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This is the new thread to replace the one on the old boards for the Macross game I have been (slowly) working on. It is a 2D sidescroller that allows you to fly various Valkyries against the forces of the Zentradi.

You can find more information at the site for Screaming Valkyries

There is an early demo available along with some screenshots. Please post any questions or comments in this thread. I'd be happy to hear what you think so far.

Once the old boards are back up, I'll post a link to the old thread as well.


Prime :)

posted in another thread by 13strikevalkyrie13

how do u get keyboard controls set for the demo of screaming valkyries?

Okay, here are the steps to use the current annoying system to set up your own control mappings for the demo.

1. Open up the controls.cfg file. Here you will see each command and a number underneath. The number represents the input key (either keyboard key or joystick button). Here is the setup that comes with the demo:

// using joystick for movement (1 = joystick 0 = keyboard)


// change facing


// acceleration


// shoot straight


// shoot up


// shoot down


// mode up


// mode down


// move up (if using keyboard)


// move down (if using keyboard)


// move left (if using keyboard)


// move right (if using keyboard)


2. You can use either a joystick/gamepad or the keyboard to play. In the first line of controls.cfg you can see:

// using joystick for movement (1 = joystick 0 = keyboard)


Right now it is set to 1, which means joystick. If you want to use the keyboard instead, change the 1 to a 0.

3. To change a command, first determine what command you want to change. For this example, let's suppose we want to change our mode up (fighter->gerwalk->battroid) button. Open up the "key_codes.txt" file. In there is all the possible keys we could use. Suppose we want to use the letter "J" for this command. Looking in key_codes.txt, we can see that "J" is represented by 36. To set the mode up command to J, simply put 36 under the line "// mode up". So we would have:

// mode up


4. Save the controls.cfg file.

You can repeat this for all the commands you want to change. I realize that this is a pain, and in the final game it will be much more painless. As a side note, these key codes are actually the codes that DirectX uses.

If you have any problems, let me know and we can figure things out. Hope that helps :D


hey thanks for the help prime im going to redownload the demo tonight and try it out... i have a question about the game is there going to be a storyline? if so how would it revolve itself in the macross universe well another question came to mind... what vlkyries will be in the shooter? thanks again

  13strikevalkyrie13 said:
hey thanks for the help prime im going to redownload the demo tonight and try it out... i have a question about the game is there going to be a storyline? if so how would it revolve itself in the macross universe well another question came to mind... what vlkyries will be in the shooter? thanks again

There won't be too much of a storyline, but I will try to have something in there. It is definitely all Macross universe though.

As for the Valkyries, iniitally it will have the VF-1, VF-11, and VF-19. The good thing is that others are easily added without much problem, so I hope to put in a bunch more as well, especially the VF-22, and VF-17.

  yellowlightman said:
Glad to see you're still working on this game, far too many fan-made games start off good and development ends abruptly when peopel get bored with it. It's nice to see you're sticking with it. :)

It has been slow going of late, but I refuse to let it die. I still enjoy working on it, and I want to get it finished :)

  • 3 months later...

Good news and bad news for those who care:

The bad news is that somehow one of the more important code files has been corrupted and I have lost it. Unfortunately my last backup was long time ago and pretty out of date. So quite a bit of work was lost.

The good news is that due to the way I designed the code, it should be pretty quick to get things back to a good state. The other good thing is that I was planning to change some things, and the corrupted file is where those changes would have been. So in some sense I now have a "clean slate" to do things the way I want them.

So all in all it isn't as bad as it otherwise might be. :)

Still slow going, but I'm still working on it...

  yellowlightman said:
Keep working on the game, I'm definately interested in seeing it completed. :)

Thanks for the encouragement, yellowlightman, it helps :)


Just to give a hads up, I pretty much got the gameplay back to where it was (with some changes) before the file corruption. So things are moving along :)

  • 3 weeks later...

You know you could always make a fanstory mixing with the gameplay. Like something similar to VFX. Where after every mission there's like a storyboard with drawings and such to it with little word boxes. After that's done, you start with the next mission where you can choose your next valkyrie based on the combat conditions. Just a thougth if you wanna give it a story.

  • 2 weeks later...


