Keith Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Any word on if the TV output cable will work with the classic? Or is it definately slim only?
Gaijin Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Keith said: Any word on if the TV output cable will work with the classic? Or is it definately slim only? Only the new slims can output to TV.
Ladic Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 anyone know a good car charger for the psp? I want to be able to play on the road. I've found this one on egbames, its fairly priced and comes with a spare battery
s001 Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Anyone knows wich are the standard accesories the psp slim comes with?
bandit29 Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 I guess the God of War PSP demo is shipping? Quote What is up God of War fans? Sorry for the long hiatus but things have been crazy here at Casa De Kratos…much to do. I thought I would come out of my somewhat self imposed media coma to let everyone know that the PSP demo discs are freaking done baby!!! As I type these words, legions of carrier Harpies are being dispatched to deliver the sweet UMD goodness that is God of War: Chains of Olympus – Special edition: Battle of Attica Demo Disc…otherwise know as GOW: COO –SE:BoADD. Good god…that is a freaking mouthful, even typing this abbreviated version makes me tired. That’s it for now, keeping this one quick. The game is looking absolutely amazing, btw, so I hope everyone enjoys this little taste of portable God of War goodness. As a matter of fact, I think it even got an award for the Best PSP Game, or something like that, at the Leipzig conference.
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 SWEET! Hope I get a copy. Is this one of those things where you need to be signed up with the Playstation Underground (I am)?
TSP Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Anyone tried to mess around with Sony's PTF converter yet?
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 I've recently got a black slim psp. What I want to know: anyone know a place that still sells "Guilty Gear Judgement"? I want the asian english language version which includes guilty gear slash (which isn't in the US version apparently). Not available anymore on
bandit29 Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 I have the JP version GGX Slash/Judgment. Most of Slash is in English. And Judgment has some English in it. The story text is in Japanese. I'm not sure if the English Asian version of the Judgment is completely in English. The game might just come with an English/Chinese instruction sheet
promethuem5 Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Castlevania on the PSP comes out soon... who's psyched??
TheLoneWolf Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 promethuem5 said: Castlevania on the PSP comes out soon... who's psyched?? Me! But I'm a little disappointed that there won't be a preorder giftset version like there was with Portrait of Ruin. I may end up getting the Japanese version just for its giftset.
mikeszekely Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 promethuem5 said: Castlevania on the PSP comes out soon... who's psyched?? Busy getting frustrated with Gundam Battle Chronicle. Damn Val Varo...
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 Quote I have the JP version GGX Slash/Judgment. Most of Slash is in English. And Judgment has some English in it. The story text is in Japanese. I'm not sure if the English Asian version of the Judgment is completely in English. The game might just come with an English/Chinese instruction sheet Looks like I'm going to have to hunt down a local copy then. The improved Dpad means fighters are actually good to play on the psp now. I sold my original psp long ago due to the dpad. I had trouble hitting diagonal directions. The newer dpad is a lot better, but still not as good as the ancient snes and gba (original) dpad which were super responsive for me.
TheLoneWolf Posted October 3, 2007 Posted October 3, 2007 promethuem5 said: TLW, what's in the JP Castlevania giftset? Lotsa goodies Rumor has it that GameStop will be getting a preorder gift, but it's just going to be an 8-bit Simon Belmont figure. Supposedly they're not going to advertise it, you have to preorder and they'll give it to you when you pick up. I've seen that uglyass figure on ebay and it's definitely not worth advertising.
mikeszekely Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 TheLoneWolf said: Lotsa goodies Rumor has it that GameStop will be getting a preorder gift, but it's just going to be an 8-bit Simon Belmont figure. Supposedly they're not going to advertise it, you have to preorder and they'll give it to you when you pick up. I've seen that uglyass figure on ebay and it's definitely not worth advertising. It's not a rumor. I went to the store I used to work for the other day, and they were happy to show me the figure.
Valkyrie Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 promethuem5 said: Castlevania on the PSP comes out soon... who's psyched?? I'm totally psyched! I'll be getting it as soon as it's out (october 23rd, was it?), but I'm gonna try my best to hold off playing it for a couple weeks. Gonna save it for the flight to japan on the 7th. I can think of no better way to kill 14 hours on a plane than playing the best Castlevania game ever made And actually, if the limited edition comes out in Japan on the 9th, I'll probably have to pick one up while I'm there!
promethuem5 Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 So, I'll be going to get Castlevania, the new Syphon Filter, and the Starwars Renegade Squadron this afternoon... anyone picked up any of these yet? I'm still not sure if I will get Star Wars bc/ of the controls... for PSP shooters I like the setup where the shape buttons are move and the analog stick is aim, but it doesn't sound like SW has that... Castlevania Rondo of Blood is supposed to be super hard too.
mikeszekely Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 promethuem5 said: So, I'll be going to get Castlevania, the new Syphon Filter, and the Starwars Renegade Squadron this afternoon... anyone picked up any of these yet? I'm still not sure if I will get Star Wars bc/ of the controls... for PSP shooters I like the setup where the shape buttons are move and the analog stick is aim, but it doesn't sound like SW has that... Castlevania Rondo of Blood is supposed to be super hard too. Castlevania. And yes, it is super hard, although they seem to give you enough lives and even if you use them all, it looks like you start at the beginning of the stage instead of a total game over like the old school ones. So as hard as it is (there was one room where I died several times trying because of those spear guys), it still seems beatable.
