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Posted (edited)
  anime52k8 said:

the DYRL macross was cooler. but there were no VF-1J's in DYRL and that if anything we need MORE 1J's

I recall a GBP armored 1J in DYRL? when a wave of zents attacked the Macross near the beginning of the movie. I could be wrong, but I am almost sure of it.

I would have changed a lot of the love triangle entanglements. It seemed to just drag for no reason towards the end, and abruptly he chose Misa over Minmei but then doesn't actually "say" he loves Misa or anything, it's just understood. From what was given he wasn't really digging Misa at all until Minmei tried to tie him down and Misa just about gave up. At least in DYRL? you got the foundation of him and Misa spending time together on scorched Earth to establish real feelings for each other.

Edited by emajnthis
  emajnthis said:

I recall a GBP armored 1J in DYRL? when a wave of zents attacked the Macross near the beginning of the movie. I could be wrong, but I am almost sure of it.

Yep it was there just like you say. I think thats the only appearance and it was very briefly... like half a second. I think they just put it in there for fun, it was in hikarus TV colors too.

  JB0 said:

The thing's over a kilometer long, with a city built around it.

Why build a civilian city around it, though? You can build runways that are thousands of feet long and just put military bases around them, or construct new naval ships and keep the civilians a long, long way off. Why the need to put civilians so close?

Especially annoying teenage girl wanna-be pop stars?

I would assume the civilians were kept well away from the actual ship, but there was no way to keep it a truly private affair.

Watch Ep.1 again. No, they weren't. It was an airshow, with a spaceship as the main attraction.

Could civilians have actually climbed aboard? Not likely. You're right that they were kept a physical, walking distance away. But they were still close enough to take lots of pictures, and maybe even shoot it if they had terroristic tendencies. This wasn't so long after the Unification Wars, you should recall.

And with all of those still-untested systems, it was negligent of them to have that many civilians around. Just consider how many got blown away when the main gun took out that forward chunk of the island.

They don't build cities right next door to nuclear plants, do they? At least not in <Texas>, they don't. And this thing would have the most powerful energy sources ever built by and/or operated by man, with many still unknown operating characteristics.

It would've been like the second machine in the movie Contact, IMO.

Unless if you figure in political pressure to make a big flashy publicity stunt. Which would explain why they were rushing the thing into space with a full crew when they still hadn't tested all of its systems yet, either. Like the first Contact machine.

Especially since the city only existed because of the restoration of the ship. They showed fairly early that the residents had a bit of an attachment to the thing.

Most of the civilians lived there. Only a few were brought in.

Why, though? Why would they have all those civilians living there? It doesn't make sense.

The animation also shows people's Valk's changing colors back and forth and gun pods alternating from shoulder to shoulder to being nonexistent to being existent again, too. I'm asking why do it that way, since it doesn't make sense. Simply saying that it happened in the original show that way kinda defies the whole purpose of this thread, which is to explain what we would do differently.

And I would at least try to give a more feasible explanation for what all those civilians were doing there so close to the most powerful, untested machine ever made/operated by man. Stupid political showmanship. Yep, makes sense to me.

As far as ready... I believe part of the reason to launch the ship was so they could test it out. They explicitly mentioned they were going to test the main cannon once they left Earth, and I think the fold generators too.

They really didn't know if it was ready, because they couldn't or didn't want to use a lot of the hardware while on the ground.

So with that much unknown, why have all those civilians around, and all that presumably live media coverage? If you don't know whether your super-duper mega-nuclear reactor switch thingy is going to work well or blow up an entire research facility, do you put a bunch of civlians right next door and bring in live TV crews?

Or do you do it all secretive like, as in Contact, second machine?

ANSWER: if you're a political hack, you ignore the dangers and make a big party out of it, in the presumptive hopes that it will make you look good.

And let's face it, the Macross was supposed to be a symbol of hope for humanity, right there at the end of the Unification Wars. It would make sense that politicians would be urging--even desperate--for some ray of sunshine there to shine the way to a brighter future.

Kinda ties in with the politician's comments to BG Global there after the launch, when he tells Global to go meet the enemy in space, and let the politicians handle the negotiations back on Earth. Vain, haughty, dismissive presumptuousness on the part of the politician.

