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Strato-Viper is my most-wanted viper.

A. They look cool.

B. They pilot the coolest vehicle of all.

C. There are multiple canon female Strato-vipers. For the cost of "1.5" molds they could make 2 characters. Or an AWESOME two-pack---1 male, 1 female. Especially since the Night Raven toy was built for 2---you always had to buy another separate Strato-viper to "fill up" the cockpit if you owned a Night Raven.

And can you believe how many Cobra Vipers Agent-GHQ (I think he posts here as well) bought???

Holy action-figure Batman!!!


wacko.gif wacko.gif wacko.gif

G&d Damn! I didn't even see that picture at first! I wonder if he is going to help fellow members out, like most of the other tankers do.

Does that store know about placing limits?

In that thread he said he challenged the manager, not all stores have the signs up. Damn that is a LOT of Vipers in one fell swoop. I haven't even seen that many when pegs were full of waves..of any figure, not even Snake Eyes.

Hey, is anybody in the LA/Orange county area still seeing the Target Exclusive vehicles on the shelves?

I've been pretty busy with work and haven't had much time to go look.

I checked a couple targets about a month ago and didn't find any

thanks in advance

Not sure if the paint jobs matter to you, but the SHARC and HISS are coming back out in their original colors, this time mass market(at least I think for the SHARC since all vehicles thus far planned for mass market release have their vintage/original colors, and the SHARC was listed for preorder at toywiz not too long ago, along with the Firebat which we are still awaiting confirmation on). They are set for release in july(SHARC might be after), msrp is $14.99. Deep Six comes with the SHARC and is more articulated than the original, but still brickish from what I have heard.

Strato-Viper is my most-wanted viper.

A. They look cool.

B. They pilot the coolest vehicle of all.

C. There are multiple canon female Strato-vipers. For the cost of "1.5" molds they could make 2 characters. Or an AWESOME two-pack---1 male, 1 female. Especially since the Night Raven toy was built for 2---you always had to buy another separate Strato-viper to "fill up" the cockpit if you owned a Night Raven.

I'm all for female Strato Vipers, but I don't want one or the other, if any Strato Viper comes out, or Night Raven, we need both! Speaking of which, I hope we see the movie Night Raven soon.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Not sure if the paint jobs matter to you, but the SHARC and HISS are coming back out in their original colors, this time mass market(at least I think for the SHARC since all vehicles thus far planned for mass market release have their vintage/original colors, and the SHARC was listed for preorder at toywiz not too long ago, along with the Firebat which we are still awaiting confirmation on). They are set for release in july(SHARC might be after), msrp is $14.99. Deep Six comes with the SHARC and is more articulated than the original, but still brickish from what I have heard.

This for the info Shin. I wanted the Target Sharc because it comes with Grand Slam. I'm trying to get all the current versions of the original 13 joes. AFAIK, out of the original 13 they haven't remade Zap and Short Fuze.

I'm pretty sure I'll pick up the OG colored Sharc as well. Definitely looking forward to the Firebat if that does get made.

Posted (edited)

I know they're making a "Steeler" for that Armadillo vehicle. But without his signature head-visor thingy, he's NOT Steeler.

Even though I decided not to get them all, it would be nice if Hasbro released the final two/three of the original 13. Maybe as a limited release ala Doc, a store exclusive, or a comic pack.

Heck, it'd be better than seeing yet another version of SE, Storm, or CC released.

Edited by Mog

HISS driver is a very good figure IMHO. Simple, minimal accessories, but the best torso-joint of all. (looks a bit weird twisted to the side due to the chest plate, but the range of motion is the most natural and useful I've found). Going to repaint the black part of the mask though---none in the stores has the black paint in quite the right spot--either the "mouth" or visor have too much or too little paint. Is it that hard for the factory workers to follow the indentations? ::edit:: Except the one at JoeBattleLines, they got a "perfect" one--http://joebattlelines.com/reviews/toys/25thanniversary/cobrahissdriver.htm

HISS driver's awesomeness means I might buy a black HISS just to get Rip-It. Unless someone's army-building HISS tanks and doesn't need all those Rip-Its. (I really only need one HISS, and I like the blue more than the black, so I'm already all set, HISS-wise)

PS---going to paint the silver rims on the Lackey Viper's goggles, too.


