emajnthis Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 Impreszive said: I don't know if you do anime other than Macross, but I also help run Anime USA. It is a local con we are having in Crystal City this year. One of my co-workers helps with that too, though, i'm new to the company and already forgot his name I'll stop by his desk sometime and see if you might know him.
mister_e Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 I went looking for wave 3 today. I went to 3 Wal-Marts, 2 Targets, and 1 TRU and did not find any wave 3 figures. I did, however, pick up a couple of the Cobra Legions 5 packs which was awesome. Awesome, that is, until I decided to open one of them. For crying out loud, how do they intend for anybody to take these figures out of the packaging with out breaking them. I decided that I didn't want to risk it and just cut up the blister all to hell. I would have liked to keep the packaging in good condition should I ever decide to put the figures back in for safe keeping. Anyways, I like the figures even though they're all repaints. I especially like the black CC and the dragon SS. I mostly bought the pack for the troopers, but these CC and SS repaints are really nice (IMO)
Axelay Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 Vermillion One said: Where are you in NC? I ran into Wave 3 in a Target in Durham but didnt pick them up. I have been looking everywhere for Sigma figures and cant find the new commando set or the new combat figures. Say hey, I'm right over in Raleigh! Perhaps we can help each other out - I know where to find Combat Squad wave 2. Also, the latest Commando wave has been appearing on and off on walmart.com over the past week. I got a Samurai Storm Shadow sent to my nearest store in less than a week's time and didn't have to pay a penny for shipping. Let me know if you'd like some hunting help.
Axelay Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 Metal_Massacre_79 said: Anyone aware of variant boxes (5-packs)? I was in Walmart last night and opened the box with Duke, Scarlett, etc. and I swear they were in a different order than the box I picked up. And Duke didn't have his Kevlar on in this box. Indeed, there are at least two variants of the 5-packs of which I know. For instance, one Cobra pack has Storm Shadow doing his best attempt at a jumping split kick, while the other has him doing a lunging attack.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 mister_e said: I went looking for wave 3 today. I went to 3 Wal-Marts, 2 Targets, and 1 TRU and did not find any wave 3 figures. I did, however, pick up a couple of the Cobra Legions 5 packs which was awesome. Awesome, that is, until I decided to open one of them. For crying out loud, how do they intend for anybody to take these figures out of the packaging with out breaking them. I decided that I didn't want to risk it and just cut up the blister all to hell. I would have liked to keep the packaging in good condition should I ever decide to put the figures back in for safe keeping. Anyways, I like the figures even though they're all repaints. I especially like the black CC and the dragon SS. I mostly bought the pack for the troopers, but these CC and SS repaints are really nice (IMO) I'm not a big fan of the interior packaging. I hate how the weapons are tied to their hands via plastic bands, and how they are hard to extract from the interior plastic. I am looking forward to that pack, Dragon SS looks great, the troopers are fun, and Cobra Commander will look better once I find some red cloth to drape over his shoulder, to make him even more 2004 accurate.
baronv Posted October 8, 2007 Posted October 8, 2007 The Wave 1 5-packs I did notice at TRU had the figures than the 5-packs I saw at Target a few weeks ago. Looks like they re-arranged the blister packaging.
Vermillion21 Posted October 8, 2007 Posted October 8, 2007 I've still had NO LUCK finding anymore 25th anniversary Joes ... the peg shelves are always bare. FRACK. But I did manage to find some cool 6" Joes today: Samurai Storm Shadow, Toxic Zartan, and the complete last wave of the Commandos line: Crime Boss Destro, Windfire Cobra Commander, Samurai Snake Eyes, & Dark Ninja Master. They are SWEET. I passed on Dojo Snake Eyes.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 Vermillion21 said: I've still had NO LUCK finding anymore 25th anniversary Joes ... the peg shelves are always bare. FRACK. But I did manage to find some cool 6" Joes today: Samurai Storm Shadow, Toxic Zartan, and the complete last wave of the Commandos line: Crime Boss Destro, Windfire Cobra Commander, Samurai Snake Eyes, & Dark Ninja Master. They are SWEET. I passed on Dojo Snake Eyes. I am having no luck finding the anniversary stuff too. I think I am the only one with love for Dojo Snake Eyes, that figure turned out excellent, has relevance since its a training Snake Eyes, and pure ninja, but I think people are Snake eyes'd out. Excellent figure, far underrated and overlooked. I knew Samurai Snake Eyes would be awesome, and he is, but Dojo is very fun. The double jointed knees and elbows, the dynamic stances he can pull off, the new bandolier which can store his 2 swords in a crossed fashion, his new excellent visor sculpt, and his training apparatus make for a fun figure. I recommend him. I wouldn't say he is better than Commando snake Eyes, but dojo SE is easily the best 8" ninja Snake eyes. Anyone figure out if Samurai SE can store his sword anywhere?