But why would they have been letting civilians live in and around the ship as it was being rebuilt, while the Unification War was still raging on? Would seem like far too much of a security risk during the war. Would make more sense if they let down their guard after it was over, say for a big publicity gimmick.

And yet he could maneuver, so the rockets must've had some vectoring, or be individually controllable.

And yet, Roy stuck the VF-1D nosecone on his forearm where the gunpod would go, and then in the next scene in fighter mode Roy shoots Regults down with the gunpod where the nosecone just was.

My point is, just because the series showed it that way doesn't necessarily mean that it makes sense.

Since the primary propulsion of Hikaru's racer was an atmospheric ducted fan, and he was only a teenager, it makes absolutely no sense to think that it would've had nonatmospheric outer-space-capable reaction control thrusters on the thing. RATO boosters do not RCS make.

(Though if Basara can have his neato-skeeto plane, then I guess anything is possible with Hikaru's.)

And the idea of Hikaru having a space-capable flightsuit for the tuna fish spacewalk was even dumber. If his suit were that airtight, then his skin would've overheated inside the racer in the atmosphere. It would've been made of a breathable fabric for comfort and safety's sake, which would've rendered it useless for a spacewalk.

Probably the same deal for the flightsuit overalls of DYRL?, which is why they wear those bulky spacesuits on top of them for space travel.

What was a giant tuna even doing floating around loose in outer space in the first place, for? If it had been swimming in the ocean around S. Ataria Island at the time of the spacefold, then it should've remained within the ocean water after the spacefold and frozen with the rest of the ocean.

Conversely, if it freaked out because of the spacefold and jumped out of the water before the water froze, then after the spacefold, the vacuum of outer space should've subjected the fish to catastrophic decompression and exploded it to kingdom-come. (Tuna casserole, at best! :p )

It should not have ever been floating around loose.

I dunno about safety interlocks on the doors. Seems easier to just tell people "Don't open the door!", especially since it wasn't intended to be a civilian vessel.

So there's no reason for safety locks on military bases or aboard military ships if you're not expecting civilian traffic, right? No need to batten down the hatches in rough weather, or to keep people away from the armory or the engine room? No need to keep people out of the captain's quarters? Or the hooch? :)

The military would still need safety protocols, even if it didn't consider its own personnel a security risk.

It seems like to me that when the ship was taking those minutes to prep for the spacefold, locking the doors would've been one of the many automated preparations.

  'Macross73 said:
yeah they could have survived on the rations but weren't they running out or was that in DYRL well either way they're both young and seeing a large potential meal certainly seems like a great way to avoid starvation also I think it was a decent way to have them begin to care for one another. She sees him as her savior and I think (being the man) he feels a need to protect her.

Yeah, they were running out. Still, that doesn't answer the difficulties with the giant tuna in space, or the flightsuit spacewalk (see above).

Nor it does it even necessitate the spacewalk. Hikaru could've simply offered Minmei his portions of the rations, as a show of heroic, manly sacrifice. That would've accomplished the same purpose, without the silliness of the spacewalk.

Not trying to overanalyze. :wacko: I would simply add in a few lines of dialog that explained my concerns above, and I would've eliminated the racer- and tuna-in-space scenes. For all the bruhaha here, it wouldn't've constituted that big of a change from the show. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
  BEAST said:

Why build a civilian city around it, though? You can build runways that are thousands of feet long and just put military bases around them, or construct new naval ships and keep the civilians a long, long way off. Why the need to put civilians so close?

Presumably because the reverse-engineering and refitting of the vessel took long enough and required enough people that having a city nearby became a necessity.

Watch Ep.1 again. No, they weren't. It was an airshow, with a spaceship as the main attraction.

Could civilians have actually climbed aboard? Not likely. You're right that they were kept a physical, walking distance away. But they were still close enough to take lots of pictures, and maybe even shoot it if they had terroristic tendencies. This wasn't so long after the Unification Wars, you should recall.

What good are pictures? All the cool stuff is inside.

Likewise, shooting at it is more of a problem for the people outside than the actual ship. Unless they have something really big, in which case they probably have delivery mechanisms anyways.

But you're right. They WERE a lot closer than I remembered.

And with all of those still-untested systems, it was negligent of them to have that many civilians around. Just consider how many got blown away when the main gun took out that forward chunk of the island.

The gun wasn't supposed to be fired, though.

