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SO... been playing thru GoW a second time, and my thumbstick BROKE on one of the twirl-the-stick-matching bits... but don't worry, Sony'll give me another refurbished unit for the low low price of $96... unbelievable... this is the second one I've had to have replaced (broke the screen last time, totally my fault)... and Sony's warranty and service policy is just broke. I coulda just bought a thumbstick and replaced it myself, but that would void the warranty... and cost like $15. Stupid me for wanting to be able to get some form of support for my PSP from Sony still... why do they have to punish me for it tho?

  Morpheus said:
Yay, Bandai just announced a new Gundam Battle series for PSP.

FAZZ and Doven Wolf :ph34r: :ph34r: Also Hi-Nu Gundam is on the list.

Pic from magazine scan can be seen here:

Famitsu scan April 2008

Hi-Nu for thw win!

  Morpheus said:
Yay, Bandai just announced a new Gundam Battle series for PSP.

FAZZ and Doven Wolf :ph34r: :ph34r: Also Hi-Nu Gundam is on the list.

Pic from magazine scan can be seen here:

Famitsu scan April 2008

I like it when a game is announced just a few months before release. I know what I'll be doing this summer!

No Zaku-III love?

  Hikuro said:
I just got Gundam Battle Chronicles, but I can't figure out how to play the missions. I went thru the control training missions, but after that I can't do anything....I select a mission, I input all those points on both my guy and his partner, then what?

Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this one, but my PSP's L button was always registering as pressed when it wasn't. Finally broke down, took the thing apart, cleaned it, put it back together, saw that the L button was working fine, only to have issues with the analog stick always pulling down. <_< After taking the analog stick assembly apart, finding no apparent reason why it should be malfunctioning, overstretching the spring, and slapping it all back together, I'm left with a PSP that might not play God of War anymore, but seems okay for Gundam. I ordered a new analog stick assembly, and I'm kinda thinking about getting a new faceplate, but I digress...

Forgive me if this comes across as condescending, but I want to be thorough so you can get on with enjoying your game! Now, if you did the training, it sounds like you can obviously get to the mission select screen. On the mission select screen, it should say Training, with a smaller 0079 under it. Push R to move over to the 0079 missions. Select the mission you want, and you're taken to the screen were, on the left, there are two columns, one for player and one for partner. Highlight Player and push circle. You can push left or right on the d-pad to select a mobile suit. When you're on the suit you want, pressing circle will take you to the tuning menu for that suit. Push X to exit the tuning menu, then push down on the d-pad. Pushing left or right here will allow you to select a pilot, once you unlock more of them. You can't push circle here, because pilots gain experience through combat, not tuning. Push down one more time. A mission panel will appear on the right, with a picture of the field. When you see that picture, push circle. A message will pop up. The gist of the message is something like "okay to go into battle with these settings?" The choice on the left is yes, and the choice on the right (highlighted by default) is no. Highlight yes, press circle, and you're off to shoot some enemy mobile suits!

If there's any other trouble you have with the game, feel free to PM me. I started a notebook where I wrote down what everything was in the menus and what not.


A lil help guys.

I understand that the PSP can play video files, specifically mp4 format. So i wanted to try it and dump AiA's Macross F (which are mp4) into the VIDEOS folder but it will show up as "unsupported format" on the video list. Any ideas why?

  wolfx said:
A lil help guys.

I understand that the PSP can play video files, specifically mp4 format. So i wanted to try it and dump AiA's Macross F (which are mp4) into the VIDEOS folder but it will show up as "unsupported format" on the video list. Any ideas why?

The MP4 for the PSP has to have a specific file name for the PSP to recognize it. M4V04895.MP4 is an example. Some video conversion programs will format the movie's name correctly and then import them to the correct folders.

I tired drag and drop to my memory stick on the PC but it didn't work.

I bought PSP MAX media manager and Sony Media Manager 2.0. I use the MAX exclusively. There is some programs available on freeware but I felt safer buying the software.

Now none of these programs break microvision encoding but MAX media is great for formating and downloading movies for your PSP.

  wolfx said:
A lil help guys.

I understand that the PSP can play video files, specifically mp4 format. So i wanted to try it and dump AiA's Macross F (which are mp4) into the VIDEOS folder but it will show up as "unsupported format" on the video list. Any ideas why?

