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VT-1 vs. VF-1D


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Well I got "The Heisman" in another section so I will try this again here as I am in the process of building my first VT-1 Custom (I want to get it right).

The only sources I have are "Robotech-Based" (and the threads people point to are not specific enough for what I am trying to ask) so it would be a great help if anyone can shed light on the VF-1D and VT-1 for me.

1) Is the VT-1 COMPLETELY unarmed? IOW, is it completely incapable of carrying a GU-11 and does anyone think it makes sense to have a completely unarmed trainer? In that light, why does the VT-1 have the same forearm package as the Super Valk? (Again a question for my custom as perhaps I should modify the missle ports as thrusters or something instead.)

2) Does the VT-1 have any inherent advantages over the VF-1D? More fuel? More maneuverability? Anything? (Is this why the boosters are so fat? And am I required to mount them at an angle on the backpack or do they swivel in the animation?)

3) Where is the VT-1 actually based/operated? Non-combat areas? SDF-1? Earth orbit-only? Did SDF-1 ever actually deploy them or were they deployed on the ARMD platforms? (I need this info for decals.)

5) Are VT-1s *ONLY* painted Orange/Tan? (Do any sources in the animation show any other scheme but orange/tan?)

6) Do we see them in the Macross TV series even in the background? I only remember seeing VF-1Ds. I only recall the VT-1 in DYRL.

Many thanks in advance.

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1) Does the VF have hands? If so, then it is capable of carrying and using a gun pod in battroid and gerwalk modes. Mounting it in fighter mode is an entirely new question. Otherwise, it's good ol' hand to hand combat.

The VT-1 should also be capable of mounting wing ordinance (or additional sensor pods.)

2) The VT-1 has manueverability thrusters on the tips of the wings, the VF-1D does not. The VT-1 also has a head which looks like it has more, or extended sensor capabilities. Then again, it could just be a stripped down head unit, with only the needed sensors having an advanced ability.

3) unknown. In DYRL it launched from the SDF-1 with it's attached ARMD.

5) SVT-24 (squad? unit?) has a dark & light grey, and beige scheme (seen in This is Animation: Macross Plus.)

6) No. It's a movie thing.

PS Mods locked your thread. I suggest respecting their decision to lock the thread. Perhaps this forum isn't the right one, as you appear to be asking a question on a model kit.

Must read: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=142 (section VII, specifically.)

Edited by sketchley
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PS Mods locked your thread. I suggest respecting their decision to lock the thread. Perhaps this forum isn't the right one, as you appear to be asking a question on a model kit.

Must read: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=142 (section VII, specifically.)

Well I was going to post it here originally because it involves a 1/55 I am building. And if I can't ask a question about models here where can I ask it?

The mods have the right to lock a thread and I respect that. Perhaps my questions are too "model-based" to be appropriate in that particular section of the forums. So be it. Since the TV Series section is a hostile environment I'll just stay here where people know me and continue to frame all my questions in the context of building customs since that is my primary role on this site (1/55 Customs).

Thanks for your answers. They help. Just wish I could find some line art that has the gray VT-1 scheme.

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My mistake, this is the toy section.

The TV series section is not hostile. The fact that there are multiple threads active on the exact same topic, at the same time is what will lead to threads being locked.

There won't be any gray VT-1 line-art. Line art is, by it's nature, lines only, with no colour or screen tone (ergo no gray.) What you want is colour art.

My take it or leave it summation of the text on pg 87 of the This is Animation: Macross Plus OVA book is:

VT-1 FAST Pack:

SVMAT-102: From 2009.10, for three months on ARMD-4. Used the 'dayglow orange' colour scheme familiar from the movie.

SVT-24: 2 units in the training wing on ARMD-2. SVT-24 also used 1 VF-1D. The body is light gray, with radome colour (dark gray) on the FAST packsm sensor head, and wing tips. Brown (same as on the dayglow orange VF-1) on the nose, and tips of the dorsal FAST packs. 00 on the front of the two FAST packs.

Note: neither have a reference to their carrier on their body. There is a Super VF-1J on the same page with ARMD-03 on it's nacelle packs - so I am under the impression that the lack of carrier decal on the two VT-1 is intentional.

The other impression I have is that there were (or are) not very many VT-1. With only 2 (3 if including the VF-1D) per 15 plane training wing*, and 0 per (regular) fighter wing, I am led to believe that we'd only find 2 or 3 VT-1 per ARMD (which carries upwards of 348 fighters**.)

