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right now i just want a bigger pictur of it.

I know i'll get one, but I want Graham to give

it one heck of going over.

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:

broken back: someone karate chopped the center lifting the front and rear.

I think it's a design feature rather than due to the apparent floppyness of the mold.

It may look like it sags in the middle, but the CAD design could simply be that way.

The shins are more pronounced, possibly to give enough roon for the LG and moving TVC nozzles/feet, and the nose doesn't feature the same amount of droop, also to possibly improve the waist/torso transformation geometry.

On the sides, from the LERXes down to the empenage, the mold doesn't seem to display a distinct bend.

I'm looking forward what Graham has to say about it.

Edited by T.V.

From the pictures, you can tell that the nose does fold into the landing gear compartment as some members have guessed. ;)

Wonder how they catered for the 'disappearing landing gear'.


Wow, thanks for the SV-51 pic.

For some reason, the Fighter mode looks a bit off from the anime (probably caused by the fuselage?) but the Gerwalk mode looks dead on.

Graham: Since the pic is out, can you shed some light on SV-51?

Props to Yamato for speeding up their new toy process. Like everyone else, I was thinking about seeing the full transformation and colored picture by March. :ph34r: I just hope all the small parts and hinges last since this is one Heck of a toy :wacko:


Wow, that battroid is a fugly piece of mecha. It's like a VF-9 Cutlass with some kind of eating disorder. I hope it can be displayed with the "flap, flap" wings out.

Posted (edited)


I wish my waife was here to see this. She really wants me to buy this. Hopefully, she'll allow me to buy a few of Ivanov's and Nora's versions.

***Edit: Looks like it won't need a stand afterall.

Edited by nightmareB4macross

...but you'll have to pay for one anyways! :p

As for the nosegear. Two things I can think of:

1. The canopy is opaque because there is no cockpit, and the gear folds up inside it.

2. The gear can fold BACKWARDS in battroid mode, so there's basically a double-length gear well. In fighter mode the gear folds foward like it should, but for battroid another door/panel opens up behind the gear so the gear can fold backwards into the fuselage, and the nose goes into the forward nosegear bay.

  Scream Man said:

U all talk about 2nd and third releases....anyone still hanging for the 0S second release? yeah? It hasnt happened because theres still alot of the first release out there.

If no one buys this, why on earth would they rerelease it?

It's their own fault. There is no way that I'm going to spend $150+ on something that may be broken out of the box/will develop problems later on. This isn't live or die here. If it isn't re-released then I just end up saving money.

Posted (edited)

It should be noted that it's pretty standard procedure for prototypes in the toy industry not to have clear plastic parts. Toynami always has blue painted canopies on their prototypes and always replaces them with clear ones on the final product. I think the frosted one shown above may just be indicative of a similar line of thinking. Of all the things manufacturers are concerned with in the prototype stage, the look of the canopy must not rank very high.

EDIT - Broken backs are absolutely unacceptable and should never be an intentional compromise in a design. Look at how quickly the backlash was on Toynami's Alpha for its broken back syndrome. Nobody likes a plane with its nose pointed up... it ruins the fighter mode. Even an optical illusion of a nose pointed up is bad. I'm really just thinking what we're seeing is the effect of resin parts or maybe just a bad angle.

Edited by jenius

Graham has been strangely quiet since the pic was posted.. I thought he'd be able to let a cat or two out of the bag now there's a proto.

And it's funny.. a few years ago I though this would be the 'toy they could never make' as it's so skinny and fragile looking. I'd prefer them to take their time on QC rather than have it asap.

Graham has been strangely quiet since the pic was posted.. I thought he'd be able to let a cat or two out of the bag now there's a proto.

Going by the time the pic was posted, wouldn't there be a strong likelihood Graham is at work or sleeping? I dunno where Graham is but I seem to think his day is my night.


I'm not getting this "broken back" thing. Most fighters I can think of DO have the lowest spot right in the middle, with the nose and engines raised above. F-14, 15, 16, 22, 23, Flanker, and according to the art, Sv-51. It's called area-ruling, it's on purpose for lower drag at transonic speeds.

I'm not seeing a "bent angle", I'm just seeing the nose and engines being higher than the middle of the plane due to their curvature and placement.

  David Hingtgen said:

I'm not seeing a "bent angle", I'm just seeing the nose and engines being higher than the middle of the plane due to their curvature and placement.

It's more of an optical illusion than anything.

The LERX in combination with the straight intake creates it, while it is enforced by the high set shins and spine.


Can someone probably think of what's wrong with fighter mode? I think it has alot to do with the blocky intakes.

Comparing photos with this hasegawa kit:


photos from page 4 of this thread.


And the battroid mode custom which suddenly doesn't look so appealing :lol:



Haven't checked this thread for 2 days. Been busy.

