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  SpacyAce2012 said:

Indeed. And my response wasn't intended to slam later VFs (such as the VF-22), or Kawamori's designs in general (just making a joke ;) ). The Metal Siren is a unique and original design. Not to mention it's someone else's creative effort and hard work. If anyone should redesign it, it should be the original artist. Not Kawamori.

I didn't take it as such. Of all the designs of Mac II, the VA-1 Metal Siren (saw the alpha numeric designation on a Japanese macross fan site and liked it enough to adopt it... :p ) seems the least thought out and the most boxy.

It reminds me of an artist's Gundam designs from New Type magazine stories in the 90's with the clear cockpits as opposed to the view screens like the series Gundams.

The MS was the same way. having a clear bubble canopy for the pilot in battroid mode. I really didn't like that idea and several others in the design. The pinpoint barrier nose lance was innovative, but not much else for a state of the art fighter in a story taking place some 70 years after SW1.

The idea was unique, a space based fighter capable of attacking capital ships was intriguing and I liked it, however I didn't care much for the final execution of that design.

Much like the Macross Cannons, it was a great idea, poorly executed.

  SpacyAce2012 said:

While I agree with Keith that Macross shouldn't become another Gundam franchise, I disagree with his (and s001's) view that "new blood" would turn it into such. Or that "new blood" would ruin the Macross Universe. In fact, new talent that is allowed to explore new avenues outside of Kawamori's "vision", is maybe just what the franchise needs. Macross still holds endless possiblities in terms of stories, themes, and characters. To let it die just because Kawamori gets sick of it, or runs out of good ideas, is pure folly.

Some are Kawamori minions who sincerely believe SK is the only one capable of coming up with a good Macross idea. Let's keep in mind that Mac Plus was not as well received in Japan as it was here, so he is capable of doing not so popular shows too.

Personally I think the man should explore the other non-macross stories he has in mind. Be a consultant with the talented new writers brought on board to pen new stories and direct the odd shows.

As I said before, Lucas didn't write the fan favorite SW movie, he only wrote the general outline of it. Roddenberry did the same with ST:TNG in several instances and was more of an active participating producer than the writer/creator he started out as in the first series.

  SpacyAce2012 said:
So, no. I don't believe that Kawamori alone makes Macross. Or he alone is necessary for the continuation of the franchise. Just because the one series that he had nothing to do with didn't do too hot, doesn't mean that it's holy writ that Macross minus Kawamori equals disaster.

Also, for the record, I don't advocate giving him the boot. But I feel he should take more of an advisor role, and have final say in new concepts proposed for Macross, rather than taking too much of a hands-on approach in every future Macross series.

Essentially a Producer or Supervising producer role. Most producers have input into what they are producing, whether it be a movie or series. The director has final say, but ideas are often exchanged between the two.


what i want for macross is unreasonable, and what i've been getting from macross has been unsatisfying, so i'm good with what ever.

  sketchley said:

Did I say that? No.

To clarify, the 'it' in my previous post means a toy version of the VF-4, and not the VF-4 design itself. Let's be honest - the way that the legs attach in jet mode would require some sacrifices to the jet mode of any such toy.

I know, I just forgot to stick the smiley in there.

with the future of Macross....who knows. Personally, I'd love to see a revamp of the VF-4......with dual beam cannons on each arm! mwahahahaha! :lol:

Posted (edited)

No worries.

Way back in the day (2001,) I made some FAST packs for the VF-4. They are based on similar looking FAST packs created for the VF-1, for either the VF-1X or VF-1X Plus upgrades.

Personally, I think they are better than the VF-4 FAST packs designed for a game pre-1995.

But agreed, something that revisits the reconstruction/colonization era would be nice...

EDIT: the images can be viewed here:



Edited by sketchley

I still wonder about the big secret that Graham was hinting at. :wacko:

But after reading the thread on this new series called Engage Planet: Kiss Dum (where the hell do they come up with these names?), my hopes of a new series have increasingly dimmed. :(

My thinking now is that it's some big news regarding toys/model kits. Oh, well................ <_<

  SpacyAce2012 said:

I still wonder about the big secret that Graham was hinting at. :wacko:

But after reading the thread on this new series called Engage Planet: Kiss Dum (where the hell do they come up with these names?), my hopes of a new series have increasingly dimmed. :(

My thinking now is that it's some big news regarding toys/model kits. Oh, well................ <_<

Well, as long as I know, Graham only has inside info from Yamato, not BW or SN, so that was quite expectable.

