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Speculaton about the price of (future) 1/60 YF-21


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Ok, so let's speculate about how much Yamato will make us hit them up for one.

That being the YF-21 1/60.

I can't fathom the YF-21 having anywhere near the amount of freaky an cool features as the YF-19 has.

So maybe they will release the FP's with the 21? To sought of level out the price as it's bro?

What are everyones thoughts?

I just look at the YF-19 and dream of how damn sweet the YF-21 will be in terms of detail.

I mean DAMN! :D Maybe they will do something cool like freaky bendable wings.

My guess the FP's will be released with the 21. ^_^

I imagine the YF-19's Fold Booster and FP's plus the Mac II killer will be sold together (in a pack) before the YF-21.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
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In theory, they could make the YF-21's legs and arms(?) detachable ala the movie version of M-Plus.

Personally, I wouldn't want that feature (Just keep the bird tight and sturdy).

Just give me the FP's, the double guns, a Valk that looks sexy and balanced in all three modes, nice long (possibly telescoping) landing gear, and some wicked articulation. Price it at $200 (Valk AND FP's). And let's call it a deal.

The Yamato YF-21 doesn't need gimmicks; it just needs to exude the kind of "bad-ass"ness that this model oozes. Link

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In theory, they could make the YF-21's legs and arms(?) detachable ala the movie version of M-Plus.

Personally, I wouldn't want that feature (Just keep the bird tight and sturdy).

Just give me the FP's, the double guns, a Valk that looks sexy and balanced in all three modes, nice long (possibly telescoping) landing gear, and some wicked articulation. Price it at $200 (Valk AND FP's). And let's call it a deal.

The Yamato YF-21 doesn't need gimmicks; it just needs to exude the kind of "bad-ass"ness that this model oozes. Link

Well that's the proof that whatever price yamato will ask there will be always id***s who'll buy the object, and yamato will always lift up the price more and more

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Two points:

1. I suggested that the $200 price include the YF-21 and its Fast Packs.

2. Considering I paid roughly $230+ (including CA sales tax and shipping) for new Roy VF-1S re-issue and its Fast Packs just last year, I don't see how suggesting $200 is "idiotic."

But as Graham pointed out, this is all just random speculation at this point.

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In theory, they could make the YF-21's legs and arms(?) detachable ala the movie version of M-Plus.

Personally, I wouldn't want that feature (Just keep the bird tight and sturdy).

Just give me the FP's, the double guns, a Valk that looks sexy and balanced in all three modes, nice long (possibly telescoping) landing gear, and some wicked articulation. Price it at $200 (Valk AND FP's). And let's call it a deal.

The Yamato YF-21 doesn't need gimmicks; it just needs to exude the kind of "bad-ass"ness that this model oozes. Link

I still perfer this rendition..

IPB Image

IMHO it captures the battloid better in overall form than the D-Stance. The D-stance has that head hood which sticks out, the intakes on the battloid are too high on the body and it's legs appear much too long and skinny. But it does capture the short body well. In the Yamato 1/72 the front fuselage that became the body was too long.

If there were any feasible features.. (Nothing like warping wings or being able to have smoke flare up from behind.) there would be...

-The Brain Direct Imaging System (BDI) displayed. A plate cover further behind the pilot in the fighter mode removed reveals the inner working of the the BDI sys. with all its cables and connections heading to the cockpit. There would also be the three camera sensors in front of the cockpit.

- A meditating Guld pilot visible from the cockpit bubble.

-Removeable plate covers in fighter mode for the rear engine, the missle bay and the head face and cover.

-Vectoring Tail fins

-Storable Missle bay near the wings

-An ingenious way of storing the rear landing gears near the wings.

-Detachable Limbs

- Being able to fold the wings in its compact flying form...not very difficult

-Collapsible twin guns hidden in the fast packs which can open a cover to shoot.

- Fast Packs and Fold system.

- Satelite wreakage parts to wrap around the battloid mode

Anything else?

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Before we go all overboard with speculation, I'd just like to remind everybody that a YF-21 has not been confirmed.


Confirmed, no.

Granted you'd know better than the rest of us as to the likelihood of this getting made, but I would think that unless the YF-19 somehow bombs, this would be a no-brainer. The 11B et al would seem to me to be less attractive a risk to take, given the cost of r&d, molds, etc.

Then again, maybe not since the licensing issues may prevent them from milking the molds with repaint after repaint. At least canon ones, anyway (now there's a thought: a low-vis or stealth 21/22 ... mmm ... low vis ... arghl ...)

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Nice list, Briareos.