Not only is the PSP really anal about what the video is called, but also about where it's at on the memory stick. IIRC, unless this is something they changed with a firmware update (sorry, I'm more of an iPod video guy, especially since I got the touch), there wasn't a VIDEOS folder. If you're browsing your PSP's memory stick, let's say it shows up as drive P in Windows Explorer, you have folders like SAVEDATA and PHOTO and what not inside a folder called PSP (P:\PSP\SAVEDATA, P:\PSP\PHOTO, etc.). Videos don't go in the PSP folder, but in a different folder in the PSP's root directory called MP_ROOT (P:\MP_ROOT). Inside that folder should be another folder, 100MNV01 (P:\PSP\MP_ROOT\100MNV01). Video files go here, but the PSP is still bound by its pain-in-the-bum naming restrictions. All video files need to be named M4Vxxxxx.mp4, where xxxxx is can be any number from 00001 to 99999.

These rules might not apply to to H.264 encoded mp4 files. That as a feature added to the PSP long after I stopped using it for video.

One final thing to note, even if you follow all those rules, the PSP could be finicky and still decide it doesn't like it. If you're into PSP videos, do check out PSP Video 9. It'll convert pretty much any common video format into an mp4 file encoded just the way the PSP likes, and it'll even name the mp4 file it creates according to the PSP's naming conventions. It remembers what the last one it created was, too, so if you converted episodes 1 and 2 of Frontier as M4V00001.mp4 and M4V00002.mp4, assuming you don't convert any other videos in the meantime, it'll create episode 3 as M4V00003.mp4 later on. Another nice thing about it is that it'll create a corresponding thumbnail file, since the PSP can't do it itself. And while it is freeware, don't think that it's no good. I used it back when I was into video on the PSP, and I continue to use a related product, Videora iPod Converter, for making iPod videos.


The heck...that sounds like more trouble than its worth. And here i just wanted to test the video feature and thought it would be as easy as drag n drop. zzzz. Thanks for the help guys.

Will check out this PSP Video 9....though i heard the encoding probably takes as long as viewing the video anyway.

  wolfx said:
The heck...that sounds like more trouble than its worth. And here i just wanted to test the video feature and thought it would be as easy as drag n drop. zzzz. Thanks for the help guys.

Yeah. It was the biggest pain in the A$$ to figure out how to do it. I stayed up all night tying to figure out the encoding and transfer process. After that I spent the money and still had to spend an afternoon.

I never tried the Video 9 but have heard good things. Not only will some programs generate the thumbnail, but will encode with the correct file numbers and assign a word title when displayed as opposed to the "Code".

Problems and gripes aside... it is great to have a platform for Music, Videos, and Games. I have the second biggest memory card and the extended battery. It served me well on my last trans-Pacific flight. Now that Sony has an ever bigger card, think the cost is +200, I will get it when the price comes down.

Well worth the learning curve.


I think with the latest firmware, you don't need to rename the files. I think the most important part with the video is that it has to be in a specific resolution. Video 9 can do it automatically.


I just set my resolution and screen size and left them.

Including game saves I have:

36 CD’s

All Yukikaze

All Gundam Seed Movies

All 8th MS Team

Patlabor movies 1+2

All Macross Zero

Macross DYRL

Macross Flashback 2012

Macross Plus Movie

Macross Seven Movie

Macross Seven OVA

Macross 20th Anniversary Special

Indian Jones Trilogy

Tales of the Golden Monkey (opening movie)

The Rocketeer

The Final Countdown


Superman Returns



Yet to download:

The Rocket (French version)

All on the memory card.

I may increase the resolution for the bigger card but I really didn't see an increase in viewing quality the last time. Is it more noticeable on a TV as opposed to the PSP screen?

Besides I am more interested in numbers of movies on the card since I don't think UMDs will survive long on deployments.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering if anyone has played Fate/Tiger, the chibi 3D fighter with some of the Fate Characters


I guess no-one has played it then...

so is there a video converter that likes MKV files? so far I've used 3 that are supposed to support conversion of MKV to MP4 but the programs either don't recognize it or they end up corrupting while trying to convert...

  • 4 weeks later...


Gundam Battle Universe is out on July 17th, and from the trailer, it looks like they've way topped Battle Chronicle. Lots more pilots, over 200 missions, and new additions like the Hi-Nu, Xi, F91, Zaku III, FAZZ, and many more. The only way it could be better, is if it had Victory, V2, and Unicorn as unlockables.

I keep playing the hell out of this series, so I'm definately looking forward to the next.


