Kylwell Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Yeah the hard part is using those darned sanding stics without opposable thumbs.
HWR MKII Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 One of my grail kits is on my bench. And yes that is a 1/72 destroid in front of it to show size.
cowie165 Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 (edited) TSP said: Very nicely done cowie165. It's just sad to see everyone building the prototype version of the Berkut. There's one thing that bugs me about your Spitfire diorama. The sockets of the soldier figures. Cut it off, cut it off ! Ok, three months later and whilst waiting for paint to dry I sorted out those sockets on the figures! Mark [attachmentid=42886][attachmentid=42885] [attachmentid=42875] [attachmentid=42883] [attachmentid=42884] Edited June 10, 2007 by cowie165
Berttt Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 Looking good Cowie! Nice to see that the Krapliackistan project ended up well for somebody I really like the B&W pics - nice touch
cowie165 Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 Thanks Berttt! My wife liked the pics but hacked on me about having gum trees in a photo of western Europe... rivet counter!
MechTech Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 HWR, looks like you found a suitable girlfriend for the monster . The kit looks good too, and huge! Cowie, tell the bean counter your diorama looks great. I didn't know the difference. - MT
big F Posted June 11, 2007 Posted June 11, 2007 HWR I never realised that kit was that big . Nice. Didnt they do a smaller version ?
HWR MKII Posted June 11, 2007 Posted June 11, 2007 Actually thats a new resin kit on the market. There is an old 1/12 scale one made by Halcyon/Aoshima. Its "ok" but needs alot of work to get a respectable pose out of it.
big F Posted June 14, 2007 Posted June 14, 2007 HWR MKII said: Actually thats a new resin kit on the market. There is an old 1/12 scale one made by Halcyon/Aoshima. Its "ok" but needs alot of work to get a respectable pose out of it. So that will be the one being advertised in this months Hobby Japan. Cool. as long as they dont do a to same scale Queen Alien that would be bigger that the dog, and would scare the cat nicely.
wm cheng Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 Happy Father's Day to all!! My "best-est" present was 7hrs of uninterrupted modelling! The first time I've sat down here since Alex was born. I had to literally clean off cobwebs and vacuum the entire workspace since so much dust had accumulated, my airbrush compressor oil had settled too! You can see I got the Bandai Yamato - this will be my next treat as soon as I get a real opportunity. For now, I'd be happy to finally finish my long overdue Atmospheric Booster. Unfortnately I did not get it done, but did get a good start on finishing it. I had to spend a bit of time trying to orient myself again to remember where I left off last. I'll post some works in progress to the step-by-step thread later. After this booster, I think I'll take a bit of a break from Macross, with the Bandai Yamato and the Fine Molds Millennium Falcon battling it out for who gets my next attention (if Alex allows me some more time in the summer).
Kylwell Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 wm cheng said: Happy Father's Day to all!! My "best-est" present was 7hrs of uninterrupted modelling! The first time I've sat down here since Alex was born. I had to literally clean off cobwebs and vacuum the entire workspace since so much dust had accumulated, my airbrush compressor oil had settled too! You can see I got the Bandai Yamato - this will be my next treat as soon as I get a real opportunity. For now, I'd be happy to finally finish my long overdue Atmospheric Booster. Unfortnately I did not get it done, but did get a good start on finishing it. I had to spend a bit of time trying to orient myself again to remember where I left off last. I'll post some works in progress to the step-by-step thread later. After this booster, I think I'll take a bit of a break from Macross, with the Bandai Yamato and the Fine Molds Millennium Falcon battling it out for who gets my next attention (if Alex allows me some more time in the summer). Did ya see the ultra-detailed version of the Yamoto in Model Graphix?
Vince Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 Just wondering, how many of us have a computer set up right by their work bench/area? what primary use is that computer? I did it because I've a extra lcd and cpu lying around, it took up a lot less space than a tv set would otherwise.
HWR MKII Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 Its a space saver in terms of reference I do have books for alot of stuff still but a simple 5 minute search online gets me what i need alot of times. Some things i need reference for you cant find in regular books either so the computer acess helps there too.