Gaps and saggy back are most likely due to it either being resin, which will have loose fit insufficient locking and heavy weight, or a very early test shot, before the molds are tweaked to tighten things up and improve fit. Common problem, don't worry.

And no, I don't have one.......................yet.



I'm not into getting first releases, but I want the Ivanov over the Nora and I doubt it'll be a second release of it soon enough if ever. If Scream Man is right and the VF-0S is still in stock out there, I don't think the Ivanov sells better. Too bad for me 'cause I know for sure that this toy will come with a helluva lot of engineering problems.


I hope they give you one soon Graham, so you can lay some of these fears to rest.

As it was suggested I hope Yamato chooses a different plastic for joints and such. Maybe even metal where

theres more of a possibilyt of breaks. Anything really - to avoid the stress marks and damage.


Wow.. didn't expect this at all.

Looks good in all modes. Cept those rear tail fins on the fighter are huge!. Are they really that big?

Posted (edited)
I'm not into getting first releases, but I want the Ivanov over the Nora and I doubt it'll be a second release of it soon enough if ever. If Scream Man is right and the VF-0S is still in stock out there, I don't think the Ivanov sells better. Too bad for me 'cause I know for sure that this toy will come with a helluva lot of engineering problems.

This response poses both sides to the coin:

See, you're going about it all wrong. Don't swear off first releases.... swear off paying full price on first releases. Eventually someone here or on eBay will realize they've bought too many VF-0S and slash the price and sell them at a discount just to free up some cash or warehouse space.... that's when you buy yours. Spending $200 on a toy riddled with little problems (and they tend to be little, let's not get carried away) is a tough pill to swallow sometimes. Spending $120 on that same toy 8 months later? Yeah, that's a bit easier to deal with. Believe me, these retailers aren't invested over $120 in most of these toys so hacking 'em down to cost at some point will be worth it if they can get new stuff in that will sell at MSRP.

Anyone who thinks Yamato is going to invest this heavily in new molds and engineering and then NOT eventually reissue or create a bunch of variations isn't thinking things through. Even if the first edition doesn't sell Yamato is smart enough to know that it's because they screwed up. That doesn't mean they won't spit out a bunch of variations to get those whacky first editions sold out before reissuing, it just means if you have Yoda like patience it'll pay off eventually. How many valks haven't been reissued at this point? Even if you include the Mac+ line there aren't many that are still in first release (M&M??).

Edited by jenius
  jenius said:

This response poses both sides to the coin:

See, you're going about it all wrong. Don't swear off first releases.... swear off paying full price on first releases. Eventually someone here or on eBay will realize they've bought too many VF-0S and slash the price and sell them at a discount just to free up some cash or warehouse space.... that's when you buy yours. Spending $200 on a toy riddled with little problems (and they tend to be little, let's not get carried away) is a tough pill to swallow sometimes. Spending $120 on that same toy 8 months later? Yeah, that's a bit easier to deal with. Believe me, these retailers aren't invested over $120 in most of these toys so hacking 'em down to cost at some point will be worth it if they can get new stuff in that will sell at MSRP.

Anyone who thinks Yamato is going to invest this heavily in new molds and engineering and then NOT eventually reissue or create a bunch of variations isn't thinking things through. Even if the first edition doesn't sell Yamato is smart enough to know that it's because they screwed up. That doesn't mean they won't spit out a bunch of variations to get those whacky first editions sold out before reissuing, it just means if you have Yoda like patience it'll pay off eventually. How many valks haven't been reissued at this point? Even if you include the Mac+ line there aren't many that are still in first release (M&M??).

To go to jenius' point here, in recent days I've seen some 0S's go pretty close to $125 or so. That's getting pretty good...

  hutch said:

To go to jenius' point here, in recent days I've seen some 0S's go pretty close to $125 or so. That's getting pretty good...

$125 or so for a nicely sculpted piece of crap is still alot of money! :lol:

  Macross73 said:

I hope they give you one soon Graham, so you can lay some of these fears to rest.

As it was suggested I hope Yamato chooses a different plastic for joints and such. Maybe even metal where

theres more of a possibilyt of breaks. Anything really - to avoid the stress marks and damage.

I for one would like to see ratcheting joints on the hips and shoulders. the ball joints are floppy on most yamatos.


Oh and when you finally get one of these

start checking some of these sections of concern.

This is just for starters.




the joint where the wing connects the body just scares me to no end...

The shoulders and feet.. not so much, the YF-19 has some pretty intense joints in the arms that seem to be holding up so I have faith.

But the nose cone folding back like that is worriesome to me.. I'm thinking back to the konig and how that nose cone piece didn't lock back at all... the SV-1 hopefuly has a physical lock of some sort to keep that nose cone locked back there, since I have no faith in yamato's ability to make a hinge that locks of it's own accord...

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