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  Ghost Train said:
Fresh off failblog.org :


Irony is ironic: How many older stories stories has Disney slapped their name on (and had them become associated with them) that they had nothing to do with outside of animating them?

Posted (edited)
  nugundamII said:
if gaia in this case was able to tap into the thoughts of animals and mount a defence why did it take 7 years to do so then all of a sudden it needs to react to the threat in the last hour.

Emmm, because like Pocahontas, Last Samurai, Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor etc etc, the world can only be saved when a White Man arrives to lead the natives. Never mind that he is crippled and needs an Avatar.

BTW, anyone watching the movie ask themselves, "Damn, if it was me I would have used the Bulldozers instead of unmechanised troops. I'd like to see them hammerhead pachyderms try ramming my Giant Caterpillar!'"

Edited by Retracting Head Ter Ter
  VFTF1 said:
I still haven't seen this, and probably won't. I heard one pretty bad review on the radio - the dude was saying that the film totally lacks plot and is predictable and the characters are shallow.

I don't think it's fair to say that it has no plot - it's actually plotted fairly well outside of a few minor holes/unexplained background - it's just that it's a plot you've probably already seen, so saying it's predictable is very accurate.


I dunno... I can't see myself getting enthusiastic about it - which means seeing it is unlikely, since I need to be enthusiastic about a movie to go see it....


Think of it as Macross Frontier - for the most part you knew what was going to happen before it happened, but you went along for the ride and saw some cool and pretty visuals along the way. Visually it's a beautiful bit of filmmaking, plot is far from original, but it's serviceable. Overall a lot of thought went into creating the world, if not the plot. If you're ever going to see it, even just once, the visuals deserve to be seen on a theatre screen.


I think it's too much to say that the film has no plot, but do agree that the story sounds very familiar and cliche. However, gotta admit that the story was told quite well and execution was top notch.

I'd rather take a predictable story with good execution over complicated/preposterous plot with poor story telling (aka TF 2) any day.


Pete's expectations pretty much sums up everyone's that hasn't seen it... either it's the greatest film ever or it straight out sucks. I don't think it's the greatest film ever, but it's the most fun I've had in a long time, and I'm not saying that because of the mind blowing FX but because the plot, like snowblind and Ivan said were decent enough not to make it a mindless summer dumbathon. Predictable and cliche but told well and exciting, for me at least. The visuals are not just amazing because of the quality of realism but it's really presented in an awe inspriring way.

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:
Emmm, because like Pocahontas, Last Samurai, Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor etc etc, the world can only be saved when a White Man arrives to lead the natives. Never mind that he is crippled and needs an Avatar.

BTW, anyone watching the movie ask themselves, "Damn, if it was me I would have used the Bulldozers instead of unmechanised troops. I'd like to see them hammerhead pachyderms try ramming my Giant Caterpillar!'"

The one that got stopped when a dude with a rock smashed the camera?

Posted (edited)

I haven't seen the movie yet, but based on the trailers...I'm totally NOT feeling this.

The avatar creatures look like a cross between the stereotypical elves and smurfs, then stretched all out.

Very original.

Edited by knoted
  Ghost Train said:
Fresh off failblog.org :


Is ok, but old hat cause its been done before.....



  taksraven said:
Is ok, but old hat cause its been done before.....



People just don't get that archetype stories will always be retold over and over again. Avatar is just the latest retelling of the Moses story which is just the most famous retelling of the sargon story.


Am I the only person that thinks that the air battle in Avatar could have been a little better handled if the natives threw mud instead of arrows? I mean, the human instruments were totally useless in that area, they said it was all VFR around those mountains. SO... blot out the windshields with mud and take them out at your leisure.


Because its more fun to say that Avatar stole from Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, Ferngully, Last Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, etc... all of which are original.

  one_klump said:
Am I the only person that thinks that the air battle in Avatar could have been a little better handled if the natives threw mud instead of arrows? I mean, the human instruments were totally useless in that area, they said it was all VFR around those mountains. SO... blot out the windshields with mud and take them out at your leisure.

they have windshield wipers.

Posted (edited)
  VFTF1 said:
I still haven't seen this, and probably won't. I heard one pretty bad review on the radio - the dude was saying that the film totally lacks plot and is predictable and the characters are shallow.

On the other hand, lots of people who have seen it keep saying "best movie of 2009" ... but I think they just say it because it sounds trendy - since it was also pretty much the LAST movie of 2009...