* 15 based on info found here: http://macross.anime.net//story/encycloped...pacy/index.html

** http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...armd/index.html

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Like this one.....

Imagine these in dark gray.

Mean looking boy...


This poor Valk is a Frankenstein. I grabbed a Jetfire off EBAY and when it arrived it was crushed into hundreds of pieces.

I took the wings off a recast Ostrich kit......... Along with the armor.

The right arm, back plate, dorsal hatch, tail pack, and vertical fins are from a boot. I actually rebuilt the left arm out of spare Bandai parts and added a ratchet mechanism to it.

Poor thing.

Any way.... I don't know what I am going to do with it just yet......

I'll take suggestions on a paint job as I am out of ideas.



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I'll take suggestions on a paint job as I am out of ideas.

How about a Stealth like the Yammie one (the dark grey/blue one not the cammo job) or an urban type theme.

Looks like you resqued that one for the great hanger in the sky I think you have the sholder bits from the wrong sholder on the bootleg just in case anyonereading this didnt know they put the arms on backwards on bootlegs for some idiot reason. Much the same as on a Joons boot the tail fins are switched too ???? same dumb ass reason probably.

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How about a Stealth like the Yammie one (the dark grey/blue one not the cammo job) or an urban type theme.

Looks like you resqued that one for the great hanger in the sky I think you have the sholder bits from the wrong sholder on the bootleg just in case anyonereading this didnt know they put the arms on backwards on bootlegs for some idiot reason. Much the same as on a Joons boot the tail fins are switched too ???? same dumb ass reason probably.

I had to put the "bicep" on backwards--no choice and no spares--but I will fill it to look correct eventually. :)

Will take the paint under advisement.

Guess after the New Year I will find inspiration! LOL

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I had to put the "bicep" on backwards--no choice and no spares--but I will fill it to look correct eventually. :)

Dont worry I had to do the same a while back. You can add a bit of bondo to the hole and scribe the pannel lines back in and nobody will know.

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1) Is the VT-1 COMPLETELY unarmed? IOW, is it completely incapable of carrying a GU-11 and does anyone think it makes sense to have a completely unarmed trainer? In that light, why does the VT-1 have the same forearm package as the Super Valk? (Again a question for my custom as perhaps I should modify the missle ports as thrusters or something instead.)

Like most trainers it probably has the capability to carry weapons on hardpoints, though I doubt it's ever used in actual combat (inaccurate docu-dramas aside). Looking at my copy of the Macross design works the VT-1 carries no arm armor at all.

2) Does the VT-1 have any inherent advantages over the VF-1D? More fuel? More maneuverability? Anything? (Is this why the boosters are so fat? And am I required to mount them at an angle on the backpack or do they swivel in the animation?)

Better seating arrangement for the instructor pilot, more fuel, simplified design (AFAIK the VT-1's tail fins are incapable of folding), and lower power engines (might make for more forgiving performance). This is speculation but I'm willing to bet the VT-1s FCS is programmed to be much more forgiving than the VF-1's. The VF-1D having nearly identical performance to the VF-1A/J would be more of a conversion trainer in the mold of the F-16D F-15D F/A-18D etc. etc. while the VT-1 would be more of a basic/lead in fighter trainer like the BAE Hawk.

3) Where is the VT-1 actually based/operated? Non-combat areas? SDF-1? Earth orbit-only? Did SDF-1 ever actually deploy them or were they deployed on the ARMD platforms? (I need this info for decals.)

Wherever the Spacy trains their pilots. I don't know if the VT-1 was in production when the Macross made her voyage (in the official timeline that is, obviously in they were on board the Macross in the DYRL docu-drama). Being trainers they'd probably fly missions far away from any possibility of enemy contact which would mean in and around the neighborhood of Earth or similarly safe colony world. I could see there being a "training ARMD" where VT's could perform carrier qualifications, but I doubt you'd see any on vessels destined for combat aside from deep space colony missions.

5) Are VT-1s *ONLY* painted Orange/Tan? (Do any sources in the animation show any other scheme but orange/tan?)

Others have already answered this but I seem to remember an overall grey color scheme being featured in one of the modeling magazines, I'll see if I can dig it up.

6) Do we see them in the Macross TV series even in the background? I only remember seeing VF-1Ds. I only recall the VT-1 in DYRL.

The VT-1 only ever appears in DYRL and MD7. It's not clear if the VT-1 was even in service during SW1.

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