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You know, I've been fortunate (I guess) to avoid the 1/48s since I don't wanna start collecting all over again. Roughly though, on Yamato Macross stuff, I'm at around $1000 even. That's counting all my Macross Plus toys, the Macross Zero toys, and the Koenig Monster. This stuff adds up quick. Lucky this thread only deals with Yamato. Everything else added would be a total of about $4250 for me. :o


And for the record, I think this "bullshit" posting is just retarded. I work around some people who make more money in one month than I have in 3 years, and I make a lot of money (around $130K/year in real estate). Anybody that has that kind of money and brags like that is very full of it. Think about it, if all you can do is brag about $200 Yamato collections??? OK, 14 year olds should get their parents permission to join this site. Obviously someone who needs that much attention is just a waste of time.

As for Xstoys, I think most can vouch for his collection. He shows what the goods are at the MWcons, and doesn't brag about it like some pompous bafoon.

As for those of you who have invested over $2-$3K in your yammies and total collections, do you regret ever buying so many of the toys? :huh:

As for those of you who have invested over $2-$3K in your yammies and total collections, do you regret ever buying so many of the toys?

NEVER!! I don't own a single duplicate, I buy one of each and move on. I also don't collect DYRL-only paint schemes. Those two rules keep me from buying a lot of valks. The only problem I have now is that I'm out of room for anything new in my display cases or storage spaces (garage/closets). I did get photoshop for xmas though so I think I might just clean up a lot of the pictures on my website and then sell a bunch of toys off and just have the pictures as my permanent keepsakes :)

  jenius said:

NEVER!! I don't own a single duplicate, I buy one of each and move on. I also don't collect DYRL-only paint schemes. Those two rules keep me from buying a lot of valks. The only problem I have now is that I'm out of room for anything new in my display cases or storage spaces (garage/closets). I did get photoshop for xmas though so I think I might just clean up a lot of the pictures on my website and then sell a bunch of toys off and just have the pictures as my permanent keepsakes :)

Now that sounds like a prudent plan J, time to start taking more pics. :p


Considering all I do is pose these things on a shelf and admire them, you'd think pictures would be good enough. But there's just something about being able to pick it up and transform it or pose it differently...I just don't think I could sell them off. I can't even bring myself to put them back in their boxes for safe keeping, I need to see them up on the shelf. I, unlike jenius, do have a few duplicates, but I don't really regret any purchases (although I'd really like to trade my most recent duplicate VF-1A Hikaru, but whatever I trade it for would also be a duplicate :p)


I put alot of work into catching up on the the valks I missed. I'm still missing a couple extras. <_<

Now that i've added up how much i've spent, its alot but i dont regret any of it.

I own duplicates, but i've always collected duplicate of toy from toy cars to SOC.

Usually I end up giving stuff away to kids in the family or the children of freinds. :)

These I'm keeping. :p

  Jasonc said:

As for those of you who have invested over $2-$3K in your yammies and total collections, do you regret ever buying so many of the toys? :huh:

Hmmm...I don't feel guilty about the collection...but I do feel like I'm cheating with my fiancee because she doesn't buy much except for paint/brushes/canvas for her hobby.

But you know what? I never got a chance on those 1/55 back in the 80s...so here my chance.

I agree with Jenius and I am practicing what's preached with the exception of one extra VF-1S v1 for spare parts.

Oh yeah, by the way, newer houses in So Cal now average around $480K +...so LordKungFu...you got a long way to go.

Posted (edited)

tease me or what eva you want to call it all you want. I still pull in more money in 1 month that you all do in a year put together. I have not visited because Im too busy, and since this site went down, this site has been a little slow. It only the same 10 people posting over and over.