I downloaded the demo and it looks great!!!! I hope that you will see it through as it really has allot of potential.

Keep up the great work.




Sorry for the slow response guys...

  Hikuro said:
You know you could always make a fanstory mixing with the gameplay.  Like something similar to VFX.  Where after every mission there's like a storyboard with drawings and such to it with little word boxes.  After that's done, you start with the next mission where you can choose your next valkyrie based on the combat conditions.  Just a thougth if you wanna give it a story.

That's a good idea. I'll have to think about it a bit and see if I can come up with anything half decent. Also Hikuro, if you could get me some sounds that would really be helpful. Right now all I have are some generic ones like machine guns and missiles. Having some more Macross-specific sounds might help make the game more appealing. Let me know what sorts of things you might have...

  GianS said:

I downloaded the demo and it looks great!!!! I hope that you will see it through as it really has allot of potential.

Keep up the great work.

Thanks, GianS :) The encouragement is appreciated. I'm glad it worked okay. So far I haven't had any compatibility issues when others try it out, which is a good sign.
  Stamen0083 said:

Is this game open source? Hint, hint ;-)

I haven't really decided yet. Right now the game engine that the game is built on is open source and already up for download. I hadn't thought much about releasing the actual game source code, mainly because I didn't know if many people would be interested. But if people want to use it, I might be able to be talked into it. :) I have written the whole game and engine from scratch (on top of DirectX), so there isn't any legal reason why I can't release the source.

Just to keep people up to date, I have finished adding the VF-11 to the game, so now it and the VF-1 are in. It shouldn't be too long before I finish getting the VF-19 up and running. Luckily adding new VFs is really easy after the sprite art is done. I've also made some good progress on the opening "cutscene", which is all done using the game engine. You can keep up to date with the status by checking the status page on the game's site.

However, there are a few things where I am trying to decide which way to go. I'd love some feedback about how people feel. Here are some of my ideas:

I am trying to decide between having the game take you through a linear progression of levels or having sort of a "mission generator" kind of thing where you could specify the environment, opponants, and so on. The second option is a bit easier as far as the amount of work, but I am wondering what players would prefer. I may end up doing both...

Right now I plan on having the VF-1, VF-11, and VF-19 available as player craft. It is technically easy to add more types to the list, but creating the art can be time consuming due to having to create every frame for the movement and transformations. One possibliity is to release the game with those three and then release patches later on with new fighters. The other option is to delay the release and add other fighters for the initial game. What might people prefer?

As for other VFs, which ones are people keen on? So far I have had requests for the VF-22 and VF-17.

The game's art is stored in standard bitmaps. For "characters" like the VFs and pods, each image file contains all the frames for all the movement and so on. Using these people could develop their own paint schemes. I could put some of those files and maybe some templates up for download for people to modify. Adding these to the game would be as simple as just replacing the original files. Would there be any interest in this? Also, I could take it one step further and add support for the ability to add new VFs or other mecha. This would involve something like creating the frames in the image file and then specifying in another file the mecha's name and other details.

Just wondering if people had any sort of opinions on these things...

Thanks for the interest! :)


i think you should release it asap (but dont rush) the patching idea is pretty good

oh yea and prime, do you think that maybe a sequel or an add on to the game would be released sometime in the future? i like the mission generator for one reason, a lot of scrolling games typically have the levels become harder and if that is the matter, lets say you get stuck on a mission the generator could help you practice and come up with some moves to use in-game



How bout transformation sound ?

I would to see to see VFs like the VF-5000B/G, VF-9 Cutlass and VF-14 Vampire.

Also we play space missions what about Fast Packs?

I think a mission builder that allow users to create their own branch campiagns would be nice. Perhaps we can customise VF payload in an arming screen ?

oh...what about Macross racing with FanRacers ?

Some more ideas:

1. Limit VF payload to realistic levels(can be edited)

2. Allow for career option where more VFs become available as time progresses

3. Allow command of VF squadron.

  Prime said:
...But if people want to use it, I might be able to be talked into it. :) I have written the whole game and engine from scratch (on top of DirectX), so there isn't any legal reason why I can't release the source.

