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Took me about 3 solid nights to complete this kit. The instructions are VERY DETAILED and the builder must take his time. I made a couple of booboos with the legs (reversed parts etc) but luckily the kit IS FORGIVING... parts fit is excellent but easy to pry apart if needed.

My tools were very basic: Tamiya sprue cutter, 45-degree NT cutter, rough and super fine-grit sandpaper, 005 Micron Pigma (panel lines), black wash marker, GUNDAM MARKERS (Dark Gray, Blue, Gunmetal), paper towels for wiping excess ink/paint. Planning to spray over with a clear dull-coat instead of regular paint job.

OK, here's the pix of my completed Shield Liger... I tried to shoot for maximum surface detail, so you'll definitely see my shoddy sanding and whatnot :-)

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Blades in open position... A very agressive cat indeed!

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Close up of fangs, foreleg and chest launcher detail. The springs are real but the pistons are fixed position pieces.

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I haven't had so much fun posing a ZOID since... the 'Metal Action' Ligers! Kotobukiya's 'Master Grade' approach totally blows away the recent 'BIO...' series.

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Here, you can see the cool piston detail on the forward haunches.

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A top view reveals the multi-plane capable shoulders and hips. BTW, the gorgeously knurled 'tubes' are molded plastic, not fabric-tubes. I suppose resourceful modelers will find them easy to replace.

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Close up of the rear portion of the head. Note the details! Koto went all out to ensure a minimum of undetailed exposed surfaces. Kudos!

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Cockpit detail. I haven't put together the tiny pilot yet... I also need to get a fresh Grey Gundam Marker to paint the canopy edges, my current marker nib is totally whacked.

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Torso detail: The back mounted twin-cannon swivels and stows away under the blue panel. The side 'wings' swivel open to deploy the tip mounted missile pods. I like the wing pods but feel that they are too close to the body to be effective weapons. In most poses, the front legs are 'in the line of fire'...

And, oh - the whole body is made up of 3 segments linked together by ball joints. All 3 blocks are intricate and very satisfying to build.

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A view from the hind quarters.

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And lastly, the 'ZOID Core' capsule can be removed from the hollow compartment directly behind the cockpit/head. The core itself is translucent red PVC... I added some paint to detail the studs.

All in all, I give this kit a solid 8.5/10... Main caveat: Everything is nice and tight FOR NOW. Truth is, the polycaps in the shoulders and hips seem a bit small to me and will wear out if you pose the cat too much... hard not to play with it, ya know? Give it chance, ZOIDS lovers!

More pix from a Japanese fan: http://www.geocities.jp/hetare_d_max/galle...hieldLiger.html


damn.. that looks really awesome.

I have extremely limited modelling skills but was wondering if you could explain a few of your techniques.

The "black wash marker" you mentioned is a marker that you can use on the model and rub off most of? like a wash with a brush and water/black paint mix?

the panel lines I get.. just a really fine black marker. then the sanding I saw.. adds a really cool "battle worn" look. and I guess the Gundam markers are just for shading in areas?

I've got a couple models I want to customize so any help would be appreciated. thanks


Well, I'm just your average enthusiast modeler... I don't even use an airbrush :-)

I basically got into Bandai's original HG color-injection molded series because I was dying for a Gundam toy back in the 90s. The MG series that followed got me to advance from blunt scissors to using nail cutters (big step up!), and from using cheap enamel spraypaint to costly Tamiya and Gunze spraypaints. I was aware of sanding+putty+priming for a long time but couldn't commit myself to learning and applying those methods for a very long time. Even today, I tend to build MG/PG kits for the pleasure of the detailed construction and subsequent playability... not so much for my fine-modeling skills :-)

So my compromise is to take good care with the sprues - use good cutters and if necessary, make it 2-step cut; minimum sanding to even out the scars - must have super-fine grade paper handy; and finally a clear coat to smooth everything out for an 'almost painted' look.

For panel lines, Gundam Markers has a fine-point dark brown inking pen which seems to be better than the usual black liner. Haven't tried it yet though.


You know, back in 2002, I was expressing the desire for full-size (not just Blox), fully articulated Zoids, either in figure or model kit form, with similar or better detail to the normal motorised kits.

Its taken 4 years to see my dream come true... and a completely different company to release it. Sad.


Crikey! That Command Wolf Looks good! I can't wait for the modification to make the Irvine variant.

I guess they are releasing Chaotic Century first. I hope they release the Mulga last, what a POS.


Take your time, TerTer! It's easy to jump the gun and mess up some parts :-P

- The S-Curve polycap for the shoulder/hip shield-blades: Ensure the direction is corret before snapping the enclosure over it.

- The trademark 'caps': they have a small notch to match up with the respective joint-pegs... not like the old rubber caps which you could plug-in any way you like.

- The curve plates over the feet: Definitely NOT snap fit - bring out the superglue.

Have fun!

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