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TOTY voting has begun


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The nomination period is over, and y'all are cordially invited to vote for Japanese Toy of the Year, over at


This is the heir to the fabled Toybox DX TOTY, and the rules are very similar. You'll have to register an account (only takes a moment), and there's a short visual quiz about Japanese toys preceding the voting, all in good fun. Don't get annoyed if you don't know the answers.

Thanks and good luck to your candidate!

Edited by Shaggydog
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Hmmm...i have registered but my authentication email hasn't arrived. >_>

EDIT: Oops silly me...it went into the SPAM folder.

Anyway...i scored 5/5 on the quiz although i only knew the Terminus and Guncannon, and apparently i still SUCK :lol:. I think for the rest, the names are self explanatory. Hehehe.

I voted for

Best Toy : SOC Gunbuster

Worst Toy : Garland

Toy Crack : wtf is a toy crack? I don't remmeber what i chose.

Edited by wolfx
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BEST: Scope Dog 1:18 Dual Model Zwei

I just got this thing two weeks ago but it is hands down the most pure toy joy I've experienced all year. This thing is one of those toys that keeps giving.

WORST: MP Starscream

I don't even have one and I know it sucks. Why? That color. And I really don't like the sculpt that much anymore either. I love Starscream, but this toy just doesn't do it for me. Gimee the Classics version any day.


Waaaaay too many Revoltechs in this category. I like Revoltech just fine, but toy crack they are not. I voted for Fatty because I like Votoms, but in my heart I voted for the mysteriously absent THS G1 Hybrid Convoy. THAT is a perfect example of toy crack. So many people were nominating THS I'm really surprised it didn't make it.

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- Seriously, this is way more exciting and fun than the DMZ-01 Scopedog! And it's definitely a toy you can play and pose without having to worry about paint-chips or CAD oversights.


- Reissue an excellent toy with lousier QC on parts fit and finishing, then nearly double the original price because of a half-hearted trailer that doesn't even include Roller or even come close to the Hong Kong bootleg trailer from over a year ago. It's a PERFECT RIPOFF.


Kaiyodo delivers! Dynamic poseability that isn't fragile! Useful display stands! Cheap! Excellent sculpts! Extensive line-up!

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Toy Crack : wtf is a toy crack? I don't remmeber what i chose.

Cheap toys that you get addicted to buying and find yourself in need of a fix when you don't buy one in a while etc.

For me it'd be HCM Pros despite the fact that they're not really cheap they fullfill all the other criteria. :lol:

Best toy: hands down it's Gunbuster the SOC

Worst toy: Er, dunno, I don't buy bad toys. ;P

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