Vermillion21 Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 Stopped into my local Target and once again, found 1 single, beat up 25th anniversary Joe figure left: Lady J. So I picked it up. Man, hunting these items down are proving extremely difficult. WTF Hasbro!!!!
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 Start checking walmarts, thats where I found my wave 3. Come to think of it, I have yet to see wave 2. Weird. I heard that wave 3 figures have difficulty sitting in the DTC vehicles, but I was surprised to find today that they can all sit. Trigger fingers are now precut, and the ones I saw on the pegs lacked yellow stripe Stalker, the only Stalkers I found were green. So yellow will more than likely be the harder to find variant(fitting, as many fans did not want that version). If they complain now, they are hypocrites. One of our members at hisstank reported seeing 6 cases of wave 3 at walmart.
Mog Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I ain't complaining. I would have been more irked if Yellow Stalker was the easier of the two variants to find. Looks like I'll be going toy hunting again tomorrow morning for Wave 3. I thought I'd be able to take a break this weekend too, especially after lucking out and finding some Star Wars Wave 5 last weekend. Damn hunt never ends!!!
Roy Focker Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 Any body wanna trade some figures? I got a Wave 1 Cobra Officer, Cobra Legion's Storm Shadow & CC. I'm looking for a wave 2 Cobra (Silver) and a wave 2 Beachhead.
emajnthis Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 All of my Local Wal-Mart's no matter which one i go to always have two wave 1 SS and two wave 1 CC and nothing else. It's almost like they're trying to play a joke on everyone.
Dax415 Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 man, while hunting around for Treasure Hunt Hot Wheels cars i've come across several of the 25th joes and the bigger joe figures....i was going to pick some of them up so i can trade it but wasn't sure which ones to get. i think zartan's crew look like ticked off village people rejects so i passed on those. shoot me a pm and i'll try and help out. i'll post my want list in my signature shortly. ....did anyone get the 3 pk with deep six...man was it tempting to get.
baronv Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Most stores both Walmart and Target I go to have nothing. Today while shopping I did see one Wave 1 Cobra Commander. Usually I'll run into a wave 1 SS or SE.
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Wally World had around 5-6 CC's and a few SS's. We bought the only Cobra Officer on the peg. They also had a variant Joe 5-pack with Roadblock positioned as if he was leaping through the air with his hand in such a position to imply that he was saying "SUCK IT!" Wish I had a picture of it, but the box was so beat up that I decided not to buy it (plus I've already got a Joe pack).
Mog Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 Looks like Wave 3 is finally hitting the So. Cal area. Thanks to my niece being born yesterday, I decided to take yesterday off and found all of Wave 3 over at a Target (barely a day old and the kid's already helping her uncle out! ). Saw all five new figures, and picked up Firefly, Zartan, and Stalker. The Red Ninja looks cool as hell, but ol' Shipwreck didn't impress me all that much. Didn't see any yellow-variant Stalkers for you crazier-than-me collectors, but I'm extremely pleased with how well the green Stalker came out. The only nit you can pick is that his hands are wrinkled (a byproduct of sharing the same mold as gloved-Commando Snake Eyes). For me, it's a pretty minor thing, especially considering all the issues I had with the original painted prototype. But I still think Zartan should have been packed with a bow ...
mister_e Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 Love that Firefly pose. He's definitely my favorite figure from wave 3. Of course, the original Firefly was my favorite figure when I was a kid, so I'm biased by nostalgia. Luckily, I found a yellow Stalker at Target weeks ago, they're going for crazy prices on eBay right now
Vermillion21 Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 I found Wave 3 today as well .... :lol: Still no sign of Wave 2 .... :(
Roy Focker Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 Vermillion21 said: I found Wave 3 today as well .... :lol: Still no sign of Wave 2 .... :( There was never a wave two for some areas.
mister_e Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 The distribution just really doesn't seem to make any sense. On various GI Joe forums, some people are claiming that their stores are stocked several pegs deep, while others claim that they never got entire waves. So far, I've been able to find every figure at retail except for wave 1 Flint, variant Snake Eyes, and the SDCC Destro. I stopped by a Wal-Mart on my way to work this past Friday and they had just restocked all of wave 2, probably 3-4 of every figure except the troopers (somebody ALWAYS beats me to the troopers ). Looks like Hasbro is still shipping wave 2 for those that missed out initially, so that's good news.
baronv Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 For those looking for wave 3 GI Joes the Mission Viejo Target had a handful of Stalker, Shipwreck, and a Cobra Officer and some SS from wave 1. They had one Firefly with a bent up card but I ended buying that one. I just need Beach Head if anyone see it around Orange County.