The ONLY thing they were going to test on Earth left was the antigravs, which they were pretty sure worked already.

They don't build cities right next door to nuclear plants, do they? At least not in <Texas>, they don't. And this thing would have the most powerful energy sources ever built by and/or operated by man, with many still unknown operating characteristics.

Actually, they knew how the power plant worked. They'd already reproduced it, and even miniaturized it.

Texas is also a lot bigger than South Ataria Island.

Fusion is also much cleaner if it fails.

Unless if you figure in political pressure to make a big flashy publicity stunt. Which would explain why they were rushing the thing into space with a full crew when they still hadn't tested all of its systems yet, either. Like the first Contact machine.

It doesn't make sense to test it on Earth when you know you can get it into space.

Even if they were skipping the antigrav tests(and personally, I would have unmounted some of those and tested them offsite well in advance), they had home-grown rocket thrusters.

And the idea of Hikaru having a space-capable flightsuit for the tuna fish spacewalk was even dumber. If his suit were that airtight, then his skin would've overheated inside the racer in the atmosphere. It would've been made of a breathable fabric for comfort and safety's sake, which would've rendered it useless for a spacewalk.

Yes, but you can't go poking at every little hole, or you wind up having to deal with the 500-pound gorillas. 30-foot humans are physically impossible. Not just absurd and implausable.

What was a giant tuna even doing floating around loose in outer space in the first place, for? If it had been swimming in the ocean around S. Ataria Island at the time of the spacefold, then it should've remained within the ocean water after the spacefold and frozen with the rest of the ocean.

If I'm not mistaken, the ice should've sublimated rather rapidly.

If the tuna was close to the periphery of the ice, it should've been released fast.

Conversely, if it freaked out because of the spacefold and jumped out of the water before the water froze, then after the spacefold, the vacuum of outer space should've subjected the fish to catastrophic decompression and exploded it to kingdom-come. (Tuna casserole, at best! :p )

That actually woulda been cool!

Though fish aren't as big on empty air pockets as we are. He'd've definitely had some issues with his swim bladder. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure decompression doesn't blow things up like that.

So there's no reason for safety locks on military bases or aboard military ships if you're not expecting civilian traffic, right? No need to batten down the hatches in rough weather, or to keep people away from the armory or the engine room? No need to keep people out of the captain's quarters? Or the hooch? :)

Before the fold accident, everyone stupid enough to take a plane off the ship during a fold operation was outdoors(I hope). It's easy to station armed guards at the entrances.

If I had to guess, Roy was probably breaking a few regulations just putting Hikaru in the VF-1D, much less depositing him aboard the Macross with his stunt plane.

All the retrofitting done after the fold accident... well, engineering was working overtime already with the city reconstruction, space-refits for the Daedalus and Prometheus, etc. What's a few more locked interior doors? Especially since the city was being installed in previously unused space and they were probably adding the doors as they built it.

The bigger concern would be some dimwit leaving the door open and exposing the deck to decompression after the fold(though it's probably not standard practice to fold in an atmosphere, so it'd be decompressed to start with). Not some dingbat suiciding by jumping out during a fold.

There's actually good reasons to have the door open during a fold. If you're dropping out into a hotspot, you may want your fighters launching as soon as you defold.

Not trying to overanalyze. I would simply add in a few lines of dialog that explained my concerns above, and I would've eliminated the racer- and tuna-in-space scenes. For all the bruhaha here, it wouldn't've constituted that big of a change from the show.

I was just offering an explanation for the city's presence. Which explains the large # of civilians around.

Edited by JB0
  BEAST said:

Why, though? Why would they have all those civilians living there? It doesn't make sense.

Having that many civilians there actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

I mean the island was relatively remote, and yet it had a massive spaceship being rebuilt on it, it had an airstrip, a naval port, rocket launch facility if I remember correctly, and they were doing R&D on all sorts of stuff. They had to have lots of scientist, engineers, contractors, and labors to work on just the ship. Then assuming that the people working on the macross and staffing all the facilities were living on the island, you would need more people there to build the houses and facilities they're going to use. and because these people were going to be living their for so long they would probably be allowed to bring their families with them, so you would need more people to provide things like schools and stores and other amenities for these civilians. All these people add up.

and as to security, if as I state most of the people on the island were either drectly working on the ship itself, were working at other military facilities, or were the family of people there, I don’t think the officals their would be to concerned about the civilians attacking the macross as most of them were probably government employees.


