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  Grand Admiral said:
I don't think it's broken. It's just loose.

I also noticed that Destro doesn't have the double jointed knees like the other figures. :\

I noticed that too. To be honest, I wish all the figures has the double jointed ball jointed knees that the Spiderman 3 figures have. They are concealed well in the sculpt of the legs. However, I can see why those weren't used since they might have been more fragile at the smaller joe size.

Sorry to hear about your Storm Shadow man, that sucks. He's one of the best figures in the line.

  Grand Admiral said:
Destro's left hand is so gnarled he can't hold his briefcase.

I wasn't feeling the sculpted fist either......which is why I cut into his hand a bit. It's a little tight, but my Destro can now hold his briefcase AND pop a cap off on a Joe, all at the same time.

I've found that minor cuttings (like for trigger fingers or for Duke's/Flint's elbow articulation) make a really nice improvement for the sculpts and the articulation.

  Mog said:
I wasn't feeling the sculpted fist either......which is why I cut into his hand a bit. It's a little tight, but my Destro can now hold his briefcase AND pop a cap off on a Joe, all at the same time.

I've found that minor cuttings (like for trigger fingers or for Duke's/Flint's elbow articulation) make a really nice improvement for the sculpts and the articulation.

I took the chance and cut on my Destro too. It worked well. :)



Ended picking up 25th anniv. Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes (1st wave) from Hasbro Toy Shop.com with the Fall coupon available (Free shipping and 25% off) . Couldn't pass them up for $9.67 total shipped! They also have the 5-packs available online.

I just wished HBTS stocked the other 6" Titaniums like G1 Magnus.

Posted (edited)

Joe con is going on right now. Here is some coverage via cooltoyreview.com who thus far, has the best pics.

Marketing presentation photo gallery

Marketing presentation summary


-The Cobra Night Watch trooper pack and the Red Ninja pack are TRU exclusives.

-7-8 of the figures from the battle packs will make an appearance in a special wave for the end of the year. Baroness, the cobra trooper, and another figure will not be in this wave.

-Target is getting 3 vehicles in the spring.

-8" scale is on hiatus

-The original 13 are planned to be in the line. Flash, Grand Slam, Hawk, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Rock and Roll, and Stalker are already covered. I forgot who is left.

-The factory in china screwed up Stalker's paint job, and a running change with his original colors is set to appear in wave 3.

-The Snake Eyes in the red ninja TRU pack is an homage to the original 82 Snake Eyes design. The original design for Snake Eyes had a black uniform on top, and camo pants, but when the design was finalized, was changed to an all black uniform.


-Comic packs will have new covers based on the old, Ashley Wood is redoing some of them!

-Movie toys will be in 3-3/4" scale

-Movie is being worked on by the TF movie team

-DDP may not be the publisher of the joe comics after their license ends

-Hasbro wants to get assistance from Larry Hama on the line.

-Blade Destro is a new mold, not a repaint of battle pack Destro like most people thought. Blade Destro is the best Destro I have seen yet. He even has a scabbard!

-Futures hitting towards the end of this year should be able to fit into vehicles.

-DTC wave 4 will be available through the gijoeclub, and Robot Rebellion Cobra Commander will be available either through the club or next convention(forgot which one).

-A poll was done at cooltoyreview.com to give Hasbro a glimpse at who the fan's favorite characters are. Tomax and Xamot are #1. Surprisingly, my favorite character, the almighty Storm Shadow is ranked #12. I will have to say, most of the people voting were most likely older fans such as us. I must admit, I am still surprised by the results.

-Vehicle boxes at target will be window boxed and still retain a nostalgic look.

Most of this news was via cooltoyreview.com, and what I remembered from other sites.

BTW guys, not sure if any of you noticed, but Target does carry BBI's 1/18 scale helicopters and tanks now, which are huge toys. Given this, and the fact that they get great exclusives from hasbro, I think target will be willing to tackle the Night Raven and Skystriker, which are small compared to accurate scaled 1/18 scale vehicles.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0
  Vermillion21 said:
Thanks as usual for the great news Shin!!


No prob man! I am VERY excited for the vehicles man, I thought we would get something small like a motorcycle or bubble flight pod, but no, we get mid size classic vehicles to start things off!

The movie brings more possibility for bigger vehicles and PLANES!


Shin, I bow down to your resourcefulness! :D Thanks as always for finding all this info. and the pics.

That Snow Job is SICK!!! B)) It looks like a great update, and I love that his backpack setup is exactly like the orginal figure!

Glad to hear that they're also doing a running color change with Stalker (It just sucks that I bought some green paint today, thinking I was gonna use it to repaint ol' Lonzo.).

As for the CG's, the sculpt looks really off. Why couldn't Hasbro just use the same lower torso joint that they used with the Commander? That upper torso joint breaks up the look of the CG's dress uniform too much for my tastes.

