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Hey, long time viewer, first-time poster (I couldn't register at the old board for some reason, go fig :D ) here. Anyway, was just curious if anyone else had gotten this book with an eye towards running a Macross game of some kind. I've been working on it myself, and have a rough sketch of fighter mode (albeit expensive!)...

Hey, long time viewer, first-time poster (I couldn't register at the old board for some reason, go fig :D ) here. Anyway, was just curious if anyone else had gotten this book with an eye towards running a Macross game of some kind. I've been working on it myself, and have a rough sketch of fighter mode (albeit expensive!)...

post it :)

But I still think that for Mecha the best system is Mekton's(or Fuzion, they are almost the same) and the original Shiluette (and maybe BESM).

The D20 may be good for DnD like fantasy worlds , but is extremely unusable for Sci-fi games.

and I still don't know where Battletech fits in (don't really think it is good for macross, but who knows)

Note that the D20 was made for herioc fantasy games in mind, while both Mekton and Siluette was made specifically for Mecha games in mind.


Guardians of Order just released a book called D20 Mecha...it gives all the rules to create and play a mecha based game....it is part of their BESM d20 line.

I think this is what you were referring too, right?

I supposedly have this book on the way.....I will let you know when I get it.

Larry T.


Okay, here goes...some of this was extrapolation from the stats the book provided for an F-16, but most of it was based off of the Valk's actual presented stats. I had the biggest problem with weapons. And a lot of this I'm willing to revise, mind you.

VF-1A Valkyrie Fighter Mode

Mecha Type: Vehicle

Class: Variable Fighter

Size: Gargantuan (13 tons)

Hit Points: 60 [40]

Occupants: 1 Operator [10]

Armor: 4 [20]

Defense: 10 [20]

Air Speed: 1500 mph [750]

Ceiling: 60,000' [70]

Dramatic Space Flight: 7 G [400]

Handling: -4/+9 [65]

Special Abilities: Accessories (Detachable Nosecone) [1], Booster (+1500 mph) [375], Communications (Microwave, Long-Range, Secure) [8], Countermeasures (EES, RWR) [12], Ejection Seat [3], ECM (Defensive Jammer +5) [15], Environmental Systems (Life Support) [16], Navigation (Inertial) [2], Re-entry Shield [12], Sensors (Infrared, two miles) [10], Sensors (Radar, 32 miles) [96]

Exotic Abilities: Transformation

Defects: Hangar Queen [-10], Very Noisy [-10], Reduced Endurance (a few hours) [-25], Stall Speed (150 mph) [-75], Start-Up Time (1 min.) [-2], Volatile [-12], Windows [-4]


Hardpoints with 4 AMM-1 racks

Damage: 10d8

Critical: 20

Type: Blast

Rate of Fire: S

Increment: 6400'

Magazine: 12

Cost: 210

Notes: Three missiles per hardpoint, Blast, Guided (IR-homing), Long-Range x4; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front), Less Ammo x2

GU-11 Gunpod

Damage: 8d10

Critical: 20

Type: Ballistic

Rate of Fire: A(x2)

Increment: 400'

Magazine: 200

Cost: 24

Notes: Automatic x2, Extra Ammo x2; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front), Alternate Weapon

ROV-20 Anti-Air Laser

Damage: 1d12

Critical: 20

Type: Energy

Rate of Fire: A

Increment: 240'

Magazine: --

Cost: 8

Notes: Automatic, Long-Range x4, Unlimited Shots; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front), Alt. Weapon


I am getting the book tommorrow, and I am really hyped about running a Macross game.

I have been running a d20 BESM game for 2 months now, and it's really taking shape. Now the characters are ready for real mecha, not just the "Own a Big Mecha" attribute :)


After some discussion on the GoO forums, I decided to revise the Valk stats with a quick house rule: thanks to it's advanced nature, all vehicles with Overtechnology purchase propulsion (air, space, underwater) at 1/4 the usual cost. This cuts back on the massive inflation I was noticing in the stats; 1000+ Mecha Points per form is more than a little nuts. So, without further ado:

VF-1A Valkyrie

Total Cost: 1364 MP

Fighter Mode (885 MP)

Mecha Type: Vehicle

Class: Variable Fighter

Size: Gargantuan

Hit Points: 50 [40]

Occupants: 1 Operator [10]

Armour: 5 [25]

Defense: 6

Air Speed: 1500 mph [187]

Ceiling: 30,000 meters [110]

Dramatic Space Flight: 7 G [137]

Handling: -4/+9 [65]