Yeah but wouldn't the SDF-1 be a prime target for the Anti-UN? While I agree that there'd be a need for lots of people around the ship you'd also think the constant potential for attack would mean fewer families and more solo-dudes working out of quarters rather than living in a town. Then again, next to the SDF-1 may also be the safest place imagineable as it'd probably be the most heavily fortified location within the UN.

They don't build cities right next door to nuclear plants, do they?

While I don't live in a city, I do live in a pretty heavily-populated area. There's a nuclear powerplant about 10 miles from me.

What was a giant tuna even doing floating around loose in outer space in the first place, for? If it had been swimming in the ocean around S. Ataria Island at the time of the spacefold, then it should've remained within the ocean water after the spacefold and frozen with the rest of the ocean.

Conversely, if it freaked out because of the spacefold and jumped out of the water before the water froze, then after the spacefold, the vacuum of outer space should've subjected the fish to catastrophic decompression and exploded it to kingdom-come. (Tuna casserole, at best! )

What's to say that the giant tuna wasn't at a fish market or aboard a fishing boat?


Did you guys know that those working on the atom bomb back in the day had to live in a city isolated from the rest of the world? No one could get in or out. There were some government employees working there who didn't know what they were doing...except for making sure the needle on the gauge stayed w/in certain limits. If that needle were to move out of the limits they had to turn a knob one way or the other. ...Anyway...I could definitely see a city surrounding the Macross.

  eight_car said:

Sorry about calling Hikaru "Rick" ... damn

My brother in law downloaded for me the enitire Roblowtech series and I watched it after many a year.

I then watched Macross series again (got the Animego Set - AWESEOME) and can't believe I made that slip-up.! :(

The whole max/Milla thing is good for it being rushed if you take into account their probs they have in Mac7. (And from being in the military, I have seen rushed mariages like that)

Why are you bashing on Robotech? The show is very good and most folks would never have even heard of Macross without it.

Give the RT bashing a rest.

It's a deeper story than Macross in many respects, any way.

*Flame Retarding Undewear On*


until now i never did have the chance to see Robotech....was it really that different from Macross??? how was the chemistry between Minmei, Hikaru and Misa??? was there any BIG difference in the story line??? wondering how was the ending???

until now i never did have the chance to see Robotech....was it really that different from Macross??? how was the chemistry between Minmei, Hikaru and Misa??? was there any BIG difference in the story line??? wondering how was the ending???

There's a noob thread dedicated to basically all of those questions (although I think it's answered more from the other angle of people having seen Robotech and wondering how Macross is different).

  mojacko said:

until now i never did have the chance to see Robotech....was it really that different from Macross??? how was the chemistry between Minmei, Hikaru and Misa??? was there any BIG difference in the story line??? wondering how was the ending???

I would say it is about 85% faithful to the original.

Some things were changed to incorporate the other three shows and ROBOTECH is nowhere near as stoic as Macross is. The characters actually have thoughts that you hear instead of dead air time. (Personally they over did it a little but I prefer it.)

If you hate ROBOTECH:TMS then you basically have to hate Macross because they are so similar in all reality.

  VF5SS said:

Apparently brief moments of no talking equals dead air time. Good writings shows you what the characters are thinking and doesn't tell you.

That's bogus. There are TONS of moments where the characters are OBVIOUSLY thinking *SOMETHING* yet the show gives no insight whatsoever into it. At least RT took a stab at it and I prefer it.


  Skull-1 said:

That's bogus. There are TONS of moments where the characters are OBVIOUSLY thinking *SOMETHING* yet the show gives no insight whatsoever into it. At least RT took a stab at it and I prefer it.


You are wrong, and everything you say is wrong, regardless of whether it's true for you or not. While the base story elements of Macross are the same, the character desgins & episode layout, etc are the same, there is a huge glarring difference. Macross is a very well executed series, while robotech completely ruins it with awefull dubbing, terrible music, juvenille dialogue, a vast over saturation of exposition & narration, and a gross mangling of the true meaning behind the series.



Now before any of you go on to bash or defend RT, I would like to remind you that this topic isn't about that.