No reason not to release the code, and I'm trying to talk you into doing so. What more do you really need? ;-)

Hmm... Do a YF-19. I don't particularly like the VF-19. FAST packs and missiles would be really cool.

I think the weapons system needs an overhaul. I don't really like the way it's set up right now. A bit too simplistic...

Hmm.... If I have the souce code, I can tweak the game to my heart's content ;-)

  Stamen0083 said:
  hellohikaru said:
The VF-19A looks just like the YF-19 Prototype.

No, it doesn't.

Compare VF-19 to YF-19. There are considerable differences, especially towards the rear.

You are comparing the YF-19 with the VF-19 Kai "one of a kind" variant ;)

Have you seen those in the VFX games ?

This is the Hasegawa VF-19A kit which has better proportions than the Yamato kit.




  hellohikaru said:
Have you seen those in the VFX games ?

This is the Hasegawa VF-19A kit which has better proportions than the Yamato kit.

<<Images attached>>

Oh! So that's the one being talked about here! I hear "VF-19" and I think "Macross 7." I completely forgot about this one.

I dreaded the Macross 7 VF-19's, but these are perfectly fine.

  13strikevalkyrie13 said:
i think you should release it asap (but dont rush) the patching idea is pretty good

oh yea and prime, do you think that maybe a sequel or an add on to the game would be released sometime in the future? i like the mission generator for one reason, a lot of scrolling games typically have the levels become harder and if that is the matter, lets say you get stuck on a mission the generator could help you practice and come up with some moves to use in-game

I think the patching way is probably the easiest way to go. Plus it will allow people to be a bit more selective with what stuff they want.

As for a sequel. I never really planned on doing that. I don't really expect a lot of people to play this, or to have it generate enough of a response to warrant a sequel. But who knows. I've sort of taken the approach of making something that I like, and hopefully others might like it too :) So what I envision is releasing the game, and then just developing addons and upgrades. That process will be mainly driven by stuff that I think is cool (like lots of options and customability), and feedback if I get any.

Personally I like the idea of a mission generator, because it can increase the replayability. Also, in terms of future content it allows for lots of new environments, enemies, VFs, and so on without having to develop a whole new campaign.

  hellohikaru said:
How bout transformation sound ?
I'd love to get a good transformation sound. Or any other sounds for that matter...
  hellohikaru said:
Also we play space missions what about Fast Packs?
I do plan to do fastpacks as future content. I am also hoping to have the armoured VF-1 as a part of the initial release. At some point I'd also like to have the armoured VF-11 as well. As part of this aspect, I'd also have the ability to eject the armour once it is depleted.
  hellohikaru said:
I think a mission builder that allow users to create their own branch campiagns would be nice. Perhaps we can customise VF payload in an arming screen ?
I originally thought about doing a mission builder where you could make your own missions, but that is quite a bit of work. This is mainly do to having a file format that can be loaded to set up all the enemies and so on. The mission generator is a simpler form of that, but it would just create a more generic sort of quick missions. I might add a save feature so that you could sort of make your own campaign. And additional campaigns are not out of the question as future content :)

As for payload, I hope to have some options with regards to that in the initial release.