You call that a collection. Nice way to store them too! Big plastic buckets. You should at least wrap each piece so they dont get paint wear from rubbing each other. Common sense people!

ja! ja! ja! pish, I got more money in my toy collection than what your house is worth. :rolleyes:


It's called a collection in storage. :rolleyes: If you had actually bothered to read some of my posts, I store them like that to conserve space as I don't have a shelf yet. I'm not as rich as you. ;) And, if you actually owned a Yammie, you would notice that in Fighter mode, all the exposed parts are molded in colour. Therefore, paint wear is not a problem, and I don't move them around enough for them to actually collide. :p Besides, it was simply proof that I have a collection of reasonable size, and I'm honoured that a D. Trump-like personality such as yourself has noticed. Can you please give us lowly poor people a sample of your collection, now that Godzilla and I have posted ours? ;):D

I'm loving the fact that you returned! I was looking for some entertainment before the New Year. :lol:

  Jasonc said:

As for Xstoys, I think most can vouch for his collection. He shows what the goods are at the MWcons, and doesn't brag about it like some pompous bafoon.

As for those of you who have invested over $2-$3K in your yammies and total collections, do you regret ever buying so many of the toys? :huh:

XSToy's collection is more spectacular than mine. I know most people do this, but XSToy's collection is the one that delivers most variety. It's awesome. I can't bring myself to spend some of the money on certain items though, like helmets.

  jenius said:

Oh man, I feel totally guilty for dropping his name and that joke in the first place now. Sorry everybody... I had assumed there would never be a resurrection.

Don't be. He's ingrained himself in MW history, albeit in a negative way. He should be proud!

Edited by kensei
Posted (edited)

I seriously doubt that... :wacko:


ja! ja! ja! pish, I got more money in my toy collection than what your house is worth. :rolleyes:

Edited by xstoys

why dont you jump on his back. He claims that nobody hear comes close to what he has. How does he know what everybody got.

YOur right though, I dont know what his house is worth, my point is that I have a lot of money spent on my yammies, and Im sure they are valued at more than what most people spent on their houses.

So to stay on topic, I have more that 100k in yammies alone. Most likely closer to about 200k, but Im not going to split hairs. I need to do an inventory. That just yammies, not my overall collection.

Mister e, I have 2 houses for sale in the fort worth area. IF you are interested, message me.

I've seen what xstoys has, what about you putting up or shutting up. I'm sure Hurin will be here to point out the threads where we expose you to be full of crap soon. Then everyone will be reminded how pathetic you are.

  >EXO< said:

How about we ban the lying mofo?

Banning someone because they are doing their best to look stupid? :huh:

Sounds cruel to me.


If we banned A1, or whatever his name was for constantly spamming his Ahnold m7 hating troll bait all over the place, than lord kung fu should also be banned for spewing his look at me, I'm a 7 year old who needs attention crap all over the place.

should also be banned for spewing his look at me, I'm a 7 year old who needs attention crap all over the place

Crap... my days may be numbered also!


  myk said:

Oh, and why we'd ban Agent One and not a pointless troll like this one is beyond me...

  eugimon said:

If we banned A1, or whatever his name was for constantly spamming his Ahnold m7 hating troll bait all over the place, than lord kung fu should also be banned for spewing his look at me, I'm a 7 year old who needs attention crap all over the place.

In my country, it would be hot competition to see who can get elected as Prime Minister if you two were in parliament. Common sense rules.


Hey LKF,

Am I correct that your recent six month absence had something to do with this post. That's some pretty conclusive evidence that you've been yanking everyone's chain around here. Did you think we'd forget?

You're welcome to stay, of course, but just admit that you've been making this stuff up for whatever reason, and let's all just move on.




ja! ja! ja! pish, I got more money in my toy collection than what your house is worth. :rolleyes:


This is why I shouldn't read threads backwards. I hadn't seen this when I wrote my prior post immediately above.

And here I was ready to forgive and forget. After all, it's not hard to forget what you've said since it's all demonstrably lies anyways.

I'm not sure we should ban you for clearly lying so frequently and brazenly, but if you keep using this fantasy existence you've concocted to insult other members, I'll ban you myself.

