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Macross Original TV Series


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If you had input in the writing,what if anything would you have added/deleted from the original series? I am talking small details here, not major re-writing of plot/characters to the point it wouldn't resemble the series we all admire.

When I watch the series I had a few thoughts about this

1) Misa is normally a strong woman, but she is a total wuss in relation to the whole Hikaru/Minmei thing.

I would have liked to seen an episode/part where Misa stands up for herself to fight for Hikaru and maybe even SLAP Minmei. I'm no talking about any fan service or stuff like that here, just Misa standing up for herself and taking a stand.

2) Kaifun should have been ironically killed off by a rioting Zentradi at the city he caused the trouble with Rick.

3) Would like to have seen maybe visual archives of the Supervision Army. (I bet the Zentradi had SOME records of them)

Well, Like I said nothing to majorly change the story, just a few additions/subtractions I thought about while watching.

Edited by eight_car
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If you had input in the writing,what if anything would you have added/deleted from the original series? I am talking small details here, not major re-writing of plot/characters to the point it wouldn't resemble the series we all admire.

When I watch the series I had a few thoughts about this

1) Misa is normally a strong woman, but she is a total wuss in relation to the whole Rick/Minmei thing.

I would have liked to seen an episode/part where Misa stands up for herself to fight for Rick and maybe even SLAP Minmei. I'm no talking about any fan service or stuff like that here, just Misa standing up for herself and taking a stand.

2) Kaifun should have been ironically killed off by a rioting Zentradi at the city he caused the trouble with Rick.

3) Would like to have seen maybe visual archives of the Supervision Army. (I bet the Zentradi had SOME records of them)

Well, Like I said nothing to majorly change the story, just a few additions/subtractions I thought about while watching.

Who's this Rick guy you mention?

Oh, that's right! Hikaru's evil twin! :p:D

(just kidding ;) )

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I actually liked that Misa was so vulnerable and insecure with regards to Hikaru. It was very realistic IMHO. I've known countless women in my life that were just like this.

One of the things I would have like to have been stretched out a bit, however, is the Max/Miria relationship. It just feels so rushed and totally unbelievable how they meet, compete, fight, fall in love, and get engaged in a single episode. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but this one is ridiculous.

And I know that the last few episodes are 'tacked on', but I wish they didn't seem as such. The situations are just not very interesting and the whole series just kind of fizzles out (IMO).

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Sorry about calling Hikaru "Rick" ... damn

My brother in law downloaded for me the enitire Roblowtech series and I watched it after many a year.

I then watched Macross series again (got the Animego Set - AWESEOME) and can't believe I made that slip-up.! :(

The whole max/Milla thing is good for it being rushed if you take into account their probs they have in Mac7. (And from being in the military, I have seen rushed mariages like that)

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I then watched Macross series again (got the Animego Set - AWESEOME) and can't believe I made that slip-up.! :(

Everybody gets one. ;)

As for Misa. . . the reason (I think) she is such a "strong woman" professionally is because she is running away from her personal life.

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The whole thing about Misa was that she focused herself in her military work after her boyfriend died that she became inept in dealing with other men. The fact that Hikaru was interested in another girl made it easier for them to get together, where he wasn't constantly hitting on her. The fact that she had to constantly discipline him is probably what finally got to Hikaru.

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2) Kaifun should have been ironically killed off by a rioting Zentradi at the city he caused the trouble with Hikaru.

LOL... but nah, I like his descent. For one, it's strikingly adult subject matter for a cartoon. For two, it shows that being a paficist and playing the better person doesn't equate to a whole lot unless there's a lot more behind it than attempting to be unabashedly contrarian. LOL, that's not a dig on Hurin... I was looking for the proper wording and boom, there was his title!

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Kaifun was NOT the beter person. His pacifism was NOT genuine. He showed far too much HATRED to be a true pacifist. He was just an angry person who used the military as a scapegoat.

Yeah, that's what I mean by "playing" the better person. He tried to seem like this great guy with super high standards but deep down he just sucked.