Vectoring tail fins are obviously easy. It'd be nice if they could be coordinated but even if they were as in the 1/72 version, it would be fine. With with meditating "spud" Guld. The folding tail fins and wing extensions would be much the same as 1/60, as well, I imagine.

BDI with access plates would be cool and relatively easy to implement (the covers just need to be tight enough/lockable, though). This applies to the engines, too. It would be nice to see the mini-missiles ala GBP. with exposable internal storage.

Detachable limbs should be easy, too. A decent locking mechanism shouldn't be beyond Yamato, i'm thinking a locking pin or something that could be covered up by the shoulder pad and the conical hip/leg top. The only tooling issue is the added detail, which isn't that much of a detail technically (though possibly cost wise).

Collapsible twin gunpods should definitely be included, but I could see leaving these off for a fast pack/fold booster/ Ghost expansion. Along with the VF-22S head/face and canopy. I'd say just make the built in panels for the standard model already shaped/molded with half gun pods so it can be as tight to the chassis as possible.

The landing gear would be the trickiest item. Making one set, possibly telescoping that could go through the FP panels would be ideal.

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Detachable legs really screws up the D'stance fighter mode. Most pics are very carefully posed to hide it, but:

The D'stance has the feet hang out the back of the plane. Purely due to having them removable. The Yamato/SHE does it far better. While the D'stance has overall amazing proportions, I'd want the legs to store the way the Yamato does.

Technically it's not the removable legs so much, as having an actual detailed "interior" to the plane (mainly the GERWALK mode cascades), when the belly and legs are ripped away--that detailing takes up ALL the room the legs normally have, so they can't tuck themselves into the engine nacelles like on the Yamato--they're squeezed in BETWEEN them, making the back end of the plane open up, with the feet hanging out. Look carefully at the D'stance pics--the feet are out in the open, with the belly plates hanging well below the engines at the rear. Purely for the "limbless mode" to be possible. Having just the legs removable would be fine, but it'd look ugly as heck---the D'stance devotes a lot to having a smooth, "functional" interior when the limbs are off. Eliminate that, and you could easily have an even sleeker, better-fitting fighter mode than the D'stance.

Cost? Well, the YF-21 has a simpler transformation than the -19, with fewer parts. It's just ALL about shapes/proportions, to make fighter mode look good. But since it's Yamato, and it's new, it'll cost more than any other I'm sure. :) VF-0A is more than the S, just 'cause it's newer. I'm sure whatever VF-0 is next (Shin? Stealth?) will cost even more.

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Well that's the proof that whatever price yamato will ask there will be always id***s who'll buy the object, and yamato will always lift up the price more and more

Just because someone:

a) Has more money than you and is therefore willing to pay more than you are willing to pay. . .


b) Likes something more than you and is therefore willing to pay more than you are willing to pay. . .

Does not make that person an "idiot."

Welcome to a free market. If you think it's too much money for what you get, you can vote with your pocket book and not buy it. If enough people do that, Yamato will either lower the price or stop making the item. But if they sell out at whatever price Yamato has chosen, they've clearly set a good price from their point of view. . . and those who bought at that price have done nothing wrong. They obviously just like the item more than you.

Regardless, there's no need for name-calling.


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Before we go all overboard with speculation, I'd just like to remind everybody that a YF-21 has not been confirmed.


Weeeell, you could help us out with that though... ;)

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Just because someone:

a) Has more money than you and is therefore willing to pay more than you are willing to pay. . .


b) Likes something more than you and is therefore willing to pay more than you are willing to pay. . .

Does not make that person an "idiot."

Unabashedly Contrarian indeed. I would gladly pay twice the price of the '19 for a '21 that captures the anime version as closely as possible...

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Pins for the removable limbs would be easily lost. I would think for a locking mechanism that a twist lock would be fine. Ever buy a stack of writable CD's on a spine? The round cover fits on top and you would rotate it a bit to lock it into place. Or perhaps the locking mechanism similar to those child proof caps.

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as tricky as the yf-19 was to make right, i think the yf-21 is going to be more difficult because of the porportions invovled. If yamato can make it look right in fighter mode and actually solved the whole shoulder thing, I would gladly be counted amoung the idiots who own one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't want to be an idiot with or without macross toy;and i don't think your interest in something is related to how much you spend for it; this could depend on how much you value money.

Anyway don't take it too much as a personal thing, i don't want to offend anybody here...i just thank god that e-bay exists, i actually bought all my valkyries mint in box on e-bay always for less than 100$ B))

Edited by Gatsu
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money is a tool, you use it to get what you want or need. And what those things are can vary from person to person. I'm sure if we looked at your purchases we would find stuff that we would find of questionable value but you find important. It has nothing to do with how much we value money... our money nor how intelligent for us.

