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toy-wave has his up for November Pre-order. I usually get things a week to 2 weeks from when they're released from them. But then Its probably faster from HK to Australia.

  promethuem5 said:
As a matter of a fact, I'll be sending Anasazi the 51 sheet later this week along with a number of other sheets for both myself and for sale... they probably won't be ready for a while tho... but they'll be worth it when they're done.

Woo-hoo! Muchas gracias for the info.

Mine just arrived from HLJ, too, ahead of schedule. This thing is awfully pretty, and I really dig the included stand. The wings aren't particularly floppy, but do tend to shift a bit with all the stuff attached. I haven't dared transform it yet. :ph34r:

Sweet. So now where's my YF-21?

  Lonewolf said:
Is there any news on Graham's review ?

It's languishing unwritten at the moment. Been awfully busy and to be honest, I can't seem to get myself in the mood.


  Graham said:
It's languishing unwritten at the moment. Been awfully busy and to be honest, I can't seem to get myself in the mood.


Take your time - I understand busy. I for one ain't transforming it till your review... no pressure! :rolleyes:

  Graham said:
It's languishing unwritten at the moment. Been awfully busy and to be honest, I can't seem to get myself in the mood.


Don't push yourself on my account, I don't own the SV-51 yet and I'm not exactly in a hurry to buy it right now.


Semi-official mod statement:

Try to put any news/new stuff/*Nora* comments in the new Nora-specific Sv-51 thread. This one is getting HUGE but it still needs to be open due to Graham's review still not out yet, and on-going tweaks/fixes for those who have their Ivanov.

In other words--we'd like to keep this thread to "1st-release Ivanov" comments only from this point on to try to cut its growth.


I find it a bit interesting, if not a little odd, that many posters here have been collecting transforming toys for a long time, and yet are hesitant to transform their newest Yamatos. I finally got to take my SV-51 out of its box last night, and I transformed it successfully first time without resorting to instructions, as is my habit with all my transforming toys, Yamato or otherwise. I have a knack for it, as well as an obsessive, undying love for well-designed transforming mecha. Fortunately, I have an awesome wife who not only endures their ubiquitous presence throughout our ever shrinking apartment, but also helps add to their numbers. Lucky me!

Anyway, the Ivanov SV-51 is a fairly sturdy toy, except for the link that connects the lower fuselage(leg mount) to the ventral cockpit area in Battroid-it pops out annoyingly easily. The shoulder mount is a bit tricky, but after a little fidgeting, I got it placed correctly. My only gripe is that the wing mounted weapon pods don't stay on well at all on mine. There's no satisfying "click" like my 1/48's. One or two of them don't stay on at all. Not sure how to fix it just yet. But, I just love the look of this thing! It's tall, gangly, dark, and menacing. It dominates my Yamato shelf, dwarfing even the YF-19. It has become my favorite Yamato toy thus far. However, as much as I like, and am looking forward to the YF-21, I'm looking even more forward to the eventual VF-11 in 1/60 scale. (Come on, we all know it's coming B)) ) IMHO, it's one of Kawamori-san's finest designs. And, along with some other folks here, I'd love to see the VF-4 get the same treatment. It's just a unique design with a cool aesthetic.

I got a little carried away there, but I just wanted to pass on some encouragement to anyone who's hesitant to transform their toys. After all, they are just that, and with a little patience and care, anyone should be able to do it without fear of breakage. For me, a transforming toy left in it's box unmolested is downright unthinkable...I'm at the mercy of my inner child more often than not the older I become. It's a pleasant irony, and it keeps me young.


  promethuem5 said:
No, the y designates it as a modified 51 with two machine guns in the hip mounts instead of just one on the cannon-fodder 51...

Wow, I did not know that, but I too wondered what the y meant. Do we know what side the CF's machine gun is on?



it seems odd that the normal ones would have only one gun, as that would unbalance the look of the craft, and take away a weapon, which seems sort of pointless...


Most modern planes have just a single gun on one side.

F-14: port

F-15: starboard

F-16: port

F-18: centered (freak)

F-22: starboard

As for planes with 1 or 2 depending on variant---the Tornado comes to mind. The Tornado ADV has one (port I think), the Tornado IDS has two.

  M'Kyuun said:
I'm at the mercy of my inner child more often than not the older I become. It's a pleasant irony, and it keeps me young.

I believe many of us have come to terms with this.

  David Hingtgen said:
F-18: centered (freak)

LOL!!! :lol: Ahh David, You and I are such Tomcat lovers!!! B))


Posted (edited)

If they never bring out the Reactive Armour for Roy (but could still us for my Shin), I'll pass on the VF-0S... but if they bring out the CF-51 wth the Fuel Bomb, i'll buy. :D But only if the fule bomb i included. Can anyone post some pics of the CF?

My dvd on the laptop is utter sh^te.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  Dobber said:
LOL!!! :lol: Ahh David, You and I are such Tomcat lovers!!! B))


I'm with you and Dr Hingten on that Dobber.... its what got me into loving aircraft..

saw one when i was 5 or 6, and it was like" i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant one"

beutiful aircraft.

- back on topic... would someone ( an owner of one or two?) maybe like to do an update post with a list of tried and tested fixes for the SV-51? This would help others (like myself) to not have to trawl through over 100 pages of posts. Maybe a pinned topic on fixes is in order? then we can maybe finally close this puppy down.


I think all you really need to do is disassemble the wing parts and clear nail polis all the moving parts... aside from a few cases of lose hips and lose missiles, that's the only big problem and it has an easy fix. It's nowhere near like the 19 which had like 3 different things you need to do as soon as you open the box.


I really would like to see a "Sv-51 fixes" thread we could sticky for a while. But I too don't want to go back through the past couple dozen pages of posts to find them.


Nice job on the Tomcat Ghostkiller! I like it!!


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