There is some news tidbits in a post DESTRO made to answer commonly asked questions:

These are questions that have already been confirmed by Hasbro. Most of them by other Q&A sessions.

Q-Are there going to be more Toys R Us Exclusives? What about Target?

Will there be more troop builder 5 packs this year?

A-Yes these have already been confirmed.

Will we see Tomax and Xamot in their suits (SDCC Cobra commander)?

Officially I have no answer buy it would make a killer comic pack. I will make sure I ask them at JoeCon

Q-Quick Kick

A-Hasbro has already confirmed this figure.

Q-Will there be more sub-faction themed figures introduced into the 25th/Modern Era line like the IRON Grenadiers, Python Patrol, and the Headhunters?

A-IRON Grenadiers have already been confirmed. A Python Patrol CG is listed in Wal-Marts Computer.

Q-Is there plans to release comic 2 pack figures on single cards.

A-Already been confirmed.

Q-Pitt, Terrordrome, Defiant or Flagg be made?

A-Hasbro has already said no. If you see it in the movie it might get made, thats our only chance of these ever getting made again.

Q-When will we start seeing images of the movie toy line?

A- Toy Fair 2009 if we are lucky.

Q-What is Omega Force?

A-JoeCon wait for it!

Q-Will there EVER be a Sgt. Slaughter figure made? And is it even possible (licensing) to make a Sgt. Slaughter figure?

A-No plans is the official answer. Sgt. Slaughter charges a fee, so unless Hasbro wants to spend the money its not going to happen.

Q-Movie Line: 3.75 inch?

A- Already been confirmed as main focus, Yes.

Q-what happaned to the backpack with spors that BAT is supossed to come with? all I saw bat in single card and not show a backpack and spores (bat was shown with a alternate head with canister pack and spores at toyfair).

A-Battle Back

Q-What are the chances of seeing more figures that come with animals such as (Mutt and Junk Yard?

A-Mutt and Junk Yard are confirmed.

My local store finally got wave 7 in. All I found was one frikken Viper. Of the three figures in that wave I'm interested in, that's not one of them.

The Viper is the frequent "leftover" for wave 7. Originally I thought it would be scalped to hell since its both new and an army builder, but I was wrong. Wild Bill, HISS driver and Spirit are harder to find.


About that "2-packs as single cards"----would that include, say, Copperhead any time soon? Or will there be like a year delay, and we'll start seeing Ripper singly?

About that "2-packs as single cards"----would that include, say, Copperhead any time soon? Or will there be like a year delay, and we'll start seeing Ripper singly?

For Ripper he is already listed in the walmart list, which we got confirmation from a day after frontpaging. Since there is already a Python Patrol Crimson Guard on that list, we might see Copperhead as a Python Patrol figure single carded. Not sure if we will see Copperhead on single cards anytime soon. We'll find out next month at joecon. Personally, I hope it is not a year delay.

  Vermillion21 said:
I would love to see the entire Oktober Guard released as 25th Joe figures ....

yes that would be dope. At the least , I hope they make a decent Dragonsky figure. They could probably use Wild Weasel as the base figure but give him a flamethrower that looks the way Michael Golden drew it.