I´m still hoping for something, I cannot bear the thought of not seeing a single Macross related product from BW this 25th anniversary :(

  SpacyAce2012 said:

I still wonder about the big secret that Graham was hinting at. :wacko:

But after reading the thread on this new series called Engage Planet: Kiss Dum (where the hell do they come up with these names?), my hopes of a new series have increasingly dimmed. :(

My thinking now is that it's some big news regarding toys/model kits. Oh, well................ <_<

I'm still hoping for a new macross project, and that's where kawamori's inspiration is being used on, since those VF's in kissdum look pretty recycled.

  eugimon said:

I'm still hoping for a new macross project, and that's where kawamori's inspiration is being used on, since those VF's in kissdum look pretty recycled.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for a new project then. :)

  sketchley said:

These ones -


Note: links are only of the images; the names are arbitrary at this point. They can be found on pg. 39 of Shoji Kawamori's Macross Design Works.

Those fast packs seem like step backward from the ones actually used on the Valks.

Having a hinged joint similar to the strike canon would give the same result, but with much more of a missile load than the GBP type IMO.

Posted (edited)

i'm the same age as macross. woot woot. give or take a month. 2/9/82. i'm getting a 1/48 VF-1S for my birthday. it only took 15 years to get the robot i've wanted ever since seeing transformer's jetfire. i've been reading these forums and looking at pictures for a week straight. i can't believe i never knew about any of this stuff except from exo-squad/robotech toy boxes and a mech book i had way back in the day. i'm totally wrapped up in it. i wish i had a friend that was in to it too. i'm pretty sure my gf's getting tired of me talking about it. i just finished the second disc of the orignal series with english dubs. i'm going to pick up the english subbed version from robotech.com and try and find a copy of DYRL somewhere. i can already tell this is going to be an expensive habit. damm.

Edited by xsjado

great, welcome to the forums, you'll find a whole new world in here, spend a lot of money and get your girlfriend very annoyed since most of your capital might get shifted towards collecting instead of her, hahahahaha!!

  jigahus said:

I doubt 2007 will see any more macross ovas. History shows the next one will probably be in the early 2010's. If we are lucky we may get some mangas.

If they had a brain in their head the latest they would wait would be 2009.

  SpacyAce2012 said:

That would be an interesting bit of symbolism. Not to mention, very fitting.


What comes then to mind though, would be a Space War I based sidestory, OVA or otherwise, coïnciding with the events of the first series.

Not unlike those UC sidestories in Gundam, I guess.

I seriously hope that there's some animated feature planned to celebrate the release, but I don't hold my breath up after hearing about Kawamori being rather busy and heavily involved with Kiss Dum.

Though, it would dissapoint me a bit if they don't honor the 25th birthday of Macross with a new anime. Be it a movie or series.

Even a movie re-edit of Macross Zero, like done with M+ would be nice.

  kensei said:

A series with MZero animation, now that is what I would like.

Or they can actually animate VF-X2. That was gold. And they have all the VF's already, no need to design new ones.

That's what i'm talking about pal! that's the way a new macross should be.

  Hiriyu said:

This would be the likeliest prospect, I think.

One with a new happy ending.... and flowers and littly furry bunnies.

No wait just an extended one with more Vf0 and less loving.

  big F said:

One with a new happy ending.... and flowers and littly furry bunnies.

No wait just an extended one with more Vf0 and less loving.

Your second idea sounds the better of the two :D


Re-releasing DYRL and Mac+Movie on either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray would be the most APPROPRIATE and logical thing to do...but we don't live in a perfect world now, do we? :cry:

  isamu said:

Re-releasing DYRL and Mac+Movie on either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray would be the most APPROPRIATE and logical thing to do...but we don't live in a perfect world now, do we? :cry:

A good idea but I very much doubt that DRYL will be up to that as the Definition of the original will not be high enough. More likely would be Mac+ or Mac 0 as these are newer and the in the case of zero it was made using computers and is a much higher resoultion, some of Mac + was also done with computers and its likely that the masters of it will also be of a very high resoution.

Sadly for DYRL and SDF Macross these were made in the era of hand drawn frame by frame production and therefore added to the 20+ years age of the originals would cost a lot to do. More likely with these two would be some sort of work like the original Clean up work that ADV did fitting them onto one disk etc instead of the usual 9 disks or so for SDF Mac.


