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  Jolly Rogers said:

I wasn't so sure if he was a changed man after seeing the subtle looks and body language he gave Martha when she was going psycho on him. They were ambiguous enough to let you believe that the old Logan was just lurking beneath the surface and can come out at any time.

Well, yeah, he's going to have a lot of his peronallity quirks and stuff, but if you were in Logan's shoes and you were having to deal with your mentally unbalanced ex-wife, not to mention whatever shame he has since a lot of the problems Martha now has are his fault, you would probably be uncomfortable, too. Considering the last thing he says is her name, his thoughts and concerns are towards his wife even though she (apparently) has brought his life to an end.

BTW, isn't this like the 4th or 5th time on 24 where somebody important in CTU custody/control gets killed because someone with a beef or vendetta is allowed to be too close to a weapon? :p

  • 2 weeks later...

I think the next thing to wonder about, is who is the mole/leak at CTU this time? Does anyone really think that they have the right person in holding already? I don't! They never wrap up things like that this fast, so she has to be someones fall guy. My vote is for Milo. He was the bringer of the news about Morris' brother being in the hospital, that caused him to get grabbed and forced to acivate the nukes. On top of that our resident CTU scape goat was working under his ID on her computer. I would suggest that that would give him the ability to frame her for sending out the info to the terrorists when it was acctually him. His sticking up for her could also be an attempt to deflect suspision from him, afterall why defend her if he is guilty? Would be a nice little twist if I was right.


I think Milo's defending Nadia because he's got the hots for her. There probably isn't a mole - the terrorists could have planted a Trojan horse when CTU gave them access to the network earlier in the day.

  Jolly Rogers said:

I think Milo's defending Nadia because he's got the hots for her. There probably isn't a mole - the terrorists could have planted a Trojan horse when CTU gave them access to the network earlier in the day.

Looks like there was some chip onboard the drones that were letting the bad guys force their way into CTU's network. Whether they intended to stream through Nadia's computer intententionally or not remains to be seen. But for now it looks like Nadia is in the clear.

Also regarding last night's episode, they should have retooled the episode so that Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman could have reprised their roles from Rainman and been the hackers! Instead of counting cards, Rainman has now gone up in the world and is now hacking into computers! :lol: When the gunfire started happening, Rainman would have started going into his "V-E-R-N" or "Who's on first" routines. ;) Seriously, at the end of the show I'm surprised the Rainman-wannabe didn't turn out to be putting on some sort of ruse and killed the CTU agent going to take him to his brother at the hospital.

  Jolly Rogers said:

It's kinda lame how daddy Bauer's completely out of the picture. So much wasted opportunity there. He better return later in the season with a talking pig.

I think we can expect him to resurface at some point. I am wondering who is going to move to the front of Jacks hit parade, when he finds out who was responcable for Audrey being knocked off. He did afterall promise Bill that he would deal with that right after the current crisis.

  wldr said:

I think we can expect him to resurface at some point. I am wondering who is going to move to the front of Jacks hit parade, when he finds out who was responcable for Audrey being knocked off. He did afterall promise Bill that he would deal with that right after the current crisis.

20 Bucks says that Audry is still alive and that this is one big mind frell.


Kim Raver, who plays Audrey, was cast in another TV series called The Nine. This explains her absence in the new season of 24.

Now that The Nine's canceled, the writer just might pull a Dallas and write her back into the show.

  Jolly Rogers said:

Kim Raver, who plays Audrey, was cast in another TV series called The Nine. This explains her absence in the new season of 24.

Now that The Nine's canceled, the writer just might pull a Dallas and write her back into the show.

No... Death to Audrey, no one abandons 24 and lives.

Oh, this reminds me, I really don't like Milo and Nadia, not even remotely close to Tony and Michelle.


I don't think they were meant to replace Tony and Michelle. In any case, I prefer all 4 of them to Chloe. She hasn't had a good scene since that shootout several seasons ago. Ever since then she's like the miracle girl on the phone, doing all the impossible things for Jack.

  Jolly Rogers said:

I don't think they were meant to replace Tony and Michelle. In any case, I prefer all 4 of them to Chloe. She hasn't had a good scene since that shootout several seasons ago. Ever since then she's like the miracle girl on the phone, doing all the impossible things for Jack.

I know I pointed this out a few weeks back, but it's funny how the two main shows I watch these days, 24 and Smallville, BOTH have a blond girl named Chloe who act as a major support character to the main male lead (Jack in 24's case and Clark/Kal-El/Superman in Smallville) and their relationship to the main male character is plutonic (though Smallville's Chloe has always had feelings for Clark through out the show's run). Also, both shows started running in 2001. :p

Posted (edited)
  Jolly Rogers said:

I don't think they were meant to replace Tony and Michelle. In any case, I prefer all 4 of them to Chloe. She hasn't had a good scene since that shootout several seasons ago. Ever since then she's like the miracle girl on the phone, doing all the impossible things for Jack.