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The whole thing about Misa was that she focused herself in her military work after her boyfriend died that she became inept in dealing with other men. The fact that Hikaru was interested in another girl made it easier for them to get together, where he wasn't constantly hitting on her. The fact that she had to constantly discipline him is probably what finally got to Hikaru.

I agree with all of this. However, that doesn't mean that Misa couldn't have gotten totally pissed off and taken a swipe at Minmei. In fact, that would've been in her character.

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I agree with all of this. However, that doesn't mean that Misa couldn't have gotten totally pissed off and taken a swipe at Minmei. In fact, that would've been in her character.

I think that's more of you having a fetish than making a good story point...


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Well maybe I just felt sorry for Misa..... LOL

And it's not a fetish, I just don't see her taking all that crap, and the worst thing she does is flip a poster upside-down?????

Serioulsy, if you have EVER pissed off a woman, you would know that ANY of them would do more than roll over the way Misa did for all that time. (If you don't believe me, get married then talk to me!)

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One of the things I would have like to have been stretched out a bit, however, is the Max/Miria relationship. It just feels so rushed and totally unbelievable how they meet, compete, fight, fall in love, and get engaged in a single episode. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but this one is ridiculous.


Heck, I'd settle for just booting AnimeFiend from their first date/marriage and getting a REAL animation team on that episode.


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I would have liked to have seen more about Gloval and the bunnies

and the threeZentran Spies. Nothing major just more back story.

One more episode with Claudia

would have been good too ; After Fokker's death. She handles it well

when Hikaru and Misa come back from the Zentran ship and have their

meeting with Gloval. (at least i think thats when she finds out.)

It would have been something to have Hikaru beat up Kaifun especially

when Kaifun and Minmei are fighting on the side of the road. Its when

he complains about being paid with food and such after a concert

Or am I getting the story wrong?

Maybe Kakizaki could have had a more glorious death.

In DYRL he gets shot down on earth and on the tv show its the explosion of the Barrier Point System.

Maybe he could have been in a rescue mission or something. just a few thoughts.

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In my daydreams about what if "they" were to make live action movies of Macross, I have often thought about little mods they could do here or there. Mostly to bring the series and movie more in line with each other. But sometimes, to make scenes make more sense, or be more realistic, or whatever.

- Never quite understood why they had so many civilians at the launching of the ship, if so many of its systems were still untested. This would be like the most advanced machine ever known to mankind, which would probably necessitate super-tight security. Seems like they would've done that launch largely in private with only military and government folks.

Perhaps the publicity could be better explained as a UN political propaganda move, in order to prevent more anti-UN suspicions and uprisings. Open, transparent operations?

Or maybe the UN rushed the launch for PR purposes and brought in all these civilians for the show before the ship and her crew were really ready?

Should've been clarified better.

- It was silly for Misa to show up on the viewscreen of Hikaru's VF-1D and argue with him to tell him to go to battle, and have him intentionally do it. How would she find the time during that battle to personally bother with an individual plane and pilot?

Would probably make more sense if there were some sort of automated dispatch and routing system coupled with the autopilot, which took Hikaru along for the ride. Also, scarier that way.

- It seemed silly to have Hikaru and Minmei flying around in the racer seconds before the spacefold. I doubt the hangar doors would've been allowed to open during the countdown. And how would a ducted fan plane maneuver in outer space? His rear rockets would only thrust in one direction, methinks. He probably should've just stayed inside and looked out a porthole or something, and omitted that whole jaunt.

- What was up with the giant tuna spacewalk scene? I think they should've just survived on his survival kit rations, and skipped that scene.

- One thing I thought of would be to show Global almost smoking the pipe throughout the first voyage, even when they return to Earth, but repeatedly self-consciously stopping and putting the lighter away, as a way of showing that he was still a by-the-book career officer.

But once UN Forces High Command turns its back on the Macross, show him lighting up regularly, as a symbolic act of defiance!

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I would have liked to have seen more about Gloval and the bunnies

and the threeZentran Spies. Nothing major just more back story.

One more episode with Claudia

would have been good too ; After Fokker's death. She handles it well

when Hikaru and Misa come back from the Zentran ship and have their

meeting with Gloval. (at least i think thats when she finds out.)