As for the remaining original 13, let me give it a shot without looking at yojoe.com:

From Shin's post:

1) Flash

2) Grand Slam

3) Hawk

4) Scarlett

5) Snake Eyes

6) Rock and Roll

7) Stalker

The remaining ones:

8) Grunt (the M-16 guy)

9) Zap (the bazooka guy)

10) Breaker (bubble-gum chewing, comm' guy)

11) Clutch (the VAMP driver)

12) Steeler (the tank driver)

And, and, and..........dammit! Who's the last one?!! :lol: Unless the Cobra Trooper and Cobra Officer are counted as part of the original 13? :huh:

Posted (edited)

Not sure if this is confirmed for sure, but right now I am hearing that Doc will require 6 UPC's from the comic packs. Also,


These will take place in between the old marvel issues or in between panels.

Any new figure will first get the realistic/military/original toy colors. Repaints will be retro comic colored in comic packs.

Larry Hama pics and glimpse at the new comics!

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0
Posted (edited)

Wohoo! Thanks Shin!! I really hope they get Larry Hama more involved in the upcoming movie too.

Finally, saw the pics of the running color change that will happen for Stalker on the site too. Oh yeah! He's back to #1 on my "wanted" list with a bullet.

Also, this little snippet about the Grand Slam figure gives me a lot more hope now for Flash:

Also, much like the Flash figure, he'll have the "waffle pattern" on his armor, and his belt buckle also has the old Hasbro logo on it!

The two just wouldn't be right without the waffle look on their paddings.

Lastly, thanks LePoseur. I checked yojoe.com right I after I made my post and saw that the one I forgot was Short Fuze............bloody useless, mortar shooter!! :lol:

(Edited because I can't spell "mortar." :rolleyes:)

Edited by Mog
I really hope they get Larry Hama more involved in the upcoming movie too.

Hasbro said something like "nothing is concrete yet, wait for the check to clear first", with regards to Hama being involved in the movie.

Glad you guys are enjoying the news. There was a snippet about the possibility of VEHICLE comic packs also!

Posted (edited)

I picked up Beach Head; excellent figure, very detailed, and you can tell Hasbro is refining the parts fitment i.e.: the pistol fits into his leg holster seemlessly and they gave his right hand a seperated index finger to hold the trigger of his rifle. I no longer have to take my exacto knife to their index fingers to get them to hold their guns which is a huge improvement in my book. The rest of Wave 2 isn't my cup of tea, so i'll wait for Firefly in wave 3, and still be hoping for an eventual Alley Viper release.

Edited by emajnthis
  emajnthis said:
I picked up Beach Head; excellent figure, very detailed, and you can tell Hasbro is refining the parts fitment i.e.: the pistol fits into his leg holster seemlessly and they gave his right hand a seperated index finger to hold the trigger of his rifle. I no longer have to take my exacto knife to their index fingers to get them to hold their guns which is a huge improvement in my book. The rest of Wave 2 isn't my cup of tea, so i'll wait for Firefly in wave 3, and still be hoping for an eventual Alley Viper release.

Alley Viper is one of the joe team's favorite characters, so theres a chance he will be in the line next year. A lot of fans including myself like him too. Glad to hear about those improvements to the wave 2 figures, thats the first I've heard! Wave 3 looks excellent, Zartan, Firefly, Red Ninja, KICK ASS!

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Alley Viper is one of the joe team's favorite characters, so theres a chance he will be in the line next year. A lot of fans including myself like him too. Glad to hear about those improvements to the wave 2 figures, thats the first I've heard! Wave 3 looks excellent, Zartan, Firefly, Red Ninja, KICK ASS!

That's really good news, because the custom they made looked awesome. The initial batch of the 25th anniv. Joe's were kind of mediocre (the cobra pack was vastly superior to the Joe pack), but owning the Beach Head figure has given me new found faith in the potential of this line. The only gripe with this figure (and this is only if you're really looking for something) is the grenade on his belt didn't flawless cast so it looks stretched out and flat on one side, and his boot knife looks weird. However, the complete range of motion (both elbows go 90 degrees, and his shoulders aren't as restricted as the previous batch), the separate index finger, and the accessories (crossbow attaching to the back pack and the pistol snuggly fitting into the holster), make him one of the most excellent figures to date.


I just nabbed a Beach Head figure this weekend too, and I agree he's a great figure. The only problem I see is that his crossbow falls apart too easily and it doesn't stay on the backpack very well. He was one of my favorite figures, and I think I still have the original somewhere around here.

  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
I just nabbed a Beach Head figure this weekend too, and I agree he's a great figure. The only problem I see is that his crossbow falls apart too easily and it doesn't stay on the backpack very well. He was one of my favorite figures, and I think I still have the original somewhere around here.

I noticed that too, but Scarlett's is the same way, a little glue should fix it up. My cross bow (well the bottom half anyway) stays very snug in the backpack, so i have no complaints there.


I know I complained earlier about Hasbro changing Beachhead's vest from the original figure. But now that I have him in hand, I can't help but consider him a cool little bugger.

The figure still can't sit down properly (with his legs directly in front of him), I initially thought his colors seemed a little too faded, and I saw the same weird sculpt issues that emajnthis pointed out.