Vermillion21 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 I wonder, will Hasbro continue to ship all 3 waves of the figures from now until Christmas??? Then stop production on 'em and move onto wave 4 after??? Should I just resort to eBay to get the rest of wave 2???? Frack.
Dax415 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 man, never even saw wave 2,.....couldn't find wave 1 flint either. wave 3 seems to be out but everyone here in nor cal scoops them up...just bent cards left behind.
emajnthis Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 I probably should've bought wave 2 when i had the chance, because now Wave 2 is virtually non existent on my local retailers shelves.
Vermillion21 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 The only wave 2 that I've seen (and bought) was a beat up carded Lady J ....
Uxi Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Saw Wave 2 at Frank & Sons but never at retail. In fact I've never seen any single carded at retail. Just the Joe pack once (which I bought).
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Vermillion21 said: I wonder, will Hasbro continue to ship all 3 waves of the figures from now until Christmas??? Then stop production on 'em and move onto wave 4 after??? Should I just resort to eBay to get the rest of wave 2???? Frack. Yes they will continue shipping the first 3 waves. Wave 4 is the special wave consisting of figures from the battle packs. Wave 5 is the wave with IG Destro and Snowjob, and thats supposed to hit early next year. Hold out for wave 2 to hit retail, its still shipping. I have actually seen wave 3 more than 2, and found wave 3 first. Beachhead is now shipping with a crotch variant that enables him to sit. Same crotch variant that Firefly has(since they share the same mold aside different weapons, heads, and gear). The crotch variants have more of a "y" shaped crotch rather than "v".
Valkyrie Hunter D Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said: Yes they will continue shipping the first 3 waves. Wave 4 is the special wave consisting of figures from the battle packs. Wave 5 is the wave with IG Destro and Snowjob, and thats supposed to hit early next year. Hold out for wave 2 to hit retail, its still shipping. I have actually seen wave 3 more than 2, and found wave 3 first. Beachhead is now shipping with a crotch variant that enables him to sit. Same crotch variant that Firefly has(since they share the same mold aside different weapons, heads, and gear). The crotch variants have more of a "y" shaped crotch rather than "v". It's bad enough for my woman to see me buy action figures, now she could see me examining their crotches?!
Vermillion21 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 @Shin - Thanks as usual for the great info. Nice to know that I can still try and avoid buying wave 2 from eBay. Guess I'll keep looking .... Valkyrie Hunter D said: It's bad enough for my woman to see me buy action figures, now she could see me examining their crotches?! Ha Ha Ha
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Vermillion21 said: @Shin - Thanks as usual for the great info. Nice to know that I can still try and avoid buying wave 2 from eBay. Guess I'll keep looking .... Ha Ha Ha No prob man. I have seen all of wave 2 sans the trooper, however each time I saw them, there was only 1 or 2 of each. I wanted to buy Serpentor until I saw the head sculpt. He looks troubled, nothing like the snarling expression on the card art. I am debating whether or not to get lady Jaye, or hold hope for a hatless version. Then again, I have the 98 reissue of the original with hat, and I didn't mind it at all. I do have Buzzer, a good companion Dreadknok for Zartan. I saw Beachhead 3 times, but I want one with the crotch fix. I must say, these are selling well as each time I see these, they are never there when I return. Even Serpentor. Serpentor would be great if his colors were reversed to match his card art and if he looked angry, like a dictator he is supposed to be. Then it would be a great DDP era Serpentor. Other than that, I will wait for a more accurate one, and a RAH Marvel era Serpentor.
Vermillion21 Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 Yep, I definitely need to find me a Beachhead ....
chowyunskinny Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 (edited) Just out of curiosity, are people still making the effort to go out and hunt for figures or just checking when you happen to be near a TRU or Target? I used to enjoy the hunt, but I've been over it with the whole wasting gas, getting up early and dealing with scalpers for a long long time now. With ebay and online sellers it's just not worth it anymore IMO. Might want to check out Entertainment Earth or Big Bad Toy Store, I think they have most of the waves in stock or on pre-order for when the get restocked. Edited November 4, 2007 by chowyunskinny
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