Being that I sold my PSP a long time ago, im not really concerned with the system anymore, it didnt really have that much games in the first place and its not a very good multimedia device either... the last game I played for it was MGS:PO, nothing since then thats been release has caught my interest oh well right now DS is king of the handhelds I guess.

  Keith said:

Gundam Battle Universe is out on July 17th, and from the trailer, it looks like they've way topped Battle Chronicle. Lots more pilots, over 200 missions, and new additions like the Hi-Nu, Xi, F91, Zaku III, FAZZ, and many more. The only way it could be better, is if it had Victory, V2, and Unicorn as unlockables.

I keep playing the hell out of this series, so I'm definately looking forward to the next.

It's cool that they're adding a ton more suits (Zaku III!), but I hope they, at minimum, have the campaign play out until 0093 (with F-91 as a bonus unlockable). It was kind of lame unlocking all those ZZ suits with no ZZ story in Chronicle, and it really sucked that by the time you unlocked the Nu Gundam you were pretty much done with the game.

It doesn't have to be Quebeley, but I hope they still have a mobile suit that so broken that it's a breeze to go back through and get all the S-ranks.

Posted (edited)

The trailer shows a ton of ZZ pilots as playable characters, so I'm pretty sure there will be a ZZ campaign. Chances are it'll go all the way up through Char's Counterattack, with the F91 & Hathaway's Flash suits being unlockable extra's.

Edited by Keith
  Keith said:
The trailer shows a ton of ZZ pilots as playable characters, so I'm pretty sure there will be a ZZ campaign. Chances are it'll go all the way up through Char's Counterattack, with the F91 & Hathaway's Flash suits being unlockable extra's.

I bet the mission involving MP Quebeleys with Puru clones will be terribly hard :lol:. So there will be 3 types of ZZ then? (FAZZ, ZZ, full armor ZZ)

  mikeszekely said:
Not only is the PSP really anal about what the video is called, but also about where it's at on the memory stick. IIRC, unless this is something they changed with a firmware update (sorry, I'm more of an iPod video guy, especially since I got the touch), there wasn't a VIDEOS folder. If you're browsing your PSP's memory stick, let's say it shows up as drive P in Windows Explorer, you have folders like SAVEDATA and PHOTO and what not inside a folder called PSP (P:\PSP\SAVEDATA, P:\PSP\PHOTO, etc.). Videos don't go in the PSP folder, but in a different folder in the PSP's root directory called MP_ROOT (P:\MP_ROOT). Inside that folder should be another folder, 100MNV01 (P:\PSP\MP_ROOT\100MNV01). Video files go here, but the PSP is still bound by its pain-in-the-bum naming restrictions. All video files need to be named M4Vxxxxx.mp4, where xxxxx is can be any number from 00001 to 99999.

These rules might not apply to to H.264 encoded mp4 files. That as a feature added to the PSP long after I stopped using it for video.

One final thing to note, even if you follow all those rules, the PSP could be finicky and still decide it doesn't like it. If you're into PSP videos, do check out PSP Video 9. It'll convert pretty much any common video format into an mp4 file encoded just the way the PSP likes, and it'll even name the mp4 file it creates according to the PSP's naming conventions. It remembers what the last one it created was, too, so if you converted episodes 1 and 2 of Frontier as M4V00001.mp4 and M4V00002.mp4, assuming you don't convert any other videos in the meantime, it'll create episode 3 as M4V00003.mp4 later on. Another nice thing about it is that it'll create a corresponding thumbnail file, since the PSP can't do it itself. And while it is freeware, don't think that it's no good. I used it back when I was into video on the PSP, and I continue to use a related product, Videora iPod Converter, for making iPod videos.

I'v been using "ImTOOMP4" video converter, and I'v really had no problems. But this PSP Video 9 intrigues me. On aside note how do you guys feel about the ImTOOmp4? Is it a good conversion program? So far I don't really have any gripes just that certain videos wont convert, or will get to 80% then fail, but this doesn't happen often.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  mikeszekely said:

Jaw dropped on Gundam Mk V :blink: :blink: :blink:

Seriously, they added dozens of mobile suit while keeping the game system, and they expect me to buy it just for that?

