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I thinks it's time for a trade-in/credit because the X button on my PSP doesn't feel the same way as the O, Square and Traingle after a long game of GTA:VCS, there's not enough give when you push that particular button.


I might get a PSP Slim. I have custom firmware on the PSP I already have. It'd be nice to keep it that way for homebrew, and have the newer model with all the official firmware updates.

But the whole TV out thing? Not only is it something they should have included from the get go, but frankly, PSP on the TV through the PS3 (via USB) is a feature they should have included with the PS3 from the get go. Third time's the charm...

  dejr8bud said:
The redesign is nice but where are the games?

I'll be playing this until then

Am I the only one who's a little bored with Symphony? I mean, I must have played it a dozen times on the PSone, a handful of times on the PS3, then I bought it from the Xbox Live Arcade. By then, I was just going through the motions...

I'm not saying it's a bad game, mind you. In fact, I think it's one of the best games ever made. I've just played it a bit too much.

  • 2 weeks later...

This little surprise was recently announced by Capcom for the PS2 and PSP.


for those who know, what media types can be played on a psp? mov, wmv, avi, etc?????

  Ladic said:
cool, thanks.

when is release date of new psp?

September 12th for the core pack and the Daxter Pack. October 9th for the Darth Vader one.

PSP Updates reports the 10th (I was off by two days, must still be thinking of Heavenly Sword) for the core and bundle, and October 9th for the Vader one. And their source is a CNet interview with Sony's senior product manager, so I'd say that's pretty official.
  • 2 weeks later...

There are two free programs for converting video files... i don't have them with me as I just moved to my new college computer, but it's like 3GP something and PSP Video Express 9 I think... if you do a quick search of how to convert videos for the PSP you should find them.

As for accessories, I have a rubbery grip sleeve for my PSP which I really like, a screen cover, and a replacement thumb-stick that is large and rubbery... I do hugely better with it that the flat slider piece, and I highly recommend it of nothing else.

  • 2 weeks later...

Daxter PSP slim pack is out now and the Star Wars PSP slim pack wont be out until Oct 9th.


While the Daxter bundle is now available, Sony mentioned that a stand-alone PSP Core Pack, which includes a piano black PSP Slim, an AC adaptor, and a battery pack, won't be available until later this month. When released, the core pack will retail for $169.99. The redesigned PSPs will also be outfitted with a number of new accessories, including 8-foot long AV cables for video-out that retail for $19.99 and headphones with a remote control for $29.99.

Sony also noted that the limited-edition Star Wars Battlefront pack, which includes a ceramic white PSP Slim with a silk-screened image of Darth Vader on the back and a copy of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, will be available October 9 for $199.99.

Is it me or is this system just dead? I bought one at launch, played alot of games, converted videos etc but right now theres almost nothing new worth playing on the PSP. Still waiting for that God of War demo though

Posted (edited)
  dejr8bud said:
Is it me or is this system just dead? I bought one at launch, played alot of games, converted videos etc but right now theres almost nothing new worth playing on the PSP. Still waiting for that God of War demo though

Puzzle Quest, Metal Gear, Loco Roco, Crush, Final Fantasy Crisis Core, Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, Jeanne d'Arc, excited about Sega Rally, God of War, Parappa, Monster Hunter, Silent Hill, REALLY ready for Castlevania, Tekken, Ridge Racer, GTA, Virtua Tennis, Megaman Powered Up is pretty cool, Valkyrie Profile, Traxion, Killzone, Ace Combat, Every Extend Extra... omg there are no gamez on teh psp lolz and no games r comin it is a dead sistem rofl

Edited by Ginrai
  Ginrai said:
Puzzle Quest, Metal Gear, Loco Roco, Crush, Final Fantasy Crisis Core, Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, Jeanne d'Arc, excited about Sega Rally, God of War, Parappa, Monster Hunter, Silent Hill, REALLY ready for Castlevania, Tekken, Ridge Racer, GTA, Virtua Tennis, Megaman Powered Up is pretty cool, Valkyrie Profile, Traxion, Killzone, Ace Combat, Every Extend Extra... omg there are no gamez on teh psp lolz and no games r comin it is a dead sistem rofl

lol ya but I have some of those games and JRPGS suck so no thanks. I am looking forward to Castlevania, Sega Rally and GOW though.


Ace Combat X has killed ALOT of my time lately, but at this point I'm mostly in waiting mode for Castlevania... GoW should be a big release too. I don't see the PSP as anywhere near dead, it's just that the smash-hit titles are a bit further between then on some platforms. I still love my PSP tho and really enjoy a number of games on it.