That is why he pinged me so he brag about it. <_< I found vipers and hiss tank drivers but not as many as AgentGHQ got. But then again, I didnt go after the manager to ask what they had in the back. To me that is extreme to complain to the manager about this. You are arguing over toys? Seems silly and immature. It is only toys. Me jealous of his find/haul? Not even. I dont have time to look for a manager and associate let alone b!tch for 30 min-1 hour. Whatever... to each his/her own. Good he can do that. Just hope he doesnt come online and bitch about the house he wants to buy but it i too much money or ask me why I have 10 1/48 LVs and sell him one... again. Talk about a hippocrit. He complains about good quality customer service at Target yet he screws sellers like my friend Jason and Kevin of VE by going back and forth placing preorders and jocking for a better price and then says he dont have enough money to cover. Am I sore about it? Damn right. That piss ant SOB got Jason out of the toy business (along with other reasons). He ruined it for all of us who get discounts. He ruined something I was trying to help MWers here as well he was screwing over Kevin. All he is an selfish @$$ and if ruins it for everyone for his gains. I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt help fellow hisstank members on getting those.

I havent found wave 8 but I am working with another HISSTANK members on getting me vipers and all since I would like to army build. I saw some Wave 7s like Wild Bill, Duke, SE, etc. If you guys want, I am more than glad to help fellow members. Let me know. I wont buy them unless you tell me too. As for figures of the 25th line. I would like to see:

1. Cartoon version of Flint (he is in full camo)

2. Cartoon version of Ace (looks more realistic like a pilot not space suit or he was flying the U2 or SR-71), also need the skystriker preferably the 1/18 f-14 Tomcat.

3. Definitely the Oktober guard. (oh I would love Diana in her tanktop shirt in comic#101 :wub: )

4. Sgt Slaughter and the Slaughter Mauraders.

5. Zartan's rest of the family Zandar and Zarana.

6. Dreadnok Monkeywrench

7. Alpine (need him to compliment Bazooka)

8. All hell, all joes and cobras from 1982-1987 including Falcon and Big Lob.


I saw a Target Sharc today, someone here listed that they were interested in getting one. If so, drop me a PM and I will pick it up.

I still haven't seen any Wave 8 in Michigan or New Jersey. Still trying to collect Vipers for the army building, but I may resort to HTS for the rest.

2. Cartoon version of Ace (looks more realistic like a pilot not space suit or he was flying the U2 or SR-71), also need the skystriker preferably the 1/18 f-14 Tomcat.

Hell yea! Sadly...even the 1/18 companies aren't even coming out with much product at all this year. For Ace, we just need a v3 remake(which was a repaint of v2, but v3 had the more realistic colors...not to mention...that was the best RAH pilot sculpt ever).

He complains about good quality customer service at Target yet he screws sellers like my friend Jason and Kevin of VE by going back and forth placing preorders and jocking for a better price and then says he dont have enough money to cover.

Which store did Jason run? He sounds familiar.

I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt help fellow hisstank members on getting those.

Not to add fuel to the fire, but at the 'tank, it sounded like he is keeping them all.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Hell yea! Sadly...even the 1/18 companies aren't even coming out with much product at all this year. For Ace, we just need a v3 remake(which was a repaint of v2, but v3 had the more realistic colors...not to mention...that was the best RAH pilot sculpt ever).

Which store did Jason run? He sounds familiar.

Not to add fuel to the fire, but at the 'tank, it sounded like he is keeping them all.

Jason was toydeals888. He and I got together since he notice I was buying tons of 1/48s at the time on ebay. He asked me to help him find a place to sell them so I showed him here. I was afraid at first to bring him here and recommed him as he might rip everyone off. He turned out ok. Granted some ppl liked him and some dont. When the angel birds and stealths were coming, everyone ordered thus starting him taking advantage of him and Kevin. He was flip flopping back forth for a good deal and then made 2 exact orders to both Kevin and Jason. Then when it all arrived he cut the orders down since he couldnt pay for all of it and screwed both Jason and Kevin. On top of it, AgentGHQ posted it like he was proud doing it.

Sorry to derail the thread. Back on topic. I think the 1/18 toy companies are having a hard time trying to get licenses for the aircraft to make hence the WW2 planes they keep making. I am not sure I am looking forward to Omega force. If this is the beginning of bringing back eco warriors and ninja force, etc... count me out. I am happy if they just continue with the releases.