TheLoneWolf Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 promethuem5 said: ... Castlevania Rondo of Blood is supposed to be super hard too. I didn't think Rondo was hard, I cleared it in my first sitting. It's difficulty is on par with old-school Castlevania games, but since I grew up playing those games I probably had an advantage. With the exception of the Grim Reaper and Shaft's ghost, you can pretty much beat all the bosses with constant attacks, there's no real strategy involved. If the game does give you problems then play as Maria with her turtle familiar, nothing's going to stop you then. The hardest classic Castlevania, IMO, is on the X68000 (re-released as Castlevania Chronicles on the PS1).
promethuem5 Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 It'll probably give me a bit more challange seeing as I started Castlevania games with Circle of the Moon on GBA
promethuem5 Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 (edited) So.... maybe I should have just bought SotN off of the PS3 marketplace... Rondo of Blood is impossible and I'm debating just dling a save file with all three games unlocked EDIT: FINALLY unlocked SotN... turns out the girl is way better for not dying in Rondo of Blood... having SotN unlocked still manages to make up for the incredibly hard RoB... after never being able to beat Legends or III either, I never really enjoyed the linear old-school Castlevanias much anyways... and SotN still manages to be damn addictive. I'll probably never be able to beat RoB anyways... I bought the game for SotN... Edited October 27, 2007 by promethuem5
bandit29 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Ya the new Castlevaina game is tough. Only played for a few minutes. Picked up Sega Rally Revo on ebay for 15.00 shipped lol. Brand new. Fun game. You can actually knock cars out of the way unlike the PS3 version.
mikeszekely Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 TheLoneWolf said: I didn't think Rondo was hard, I cleared it in my first sitting. It's difficulty is on par with old-school Castlevania games, but since I grew up playing those games I probably had an advantage. With the exception of the Grim Reaper and Shaft's ghost, you can pretty much beat all the bosses with constant attacks, there's no real strategy involved. If the game does give you problems then play as Maria with her turtle familiar, nothing's going to stop you then. The hardest classic Castlevania, IMO, is on the X68000 (re-released as Castlevania Chronicles on the PS1). I think the fact that you grew up playing them does have a lot to do with it. I grew up playing Megaman, so I can pick up and breeze through just about any of them, but a lot of my friends think they're lucky if they can even make it to a Robot Master. In fact, I remember when the Megaman X Collection came out when I was working at Gamestop, I was playing it at work with an employee who was actually a Megaman fan, and even he was impressed with how I collected some of the heart tanks. I never owned any of the old-school Castlevanias myself, but I rented I and III a couple of times. I liked them OK, but I definitely prefer the new "Metroidvanias." Speaking of which, Iga's supposed to announce a new one for the DS soon...
promethuem5 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Been playing SoTN like a fiend, and also just barely started into Logan's Shadow. Both are amazing as expected... there's some much better stealth opportunities from the start in Logan's Shadow, even with the level being something of a frontal assault. I also downloaded THQ's demo for its Warhammer 40k tactical game... it's turn based strategy like X-com and really really fun.
Hikuro Posted November 21, 2007 Posted November 21, 2007 (edited) So today I finally decided thanks to this 100 dollar gift card I won, to get a new PSP since I sold my last one to pay bills. I thought why not go the extra mile and buy the Silver version, I go to my trusted game store and they've got bupkiss there cept the vader white one which I was like "Pff" on. They didn't even have a core! So I went to fry's got it there, I gotta say I really like this new thin style. Oh nevermind it's working now.....hey out of curiousity, is it possible for someone to make a MZ23 EVE wallpaper for my PSP? I've been trying to look up good images of EVE online, but so far I'm not having much luck. Edited November 21, 2007 by Hikuro
Morpheus Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 Finally got S and SS for all the 7 faction in Gundam Battle Chronicle, I also came across a special scene where I used Kou Uraki in GP03 in mission "man of destiny", during the last stage instead the operator telling me a mobile armor is coming, I get a scene where Kou is in his GP03 meeting Gato in neuel ziel, where he said "Is he waiting for me?". Boy I love this game
Keith Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 I just started playing it this week. Haven't started the Zeon side, but I'm nearly done with the federation side. Right now I'm stuck on the extra mission version of "threat of newtype." Using the Sazabi, I can get all the way to the Nu & Sazabi (Quin Mantha usually mops me up a bit though), but by the time I get to Amuro & Char, then trash me with their damned funnels... Still better than Royale's extra missions though, those things were just cruel.
mikeszekely Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 Keith said: I just started playing it this week. Haven't started the Zeon side, but I'm nearly done with the federation side. Right now I'm stuck on the extra mission version of "threat of newtype." Using the Sazabi, I can get all the way to the Nu & Sazabi (Quin Mantha usually mops me up a bit though), but by the time I get to Amuro & Char, then trash me with their damned funnels... Still better than Royale's extra missions though, those things were just cruel. Quebeley. Wait until you have a Quebeley. I don't think the MK II's had stats on part with the white one, which I used, but it's special attack seems to fill faster than GP-02's. You just have to keep switching targets. One special is enough to take out Quin Mantha, even with it's I-Field, and two, three tops, will take out both Sazabi and Nu Gundam.
Hikuro Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 Cool so i take it that game is a buy? I'm still playing battle tactics, sadly I cant get passed Ace Pilot on feddie. I can defeat the first two rounds of pilots when I really buckle down...but after that, I get taken down by the kamphfers or the gelgoogs....I get cornered and cant break free rom the fire power, then nebulos takes me out.
bandit29 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 PC to PSP store is up. picked up a 4gb Sandisk pro duo memory card for 34.99 Saturday
Ladic Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 they should release Resident evil 1, 2 and 3 so I can play them on my psp
Hikuro Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 personally, I'd like to play a Kamen Rider game, but they don't got any on the PSP, but I heard somewhere that there's a ISO file for Agito and Ryuki which I'm trying to find and see if there's a way for me to easily play it.
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