discovered the Temple on the Algae Planet. Without Tyrol as a Cylon, his excuse; "I just felt compelled to walk" was pretty ridiculous. If Starbuck is the last Cylon of the Final Five, it could explain many things. Thrace's painting, which is also the marker showing the way to Earth, would be explained if she were a Cylon. This is also consistent with how the writers have tried to hint to the audience that Tyrol was a Cylon. Also, if the Final Five can be resurrected like the other Cylon human models, it would explain why Kara Thrace is alive after her quite obvious death. Her appearance in a Viper could easly be explained as a different Viper captured by the Cylons during the war, an occurance which has been established before. The interesting part about these Four is how they will continue to interact with the crew, and of course when the cat finally is let out of the bag, how they'll interact with the other seven models (six since we'd have to remove the Bier model). I can see Tigh continuing to be loyal to Adama no matter what, but I think either Tyrol or Sam will crack sooner or later. I wonder which of those two will be the first one outed... unless Tigh gets drunk and confesses to Adama. As for the resurrection thing, I wonder how that would be possible, unless its an entirely different resurrection ship, remember, the other seven have no idea what the final five looks like. So, at the very least, it can't be the same resurrection ship. Which makes you wonder if there might be two groups of cylons.
wm cheng Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Does anyone know when the new season starts to air?
Mr March Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 meh_cd Maybe, but the seven Cylons seem to revere the final five so they might do so. Still, this is just a wild theory. kalvasflam Yeah, good point about the resurrection ship. Though we do know there are other resurrection ships and if the Final Five built the Seven it figures that the Five built the Resurrection ships as well. And we all know the Cylon's love of "backdoors"
Mr March Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 wm cheng said: Does anyone know when the new season starts to air? The Wiki says January 2008 is the air date for Season 4. That sounds awfully far off
Zinjo Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Mr March said: The Wiki says January 2008 is the air date for Season 4. That sounds awfully far off Well "Razor" airs in early November and there should be some webisodes for Razor starting soon. Then in January the final season starts with some sort of short break in the middle (?? don't ask me, all the filming should be finished by December!!), then that's it folks...
connor99 Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Okay, now this is just frakkin' weird .........
Mr March Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Just had another pondering about the Kara Thrace thing. I'm going to assume Kara Thrace is not a Cylon in this scenario: Fact 1: The episode where she "dies" had her Viper descending into a Maelstrom. Guess: Thrace could have travelled through a naturally occuring FTL phenomena (or artificially created FTL phenomena left by the Thirteenth colony or something else). This led her to Earth. The maelstrom does bear more than a little resemblance to Thrace's own paintings. Fact 2: The Colonial fleet encounters some unexplained power outage (fleet-wide) when they jump to the Ionian Nebula. Guess: We are all assuming it's some sort of elaborate sabotage, but what if its an effect of the aforementioned FTL phenomena? Thrace uses this FTL phenomena again and returns from Earth to meet up with the fleet. Thus Thrace is still human, she's been to Earth like she says and it all links to her past established in the series so far. Maybe?
cobywan Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Did you notice that her Viper is pristine white and that her voice did not sound like it was coming over the wireless?
wm cheng Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Zinjo said: Well "Razor" airs in early November and there should be some webisodes for Razor starting soon. Then in January the final season starts with some sort of short break in the middle (?? don't ask me, all the filming should be finished by December!!), then that's it folks... Thanks, why only one more season? What a jip! What is "Razor"?
myk Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 (edited) Razor chronicles the pirate-like tale of the Pegasus and how it survived the aftermath of the Cylon attack. In regards to the Titanium repaints, there's also an oddly colored Mark 7... Edited October 3, 2007 by myk
big F Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 connor99 said: Okay, now this is just frakkin' weird ......... Oh oh Hasbros gone all Yamato on us... Look out for the urban cammo Cylon, and special pink version of the viper
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