It would have been something to have Hikaru beat up Kaifun especially

when Kaifun and Minmei are fighting on the side of the road. Its when

he complains about being paid with food and such after a concert

Or am I getting the story wrong?

Maybe Kakizaki could have had a more glorious death.

In DYRL he gets shot down on earth and on the tv show its the explosion of the Barrier Point System.

Maybe he could have been in a rescue mission or something. just a few thoughts.

About Roy's death, you are thinking about DYRL. Roy's death in the TV series was handled much differently, with Roy getting shot up, bringing his bird in, and still making the date with Claudia at her room. He then collapses from a loss of blood and later dies in sickbay (infirmary).

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About Roy's death, you are thinking about DYRL. Roy's death in the TV series was handled much differently, with Roy getting shot up, bringing his bird in, and still making the date with Claudia at her room. He then collapses from a loss of blood and later dies in sickbay (infirmary).

On that note, I would have liked to see Roy's funeral. Just have an episode just about him and his history when he met Hikaru and so forth. Sort of having Hikaru do a eulogy. Or better yet, everyone reflect how they met Roy during the ceremony. But then wouldnt it take that episode of Claudia talking about her relationship with Misa? You would have Gloval, Misa, Kakazaki, Max, and the Bridge bunnies reflect how they met him and so forth.

I think the characterization about Misa being a strong woman in profession yet weak in personal seems to be fine with me. Everyone has weaknesses. Some are more noticeable than others. It does characterize how the real world works. We look at Minmay and call her a whiny ho. However, Minmay was just turning 16 in SDFM. How many ppl here knew of girls at that age who was whiny? Better yet, how many of you all when you were 16 a whiny jerk? :p Minmay was acting her age. So Hikaru was robbing the craddle? :ph34r:

I also thnk there should have been more air time on M&M as well. For the small stuff, I think they should have made it a standard uniform like the US armed forces. I assume other armed forces are like that. Only the rank on uniform helps distingush it.

As for Kaifun, I think it would be nice to see him as a drunkard bum. See how the mighty have fallen type of deal. Having him killed in irony seems to me as being too dramatic. I think it would nice to see how he preached his pacificism to alcoholism.

Just my $0.02

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I don't really see Minmei as a whiny jerk, I think I keep her age in mind. And remember Hikaru is the same age. (So there is no Hikaru robbing the cradle - if anyone can be accused of that it would have to be Misa)

Kaifun as a drunken, broken down alki, hmm... that would have been cool too. :)

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It'd be cool if they did reanimate the original show, but added a lot of scenes to make it fresh and correct the mistakes. I would definitely add to Roy's death so it wouldn't be so cheesy, Same thing for M&M's relationship. It'd be like adding in deleted scenes and remastering it. Using the original voices and newly recorded ones using the original actors... obviously there wouldn't be any new Hikaru scenes added but there's already enough of those.

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Maybe Kakizaki could have had a more glorious death.

In DYRL he gets shot down on earth and on the tv show its the explosion of the Barrier Point System.

Maybe he could have been in a rescue mission or something. just a few thoughts.

I sorta liked Kakizaki's death.

The way he died in both cases was such that it wasn't his fault. Heck, he seemed to have gotten over his chronic bullet attraction in the TV series.

He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Arguably he coulda survived in the TV series if he'd been just a hair faster getting away, but...

- Never quite understood why they had so many civilians at the launching of the ship, if so many of its systems were still untested. This would be like the most advanced machine ever known to mankind, which would probably necessitate super-tight security. Seems like they would've done that launch largely in private with only military and government folks.

The thing's over a kilometer long, with a city built around it.

I would assume the civilians were kept well away from the actual ship, but there was no way to keep it a truly private affair.

Especially since the city only existed because of the restoration of the ship. They showed fairly early that the residents had a bit of an attachment to the thing.

Or maybe the UN rushed the launch for PR purposes and brought in all these civilians for the show before the ship and her crew were really ready?

Most of the civilians lived there. Only a few were brought in.

As far as ready... I believe part of the reason to launch the ship was so they could test it out. They explicitly mentioned they were going to test the main cannon once they left Earth, and I think the fold generators too.