  hellohikaru said:
oh...what about Macross racing with FanRacers ?
Easy to add. But what kind of thing are you thinking about? A head to head racing sort of thing? They'd be pretty useless against battlepods... :D
  hellohikaru said:
1. Limit VF payload to realistic levels(can be edited)
I'm trying to have at least a semi-realistic payloads. I'm also trying to avoid the "powerup" kind of thing. For the most part, what you have when you start the mission is all you get. I find powerups to sort of ruin the realism of some games (if a sidescroller can even be considered realistic). I hated the fact that some Macross games required powerups to transform. So I'm trying to keep things on a semi-realistic level so you can't just go through the whole game with your finger on the firing trigger.
  hellohikaru said:
2. Allow for career option where more VFs become available as time progresses
This was a part of my original design. I'll probably still do it I think. The game will likely keep track of your overall number of kills and missions completed. As you reach certain levels, additional options will become available.
  hellohikaru said:
3. Allow command of VF squadron.
I'm not sure exacly how I'd do this. I don't want the screen to get too cluttered, and having a large number of friendly and enemy fighters might just make things too chaotic. However, I might add the option two have two wingmen (to form a fllight of three) to help you. As a bit of a related issue, I will be having an escort mission type where you have to protect either a Cat's Eye craft or a shuttle.
  Stamen0083 said:
No reason not to release the code, and I'm trying to talk you into doing so. What more do you really need? ;-)
I'm sure I'll end up releasing it :)
  Stamen0083 said:
Hmm... Do a YF-19. I don't particularly like the VF-19.
I am refering to the VF-19A, which I believe is very similar in appearance to the YF-19 prototype.
  Stamen0083 said:
I think the weapons system needs an overhaul. I don't really like the way it's set up right now. A bit too simplistic...
Ah, ok. Could you be more specific? Why sort of things do you think need to be improved/added? I'd love to have feedback on this sort of thing, either about this aspect or anything else.
  hellohikaru said:
Of course cosmetics aside i would like to see the VF-19F/S in it.
Certainly a possiblity as part of the extra fighters added later on. Although I never liked the Macross 7 fighters... :)
  lt.eiji said:
great looking sidescroller!
Thanks Man! I hope people will like it!
Easy to add. But what kind of thing are you thinking about? A head to head racing sort of thing? They'd be pretty useless against battlepods... 

ummm...perhaps in a fashion similar to the Reno air race...20 or more other racers to beat...nah bad idea :ph34r:

  lt.eiji said:
one suggestion, can you lengthen the valkyrie's gunpod range?

I'll look into that...

  hellohikaru said:
ummm...perhaps in a fashion similar to the Reno air race...20 or more other racers to beat...nah bad idea
Not a bad idea, but it just doesn't fit in very well with Screaming Valkyries. :D
  Prime said:
Ah, ok. Could you be more specific? Why sort of things do you think need to be improved/added? I'd love to have feedback on this sort of thing, either about this aspect or anything else.

The weapon load is pretty wussy... Needs more power. Much much more. This is a shooter, afterall ;-)

At the least, extended gunpod range would be nice. Micro missiles as the "bomb" option would be nicer.

  Stamen0083 said:
  Prime said:
Ah, ok.  Could you be more specific?  Why sort of things do you think need to be improved/added?  I'd love to have feedback on this sort of thing, either about this aspect or anything else.

The weapon load is pretty wussy... Needs more power. Much much more. This is a shooter, afterall ;-)

At the least, extended gunpod range would be nice. Micro missiles as the "bomb" option would be nicer.

Oh don't worry. :) What is in that demo is by no means the extent of the weapons. What would a Valkyrie be without missiles? As for the gunpod range, I haven't tweeked any of that kind of thing yet. Once things are a little more complete I will tweek the settings to get something a bit more optimal.

For the missiles, there are a few ways I might go. One is the standard "bomb" where it basically clears everything off the screen. Another is to be able to select a target and fire missiles that home in on it. If I go with the latter, I haven't settled on how the player would go about selecting targets.

But one thing is for certain, there will be missiles... ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This project looks great Prime!

I'm wondering if I can contribute to this game, namely in the form of lineart and sprites for the VFs (maybe even a fanstory for the game as well). Let me know if you're interested :)

Edited by bake_art
  bake_art said:
This project looks great Prime!

I'm wondering if I can contribute to this game, namely in the form of lineart and sprites for the VFs (maybe even a fanstory for the game as well). Let me know if you're interested :)

Thanks, but I have most of sprites completed already. However, Once I get more into the menu screen aspects, If you are interested in doing some icons or art, I may like some help.

Thanks for the offer, and I'll let you know the state of affairs as I get closer to that point :)

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  lt.eiji said:
just wondering, how is the progress of this game (after my absence for over a year?)


Sorry for the delayed response, but not my fault since the forums have been down! :)

I still work on it a bit off and on, but it is sort of in limbo these days. To some extent I've moved onto modding games like Jedi Outcast/Academy and KOTOR/TSL. I still hope to finish it, although I'll probably reduce the scope quite a bit to something a bit more basic unfortunately. But I'd rather finish something that is complete instead of trying to do to much.

So I guess the short answer is that it is still alive, but barely. :)

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