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Growing up I was a big fans of the Rocky movies. Well, now it's twenty years later and we're on the cusp of Stallone's final entry into the beloved series. He considers it his "love letter" to the fans that've supported him throughout the years. I'm looking foward to this one seeing as Rocky V was somewhat of a letdown. "YO ADRIAN!" "EYE OF THE TIGER IS THE THRILL OF THE FIGHT!"

Former heavyweight champion Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) steps out of retirement and back into the ring, pitting himself against a new rival decades after his initial glory. When a computer simulated boxing match declares Rocky Balboa the victor over current champion Mason "The Line" Dixon, the legendary fighter's passion and spirit are reignited. But when his desire to fight in small, regional competitions is trumped by promoters calling for a rematch of the cyber-fight, Balboa must weigh the mental and physical risks of a high profile exhibition match against his need to be in the ring.

IPB Image


I'm glad to see someone else is looking forward to this. This movie looks like it will be a lot of fun and very true to what made the first rocky movie so great.


I watched Rocky I - IV a bazillion times on cable back in the day. I have yet to sit down and watch V all the way through. But this one I am very much looking forward to and it looks like me and some friends will be seeing it tomorrow night.


hmmm, 60 year old ex, arthritic punch boxer against a young buff, nimble, very strong current heavy weight champion, can we say suicidal rocky?


It does not matter, Rocky does not give up. If it is his time to die at the hands of someone else he will die in this final film. But, I am really looking forward to this film.

As for Rock resembling a "OLD ASS FRANKENSTEIN", possibly, but that is entirely subjective. The truth is Sly still is in exceptional shape given his age, far better than his peers!

Based on the previews flooding youtube, it seems this film is much more emotional for Rocky since it allows him to release a lot of his pent up frustrations/emotions that have been eating away at him. Imagine having your wife & best friends all pass before you and your desires repressed for years... inside Rock must be full of turmoil.

I am not hoping for a storybook ending, but if Rock can go the distance I for one will be quite happy.


Oh please...someone take Rocky behind the woodshed and put him out of his misery...

There hasn't been a good Rocky movie since the third one. And I can't even remember the last good Stallone movie.

  dejr8bud said:

Oh please...someone take Rocky behind the woodshed and put him out of his misery...

There hasn't been a good Rocky movie since the third one. And I can't even remember the last good Stallone movie.

What was wrong with Rocky IV?

(aside from his sappy speech at the end)


I wanna see Rocky take some Geritol and get into the ring. I am seeing it when it comes out just so I can say I saw geezer Rocky in the ring. :)

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:

Because no one will be able to understand the dialogue.

Heh, that reminds me of a TV show Peter was watching on Family Guy called, "What?" It starred Sylvester Stallone and Tony Danza mumbling at each other with subtitles. :lol:


Wait. . . . .

This is surely not Anime . . . but is it Science Fiction? :blink::blink:

Well after checking out the previews . . . Yeah I'd say it qualifies. :lol::lol::lol::p



I love the old Rocky flicks just as much as everyone else. I grew up with these films. Although I admit that I will not go see this movie in the theater, I will definitely rent it on DVD out of curiosity when it comes out. The reason is... I think it's kinda sad when Pauly actually looks better than Rocky.

  dejr8bud said:

Oh please...someone take Rocky behind the woodshed and put him out of his misery...

There hasn't been a good Rocky movie since the third one. And I can't even remember the last good Stallone movie.

Copland was pretty decent.


"I gave you a chance, and you BLEW IT!!!"

Anyway, they've already done an "old fighter" versus "new fighter" Rocky movie-that's what the whole Drago thing was about in #4...


I saw it today, its not spectacular, but it is ALOT better than I had expected, this is what #5 should of been.

  areaseven said:

Yeah, watch it drop further once it hits theatres next week. I'll still watch it, though - even after I spent my allocated movie money on The Pursuit of Happyness.

The reviews are getting better. It is now certified fresh on rottentomatoes.com with a 77% rating.

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