So, please, just come clean and admit that, for whatever reason, you've been screwing with us. . . and we'll all just move on.



God, I think I might have to change my pants , this is just too much fun, this Geezer is priceless.

back on topic, I would say I only have spent around $300 in yammies.

What can I say, I'm not into the VF-1 that much, I've got just THE ONE I like so that reduces most of the spending, I don't like having multiples either, I might get another one if I ever get the courage to do a custom.

As you can see I'm very selective, mainly because I really like a limited number of valks , don't get me wrong , all of them have awesome designs but just a few feel special to me, and those are the only ones I'll buy ( still waiting for the VF-5000 Yamato ;) ).

I'm planning on getting the 0A and YF-19 for my birthday next year, I might buy the VF-0D if it ever gets produced, breaking my rule of 'no variants/re-colors' , but since the 0D is so different I think it won't be so tragic.

Posted (edited)

I'll just play another card.

IPB Image

BTW: Aegis! I'm not referring to you. ^_^

What VF-1 do you have? You might be able to justify another VF-1 purchase if it has FAST packs.

Edited by Dante74
Posted (edited)
  kensei said:

In my country, it would be hot competition to see who can get elected as Prime Minister if you two were in parliament. Common sense rules.


Edited by myk
Posted (edited)

Cause you like fast cars, you're one vote up! :p

I've counted my collection. Here it is:

1/48 VF-1 = 106

I'll update with accessories later.

Note though, that i never look on toys as an investment even though I am selling some of them. That hurts cause I thought I was forced to make customs, then the Kakizaki and the Angelbirds came out. :(

Edited by kensei
  Roy Focker said:

Banning someone because they are doing their best to look stupid? :huh:

Sounds cruel to me.

Cruel? I'm trying to save him from more embarrassment... ^_^

Posted (edited)

My head hurts from all the reading and laughing.

Does anyone know collectively just how many Yammie Valks we now own on MW. Also has anyone any idea about what sort of percentage that is on total Yamato sales. Im thinking that Graham may be the man to ask as he has his ear at Yamato`s door.

On a side note does anyone want to see my special 1/48 collection, I have 6 of them all mounted on a key chain that I keep in my pocket :p

Edited by big F
  big F said:

My head hurts from all the reading and laughing.

Does anyone know collectively just how many Yammie Valks we now own on MW. Also has anyon any idea about what sort of percentage that is on total amato sales. Im thinking that Graham may be the man to ask as he has his ear at Yamato`s door.

mcpaz did that ages ago, but the numbers are not updated. They are older than a couple of years I think. I'd liek to know the totals now, especially the totals of the new 1/60s.


Well here's a question for those to call to have thousands to millions of dollars worth of yamato. Why do you need so much and what do you do with them all?

At the most I could see having 4 of every toy. One to keep MIB, one to display in battroid, gerwalk and the last in fighter mode.

At the most I could see having 4 of every toy. One to keep MIB, one to display in battroid, gerwalk and the last in fighter mode.

Good God, if you owned 4 of every Yammy toy you'd have spent a LOT of cash. Where'd I say I was? I think I'm at $3,300ish and that's only owning 1 of MOST of them (2 LV1s and 0 DYRL Valks other than Focker). So was this question:

Well here's a question for those to call to have thousands to millions of dollars worth of yamato. Why do you need so much and what do you do with them all?

Aimed more at people who have spent $10K plus or for the people who have spent $2K plus? As for me, I have four Detolfs housing most of my collection (although one Detolf is entirely Mospeada and a second one is Mac7, Mospeada, Elint/Ostrich, and Mac +). Some day I very much hope to have a giant "everything Macross" display case. In the meantime I have quite a few toys in storage.

  Macross73 said:

just click my sig mine are all added up

I asked this before, but is there a way to add a tally function to our account profile? and then we could see a running tally instead of manually calculating the numbers?

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