Chas Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 (edited) Not to mention having quick access to MW and the other Sci.-Fi. modelling sites I frequent for the wealth of tips and tricks that they contain. Edit= And all those online videos of different techniques for everything from putting together your workbench/space to building, painting, decaling and finishing. Lots of reason to have a comp. in your workspace. Although, personally I opted for a Mac powerbook instead of a desktop, so it pretty much goes wherever I go. Edited June 18, 2007 by Chas
Noyhauser Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 cowie165 said: Ok, three months later and whilst waiting for paint to dry I sorted out those sockets on the figures! Mark [attachmentid=42886][attachmentid=42885] [attachmentid=42875] [attachmentid=42883] [attachmentid=42884] Not to be a bit of a nitpick, but did you ever consider making a hole in the spitfire for the IFF being blown out? I don't have the book with the photo with me but apparently if the risk of capture was certain the pilot was supposed to blow out the IFF, which rested behind the cockpit on the right side.
Valkyrie Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 Vince said: Just wondering, how many of us have a computer set up right by their work bench/area? what primary use is that computer? I did it because I've a extra lcd and cpu lying around, it took up a lot less space than a tv set would otherwise. I usually keep my old P2 laptop near the workbench. I'll keep reference pics on it, and AutoCAD drawings of scratchbuilds I'm working on. And sometimes a few MP3s too.
wm cheng Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 Kylwell said: Did ya see the ultra-detailed version of the Yamoto in Model Graphix? No I didn't! What issue of Model Graphix is it? Anyone know where I could get scans of it online? (or is willing to scan some pages for me?) I would love to see it! Thanks for the heads up. Yep, the computer is there, but not working yet. Its leftover components from my desktop upgrade upstairs - the theory is so I can have my iTunes and references close at hand. But I have yet had the time to hook it up, it has a TV card in it so I can watch TV too - great place to use a old spare monitor and tower.
Kylwell Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 wm cheng said: No I didn't! What issue of Model Graphix is it? Anyone know where I could get scans of it online? (or is willing to scan some pages for me?) I would love to see it! Thanks for the heads up. Yep, the computer is there, but not working yet. Its leftover components from my desktop upgrade upstairs - the theory is so I can have my iTunes and references close at hand. But I have yet had the time to hook it up, it has a TV card in it so I can watch TV too - great place to use a old spare monitor and tower. It's the April 2007 issue (4 numbe 269). Think it's about 30 pages worth.
MechTech Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 (edited) Congratulations WM Cheng - again. That's a long time! I'd be having withdrawls months earlier (it's not the glue - really )! Let us know how the Yamato build goes! I got the old kit in 1/500th and was disappointed with the lack of detail and innacuracy. My 1/200 IJN Yamato is much better for being nearly the same sculpting era. By the way, our PC is just caddy corner to the workbench in it's own cabinet. I just wheel over to it! Why put it there? There was no other place in the house! That's good though. When the children go down for the night and my wife gets on the PC, I work on my models, and she feels less of a "Hobby Widow" being two feet away. Not that I build that much lately anyhow. - MT Edited June 18, 2007 by MechTech
big F Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 MechTech said: Not that I build that much lately anyhow. - MT You cant really call your project a build its more of a construction Good to see the Cheng master is back. On the subject of P.C on your build desk at the moment I have to use my office desk which is less than Ideal due to it being made out of glass.the P.C is there and very handy for pictures tech info and music, but my new workshop will have a P.C in it. I have so much in the way of spares and stuff I can build a machine cappable of the basic web browsing music and t.v , all I have to get is a Wifi card for it.
neptunesurvey Posted June 18, 2007 Posted June 18, 2007 After many moons I'm getting on track again. My sister and her family have return home after a 2 week visit and I'm not going out to sea for a while. Right now I'm continuing on Mechtechs cute, little1/200 kit and started work on 3 of JM's beautiful destroid kits. I'll post progress pics later in the week.
cowie165 Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 Noyhauser said: Not to be a bit of a nitpick, but did you ever consider making a hole in the spitfire for the IFF being blown out? I don't have the book with the photo with me but apparently if the risk of capture was certain the pilot was supposed to blow out the IFF, which rested behind the cockpit on the right side. Hi mate. Nope, never heard of the procedure but it makes a lot of sense. The dio wasn't really planned - after my 2yr old daughter knock the Spitfire off the bench, the undercarriage broke. I scratchbuilt to fix it. When she was 3 she played with it and broke it again. Well, she's 4 now and I decided to make a dio with it rather than toss the model. In fact, the only research I did was to see if they ever had metal props on Spitfires (cause I bent them around for the crash scene). Cheers!