Special Abilities: Accessories (Removable Nosecone) [1], Booster (+1500 mph) [93], Communications (Long Range Radio: Secure) [4], Countermeasures (EES) [10], Ejection Seat [3], ECM (Defensive Jammer +2) [6], Environmental Systems (Life Support) [16], Navigation Aids (INS) [2], Re-Entry Shield [12], Sensors (FLIR, 1 mile) [5], Sensors (Radar, 25 miles) [75]

Exotic Abilities: Transformation

Defects: Hangar Queen [-10], Very Noisy [-10], Reduced Endurance (a few hours) [-25], Stall Speed (375 mph) [-187], Start-up Time [-2], Volatile [-10], Windows [-5]

Hardpoints w/ twelve AMM-1 missiles

Damage: 10d8

Critical: 20

Type: Blast

Increment: 6400'

Rate of Fire: A

Magazine: 12

Cost: 315

Notes: Automatic, Blast, Guided (SARH), Long Range x4; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front), Limited Ammo x1

55mm GU-11 Gunpod

Damage: 4d10

Critical: 20

Type: Ballistic

Increment: 200'

Rate of Fire: A2

Magazine: 200

Cost: 11

Notes: Automatic (x2), Extra Ammo (x2); Fixed Arc of Fire (Front)

ROV-20 Anti-Aircraft Laser

Damage: 1d10

Critical: 20

Type: Energy

Increment: 50'

Rate of Fire: A2

Magazine: --

Cost: 7

Notes: Automatic (x2), Long Range (x4), Unlimited Ammo; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front)

Gerwalk Mode (862 MP)

Type: Giant Robot

Class: Variable Fighter

Size: Gargantuan

Hit Points: 50 [40]

Occupants: 1 [10]

Armour: 5 [25]

Defense: 8 [10]

Strength: 30 [60]

Ground Speed: 100 km/h [31]

Air Speed: 500 km/h [40]

Ceiling: 30,000 meters [110]

Dramatic Space Flight: 7 G [137]

Handling: -4/+9 [65]

Special Abilities: Accessories (Removable Nosecone) [1], Communications (Long Range Radio: Secure) [4], Countermeasures (EES) [10], Ejection Seat [3], ECM (Defensive Jammer +2) [6], Environmental Systems (Life Support) [16], Navigation Aids (INS) [2], Sensors (FLIR, 1 mile) [5], Sensors (Radar, 25 miles) [75]

Exotic Abilities: Transformation

Defects: Hangar Queen [-10], Very Noisy [-10], Reduced Endurance (a few hours) [-25], Start-Up Time (1 min.) [-2], Volatile [-10], Weak Point (Midsection) [-5], Windows [-5]

Hardpoints w/ twelve AMM-1 missiles

Damage: 10d8

Critical: 20

Type: Blast

Increment: 6400'

Rate of Fire: A

Magazine: 12

Cost: 315

Notes: Automatic, Blast, Guided (SARH), Long Range x4; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front), Limited Ammo x1

55mm GU-11 Gunpod

Damage: 4d10

Critical: 20

Type: Ballistic

Increment: 200'

Rate of Fire: A2

Magazine: 200

Cost: 17

Notes: Automatic (x2), Extra Ammo (x2). Secondary Weapon.

ROV-20 Anti-Aircraft Laser

Damage: 1d10

Critical: 20

Type: Energy

Increment: 50'

Rate of Fire: A2

Magazine: --

Cost: 7

Notes: Automatic (x2), Long Range (x4), Unlimited Ammo; Fixed Arc of Fire (Front). Secondary Weapon.

Battroid Mode (1015 MP)

Type: Giant Robot

Class: Variable Fighter

Size: Gargantuan

Hit Points: 50 [40]

Occupants: 1 [10]

Armour: 5 [25]

Defence: 6

Strength: 30 [60]

Land Speed: 160 km/h [50]

Air Speed: 250 km/h [20]

Ceiling: 30,000 meters [110]

Underwater Speed: 90 km/h [56]

Diving Depth: 100 meters [166]

Dramatic Space Flight: 7G [137]

Handling: -4/+9 [65]

Special Abilities: Communications (Long Range Radio: Secure) [4], Countermeasures (EES) [10], Ejection Seat [3], ECM (Defensive Jammer +2) [6], Environmental Systems (Life Support) [16], Searchlight [2], Jumping x2 [8], Navigation Aids (INS) [2], Sensors (Optics, 6 miles) [9], Sensors (Radar, 25 miles) [75], Targeting Bonus +2 [10]

Exotic Abilities: Transformation

Defects: Hangar Queen [-10 MP], Noisy [-5], Reduced Endurance (a few hours) [-25], Start-Up Time (1 min.) [-2], Volatile [-10]

55mm GU-11 Gunpod

Damage: 4d10

Critical: 20

Type: Ballistic

Increment: 200'

Rate of Fire: A2

Magazine: 200

Cost: 176

Notes: Automatic (x2), Extra Ammo (x2).