But I've gotten used to the colors, he's a very solid addition to the recent line, and he's easily the best figure out of Wave 2.

Personally, I find Beachhead's crossbow a lot less "fidgety" and easier to pose than Scarlett's. His crossbow parts stay together well enough that I didn't even need to use superglue.

I also picked up a Lady Jaye figure today. I'm still not completely sold on the face sculpt, but my Flint figure looked kinda lonely in his display spot. :p

For those of you debating picking her figure up though, here's one thing to consider: she LACKS wrist articulation!

<Rant>You mean to tell me that, despite ALL the other figures in this line having wrist articulation, despite Hasbro already designing a Mara Jade (Star Wars) figure that HAS wrist articulation, has arms the same size (if not smaller), AND has the same "bare forearm/gloved hand" design as Lady Jaye, that Hasbro couldn't be bothered to put a couple of swivel wrist joints on this figure?!! :angry:<End Rant>

Sorry for ending so negatively, but I'll make up for it with my next post to this thread (I'll post a couple of side-by-side pics of the old-school fig's next to their new-school counterparts).

Posted (edited)

What the hell is up with Hasbro and there packaging? I was at Wallyworld this evening and found a carton of W2 Joes that were basically forced into the box. The cards were all bent and creased and the bubbles were crushed.

Edited by Metal_Massacre_79
  Vermillion21 said:
I can't seem to find ANY of the 25th anniversary Joes at all ....


That's because you're on a coast. The thing is that middle america are getting these first. If you're on the coast you're last in line. If your state isn't all White and loves Country music you're not Hasbro's vision of America.


Well, I'm on the West Coast, I ain't too fond of that darn Country music........and I'm still finding 'em. :p

I found the two I bought today at Target, Vermillion21 (also saw the V2 SS & SE there). I went to another Target and found Wave 2 there, as well (though I passed on 'em, since I already got what I wanted from this wave).

So far, I've only seen Wave 2 cropping up at Targets, but it wouldn't surprise me if TRU puts them out later this week or weekend. Except for the white-sigil'ed Cobra Trooper, I've seen all of Wave 2 "out in the wild."

And as promised, here's some old-school/new-school comparison pics. Sorry about not posing the old school fig's more dramatically, but both of 'em have busted o-rings:


Finally found a wave 1 Storm Shadow at my local Target, but again, it was the friggin last 25th anniversary GI Joe figure on the shelf. Card was beat up and damaged, still mint in the bubble though. So now I've found a total of 4 of the wave 1 figures, ALL last one, ALL on damaged cards. WTF??????

Storm Shadow is VERY COOL though.



Anybody got an extra Flint they dont want? I actually want 2 flints. I found Snake eyes and Storm Shadow at Target. I got the last set of Wave 3 and I couldnt get extras even if I begged. I have been thru 5 targets and 4 walmarts. Walmarts have the damn 5 packs. Targets were nearly cleaned out. I got extra hooded cobra commander, snake-eyes, and Storm shadow to trade.

  Roy Focker said:
That's because you're on a coast. The thing is that middle america are getting these first. If you're on the coast you're last in line. If your state isn't all White and loves Country music you're not Hasbro's vision of America.

This is now my quote of the day.


Wave 3 is indeed out! I scooped up all of them at a Target store here in NC. Firefly is amazing - up there with Beachhead as far as I'm concerned. My Zartan has a really bad facial paint job. His eyes are nothing more than little black beady dots. I think I may attempt to whiten his whole eye to look like the original. Very strange gun choice for Stalker... and the too light camo pattern is unusual looking. I'm keeping my eye out for the running change with the proper colors. Red Ninja is a surprise to me - I like it a LOT more than I thought I would. The sauce for the goose? Cobra Officers are shipping with this wave. ^_^


Dang, I thought only wave 2 was out, didn't hear or see of Wave 3 til now. Still looking for Beach Head and I guess now Firefly from Wave 3.

  Axelay said:
Wave 3 is indeed out! I scooped up all of them at a Target store here in NC.

Where are you in NC? I ran into Wave 3 in a Target in Durham but didnt pick them up. I have been looking everywhere for Sigma figures and cant find the new commando set or the new combat figures.

  Impreszive said:
I found me a Snake Eyes and a Storm Shadow here in Fairfax, VA. Got em both on the office desk now, fightin!

You're in Fairfax? I live In South Riding/Chantilly, we should get together sometime. The GI Joe's normally stay well stocked at the local Target/Wal-Mart, Toys R Us usually gets picked off first.

  emajnthis said:
You're in Fairfax? I live In South Riding/Chantilly, we should get together sometime. The GI Joe's normally stay well stocked at the local Target/Wal-Mart, Toys R Us usually gets picked off first.

I don't know if you do anime other than Macross, but I also help run Anime USA. It is a local con we are having in Crystal City this year.


Anyone aware of variant boxes (5-packs)? I was in Walmart last night and opened the box with Duke, Scarlett, etc. and I swear they were in a different order than the box I picked up. And Duke didn't have his Kevlar on in this box.

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