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looks like around $220 before shipping.


$220 before shipping? That's crazy talk. It's $220 shipped if you order it from HK where people in this thread have already acknowledged that that's well more than they're paying.


i ordered from hlj. i don't know many hk stores to order from.


I guess it's the gamble right? do you pay top dollar for getting it from a respectable known source, or do you pay less but have to deal with "some guy?"

  starstreak007 said:
Not sure if I got ripped off or not. I ordered the sv-51 from play-asia.com website. I looked at the box (in the pictures on the site) and it does say Yamato, but I just noticed under the name, "Happinet". Is that just a order company? Or is that a fake make of the Yamoto toys? If it is, I need to cancel the order. I don't read japanese so I cant tell what kind of site Happinet is.

Btw, for those who have it, how does it stay in the different forms? Ite parts aren't loose are they?


Happinet site


So... Anybody here has heard of Happinet? Someone must've. Anybody in the toy colelcting community? Sorry for spamming, but the longer I keep my order up the worse I'll feel if its a bogus unit.

  starstreak007 said:
I paid that price. Btw, So anybody know what that Happinet is? Is thisa a bogus unit?

I'm guessing that it would be pretty tough to come up with a knock off the same day the real ones were released.


around $220 shipped from hlj with early bird.



That's who I usually get my stuff from. Yes he always has better prices than HLJ and you get them faster too (this is only on new released stuff). I didn't see his listing so I got mine for $230.00 Shipped. I paid about $6.00 more than if I got it from HLJ with the early bird, but I don't have to wait the extra week it takes for HLJ to process the order. In my book that's a well spent $6.00.

  sh002 said:
looks like around $220 before shipping.

Yep. Unfortunately those of who live in the states have to pay a much higher premium than those in other countries. At least will hopefully be getting a bird thats completely worth hard earned dollars.

-Are the hands a lot more solid than the 1/48's? Can it grip the gunpod well?


I'll keep my fingers crossed. Yeah, his release date is the same as the unit. Exact same pictures too. Box looks right, but then again, its amazing how much a knockoff looks real.

  sqidd said:
I'm guessing that it would be pretty tough to come up with a knock off the same day the real ones were released.

I am sorry if this has already been mentioned somewhere but I could not find it in my search, When is the Nora supposed to come out? I seriously need to start selling off some things here so that by that time I can get afford it.

  starstreak007 said:
I ordered from play-aisa.com on that site, the sv-51 under website says:


is that the Yamato brand? its is right? it seems play-asia.com is ordering from another site to sell the item?

May I be so bold as to suggest that you take one....or three of these? :rolleyes:


You will be fine man. You can always reverse the charges.


when you buy anything in demand when it first comes out, you're always going to pay more than the MSRP. i.e. nintendo wii, PS3, Yf-19, etc.

i know these are retailing for $150 in HK so the most i'd be willing to pay right now is $190 shipped for it, even less in a month or 2. i might buy it only after i read multiple reviews from people who have really played with theirs, shoot, people haven't even owned it for 24 hours yet.


Haha. First time ordering to a another country. so nervous when I can't read everything on the page. :p)

  sqidd said:
May I be so bold as to suggest that you take one....or three of these? :rolleyes:

You will be fine man. You can always reverse the charges.


frak me ! what a wicked bird. ^_^

and swoosh's pics are top rate as usual ! now waiting patiently for grahams's review and possibly a transformation video guide (?) :)

  do not disturb said:
when you buy anything in demand when it first comes out, you're always going to pay more than the MSRP. i.e. nintendo wii, PS3, Yf-19, etc.

i know these are retailing for $150 in HK so the most i'd be willing to pay right now is $190 shipped for it, even less in a month or 2. i might buy it only after i read multiple reviews from people who have really played with theirs, shoot, people haven't even owned it for 24 hours yet.

I'm with you DND, so don't give up on this SV-51 consummer's frenzy. The toy looks great so far and for those who preordered it or broke down and decided to get one on eBay I sincerely hope the toy is flawless, but I still can't afford skipping the reviews. Besides I have to pay even more than american based collectors, since I don't trust in mexican customs and all my toys must be shipped via FedEx :angry:

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
I'm with you DND, so don't give up on this SV-51 consummer's frenzy. The toy looks great so far and for those who preordered it or broke down and decided to get one on eBay I sincerely hope the toy is flawless, but I still can't afford skipping the reviews. Besides I have to pay even more than american based collectors, since I don't trust in mexican customs and all my toys must be shipped via FedEx :angry:

haha, i'm not giving up at all.

i'm super psyched on this toy but i'm fighting off my valkoholic addiction like you wouldnt believe. i've been on every etail site i can think of trying to justify its purchase......like many, i too am weak. :lol:

the toy looks SO beautiful and like many people here, i'm a sucker for airplanes. i hope everyone who took the plunge and threw down their hard earned money for this, gets a perfect flawless one.

anyhow, i'm still waiting to see more pics, poses, and reviews in the next coming weeks. i just hope it doesn't get too nit picky like the YF-19 release.

and that totally sucks regarding mexican customs but i guess its better safe than sorry.

Posted (edited)

Oh lordy that looks nuts! I just put in my order to toywave, I guess i just have to hope he got enough of them to cover his orders, or I'll be waiting awhile!

As for price...he has it at $185 USD before shipping, so Aussie Ill be paying close to $300.

Incidentally, whats the sticker sheet like? The tampo fans got a lot of what they want, let's see soemthing for the sticker fans (Which is....well, me. alone.)

Edited by Scream Man

From the looks of it, everything in that box we're lookin at feels like the NEXT step in quality of YAMATO products..

It's almost "1/60 to 1/48-like" next step.

Barring anything major like the leg amputations suffered by the non-fp vf-11b's, gosh... this is what I frakken begged for....

The schiznick up front. Something that FEELS complete. done. worth the money.


Man, it's good to see some overwhelming optimism but I'm in the exact same boat as DND... I'll keep looking for a deal or maybe pick this one up at the same time as some other stuff comes out to save on shipping at the very least.


After seeing all those pics, I am very tempted to just buy it. It's amazing. I just have that little voice in my head though, "wait for the revieeeeewwwws!"


Waiting for a review and a good price is always a must... I'm not plunking any more than I have to.....

but I'm definitely not going to wait for no second release with this one.

After Graham's AOK, I'm pulling the trigger with anything under $200.


I DID just buy it! $272 and change Aussie from Toy-Wave. Im happy with that. the 19's and zeroes were about $250 for me, so this is a decent price for a high quality product.

Ken says thwey just got em in too, so i should have it in a week or two :)

Posted (edited)

Wow, I never expected this level of detail and awesomeness from Yamato (given their recent record), It´s been a long time since I last bought one of their toy but if this first release happens to have zero WC issues then I´m pretty much sold.

I´ll wait some time to see the overall quality of this first batch though, I´m no risking my hard earned money like on past releases.

The only thing left to do is to wait for the VF-0D (when they eventually announce it) ! B))

Edited by Aegis!

Wow what a release Yamato has really excelled this time. The launch pose is just awesome and to include all the extras just brilliant. Love all the pic's, I wasn't planning on getting any SV-51's but that idea is out the window.hahaha

More pic's,bravo!!!!

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