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BTW, I've totally bought into the rumor that Humans were an engineered race just as the Cylons are, and this is some sort of vicious cycle.


That was......pointless.

We don't know anything more about the eye of Jupiter than we did before. They should have thrown us *something*, but instead we get an episode about a spontaneous lucid dreaming suicidal pilot.


Another update for tonite:

What we think we know:

* This would be the last episode before “Crossroads,†the two-part season-three finale that begins next week. (Though producer David Eick has said tonight’s “The Son Also Rises†is actually the first part of a three-part season finale.)

* Lee makes a return visit to Memorial Corridor, likely to see what Starbuck’s photo looks like next to Kat’s.

* We’ll see that both Apollo and Anders are drinking in the wake of Kara’s demise.

* It looks like we finally get to deal with how Apollo felt when he was demoted from Pegasus commander all the way back down to Galactica CAG.

* Lee is ordered to protect Baltar’s new lawyer after the old one gets killed.

* Lee wants to help with Baltar’s defense.

* Cally has a dustup with Sharon.

10 p.m. Sunday. SciFi.

  Skullsixx said:

I'm wondering where this is going as far as the finale.

I'm thinking Baltar's trial (or verdit) will be delayed at the end of the season pending either a Cylon attack or Final Five appearance. Something to make us really have to see the movie. Why can't seasons just end gracefully and not leave us in suspense? <_<

  Wes said:

I'm thinking Baltar's trial (or verdit) will be delayed at the end of the season pending either a Cylon attack or Final Five appearance. Something to make us really have to see the movie. Why can't seasons just end gracefully and not leave us in suspense? <_<

Already announced the movie will be independent of the main story. Actually, it sounds like it will be some back story.

Somebody's leaving the show all right, and its not Starbuck. Time for Baltar to meet his maker.

Posted (edited)

have these popped up anywhere yet?

I've been away and was wondering if they've hit stores yet.


Titanium series by Hasbro


Edited by Macross73

Not only is the guy a klepto, but he's a slimly, lie-to-save-his-client's-ass, Machiavellian-plotting, scum-bag lawyer.

...........Basically, the kind of lawyer you want defending you in a trial. :lol:

I also liked the little character touches here and there in last night's episode. Gave us some nice bits of continuity there.

So next week, we'll have a little Caprica Six/Tigh throw-down? That oughta be fun!!

  Mechamaniac said:

Making Baltar a cylon makes sense only in the capacity that having multiples of him would finally allow him to love himself that much more, and be even more self centered.

I couldnt agree more.

Just a though there is an advert running on Sky Three (U.K sat channel) that has loads of clips and such from all the popular shows on the Sky One Channel it has lost and nip tuck and all the other popular american serieses. I does have also some Battlestar Clips some I remember and some I dont.

Now this could be my bad memory and or crap downloads from the internet, but some of the lost clips are for episodes that havent aired yet so some of the Bstar clips could also be new. One clip that I am most interested in is the one where a short haired blonde girl is born in the Cylon reserectionship It looks like Starbuck. Im gonna try and get a grab of it on my Media Center.


Has anyone bought that 14 inch Cylon figure based on the new series yet, i've seen it on sale on some websites. I'm no sure if i should get one or not.

Posted (edited)
  Knight26 said:

For the love of all that is merciful someone PM with what it says at this website, spoilers on the final five:


I can't see it at work, argh...

FYI guys, those spoilers do seem to be true. At first people thought they were foilers, but now more and more people are supporting the theory.

Here's what I think:

I don't think that the people it talks about are the *real* Final Five. I bet it's a Cylon trick. However, it IS interesting that they are hearing a song from EARTH. Get that? EARTH. This show has never had unoriginal music (with the exception of a piano piece by Philip Glass). The part with Starbuck can work. Apparently she has seen Earth - neat.

Edited by meh_cd

And I had thought for sure Moore was going to go down the Saddam track. God knows he's based the rest of the show on Iraq.

I could be wrong, and we won't know until season 4, but it sounds like this show just got really frigging silly.


When reading spoilers on the web like the ones above, I always take them with a grain of sand since they could easily be someone's fan fiction. So I remember a couple months back Deathhammer posted some script excerpts of some recent episodes. I didn't read them then but decided to hunt them up and see if they were accurate and it's interesting to see how certain things were changed in the plot - like in episode 3.14, instead of Dee being drugged at the end, it is Hot Dog. Also the script noted the episode as 3.13, so the order was changed around as well.

Here is the original post.

Posted (edited)
  Seven said:

When reading spoilers on the web like the ones above, I always take them with a grain of sand since they could easily be someone's fan fiction. So I remember a couple months back Deathhammer posted some script excerpts of some recent episodes. I didn't read them then but decided to hunt them up and see if they were accurate and it's interesting to see how certain things were changed in the plot - like in episode 3.14, instead of Dee being drugged at the end, it is Hot Dog. Also the script noted the episode as 3.13, so the order was changed around as well.

Here is the original post.

These spoilers have been verified by four sites, some of which claim to have reliable sources to confirm them.

And no episodes were changed around, Season 3 only has "19" episodes total. This is because Occupation and Precipice were given 3x.05 and 3x01. Pretty stupid, but that is how they did it. As a result, there's been some confusion as to which episode corresponds to which number.

Edited by meh_cd

So, at the end of the 4th season, Edward James Olmos will wake up in bed next to Bob Newhart and say, "I just had had the strangest dream."

That's really what those spoilers read like. That's just silly.

  meh_cd said:

This must be the "new direction" that they are taking the show.

Yeah, its called "Galactica 1980".


Reading those spoilers, even if they are true, makes me think they are just trying to throw us for a loop. I do not believe that those four people are Cylons, well at least two of them anyway. I'll try not say anything too spoilerish, but I think instead the common thing that is binding them together and that draws them together is not that they are Cylon, but that they are from Earth. The fact that they all seem to get "activated" at the same time as the other event points more to the final event instigator sending them a signal of some kind, IMHO. It is entirely possible that the four of them were sent back by the 13th tribe to see how the rest of the colonies were doing, however due to the age of most of the members of the group I believe that they are the descendants of the original survey team, with one of them possibly being a member of the original survey who is either A) keeping their mouth shut about it or B) suffered some form of head trauma in the past that prevents them from remembering. Personnaly were I writing this it is more the direction I would go, as it would not mess too greatly with how the audience sees some favorite characters, yet at the same time keeps the audience guessing for a while.


I think Kara's the fifth. Three of those four were always suspect for me. There better be some action after this, but that was a hell of a spoiler.


I still prefer my theory that those five are descendents from an earth expedition back to the colonies, I think it makes more sense in the long run.

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