Ah but did you know Chloe is truly famous.

See Chloe....


There is no DoD or DoHS project named Tony, or Michelle, Bucchanan, or even Jack :D

Yeah, you can just imagine a nerdy looking girl squinting at a computer screen and going: "oh my God, a missile, take that, take that, and that, and that, and that..."

Edited by kalvasflam
Posted (edited)

In my personal opinion, last night episode sucked big time! :angry: I think they made several characters make truely stupid choices. Wayne Palmer decideing to go ahead with the stupid Vice President's missile launch idea, please... could that be any dumber of a complete about face in policy, I don't think so. They only have two ways to explain it and one of them makes no sence: The drugs he's being pumped up with made him do it. Yeah right, adrenalin does not change your basic decision making processes. Second choice, and the only one that makes any sence at all, he was told of the Vice Presidents fabricated story of who tried to kill him, and believed it! This solution would make him look stupid, but at least he would not look totally irrational. Then of course tere is Gedenko allowing his arm to get chopped off to get away from CTU only to betray his terrorist buddy and then die under the pier, again very stupid. I hope they are not in the process of totally killing one of my favorite shows. :angry:

Edited by wldr
  wldr said:

I think they made several characters make truely stupid choices. Wayne Palmer decideing to go ahead with the stupid Vice President's missile launch idea, please... could that be any dumber of a complete about face in policy, I don't think so.

That part bugged me too.

It reeked of the writers going "Oh crap, we have 8 more hours to go, and we've finished the story!", and so they threw that in there to force a subplot.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that was disappointed with last night's episode. Wayne Palmer's decision was totally out of character. WTF are you smoking Manny Coto?


Regarding Wayne's change of heart, I think some of you have forgotten that he was in an induced coma and that it was warned that bringing him out of it could result in brain damage... wasn't most of this episode spent on debating on wether he was fit and capable to be president? Obviously there's a very good chance that he is "not himself", but at the same time something else may have been brought to his attention to have influenced his desicion. Guess we'll have to wait 'til next week! :D

As for the Russian general, that was definitely hardcore that he would have half of his arm amputated like that to get rid of the bug. But considering all the bad stuff he had done, it was a suitable ending for this character. Too bad Jack didn't get to spend some more "quality time" with him, though! :p

Posted (edited)

The writers did admit they were grasping for ideas for this season. What amazes me is how they decide to toss out some of the best threads they had going instead of mining them for all their worth - the conspiracy group from season 5 turned out to be nothing more than Bauer Sr. trying to cover his own ass, for example. Instead of making the rabbit hole deeper and darker, they decided to fill it with fluffy dirt instead.

As for Grendenko chopping his arm off, I saw that coming from miles away when he was told the bug was inside his bone. Lifting ideas from the Hannibal movie is truly scraping at the bottom of the barrel. :p

Edited by Jolly Rogers
Apollo Leader Posted Today, 01:54 PM

Regarding Wayne's change of heart, I think some of you have forgotten that he was in an induced coma and that it was warned that bringing him out of it could result in brain damage... wasn't most of this episode spent on debating on wether he was fit and capable to be president? Obviously there's a very good chance that he is "not himself", but at the same time something else may have been brought to his attention to have influenced his desicion.

Sorry dude, not buying that one. That solution would be almost as crappy as the one I first mentioned in my original post on the subject. I will reserve complete judgement until I see what they do with that part of the story line, but so far I think it was a stupid plot idea.

Apollo Leader Posted Today, 01:54 PM

As for the Russian general, that was definitely hardcore that he would have half of his arm amputated like that to get rid of the bug. But considering all the bad stuff he had done, it was a suitable ending for this character.

Suitable ending?? Where was the gain for Gredenko in doing what he did? He has been playing his own game with the bombs the whole time, and getting himself killed to only get Fiahd captured, which doesn't change anything considering that the arab terrorists still have the bombs, makes no sence. If Gredenkos's russian extremist buddies were somehow able to take posession of the bombs because of Gredenko's actions that would at least make some sence.


Just when you thought Jack was rid of the Chinese....

GREAT episode tonight......I was cheering when Jack stormed in at the end. Bravo.


Well THAT was different. :blink:

Glad to see Jack bringing his kill ratio back up to its usual high standards.

For one brief second there, I seriously thought they were gonna go with a "Manchurian Candidate"-style swerve on that final phone call. Guess, I was the only idiot thinking that. :rolleyes:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there still like 6 or 7 hours left? Now what?!!

