Doktor Gonzo Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Here we go: Petition This one has pretty broad-based support and 40,000 signatures already - looks good...
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 If I thought it would make a difference, I'd sign it in a second. Unfortunately, I think Lucas' mind is pretty much made up on this matter. A consumer's best bet is to track down a bootleg rip from the old THX remastered LDs.
Doktor Gonzo Posted October 10, 2003 Author Posted October 10, 2003 If I thought it would make a difference, I'd sign it in a second. Unfortunately, I think Lucas' mind is pretty much made up on this matter. A consumer's best bet is to track down a bootleg rip from the old THX remastered LDs. In all probability you're right. Still, what can it hurt?...
Duke Togo Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I am fairly certain Lucasfim has backed off of the "Special Edition only" stance.
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I am fairly certain Lucasfim has backed off of the "Special Edition only" stance. I haven't heard anything one way or the other on this issue for some time now. It's quite possible the 1997 SE will not be the final version that gets released on DVD anyway. For example, while it was interesting to see back in '97, anybody with eyes can see the ANH Jabba is quite horrbile. Surely even GL must not be 100% pleased with this, along with whatever other nitpicks bother him late at night. There was, in fact, a rumor that cropped up last month that we'd see an OT release on DVD sometime next year, possibly to ramp up the hype for Ep III the following year.
TheLoneWolf Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 There was, in fact, a rumor that cropped up last month that we'd see an OT release on DVD sometime next year, possibly to ramp up the hype for Ep III the following year. Now that would surprise me. I figured Lucas would milk the VHS format one final time before moving onto DVD. Major, you just opened up a whole new can of worms.
dna Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I didn't really care one way or the other about the special editions EXCEPT for the Guido(sp?) thing. That was not refining the film, that was wholesale fact changing. And I'm not even a (Star Wars) fanboy
Ladic Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 What is wrong with the special editions? most of the changes are stupid. Anyways, you know how Mr Lucas is, all about the $$$$, so I bet they are first gonna release the Special Edition or whatever new edition he has in mind, and after a few years and a lot of DVD's sold, he is gonna release the Normal Versions again just to milk some more $$$.
Agent ONE Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 ...Major, you just opened up a whole new can of worms. Why, I love the special editions! They added so much! It is like having an awesome girlfriend, and then one day out of the blue she shows with a great set of implants!
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 What is wrong with the special editions? My biggest complaints have always been: - Greedo shooting first - ANH Jabba - "white" sabers still not fixed, nearly 25 years later - Luke's girly scream in ESB when he pitches himself into the reactor shaft - and worst of all.....Jedi Rocks. Well my friend, that scene most definitely did NOT rock. That's not to say there isn't anything to like about the SE. ANH had it's soundtrack overhauled and sounds much better than the original. The new version of the final battle had about 60% of it's shots replaced, and in this case I'm all for it. The shots that were redone were originally pretty bad and did not hold up well. Cloud City looks like an actual city now, with windows that you can see though, instead of a bunch of frosted glass.
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Star Wars is dead to me. I can never understand this reasoning. Even if you hate the PT with a passion usually reserved for Hitler and Bin Laden, how does it in any way "ruin" the OT? I hated Alien 3, but I have never suddenly decided to hate Alien & Aliens becasue of it.
TheLoneWolf Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 ...Major, you just opened up a whole new can of worms. Why, I love the special editions! They added so much! It is like having an awesome girlfriend, and then one day out of the blue she shows with a great set of implants! With the SE you some good and some not-so-good improvements. In the case of a gf, it would be more like her coming home with a set of mismatched implants.
Opus Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Star Wars is dead to me. I can never understand this reasoning. Even if you hate the PT with a passion usually reserved for Hitler and Bin Laden, how does it in any way "ruin" the OT? I hated Alien 3, but I have never suddenly decided to hate Alien & Aliens becasue of it. I was just being a drama queen. I don't hate it, I just don't care about it any more.
Agent ONE Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 ...Major, you just opened up a whole new can of worms. Why, I love the special editions! They added so much! It is like having an awesome girlfriend, and then one day out of the blue she shows with a great set of implants! With the SE you some good and some not-so-good improvements. In the case of a gf, it would be more like her coming home with a set of mismatched implants. That could work for different moods!
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I was just being a drama queen. Oh, I see. I guess I just tuned it out because there's already been so much "drama" on MW this week.
tom64ss Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Maybe he'll release itso you can watch both versions. IIRC, there've been a couple DVD's I've watched where you can choose between watching the movie with the extra footage worked into the movie, or choose to watch the original version. I'm pretty sure Lucas will incorporate that into a SW DVD boxed set, thus making the people who've already bought the first 3 episodes on DVD have to buy it again.
MrDisco Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 ok sw fanboy response time. whatever magic i once associated with SW has long been evaporated after the release of the new films and the onslaught of their marketing. actually it was more the marketing of SW which has killed it for me. any lame brain merchandising idea can get a SW license (it would not suprise me to find a SW condom..use the force indeed). here's what i predict: sw ep3 comes to theatre sw ep3 comes to dvd box set of ep1-3 comes out box set of ep4-6 comes out super limited box set of ep1-6 comes out super special limited set of 4-6 WITH the original theatre rls comes out super duper special limited set of 1-6 comes out re-do eps 1-3 with new FX and show it it in the treatre re-release new eps1-3 on dvds ..etc... re-do the whole process again in 20 yrs time
pfunk Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Personally, I like the originals that didnt have the added crap, just put that on a dvd and thats it, I dont need to here what george was "feeling" back then
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 here's what i predict:sw ep3 comes to theatre sw ep3 comes to dvd box set of ep1-3 comes out box set of ep4-6 comes out super limited box set of ep1-6 comes out super special limited set of 4-6 WITH the original theatre rls comes out super duper special limited set of 1-6 comes out re-do eps 1-3 with new FX and show it it in the treatre re-release new eps1-3 on dvds ..etc... re-do the whole process again in 20 yrs time And the worst part is...we'll still buy each of them.
