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Finally bought a YF-22


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Are you talking about a "VF"22 model or something? It'd have to be as there aren't any toys on that bird yet. Post some pictures if ya can. Oh, and if you get a '21 make sure you get the Fast-Pak version...

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Yup a Yamato YF-22 Macross Plus Sturmvogel after so many years. I know some other people had it for a while but man it's beautiful! Now to save up and get a a Yamato YF-21. I had previously Yamato Max VF-1A, Roy VF-1S, and a VF-11B.

Um, I guess a picture would be cool for us to see. :)

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Sorry I was using the M7 term for the YF-21 or VF-22 Sturmvogel. Remember kids don't post while drunk!

It's actually the YF-21 Omega One from Yamato. As reviewed here by Graham.


And the Bandai VF-19S Blazer Valkyrie here. I'm trying to find a VF-17 from Bandai as well as it seems to be the only VF-17 toy out there.


But if you want to think I have custom toys that the rest of you don't have then that's all good too LOL!

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there are two different type of VF-17's. There's the VF-17D and VF-17S. The one in the picture you have up there is the VF-17S. That sucker has been reissued, and is easier to find than the VF-17D, which wasn't reissued. The difference between the D and the S is the head sculpt and the highlights. The 17D has the blue highlights and the S has the yellow.

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