Hell yes I'll buy it even I have to auction my soul :lol:

Edited by Morpheus

Looking at the page again, unless more era's are unlockable, the story sections will only go through CCA, with F91 & beyond being resigned to unlockable pilots & suits? The added list of mobile suits is well worth the upgrade, but I hope the next game goes up through Victory. Or better yet, Victory & Turn A! They should also throw in the G-Savior as an incredibly underpowered, unmanueverable suit for comic value. :)

  Keith said:
Looking at the page again, unless more era's are unlockable, the story sections will only go through CCA, with F91 & beyond being resigned to unlockable pilots & suits? The added list of mobile suits is well worth the upgrade, but I hope the next game goes up through Victory. Or better yet, Victory & Turn A! They should also throw in the G-Savior as an incredibly underpowered, unmanueverable suit for comic value. :)

I'm not going to get too greedy, so I don't mind if the story stops at CCA. That's better than stopping at Zeta.

When they do eventually get around to releasing one that adds suits and scenarios from Unicorn, Crossbone, F90, F91, Victory, and Gaia Gear (screw G Saviour), I hope they move the series to PS3. I actually bought Crossfire despite the bad reviews because the HUD looked like the Battle games, hoping for a graphically gorgeous console Battle game.


At this point, i'd be overjoyed if Gundam Vs Gundam was announced for the PS3 with a Rengu Vs Zaft style story/campaign mode.


In Eureka 7, what do you do to keep Renton on top of the ladder with the kids rocking it.

I have not been able to figure out the controls for that part.

  Keith said:
At this point, i'd be overjoyed if Gundam Vs Gundam was announced for the PS3 with a Rengu Vs Zaft style story/campaign mode.

I'm sure something like that is bound to happen. It's happened for pretty much every other Gundam Vs. Game. But I was replaying one of them recently, and I realized that I like the Battle series better.


I enjoy both, though I think I still lean more towards the Vs franchise. Especially after the SEED games, which added insane speed to the mix. Though with bigger envirnments, the Speeder suits in the battle games would actually have something to do aside from running into walls.


Gundam Vs. Gundam is really good, and I still think the Vs. series is superior to the overrated Battle series. Although I might like the Battle series more if it wasn't shoe horned into the PSP's terrible control layout.


lol, I just unlocked Nemo during the AEUG campaign (GBC), I used GM mk II five times. Now I need to find out how to unlock Barzam in the Titan campaign (not by capturing it).

  yellowlightman said:
Gundam Vs. Gundam is really good, and I still think the Vs. series is superior to the overrated Battle series. Although I might like the Battle series more if it wasn't shoe horned into the PSP's terrible control layout.

I can't wait to see the Turn-A in action in something other than Dynasty Warriors.

  • 4 weeks later...

Gundam Battle Universe will be released next week B)) This along with the upcoming Macross Ace Frontier will make my gaming budget dry :mellow:

  • 2 weeks later...

Got my copy of Gundam Battle Universe this morning, and first the bad news. 0079-0087 are all the same missions from Chronicle. As far as I can tell, the only new time periods are definately 0088 & 0093, though hopefully there will be a good number of new extra missions.

And the good news: Graphically, the mobile suits definately seem to look better, not sure if it's my imagination, but they look a little meatier in detail. Flying mobile armors, wave riders, etc, is fixed. No longer do you waste your SP trying to shoot while flying, now you can home in with guard, and safely fire away. Flying melee is the only way to use SP while in an MA mode. Actually, I haven't tried using the GPO3 yet, so that may still be broken, but the Zeta is much improved.

All MS points & unlocked suits/characters carry over to the new game, as do your made characters & control preferences. Stage scores & pilot stats don't carry over, so you'll have to earn S/SS & raise your pilot stats all over again.

I've played all the way through AEUG ZZ, and the missions were plentiful, "Plu Pllu Plu" is there in all her glory, as is crazy bum with a hat Yazan. Stages are a bit too recycled though, Moon Moon looks suspiciously like Jaburo. But so far the couple of CCA missions I've played have all new backdrops, and the Jegan is dead sexy.

All of the guages have been cleaned up, and made more visually pleasing, and the support system works exactly as well as it should. Just hold select, pic your option, and your wingman is good to go. There's also a bit of a stat increase when you're near death, almost like the reivive special in Gundam Vs Zeta. With that, the Battle series has nearly everything the Vs series has. And a definate improvement is felt.

Overall, unless there are more unlockables I don't know about, it's not as big of a mission upgrade as I'd like, but the engine revisions & new ZZ & CCA stuff definately make it worth it for me.


I believe you could use the guard auto lock while in MA mode in chronicle. I like the wing man commands; pretty cool to have your buddy unleash an sp attack. The one thing I don't like is the damn auto sp attack skill when you're at 30% hp. Nothing like unleashing a big ass beam saber attack automatically while the enemy is on the other side of the map shooting you, lol.

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