They really didn't know if it was ready, because they couldn't or didn't want to use a lot of the hardware while on the ground.

- It seemed silly to have Hikaru and Minmei flying around in the racer seconds before the spacefold. I doubt the hangar doors would've been allowed to open during the countdown. And how would a ducted fan plane maneuver in outer space? His rear rockets would only thrust in one direction, methinks.

And yet he could maneuver, so the rockets must've had some vectoring, or be individually controllable.

I dunno about safety interlocks on the doors. Seems easier to just tell people "Don't open the door!", especially since it wasn't intended to be a civilian vessel.

He probably should've just stayed inside and looked out a porthole or something, and omitted that whole jaunt.

Well, yeah. But he was an idiot.

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- What was up with the giant tuna spacewalk scene? I think they should've just survived on his survival kit rations, and skipped that scene.

yeah they could have survived on the rations but weren't they running out or was that in DYRL well either

way they're both young and seeing a large potential meal certainly seems like a great way to avoid

starvation also I think it was a decent way to have them begin to care for one another. She sees him as her

savior and I think (being the man) he feels a need to protect her.

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Off the top of my head:

- I would have used DYRL designs wherever possible, other than the valk paint schemes. I would keep them tv colors but on DYRL valks. I would also use the DYRL macross for the series. IMO it looks cooler and the idea of sea going ships for arms is a little goofy to me. (series macross fans please don't hurt me)

- I would have incorporated the war between the Zentradi and Meltrandi.

- Fastpacks would have been standard issue for all valks right from the start. Looking back the idea of jets in space seems kinda silly, but the addition of fastpacks makes them uber-cool. Plus, just picture if everyone had custom painted fastpacks to match their valk. How cool would that have been?

- I never really liked how normal life for the civilians was on the macross. They weren't in space that long. Certainly not long enough for an auto industry and the various other product manufacturers. The restaurants I can see as a way to distribute rations, but hotels? Who the hell is going to show up and need a room for the night? I'm sure there other and better examples, but you get my point.

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Where did you want the pilots to bang the civilian ladies? They sure as heck didn't seem to want that going on back at the soldiers' quarters. :D

Actually that's a pretty good point, although I assume that's not what the creators had in mind. Ok, I'll give you the hotels, although I wonder how many girls would be willing to go since everyone would know what they're up to. Not exactly discreet. Having said that, if we follow that logic, I wonder if the hotels were really just hotels, if you catch my drift. That's one industry I'm sure would have been established quite quickly. It is the oldest profession in the world after all. :D

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Actually that's a pretty good point, although I assume that's not what the creators had in mind. Ok, I'll give you the hotels, although I wonder how many girls would be willing to go since everyone would know what they're up to. Not exactly discreet. Having said that, if we follow that logic, I wonder if the hotels were really just hotels, if you catch my drift. That's one industry I'm sure would have been established quite quickly. It is the oldest profession in the world after all.

You know, DYRL actually seems to cement this idea a bit (well, maybe not stretching it to the cathouse). remember Hikaru's date with Minmei. He tries to end it by going to the hotel and she shoots him down. That was what immediately came to my mind when you mentioned it so I think maybe that actually was what the creators intended... but were as subtle as humanly possible about it. We do see plenty of the pilots interacting with the civilian ladies and it's doubtful with all the destruction of property while all the people survived in shelters that people would have homes all to themselves. Now, getting around the "Oh my God, she's going to the hotel with that pilot!" issue is another matter entirely and it's not like you could get away with too much with a captive audience to sit there and gossip. Heck, it's a wonder the bridge bunnies didn't just sit out front of the hotels with a bag of popcorn.

Edited by jenius
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You know, DYRL actually seems to cement this idea a bit (well, maybe not stretching it to the cathouse). remember Hikaru's date with Minmei. He tries to end it by going to the hotel and she shoots him down. That was what immediately came to my mind when you mentioned it so I think maybe that actually was what the creators intended... but were as subtle as humanly possible about it. We do see plenty of the pilots interacting with the civilian ladies and it's doubtful with all the destruction of property while all the people survived in shelters that people would have homes all to themselves. Now, getting around the "Oh my God, she's going to the hotel with that pilot!" issue is another matter entirely and it's not like you could get away with too much with a captive audience to sit there and gossip. Heck, it's a wonder the bridge bunnies didn't just sit out front of the hotels with a bag of popcorn.