ROV-20 Anti-Aircraft Laser

Damage: 1d10

Critical: 20

Type: Energy

Increment: 50'

Rate of Fire: A2

Magazine: --

Cost: 7

Notes: Automatic (x2), Long Range (x4), Unlimited Ammo. Secondary Weapon.


Well, according to the rules, the "default assumption is a mecha has an indefinite range - it can operate for months at a time, like a sailing ship or nuclear submarine". The image of somebody sitting in a cockpit for months at a time struck me as more than a little silly; so I pared the Valk down to a range comparable to a modern fighter. It's not just fuel so much as it is provisions, pilot comfort, things of that nature.

However, the Regults (and most Zentran/Meltran mecha I've statted) don't have this defect because pilot comfort was last on the Protoculture's list, so as long as the Regult has power it's pretty much mobile. Plus, if it had Hangar Queen or Reduced Endurance, who would maintain/fuel it? We've already seen what the Zentran maintenance standards are like.... :lol:


Well, after an abortive attempt at doing some 3D modelling (man, Lightwave is kicking my ass! LOL :lol: ), I came back to this little project. One thing about D20 is that, well, it uses classes, and we all remember how well that abortive child Palladium put out went over. :rolleyes:

That being said, I'm wondering if I should: (A) try and hammer out some sort of classless system for a Macross game, (B) go with the Palladium style and 'O.C.C.'s (i.e., VF Pilot, Destroid Pilot, Battlepod Pilot, etc.) or © Come up with original and slightly more nebulous classes, ala' D20 Modern (Tough Pilot, Fast Pilot, Lucky Pilot, Support Pilot, etc.)...what do you guys think? :ph34r:


Good luck with making the game work, but I have the feeling you are in for a very hard uphill struggle.

I'm a very old school table top RPGer. Played from the early-1980s to early 90s. Played mostly Runequest, Call of Cthulu and Traveller. Never into D&D as I couldn't stand the clumsy, unrealistic rules.

I've a little bit of experience with the modern D20 system and I've gotta say that it is one of the most unintuitive, overly complicated and unrealistic systems ever designed. It is also unsuitable IMO for Macross style Valk combat.

Even the old Palladium games Robotech RPG was terrible for Macross mecha combat. While it was OK if you just wanted to role play a character, it just didn't work well at simulating the fast paced dynamic nature of mecha combat in the Macross universe.


I'm a very old school table top RPGer. Played from the early-1980s to early 90s. Played mostly Runequest, Call of Cthulu and Traveller. Never into D&D as I couldn't stand the clumsy, unrealistic rules.

I've a little bit of experience with the modern D20 system and I've gotta say that it is one of the most unintuitive, overly complicated and unrealistic systems ever designed. It is also unsuitable IMO for Macross style Valk combat.

Ever played Games Workshop's Judge Dredd, Graham? I know you were a 2000AD fan. I have a copy, but never played it, worth the money for all the old strips though.

Not to dog ont he original poster, but most of what I've heard about D20 is that it doesn't handle big robots or starships very well at all. Despite this companies like GoH and DP9 release sourcebooks, but I think thats mostly because of the larger market share. A large amount of role-players out there don't realize there's stuff other than D&D.

I dabbled with Macross designs in DP9's Silhouette system, but as this point I think if I was gonan do it I'd do it using Lightning Strike. Allows for a larger overall battle and I'm not one for overly detailed rules. Christ, I barely role dice at all when I'm GM'ing... <_<

Ever played Games Workshop's Judge Dredd, Graham? I know you were a 2000AD fan. I have a copy, but never played it, worth the money for all the old strips though.

Yep, being a Dreddhead I did buy it, just for the background info and art. Haven't played it though, neither do I intend to.



well must be a rarity, I really enjoy the d20 system. Not just DnD, I haven't actually ran a 3rd (or 3.5) edition og that game in nearly a year. Now BESM d20? well well, that game is so open that the players could drive a mac truck through it and not scratch the paint. If the GM lets them. DnD has taken much of the control away from the GM(DM), but BESM d20 allows the GM to control every single aspect of the game without being to intrusive. The same is with d20 Mecha. The main mecha should be designed by the GM, while little extras can be added by players with GM discression. The combat is not about the system, its about the quality GM running the game. It's up to him to paint a picture of massive mecha battling out duels among giant space ships.