If we're talking about minor animation changes and nothing harming the content of the story, I wouldn't mind updating the VF-1 design with the SW-X1A (Shneeblume) instead. It makes more sense to have transforming fighters follow the trend of modern ones (passive stealth geometry).

  Keith said:

You are wrong, and everything you say is wrong, regardless of whether it's true for you or not. While the base story elements of Macross are the same, the character desgins & episode layout, etc are the same, there is a huge glarring difference. Macross is a very well executed series, while robotech completely ruins it with awefull dubbing, terrible music, juvenille dialogue, a vast over saturation of exposition & narration, and a gross mangling of the true meaning behind the series.


At worst the scores are equivalent.

The plot is 85% the same.

Macross is a very DISJOINTED series. It has no true "flow" for lack of a better word.

Robotech is a true *EPIC* spanning GENERATIONS. The pieces (by PURE CHANCE I admit) flow together in a way that makes the sum far greater than its parts.

The dialogue is almost the same. The only thing about RT dialogue I hate are the needles "Wah?" "Huh?" "Oh." That stuff is stupid. But if you ignore that the story is incredibly mature.

The music is awesome. I have no complaints other than Minmei. I would certainly trade the American in for the Japanese equivalent, but other than one or two songs, the RT BGM is superior.

The narrator is my favorite part of RT. He does a great job of tying things together.

Macross is like flying in general--hours of bordeom interrupted by moments of sheer terror. It is very unbalanced IMHO. A decent show, but my vote if I compared all of Macross to all of RT would be for RT.

True meaning? What true meaning? **********YAWN*************

Long live the ROBOTECH.

Admit it, you love it.

I take pride in the fact I am mature enough to enjoy both. You should consider it.

( Besides, I thought you had me on ignore.)


  azrael said:

Now before any of you go on to bash or defend RT, I would like to remind you that this topic isn't about that.

You are right.

Sorry for the above post.

  Boxer said:

If we're talking about minor animation changes and nothing harming the content of the story, I wouldn't mind updating the VF-1 design with the SW-X1A (Shneeblume) instead. It makes more sense to have transforming fighters follow the trend of modern ones (passive stealth geometry).


I agree that the "Shneeblume" design actually fits in better with Kawamori's VF designs from Mac Plus onward and thus appears to be a much more reasonable basis for the VF-11 and VF-19 design aesthetics.

Now I am still a fan of the original VF-1, however legally it's a bit of a hot potato considering Tatsunoko as well as the fact that all produced designs after it are much closer to modern aerodynamic convention unlike the original.

Storywise, I would change the final battle with the Zentreadi rebels by making it more personal.

With the confrontations going on at ground level with the love triangle, there would be combat confrontations all around them.

Such as, in addition to Global and Kamjin's capital ship showdown, there'd be a Q-Rau vs VF-1J battle in the air between Lap Lamis and Millia, with Max leading the Skull squadron against the Zentreadi attackers (giving us a taste of his leadership abilities).

The sequence with Global and Hayase meeting with the top military brass would have had more meat if the UN President was also present giving the bad news to the two of them. It would also give less of a sense of a military dictatorship to the proceedings.

The scenes on post war Earth would be closer to the DYRL idea of searching for survivors around the ruins of the world's cities and actually finding some! Let's face it the gov would have put as many people into shelters as possible when they commited themselves to firing the grand cannon.

I also really like the idea of the sunken city, with is a nod to the ancient Atlantis legend, and would have like to see that somehow folded into the story.

I would also like to see an incorporation of "Ai Oboeteimasuka" of DYRL into the series. I prefer the idea that a love song of PC origin would have greater impact on the Zentreadi as opposed to an Earth based song.

With the exception of a few very minor changes, like "uniforms" that ARE "UNI" (as in single) like Mac Zero did, the inclusion of BDU's for the bridge staff, modernizing the instrumentation, etc...

I'd leave the bulk of the story as it is, since it aint broke, why fix it?


One snippet of dialouge I mentioned was Hikaru's saying that there were Zentreadi in his squad, that would be transfered to the SDF-1 because of the increasing danger.

Now, since I'm a sucker for villians (or villianous races), I wouldn't mind seeing more of the conflict between the zentreadi. There are Zentran who enjoy Miclone culture (To varying degrees), and then there are those who reject human culture for various reasons (desire for 'own, unique' culture, find miclones annoying, desire to maintain large size, etx). I'd much rather be interested in having engadging dialouge between the sides of the Zentreadi characters, making a side-story of the fate of the Zentreadi race.