The bridge bunnies were operating as a different kind of bunny inside when they weren't on the bridge ... LOL :D

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Off the top of my head:

- I would have used DYRL designs wherever possible, other than the valk paint schemes. I would keep them tv colors but on DYRL valks. I would also use the DYRL macross for the series. IMO it looks cooler and the idea of sea going ships for arms is a little goofy to me. (series macross fans please don't hurt me)

- I would have incorporated the war between the Zentradi and Meltrandi.

- Fastpacks would have been standard issue for all valks right from the start. Looking back the idea of jets in space seems kinda silly, but the addition of fastpacks makes them uber-cool. Plus, just picture if everyone had custom painted fastpacks to match their valk. How cool would that have been?

You know 1 of those is impossible, right?

The DYRL designs hadn't been made yet, and were too complex to animate a weekly TV series with anyways

FAST packs from the start completely breaks the TV timeline, and doesn't really make sense in-continuity.

The war of the sexes was stupid.

The bridge bunnies were operating as a different kind of bunny inside when they weren't on the bridge ... LOL :D


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You know 1 of those is impossible, right?

The DYRL designs hadn't been made yet, and were too complex to animate a weekly TV series with anyways

Well, the whole thread is impossible, unless someone has a time machine, so I did not concern myself with details like that, but point well taken.

FAST packs from the start completely breaks the TV timeline, and doesn't really make sense in-continuity.

Isn't the whole point of the thread what you would change if you could? So, I would re-write the timeline and continuity so fastpacks would make sense.

The war of the sexes was stupid.

Granted it's not exactly original, but I like the spin it put on things. For me it make the Macross surviving constant attacks more believable if the aliens were spending half thier time fighting each other allowing opportunities for escape etc. But whatever, to each his/her own.

Edited by Crazy Canuck II
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There's no reason to believe the war with the sexes wasn't present. They did still have different technology, though Laplamiz's fleet was under Bodolza, they were still quite seperate from each other, and the Protoculture civil war was still known. Likely the fighting between the males & females was intended as a story element, just never explored due to the constantly shifting episode count & hectic production schedule.

In hindsight we know that the only reason Laplamiz's fleet was a part of Bodolza's was because unification of the two sides during the PC/PD war. Before they they were still seperate militaries.

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Granted it's not exactly original, but I like the spin it put on things. For me it make the Macross surviving constant attacks more believable if the aliens were spending half thier time fighting each other allowing opportunities for escape etc. But whatever, to each his/her own.

I thought the series had a good excuse for survival. The zentradi wanted the nukes, so they weren't making an active attempt to destroy the ship.

Kamjin excepted, of course.

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Off the top of my head:

- I would have used DYRL designs wherever possible, other than the valk paint schemes. I would keep them tv colors but on DYRL valks. I would also use the DYRL macross for the series. IMO it looks cooler and the idea of sea going ships for arms is a little goofy to me. (series macross fans please don't hurt me)

the DYRL macross was cooler. but there were no VF-1J's in DYRL and that if anything we need MORE 1J's

- Fastpacks would have been standard issue for all valks right from the start. Looking back the idea of jets in space seems kinda silly, but the addition of fastpacks makes them uber-cool. Plus, just picture if everyone had custom painted fastpacks to match their valk. How cool would that have been?

all the main charecters should have had strike fast packs but giving EVERONE fast packs would suck. do you really want cannon foder to have that much firepower, and besides fast pack lose there coolness when its not just the main charecters who have them

also I would have liked it if they had all been in one squadron like in DYRL but instead of being skull squadron they were wolfpack squadron and used color variations of this scheme: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=39412

Edited by anime52k8
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I would like to have seen more shock and awe from roy and hikrau when the macross main cannon fires by itself and takes out part of the city and the island in booby trap. When it happens they say something like "wow flashy"... uhh... hello MAIN CANNON WENT OFF RIGHT ABOVE YOUR HEAD!

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