I'm glad you're the ebay king and you can find your stuff for that price... for me, my time is more important and I'm not inclined to sit on ebay and waste my time. for me, 25 extra dollars is well worth my time.

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money is a tool, you use it to get what you want or need. And what those things are can vary from person to person. I'm sure if we looked at your purchases we would find stuff that we would find of questionable value but you find important. It has nothing to do with how much we value money... our money nor how intelligent for us.

I'm glad you're the ebay king and you can find your stuff for that price... for me, my time is more important and I'm not inclined to sit on ebay and waste my time. for me, 25 extra dollars is well worth my time.

Ok, i can assume you're almost all great business men here, but anyway i don't intend to get involved in some philosophical conversation on toys purchase, it's obvious you are taking this issue like a personal attack...i'm sorry for you and i prefer close it anyway.

If you want youcan spend even 500$ on a toy if you want men... :wacko:

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I never feel bad about Macross purchases or devotion to the series when compared to say Barbie. Everyone I knew that was into Macross became engineers, joined the military, or became pilots.

Those that were and still are into Barbie, well, I don’t want my post deleted. :wacko:

If a redesigned and improved YF-21 or VF-22 is produced in 1/60, I will buy it.

If I am deployed when it is first released and they sell out like the gray Low-Vis did when I was out of the US then I will be one of those ebay idiots that pays $500. :lol:

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i don't see why people keep thinking the new yamato releases are going to be $200? :unsure:

the 21 has already been made by several companies throughout the years, resin, model, toy, etc. so its not like they have to start from scratch. people keep saying the 19 is going to be $200....why would it be $200? when the same thing applies to 19 as the 21. logically speaking, the more times a toy gets made, the easier it gets to make. it doesn't get harder and it definitely doesn't get more expensive.

so i have to ask, why would a toy that has already been made in 1/72 scale on top of numerous transformable resin/models in multiple scales over the years, retail for such a high price?

no yamato offering has gone over $200. if you paid $200 for any valk to date, you got hosed or you were late to the game and paid after market prices. yamato toys aren't as expensive as you think, just ask MW'er hayao kakazaki how much he's paid for each of his valks and you'll be floored how low that number is. IIRC, hes paid on average of $89 per non FP valk, and $125 for a FP valk in HK. we pay more simply because of shipping and the additonal mark up by US sellers.

all that being said, IMO, the 21 as well as the 19 won't be more than $150 shipped from HK. no one should pay more than that for these 2 releases. i paid $125 shipped for the konig monster, i paid $150 shipped for the VF-0 and both of those were the first toys of its kind. the 19 and 21 are nothing more than rehashes of past toys/models/resin kits.

Edited by do not disturb
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It seems to me that the VF-11B is a lot easier to develop than the YF-21. IMO the YF-21 uses a lot more anime magic.

I'll put my money on the VF-11B being released first.

my sentiment exactly. why no love (hence no thread) for the 11b? Anyways, both are cool looking fighters

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i don't see why people keep thinking the new yamato releases are going to be $200? :unsure:

the 21 has already been made by several companies throughout the years, resin, model, toy, etc. so its not like they have to start from scratch. people keep saying the 19 is going to be $200....why would it be $200? when the same thing applies to 19 as the 21. logically speaking, the more times a toy gets made, the easier it gets to make. it doesn't get harder and it definitely doesn't get more expensive.

so i have to ask, why would a toy that has already been made in 1/72 scale on top of numerous transformable resin/models in multiple scales over the years, retail for such a high price?

no yamato offering has gone over $200. if you paid $200 for any valk to date, you got hosed or you were late to the game and paid after market prices. yamato toys aren't as expensive as you think, just ask MW'er hayao kakazaki how much he's paid for each of his valks and you'll be floored how low that number is. IIRC, hes paid on average of $89 per non FP valk, and $125 for a FP valk in HK. we pay more simply because of shipping and the additonal mark up by US sellers.

all that being said, IMO, the 21 as well as the 19 won't be more than $150 shipped from HK. no one should pay more than that for these 2 releases. i paid $125 shipped for the konig monster, i paid $150 shipped for the VF-0 and both of those were the first toys of its kind. the 19 and 21 are nothing more than rehashes of past toys/models/resin kits.

i AGREE WITH YOU MAN (i'm not so optimistic) and i really hope you 'll be right about that... :blink:

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