Was there ever anything to the rumors of using a PSP as an (expensive) PS3 controller?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I'd almost rather put this in the Gundam thread, but anyway, Gundam Battle Chronicle (the sequel to Gundam Battle Tactics and Gundam Battle Royale) is coming out in early October. Just as Royale expanded from Tactics by including Zeta in the story, Chronicle looks to be expanding further with more suits from more series. Here's the list so far:

Nu Gundam

Psyco Gundam Mk. II

The O

Z Gundam

Rick Dom

Gundam Ez8


Zaku I


Gebera Tetra

Gundam GP-03 Dendrobium


Z Plus A1

Gelgoog S (standard)

Zaku I (Ramba Ral)


Blue Destiny Unit 1


ZZ Gundam



Z Plus C1

Gundam Mk II (AEUG)

Gelgoog S (Char Type)

Zaku I (Black Tri-Stars)

GM II (Federation Type)

Blue Destiny Unit 2

Gelgoog (Johnny Riden Type)

Gundam GP-01 Fb


Rick Dom (Gato Type)

Gundam G3

Gundam Mk II (Titans)

Gelgoog Cannon

Blue Destiny Unit 3

Zaku II

Gelgoog (Shin Matsunaga Type)


Gundam GP-02


Baund Doc

Gaza-C (Haman Type)

Gundam 04

Zaku II (Black Tri-Stars Type)

GM (White Dingo)



Psyco Gundam

Z'Gok (Char Type)

Zaku II (Char Type)



Super Gundam Mk II



One of the things I liked about this series is how they threw some of the more obscure MS variations in there, and this game's looking to continue the trend.

You can check out the official site here.

EDIT: There are more playable MS than what's shown in the MS list. I picked a few more out of screenshots, but I'm only listing ones that are definitely playable.

Edited by mikeszekely
  promethuem5 said:
So how does this game play? Is it an action game, or an FF-type game?

It's a little like the Gundam Vs. games, but a little less arcadey, if that makes any sense.


No, you're thinking of the 2D Battle Assault games. Battle Tactics/Royale/Chronicles plays a lot like Federation Vs Zeon/Gundam Vs Zeta. Kinda like if Journey to Jaburo didn't suck.

  Keith said:
No, you're thinking of the 2D Battle Assault games. Battle Tactics/Royale/Chronicles plays a lot like Federation Vs Zeon/Gundam Vs Zeta. Kinda like if Journey to Jaburo didn't suck.

Exactly. You have a square field for an "operation area" and you're given a mission. Missions could be destroying all targets, destroying specific targets, protecting targets, etc. There are some that are more interesting, like one where you have to disable a Gallop to capture it. Each Mobile Suit has a main weapon, melee weapon, and sub weapon, and some can even switch main weapons (like the RX-78 can use a beam rifle, or a hyper bazooka... useful for stuff like using the beam rifle to take out the grunts before switching to the bazooka to take out the Byg Zam). You also can charge up a bar to do special moves that do more damage.

My one gripe about Battle Royale was that you only earn upgrade points for a Mobile Suit if you use it instead of having upgrade points in a universal pool, plus you'd get maybe 75-150 upgrade points per mission and the cost of increasing an ability went up the higher it was, often costing 20-40 points to go up by 1. So, even when you'd unlock a cool new Mobile Suit, you wouldn't want to use it. When I played it on the Federation side, I went GM-Gundam-Alex, and ignored a ton of other cool MS. I hope they fixed that in Chronicle, because otherwise it was definitely one of the better Gundam games I've played. If Crossfire would have been more like it, it could have went from one of the crappiest games on the PS3 to a solid launch title that might have justified my purchase of the console a lot sooner.


Just another case of launch sickness. The time when "all" companies completely forget everything they've done before, and start over from scratch with amaturish crap. There really is no reason crossfire couldn't have been a prettied up Battle or Vs game.

  Keith said:
Just another case of launch sickness. The time when "all" companies completely forget everything they've done before, and start over from scratch with amaturish crap. There really is no reason crossfire couldn't have been a prettied up Battle or Vs game.

Well, here's hoping the next Gundam game for the PS3 is better.

  Uxi said:
Was there ever anything to the rumors of using a PSP as an (expensive) PS3 controller?

Last I heard, they were trying to get the PSP to work as a controller and a rear view mirror for racing games. I don't know what other kinds of games it would be used for since it lacks the second set of shoulder buttons. Maybe they can have an accessory to the PSP that turns it into a standard controller with all the buttons and shape of those controllers.

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