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Wow.... Neat. Overall.

I will note that the LEX/nose strakes don't sit down into the intake boxes enough, giving the fighter mode the broken back look... And the intakes seem a bit large. (Or the fuselage/nose seems a bit small?) Perhaps a measure to minimize the scare-crow look?

Still, a very impressive design.


Posted (edited)

AAwww dammit another toy the money i make on my current deployment will go too instead of something worth it like furniture for my apartment or diapers for my son coming this summer. Actually i think that i am going to buy all the toys i can now before he is born cause i won't be able to afford them after words. I just bought the SOC GUnbuster, next is the VF-OS and Shin OA, and the Wave SDF-1, and a Toynami Voltron, MP Starscream, and now this, will i get them all before he is born? let's hope so. Also i am quite aware of all the issues with the vf-0 but hell i will get one and keep it in fighter mode, and if the Shin 0A is better Display that one in Battriod

Edited by kanedaestes
Posted (edited)

I'm not sure if it has been posted yet here, but enjoy guys!

:o I can't keep up with Yamato anymore...... but damn that looks good!

Edited by DyNo

Hot diggity that looks tight. I will def. get that even though I have no money.

p.s. What's that Low Viz 1/48 box about in the lower right corner of the page?


it's glorious.. but that wing to body joint just gives me nightmares. So many small little joints that will need to be nice and tight and stay that way.


God! That is still, in my opinion, one of the ugliest VF's Kawamori has ever designed. That said, I feel the NEED to own it :p to encourage the production of enemy mecha, if nothing else


looks o-kay at this point, i'll need to know more info before commenting any further.

it also looks like they're coming out with a camo FP for the LV2...though i could be mistaken?


it also looks like they're coming out with a camo FP for the LV2...though i could be mistaken?

If I'm not mistaken, the box in the lower right corner is for the Urban Camo GBP


If I'm not mistaken, the box in the lower right corner is for the Urban Camo GBP

i stand corrected. :)

whatever the case is i have no interest in it.


It looks pretty awesome in battroid and gerwalk mode. Menacing even. But fighter mode looks off. Tail stabilisers abit big, and air intakes look kinda fat.

I am very very afraid of this release, looking at the lil joints and a 1001 things that could go wrong.


That... was fast :blink:

Thanks a lot Cyrhax!

Time for the Lineart Wars but I like what I see (all that movement on the wings is fantastic but very break scary :( ).

Looks like it isn't going to be coloured very dark, which I like. If Yamato had a better track record with first releases I would pic this scheme instead of waiting for the Nora.

Love how the feet look.


Very nice work, Yamato! They've definitely exceeded my expectations on this one, but those hinges that hold the wings up in Gerwalk mode scare me. Even if they don't snap, I'm worried that the wings will start to droop after a few months.

Posted (edited)

so far "garwalk" looks the best, the fighter mode looks a bit gapified, and "battoroid" looks like it hurts.

it seems kind of pointless to pick this up when i don't own the 0S. i guess the same could be said for the nora since i don't plan on buying the shin version.

i'm not sure?, as much as i want to stay away from their 1st releases, i don't want to get stuck waiting for a 2nd release that might never happen.....what to do, what to do?

BTW, anyone else find it funny that after all this time making macross toys, yamato nor the hobby mag can get the mode names right. :lol:

Edited by do not disturb
Posted (edited)

Graham probably has a prototype right now at his home like in the case of the YF-19!

Anyway, if Yamato's going to follow the pattern on the VF-0...they will next release a CF SV-51 or a color variant, and then they'll release SV-51 Nora with Boosters! :angry:

Do my eyes decieve me or is the canopy painted white and not a clear glass?

Edited by gian7675

Anyway, if Yamato's going to follow the pattern on the VF-0...they will next release a CF SV-51 or a color variant, and then they'll release SV-51 Nora with Boosters! :angry:

That would mean that the Nora-with-boosters variant will have all the fixes which is fine by me. ^_^

Can anyone that can read the text get a release date? It says 2007 but does it say which month?

This really looks like a toy thats supposed to sit in a display cabinet and not one to be played with.


Looks good sofar!

Ah.. I see they made the intake section and thighs squarer than the lineart suggest.

Probably done to give the thighs enough beef and make the hip section strong enough.

They've also 'cheated' with the guns. They don't align with the muzzle covers on the thighs any more, but are simply set to the inner walls of the intakes.

He ain't shooting nothing but the intake to pieces in fighter and gerwalk mode! :lol:

Also, the relatively long heatshield/fan disks cover really shows itself in battroid mode.

Where does the front LG go?

Does it overextend and fold backwards to the onderside of the cockpit?

Questions, questions... :lol:

I'm impressed though, with what Yamato manages to do, even though it's probably a painted resin mock up.


maybe if it was higher res but i'm pretty sure it says summer 07.

i myself am pretty happy with the 1st release 1/60 yf-19 so i will be sure to pick this one up when it comes out, if i have the money..


Very impressive, I must say.

Fighter looks a bit wonky in the intake area, but it looks really good in Battroid and Gerwalk.

Overall, very good work.

The SV-51 grows on me more and more every time I look at it.

Unfortunately, it looks like it could turn out to be a floppy mess, though.


Hot diggity that looks tight. I will def. get that even though I have no money.

p.s. What's that Low Viz 1/48 box about in the lower right corner of the page?

I can make out the words City Urban Camoflauge with the price next to it, I am guessing that is the Urban Camo GBP-1S armor they have been advertising maybe?


That's the resin version right? If so I'll forgive some of the gaps. The broken back is a bit of a concern but still too early to be too concerned... that might also have something to do with it being resin and maybe not yet able to latch down properly.


The more I look at the complex design the MORE I want to wait for a 3rd release. There's just too many problems that can go wrong with this little beauty, and with all the recent VF-0 hickups I MUST resist temptation.


U all talk about 2nd and third releases....anyone still hanging for the 0S second release? yeah? It hasnt happened because theres still alot of the first release out there.

If no one buys this, why on earth would they rerelease it?

Im just sayin is all....

i like it myself, as much as i can like this fighter anyway. i think ill like it more in person than in pictures, as its a bird that needs to be looked at at the right angle to trulty show off its coolness, much like the yf-19.

whats this 'broken back' u guys keep mentioning?


I'm not sure if it has been posted yet here, but enjoy guys!

That is soooooooooo f'ing SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!

Wonder when Nora's and Shin's VF-0D will get the go-ahead from Yamato.

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