honneamise Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 I am going naval and have started work on a Nichimo 1/200 Yamato.... maybe I´ll cross the North Sea and try to sink MechTechs Daedalus..... chance, I´ll get blown by the HWR Mk.II´s on board before I get into firing range I guess. Yamato isn´t even worth a Daedalus manoever, it is too small.... still, it is quite impressive on my table. It is a commission so I won´t have to find a proper shelf to display it! [attachmentid=43149]
Grayson72 Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 honneamise said: I am going naval and have started work on a Nichimo 1/200 Yamato.... maybe I´ll cross the North Sea and try to sink MechTechs Daedalus..... chance, I´ll get blown by the HWR Mk.II´s on board before I get into firing range I guess. Yamato isn´t even worth a Daedalus manoever, it is too small.... still, it is quite impressive on my table. It is a commission so I won´t have to find a proper shelf to display it! [attachmentid=43149] Oh wow, that's huge where did you get it?
honneamise Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 Grayson72 said: Oh wow, that's huge where did you get it? It is from a customer from the Netherlands but he bought it from a German mail order shop and made them send that thingy directly to me. You can also get it from HLJ. The kit is quite cheap for the size (135cm), but shipping will cost a fortune. I had this model when I was a kid (BIGGEST present I ever got in my life) and I built it in about three days... no paint of course, big gaps, lots of glue but I had the biggest ship! Now I can try again! With the Anatomy of the Ship book all the inaccuracies of this model come to light, but it has still held up quite well considering the age of the mold. At least it looks like Yamato.
MechTech Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 (edited) Ha ha ha ha ha. Build mine too while you're at it ! Just how big is it? The Daedalus' LOWER hull length is 70 inches and the beam is 10 inches. The Nichimo kit is about 52 inches by 7 1/4 inches. [attachmentid=43161] [attachmentid=43162] [attachmentid=43163] Will you do me a favor honneamise? Give us a play by play as you build it up? The model does have A LOT of innacuracies. I spent three weeks just working on the bridge fixing them. It's still beautiful though! Then I moved and decided five years was long enough of a wait to build the Daedalus (plus I got the translations needed). There was a guy who made a complete brass barrel set for the kit. Sadly he died of a heart attack just two weeks before getting married! On a side note, check these out: [attachmentid=43164] The smallest are half the size of micro R/C race motors! That gearhead is a QUIET planetary gear case 10mm wide and does 120 RPM at 3v. I got them here: - MT Edited June 20, 2007 by MechTech
Kylwell Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Please help a disabled vetran of the Zentradi Warz....
big F Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Kylwell said: Please help a disabled vetran of the Zentradi Warz.... Nice work
electric indigo Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 wm cheng said: No I didn't! What issue of Model Graphix is it? Anyone know where I could get scans of it online? (or is willing to scan some pages for me?) I would love to see it! Thanks for the heads up. check this out:
MechTech Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 Kylwell, you're just missing the change cup! Looks great (in a beat up sort of way). Thanks electric indigo, I have to wipe the slobber off my keyboard! That's an awesome looking kit! - MT
wm cheng Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 (edited) electric indigo said: check this out: Thanks so much Electric Indigo! I actually ordered the magazine now. Did you know there's another Yamato modellng manual - I got it off HLJ a little while ago. Now if there's some kind soul that can translate Japanese for me?! ;-) I'd be set! Painting those figures are simply crazy!! I don't think in my wildest dreams I can do anything approaching what these people can do - for those of you who don't have the kit, the little scaled figures are literally 1/8" - 3/16" tall! but they hold tremendous detail, right down to their shoulder stripes. It goes to prove what kind of molding technology they have. Edited June 26, 2007 by wm cheng
Grayson72 Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 (edited) wm cheng said: Thanks so much Electric Indigo! I actually ordered the magazine now. Did you know there's another Yamato modellng manual - I got it off HLJ a little while ago. Now if there's some kind soul that can translate Japanese for me?! ;-) I'd be set! Painting those figures are simply crazy!! I don't think in my wildest dreams I can do anything approaching what these people can do - for those of you who don't have the kit, the little scaled figures are literally 1/8" - 3/16" tall! but they hold tremendous detail, right down to their shoulder stripes. It goes to prove what kind of molding technology they have. NM Edited June 26, 2007 by Grayson72
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