I think the 1/18 toy companies are having a hard time trying to get licenses for the aircraft to make hence the WW2 planes they keep making.

The licenses are easy enough to get, its just the issues with the economy and costs rising in various areas such as shipping and whatnot.

If this is the beginning of bringing back eco warriors and ninja force, etc... count me out.

Doubt it, its theorized that they might be figures from the new cartoon.

Posted (edited)
  Godzilla said:
2. Cartoon version of Ace (looks more realistic like a pilot not space suit or he was flying the U2 or SR-71), also need the skystriker preferably the 1/18 f-14 Tomcat.

3. Definitely the Oktober guard. (oh I would love Diana in her tanktop shirt in comic#101 :wub: )

My favourite GI Joe pilot is the guy who piloted the Stealth fighter... I forget his code name at the moment (cause I was just reading the counting coup comic where no one remembers it which made me forget it lol).

And I'd love to see Diana as GI Joe agent Verona from the DDP comics. "the first universal law of comedy is never Pauly Shore"

I should join the Hisstank forums I guess... getting GI Joes in Canada is a PITA, and the people there sound helpful with a few exceptions.

And Godzilla... did you used to hang around Aeryn's channel on dejatoons? (knew someone called Godzilla there, you're much like him)

Edited by lord_breetai
  lord_breetai said:
My favourite GI Joe pilot is the guy who piloted the Stealth fighter... I forget his code name at the moment (cause I was just reading the counting coup comic where no one remembers it which made me forget it lol).

And I'd love to see Diana as GI Joe agent Verona from the DDP comics. "the first universal law of comedy is never Pauly Shore"

I should join the Hisstank forums I guess... getting GI Joes in Canada is a PITA, and the people there sound helpful with a few exceptions.

And Godzilla... did you used to hang around Aeryn's channel on dejatoons? (knew someone called Godzilla there, you're much like him)

Nah, I never been there. The stealth guy is Ghostrider. He was cool too.

I should join the Hisstank forums I guess... getting GI Joes in Canada is a PITA, and the people there sound helpful with a few exceptions.

One of our admins named Super Megatron is on there, and he is in Canada. We do have some members in Canada, but I don't know too much about them.

  Godzilla said:
If this is the beginning of bringing back eco warriors and ninja force, etc... count me out. I am happy if they just continue with the releases.

I would not object to Storm Shadow, Nunchuck and Scarlett (hmmm NF Scarlett) in Ninja Force outfits. Nor would I object to Slice and Dice (the cobra ninjas) or the Night Creeper Leader of that era... those were all pretty cool designs.


I would not object to Storm Shadow, Nunchuck and Scarlett (hmmm NF Scarlett) in Ninja Force outfits. Nor would I object to Slice and Dice (the cobra ninjas) or the Night Creeper Leader of that era... those were all pretty cool designs.

Agreed. So long as we also get the first Night Creeper leader costume(not sure if it was ever made...the Battle Corps one was...weird...), and no Ninja Force Night Creeper(more like alien ninja viper!).

Storm Shadow's Ninja Force costume was the best. I wonder if the upcoming "Storm Shadow with gear" is him. It makes sense...he had grenades, shurikens, and whatnot on him.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Agreed. So long as we also get the first Night Creeper leader costume(not sure if it was ever made...the Battle Corps one was...weird...), and no Ninja Force Night Creeper(more like alien ninja viper!).

Storm Shadow's Ninja Force costume was the best. I wonder if the upcoming "Storm Shadow with gear" is him. It makes sense...he had grenades, shurikens, and whatnot on him.

I don't even recall what the Ninja force Night Creepers looked like. I really only remember Leader cause I had the toy and he was funny/badarse in the comics, "would a real arashikage master resort to using the mindset to defeat me? No! Therefore he his a charlatan, a fraud"

OH! wait... now I remember they were purple with slanty turqoiuse helmets right?