I dunno... I can't see myself getting enthusiastic about it - which means seeing it is unlikely, since I need to be enthusiastic about a movie to go see it....


You're not going to see this because of a bad review, you can't come up with a review on your own? You need someone to tell you that it sucks so that you won't go see a movie? And how the hell can the trend be to say that this is the "best movie of 2009"? I think the trend is actually more like "I haven't seen this movie, but it sucks so I'm not going to watch it". Maybe these aren't specifically your words, but I've heard it a lot more than "Best movie" 2009".

You know what, don't watch watch it. That way there will be more space for me the next time I watch it again............*ucking sold out still just this weekend............how many damn weeks has this stupid movie been out?

It amazes me how many people think this movie is $hitty, despite it making more than a billion dollars in such a short time....I guess a lot of people really like $hitty movies.

knoted, yeah, your right, the trailers didn't do $hit for me, and it certainly did not give me the enthusiasm to go see it. The old lady and I were bored one night, bought a couple of tickets online, headed over to the theatre, and got the worst seats in the house when we arrived. We saw this movie simply because we were bored and there wasn't anything else to watch............we were blown away, and not because anyone we knew told us the movie was going to be good. I was really surprised to come here after the movie and read the big hate-on for this movie. I can understand hating Mac7, but this movie?

Haha, I guess this must be how Mac7 fans feel.

Edited by peter
  eugimon said:
People just don't get that archetype stories will always be retold over and over again. Avatar is just the latest retelling of the Moses story which is just the most famous retelling of the sargon story.

Who's Moses? Is he that old guy with the Flintstone books?

  >EXO< said:
Because its more fun to say that Avatar stole from Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, Ferngully, Last Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, etc... all of which are original.

Dramatic license aside, Lawrence of Arabia actually happened...

  eugimon said:
last samurai is loosely based on actual accounts too.

They had to make him American, as no member of the aforementioned demographic would believe that a French guy could kick so much a$$, then go on again to fight in the Franco-Prussian war where unfortunately but not unexpectedly his side lost.

Posted (edited)

Not to get off the semi-off topic discussion, but apparently people are reporting experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts after seeing Avatar because the real world isn't as pretty looking as the movie. this reported by ABC news in LA.

Human beings I am disappoint <_<

Edited by anime52k8
  anime52k8 said:
Not to get off the semi-off topic discussion, but I'm apparently people are reporting experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts after seeing Avatar because the real world isn't as pretty looking as the movie. this reported by ABC news in LA.

Human beings I am disappoint <_<

I totally understand though, where else are you going to find such a realistic representation of a 3D world? See?

  Vile said:
I don't know, though, for a 3D movie the alien chicks were a bit ... you know, flat. :ph34r:

Heh, so c'mon own up, how many of you spent the whole movie trying to spot Neytiri's nipples?


  >EXO< said:
So did Pocahontas...

I was at Fern Gully and witnessed the events taking place.....


  Graham said:
Heh, so c'mon own up, how many of you spent the whole movie trying to spot Neytiri's nipples?


I've spent the last few weeks online trying to find Zoe's nipples.

(Man, that bit in Star Trek when she peels off her uniform............*sigh*)


  Graham said:
Heh, so c'mon own up, how many of you spent the whole movie trying to spot Neytiri's nipples?

I'm sure I saw something a couple of times ... this is definitely going to drive up DVD sales. :ph34r:

  Ghost Train said:
They had to make him American, as no member of the aforementioned demographic would believe that a French guy could kick so much a$$, then go on again to fight in the Franco-Prussian war where unfortunately but not unexpectedly his side lost.

Didn't we get a kick-ass French secret agent in the re-make of Godzilla? Yeah, the movie sucks, but the French guy was awesome ...


Jean Reno kicks ass, whatever he's in. kicking moster Iguana but or shooting goverment officials from the roof tops with little girls.

Jean Claud Van Dam is almost French and he too kicks ass for real although not to the same level.

  big F said:
Jean Reno kicks ass, whatever he's in.

There was a time I would have agreed with you, but then he went and did Couple's Retreat. :wacko:

  Graham said:
Heh, so c'mon own up, how many of you spent the whole movie trying to spot Neytiri's nipples?


I saw them a good couple of times, I arrived very close to show time so i was real close to the screen lol.

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