UN Spacy Posted Today, 01:23 AM

GREAT episode tonight......I was cheering when Jack stormed in at the end. Bravo.

You can say that again, it was a ton better than the last episode that made me rather angry. This one was as I said a lot better.

Mog Posted Today, 01:34 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there still like 6 or 7 hours left? Now what?!!

Do you really have to ask? Jack goes on a chinese killing spree of course. He is not going to leave Audrey hanging out to dry. He wouldn't leave anyone out in the cold that he believed was a good guy, so he can't hardly leave her in the hands of the chinese who tortured him.

  UN Spacy said:

Just when you thought Jack was rid of the Chinese....

GREAT episode tonight......I was cheering when Jack stormed in at the end. Bravo.

Looks like the rumors of Kim Raver still being part of the 24 cast after all turned out to be true. :D

  wldr said:

Sorry dude, not buying that one. That solution would be almost as crappy as the one I first mentioned in my original post on the subject. I will reserve complete judgement until I see what they do with that part of the story line, but so far I think it was a stupid plot idea.

Regarding Wayne Palmer, looks like we were all wrong though obviously he is in a world of hurt and I see it very likely that he is going to die or at least have to relinquish the presidency at some point.

  Apollo Leader said:

Regarding Wayne Palmer, looks like we were all wrong though obviously he is in a world of hurt and I see it very likely that he is going to die or at least have to relinquish the presidency at some point.

Yes we all were wrong, and I have to admit that I approved of the way they showed Wayne to be both ballsy and at the same time not a complete idiot, like I originally suspected they were going to do. I am not entirely sure I like the reintroduction of the chinese plot line, but we shall see what they do with it. I just hope that they don't have Jack be dumb enough not to at least try to find out what the chinese got from the president in exchange for his release. In his shoes, I sure would want to know what it was. Especially after that phone call at the end of the last episode.


Yeah, my "Now what?!!" was a rhetorical question.

It just surprised me that they resolved the suitcase nuke (aka, "snuke" :p ) crisis relatively early, as compared to other seasons. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

You're right though: I too am a little intrigued to find out what El Presidente gave up in exchange for Jack.

  Mog said:

Yeah, my "Now what?!!" was a rhetorical question.

It just surprised me that they resolved the suitcase nuke (aka, "snuke" :p ) crisis relatively early, as compared to other seasons. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

You're right though: I too am a little intrigued to find out what El Presidente gave up in exchange for Jack.

Interesting, I wonder if the Raver angle will tie into anything. I was hoping the batty was dead, but oh well. I hope they do well with this turn of events.


Of course the next question is have they thrown out the part of the story line about Jack's evil father. I know the idea of involving Jack's family struck me as a rather stupid idea, but are they going to clean up the mess, or ignore that whole issue?


As for the episodes of recent events, I suspected they would bring back Kim Raver AKA Audrey. Hell I figured Wayne Palmer used the nuke strike as a bluff. It was stupid at first when we saw it in the end but I had to rethink it over before I watched the next episode when it became clear he was bluffing.

As for the Chinese angle, I am suspecting that Chinese could be behind of an eloborate scheme that started this whole mess in the first place. Or could be a part of it as in letting the terrorists know they have Jack to make America to deal to get Jack back. Kknowing that Jack has 9 lives, they have Audrey as their ace-in-the-hole to leverage against Jack when the time is right.

Right now I have to say the nuke angle is getting over used. They did it in Season 2 and 4. Use of WMDs is getting old. I assume that is why they are moving over to the Chinese angle. I thought Ricky Schroder will be Jack's replacement for the last 2 installments of 24. Lot's of guessing on my part here. Hell, they could bring back the German agent that got screwed in last season when Jack gave him the terrorist list only to go "mission impossible" when accessing the disk. Or it pissed off the Germans. Who knows.

  Jolly Rogers said:

I'm surprised the whole conspiracy to assassinate Wayne Palmer just kinda got swept under the rug, like Bauer Sr.

True, that little story line has been ignored also.

  • 3 weeks later...

Papa Heller returns!

...and this time he's NOT pleased with Jack Bauer. Speaking of next week.

Looks like CTU is going to get compromised once again. BIG TIME. Anyone else think so?

  UN Spacy said:

Papa Heller returns!

...and this time he's NOT pleased with Jack Bauer. Speaking of next week.

Looks like CTU is going to get compromised once again. BIG TIME. Anyone else think so?

"You're a curse, Jack, everyone who gets involved with you dies."

Well, factually, that's accurate... let's see, Terri, David, Tony, Michelle, Curtis, Edgar,

oh wait, Kim is still alive.... where's the cougar

  kalvasflam said:

oh wait, Kim is still alive.... where's the cougar


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