Another thing I have come across is this: If you put stats to somthing, the players will find a way to kill/main/break it. Don't be such a stats hog and the game can be ran much like anime, whatever is more dramatic/silly/scary/whatever will work, and every one will have more fun :)


I think the D20 Mecha rules are pretty good for designing various vehicles. If you want a really good set of vehicle combat rules for D20 or any system, I highly recommend checking out Spycraft's chase system.


Actually, with a little consideration I decided that Graham's probably right. I went back to trying Mekton again, and am really shocked at how smoothly things are going this time. :lol:

Actually, with a little consideration I decided that Graham's probably right. I went back to trying Mekton again, and am really shocked at how smoothly things are going this time. :lol:

Mekton's build system is just too much number jugling for my taste. I also prefer to use real world values when possible.


I dunno, it's not that bad. It's no GURPS Mecha, since you actually have some control over your design (whereas in GURPS Vehicles, once you've started you're pretty much stuck; if your 30,000 kg plane ends up overweight, guess what? You're ****ed.) You don't really need to know much more real-world values than the weight of the mecha and it's max speed for Mekton, which is good because for a lot of Macross machines you don't even get that much!

I dunno, it's not that bad. It's no GURPS Mecha, since you actually have some control over your design (whereas in GURPS Vehicles, once you've started you're pretty much stuck; if your 30,000 kg plane ends up overweight, guess what? You're ****ed.) You don't really need to know much more real-world values than the weight of the mecha and it's max speed for Mekton, which is good because for a lot of Macross machines you don't even get that much!

Yeah, but then you just end up having to fudge the whole thing anyway with weight efficiency to get it to come out right.


Which brings up my last post, which can go for any game system:

Don't be a Stats Hog!

  • 6 months later...

So Uhh....Now that we have had d20 mecha for quite a while and all this stuff.....does anyone have any stats for the Mecha? I am talking VF-19 and VF-22S and the like....I want to play this game, but I am unsure about what the stats should be. Any ideas?




My biggest issue with using the D20 system for anything vehicle-based is the mechanic itself. I never liked using any sort of "points" system for recording vehicle damage. Damage systems that record damage as specific to the vehicle mechanics in addition to structural damage always felt more real to me.


I'm not super-familiar with the pen and paper stuff, since most of my RPG exploits have been either console or PC. However, some of the guys at work are really into D&D and Star Wars, and they started up a Star Wars game that I joined, with the d20 system. Mostly, it's fun. Sure, sometimes we gripe about things in the rules, but any system that isn't A.) really doing it, or B.) running totally off your imagination isn't going to be perfect. You need rules, and dice just happen to be a way to simulate probability. Of course, we make stuff up as we go along, and bend the rules whenever it suits us.


Absolutely. When it comes to a game mechanic, it all depends on how many gripes I have with it. If there's only a couple but it's otherwise enjoyable, then I'll use it. If I find that there are so many things I think need fixing that it becomes more of a chore than a joy to play, out the window it goes.

  • 2 months later...

Well I have to say that your lucky that D20 has a mecha generation system. Palladium doesn't. But then its a simplistic and easy to learn system. Probably the reason why I've spent nearly a decade creating the stats for every single Macross ship, mecha, vehicle, etc.

I think Im going to have to take a trip to the Games Shop in Aldershot at the weekend at get this D20 Mecha book......that is if my wife lets me spend money. (Ebaygirl hogs all the money for our up and coming holiday.)

Posted (edited)
I think Im going to have to take a trip to the Games Shop in Aldershot at the weekend at get this D20 Mecha book

I recommend getting the hardcover version of Dream Pod 9's D20 Mecha Compendium. It has the complete D20 Mecha rules and design system (same as the Guardians of Order rules), plus a ton of example mecha and storylines from all sorts of genres. There's even "Space Ranger Ouroboros", which is obviously a Macross-inspired setting. Make sure it's the hardcover version, though. The softcover doesn't have the rules.

Edited by Penguin

Jester, you should look at the SRD on GOO's website if you haven't already. It pretty much contains everything the book does minus examples.

A while ago I found a pdf that someone made up of the SRD. Much cleaner looking and fixes a few of the mistakes in the SRD. I've been using the system for a Macross game circa 2015. The rules do have some holes in them, but if you know d20 you can make up ways around them.

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