Of course, it could be elegible for a small OVA, since it would require establishing more Zentreadi characters among the fleet to pick up later in the story. That's another thing I might add, more Zentreadi characters and interaction. Having the Melts as a seperate entity (Allies rather than under Bodolza's command), would also be a plus.

When it comes to the Shneeblume v. VF-1, a plausable explaination has to be found why modern-age fighter jets aren't passive stealth. Would the VF-1 have to sacrifice passive stealth for it's other features? (Transformation, space-flight capability, etx), or would the world governments feel the investment in a mass-production fighter that expensive would be worth it?

If anyone's taking a tally, I'd choose ARMDs over carrier arms... or at least updating the carriers when sticking them on a DYRL? body.

Also more story of the Destroids... maybe a destroid ace. The only cannonfodder of the story really should be Regult pilots and the Zents. Zents have attrition on their side, humans are just better pilots that shouldn't be blown up just by changing scenes.

A cameo of Orguss would also be nice, other than seeing the Orgussvalk combust ;)


I'm not sure I would change much other than making the animation a bit more consistent.

Episode 3 is particularly bad (Roy flying a VF-1A, etc.). I know they had to farm out animation but I really wish they didn't have to.

  eight_car said:

Then delete it! :D

That'd be cowardly wouldn't it?

I wrote it I'll live with it.

Just sorry to take things off topic.


Let's see...The big thing that i thought would have been better was if they had a funeral scene for Roy. I would have put some more emotion into one of the main characters dying, i don't think they spent enought time on it.

I also would have like to see the Max/Millia storyline extended. I always found it much too short.

  RDClip said:

Let's see...The big thing that i thought would have been better was if they had a funeral scene for Roy. I would have put some more emotion into one of the main characters dying, i don't think they spent enought time on it.

I also would have like to see the Max/Millia storyline extended. I always found it much too short.

Yeah, i agree with you 100%. The main story arc was only 27 episodes and the remaining episodes were just to fill space which they could have used to expand those events. But i think they didn't expect to get more funding to increase the episode count so they rushed through certain events.


I thought it was a popular show and that's why they extended it to 36. Am I wrong? With popularity would come a budget I would hope. :)

Posted (edited)
  Skull-1 said:

I thought it was a popular show and that's why they extended it to 36. Am I wrong? With popularity would come a budget I would hope. :)

It was a popular show, i think they originally intended the show to end at episode 27 or at least end it the same way. They were working under the impression that the show was to run for a limited number of episodes probably 26 episodes. So they rushed through the Max and Mira marriage and maybe other stuff. But they didn't expect it to be so popular that they were asked to increase the episode count. So in a way they weren't prepared. If they knew the episode count was to be increased earlier, then episode 27 would become episode 36 and the rushed events would have been expanded.

Edited by kung flu
  Boxer said:

Of course, it could be elegible for a small OVA, since it would require establishing more Zentreadi characters among the fleet to pick up later in the story. That's another thing I might add, more Zentreadi characters and interaction. Having the Melts as a seperate entity (Allies rather than under Bodolza's command), would also be a plus.

A few OVA's about subplots withing the main story of SDFM is a pretty good idea. It's worked in several instances with Gundam.

  Boxer said:
When it comes to the Shneeblume v. VF-1, a plausable explaination has to be found why modern-age fighter jets aren't passive stealth. Would the VF-1 have to sacrifice passive stealth for it's other features? (Transformation, space-flight capability, etx), or would the world governments feel the investment in a mass-production fighter that expensive would be worth it?

Well the explanation of using the Shneeblume design as the "actual" Valkyrie is the same explanation Studio Nue came up with for DYRL. It was a dramatic "TV Series" about the events of SW1. Not the actual events of what happened.

Spacy disallowed them to use the actual design of the VF-1 in their production, so they made up their own... :p

  Boxer said:
If anyone's taking a tally, I'd choose ARMDs over carrier arms... or at least updating the carriers when sticking them on a DYRL? body.

Actually if you simply update the designs of both ships that may be enough. Imagine how the SDF-1 would look with a Asuka II type carrier hanging off it's arm as opposed the the one from the series?

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