Actually, with the current trend of remasternig going on in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if DYRL didn't pop back up if not on blue ray, then on standard DVD with a shiny new release.


It's already on DVD... and by the looks of things, it wasn't a big seller (expensive sticker price - almost as much as one of the the 4 disc LOTR extended edition box sets! And I still spot them in the new (well, previously unowned) sections of DVD stores.)


No, that's actually standard pricing for Japanese DVD's at the time of its release. And considering its been available for so long, I'd say it was quite popular.

DYRL? Perfect Edition 1998 ï¿¥7,800

COWBOY BEBOP 1st.Session 矢立肇ã€æ¸¡è¾ºä¿¡ä¸€éƒŽã€å±±å¯ºå®ä¸€ã€ 石塚é‹æ˜‡ (DVD - 1998) 価格: ï¿¥7,140

Psycho サイコ(1998) ガス・ヴァン・サントã€ãƒ´ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒ»ãƒ´ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒ³ã€ã‚¢ãƒ³ãƒ»ãƒ˜ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã€ ジュリアン・ムーア 価格: ï¿¥980

Soccer サッカーDVDã€1998ワールドカップ フランス大会】FIFAジダン中田 ç¾åœ¨ã®ä¾¡æ ¼ï¼š ï¿¥2,500

I'm tempted to agree with you that when it comes to anime that was released in 1998 on DVD being expensive, HOWEVER:

Ghost in the Shell 1998 ï¿¥3,800

GiTS, being releases in the same year, for about 1/2 the price, doesn't support that assertation. Neither do the highly varied costs of the other DVDs released in the same year support the assertation.

Also, considering that I can currently get DVDs like Innocence (イノセンス) for ¥3,121, The Indian Jones Triology Box set for ¥5,000, and oodles of Hollywood movies for beteen ¥500 and ¥1,200, DYRL? is expensive.

The fact that I purchased a new 1998 pressing of DYRL? (BCBA-0238*) also attests to its lack of popularity - as in it never flew off the shelves; instead sitting their, gathering dust for 7+ years.

Yes, it gets credit for having 2 repressing after the original release - but that could also indicate that it had low print-runs; something indicated by the high cost per unit. Market forces at work, my friend. Small print run = high cost per unit.

* Pressing 1998 July 25


Except that goes against all conventions of sales. Things which don't sell well get majorly knocked down in price within 9 years :) Modern R2 releases do tend to average around 40-50 $ U.S., but "most" early R2 releases cleared $70 per disc.


You can ask them:


My guess is that it is such a niche release that the price never got knocked down because there were too few copies to begin with, and it was forgotten about/not eating up enough shelf space to be a concern. But, that's just IMHO.

Just to check: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E8%B6%85%E6%99%82...=UTF8&s=dvd

amazon.co.jp knocked off 22% of the price, but it is still in the 'stratospheric' price range for DVDs.


...It's not just DYRL, pretty much any title from that time that hasn't had a re-release is still at that price.


I want to see a new series or movie that focus's on the protoculture people. I think it would be cool to have a show revolve around new characters that effected the current Macross universe from the past. I always had an interest in the protoculture and always wondered what happen to them. This new concept would be totally different but with similar elements to the Macross we know currently. I picture the protoculture to be a far advanced race.

  big F said:

A good idea but I very much doubt that DRYL will be up to that as the Definition of the original will not be high enough. More likely would be Mac+ or Mac 0 as these are newer and the in the case of zero it was made using computers and is a much higher resoultion, some of Mac + was also done with computers and its likely that the masters of it will also be of a very high resoution.

Actually the 35mm print of DYRL will have a higher resolution than any of the new high def cameras according to a friend of mine in the film industry.

Therefore as long as they have an original print they are capable of producing a High Def transfer.

How much they clean it up is another matter.

  Chicago said:

I want to see a new series or movie that focus's on the protoculture people. I think it would be cool to have a show revolve around new characters that effected the current Macross universe from the past. I always had an interest in the protoculture and always wondered what happen to them. This new concept would be totally different but with similar elements to the Macross we know currently. I picture the protoculture to be a far advanced race.

Well they could do a story about a race in hiding.

Let's face it they are being hunted by both the Zentreadi and the SA, so they are not going to be too keen on showing their wereabouts to anyone.

It is entirely possible that the Megaroad 1 stumbled upon an PC outpost and was not allowed to leave afterward.

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