And which one is the normal Night Creeper Leader? the only other design I remember is the one that was used in the Dic episode where he thought he was a reincarnated Pharaoh, is that the normal one? (with the chest padding?)

And I do prefer the Cobra Storm Shadow ever so slightly to Ninjaforce Storm Shadow... but he's still awesome as the NF leader.

Posted (edited)
I really only remember Leader cause I had the toy and he was funny/badarse in the comics, "would a real arashikage master resort to using the mindset to defeat me? No! Therefore he his a charlatan, a fraud"

He's gotten his ass kicked really easily in the latest joe comics, he is part of the Cobra group called "The Plague", and he now goes by the name "Incision". His first priority was to kick Snake Eyes' ass but this resulted in comedy relief as his plan completely backfired.

OH! wait... now I remember they were purple with slanty turqoiuse helmets right?

Yes...they sucked...

And which one is the normal Night Creeper Leader? the only other design I remember is the one that was used in the Dic episode where he thought he was a reincarnated Pharaoh, is that the normal one? (with the chest padding?)

The one from the episode where he takes on Ninja Force Storm Shadow and '90 Snake Eyes with some mystical sword, resulting in Snake Eyes defeating him.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

Only Joe I liked was Hit and Run, anyone know if he's coming out?

  Godzilla said:
I went to the Walmart near my parents' house and found a python patrol. Everything was wave 3, 4, and 5. No comic packs.

I don't suppose you saw Flash? If so, please let me know. I only once saw that one on the pegs and I'd like very much to get it.

  Axelay said:
I don't suppose you saw Flash? If so, please let me know. I only once saw that one on the pegs and I'd like very much to get it.

If I see one I will snag one for ya.


A few weeks ago I dropped by 2 of HK TRU's and nada. No Joes. The few that I see are online at the typical scalped prices.

It sucks here for "American toys" even though its made in less than a 45 min ride from where I'm sitting.

And I am jealous of Agent GHQ for his phat haul of Cobra Vipers. But not so jealous that I would give up my MIB LV1s for any of it. ;)

I think its time to do a surprise "factory inspection" on behalf of Hasbro for their RAH: GI Joe line.

"We need ten cases of everything for LEAD and safety testing, including all those new unshipped items. And the concept prototypes! Send to xxxx" :)


I think he wants people to be jealous. That why he bought so many.

You'll find them. I have one preorder. From what I hear the figure is far for perfect. Bad hands and goggles that won't stay on.

Posted (edited)
  Roy Focker said:
I think he wants people to be jealous. That why he bought so many.

You'll find them. I have one preorder. From what I hear the figure is far for perfect. Bad hands and goggles that won't stay on.

That's really sad if he only bought them to either scalp or make people jealous. What a f***ing loser. I never liked that guy anyway, always struck me as strange. The only GI Joe I have right now is Firefly, he's the only one I wanted. Cool little figure though, just not all that into joes (although I might buy the vehicles). Anyhow, I have a point to this post: To be the opposite of Agent GHQ, I go to Target, walmart (2 of them) and Shopko pretty much weekly. GI Joe's I've noticed don't sell to well in my area, so if anyone's looking for any I can keep my eye out. I'd only charge for exact shipping and only ask for payment after I find the figs. Can someone post a list of harder to find ones, so I can see if I can find some?

Edited by Excillon

Any Storm Shadow is decently rare, but especially his "hooded with grey camo spots" look. As is Snake Eyes packed with his wolf.

  David Hingtgen said:
Any Storm Shadow is decently rare, but especially his "hooded with grey camo spots" look. As is Snake Eyes packed with his wolf.

Really... that's about the only figure I've found in stores aside from the second most recent wave of comic packs. :lol: it's the only one I have MOC too...


If you think Firefly is cool figure grab Beach Head. Some basic mold but BH comes out looking better.

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