Uxi Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I really DON'T expect there to be a bunch of super duper limited different versions of the SW DVD's. IIRC, the only time a different VHS edition came out was when the previous one was out of production, usually with something a little different to try to entice new people. There won't be any spoilers/sneak preview this time to entice anyone. As a purchaser of bootleg SE DVDs (best $40 I ever spent for the 3!), they're just holding me over until the Real Thing is out. I fully intend to buy the platinum encrusted Limited Edition set with 1-6 in widescreen, of course, with all the features and more of the Ep1 and 2 DVDs. Noone can deny there is good content on those things. As far as the SE themselves, I like them for the most part. [fanboy/] I dont like Greedo shooting first. I do kinda like the Jabba part (even though it's redudant). I love the improvements to the dogfighting over the Death Star. I like seeing the ice monster thing, even though its impotent roaring is kind of silly. I didnt like the woosie Luke scream. I missed Vader's simpler "Get my shuttle" line instead of the bit about getting his Star Destroyer ready. I like the original thing better than "Jedi Rocks." I like the "yub-yub" song but also like what they replaced it with. [/fanboy]
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 *random trivia* Apparently, the infamous "Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" line added to ESB:SE was originally a snippet of dialog recorded for ANH by James Earl Jones (I couldn't bring myself to abbreviate his name "JEJ" in a sentence already rife with abbreviations). I still like the "Bring my shuttle..." line better.
GobotFool Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 (edited) Yeah the line alterations in ESB, and RTOJ and gredo shoots 1st were stupid. Sadly being the SW fanboy I am (only of the OT, the new film, comics and novels can all burn and I wouldn't care), I know most of the line changes, but I get the feeling I'm the only one who cares. Lando: "Wait I thought you were blind!" Solo OT: "Don't worry trust me!" Solo SE: "Oh I can see alot better now" I loved the original line as their whole relationship was based on lack of trust so the irony I always found really funny, the new line is just dumb <_< don't see why he felt the need to change that. I never noticed this line much till it was altered but once it was changed it seemed all wrong. problem with SE is that for every good thing he added he took something good away. This is what I have to say to lucas, mess with the FX all you want, but for god's sake leave the content alone. Edited October 10, 2003 by GobotFool
bsu legato Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I've always wondered if the "Trust me" line got ditched because Lucas felt it was too similar to a line from Indiana Jones.
dna Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 I've just spent the last 10 minutes trying to sort out all the different abbreviations.
Skull Leader Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Man, people sure do like to whine a lot. The SE's were just fine. For BETTER OR WORSE, it helped to bring them up to par with the 1-3 episodes.
Pat Payne Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Well, my only fear is that the rumors that Lucas shot new footage of Bail Organa and others on Alderaan just before the Death Star blows 'em all to kingdom come are true, and that the footage would show up in any new SE of Star Wars. Other than that, I can live with almost anyting else in the SE (although Greedo shooting first torks me off, both because the angle for the "shot" looks all wrong, and because it's supposed to establish Han Solo as a mean mutha--shut yo mouth...) As for internet petitions, don't bother. to them, if you don't care enough to use actual paper (and having them print it off doesn't count ) they aren't gonna waste their time.
Macross_Fanboy Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 Special Editions are better! I don't want to have a plain ol' boring Sarlacc Pit from the original! I want one that's a real menace to the characters. And I prefer the digitally enhanced sound and visual effects instead of the originals. Do you really want to see black mat lines during the Battle of Hoth? I don't. I grew up mostly on the Special Editions. But I've seen the originals, and I prefer the SEs. And what novels are you talking about Gobot? Because I sure hope you aren't dissing on the X-Wing and New Jedi Order series!
The Shade Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 Actually, if king george just cleaned up the classic trilogy, and remixed the sound in 5.1 (6.1 for you DTS folk out there ), and then released it on DVD, I would be a happy camper. But, we all know that the main man himself knows better than we do about what we like and don't like, so I guess this is a waste of time.
007-vf1 Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 Ok some new lines on the SE suck some added CG like JabbaTH in ep IV also suck..but IMO no one should complain about the new and realistic view of bespin on the SE TESB by far a very needed and well done improvement to that part of the movie. The change of lighting and perspective set up compared to the original is amazing.
Max Jenius Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 They're fixing Jabba in the Super Duper ANH.
TheLoneWolf Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 They're fixing Jabba in the Super Duper ANH. So there will be an updated version of the Special Edition ANH?
Ladic Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 as long as he doesn't star throwing around random ewoks on ep4 and 5.
Keith Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 There's no reason why both versions of the OT shouldn't be included. Either through branching, or seperate disc's (anything but double sided!), they should absolutely be there. I'd also love it if we could get a bit of an epilogue with the orignal cast (obviously post Jedi), be ti for only 10 minutes, half hour, whatever, to see what happened in the ST universe after Jedi. As for the box set itself, I'm hoping for a stylized square box, with a flip open lid in the front of Vader's helment. Inside, have each and every spine a different light saber color using a holographic shiny effect.
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