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Wave High advancd Model 1/5000 DYRL SDF-1 Diecast!

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Is the whole thing die cast? Long term floptasticness is a worry for me. Ultimately, I'd be leaving it in cruiser mode anyway.

Looking at the shot of it in cruiser mode, it's kinda raping my childhood a bit that you can see the big gap between the legs etc. I always got the impression from DYRL that it was a little more contiguous in cruiser mode.

Ultimately, I shouldn't decry it completely on price point alone. I really just want to see one in person before dropping that kind of loot.

  Mechamaniac said:

Looking at the shot of it in cruiser mode, it's kinda raping my childhood a bit that you can see the big gap between the legs etc. I always got the impression from DYRL that it was a little more contiguous in cruiser mode.

The gap has always been there. We just never see the ship from directly top or bottom in the series.

IPB Image


Sorry guys. Please indulge me since haterist's comments make me feel obliged to comment on exactly what went wrong in this thread. . .

I may just move all this junk to a feedback thread anyways. . .

Conversation as it should have gone:


Jim: This toy should really be able to bend its knees and turn its head. It needs to be more dynamic.

Hurin: You do realize that it doesn't do any of those things in the series or movie, right? It doesn't even have knees.

Jim: Oh, I've never seen the anime. I just thought the toy looked cool so I bought it. My mistake.

Larry: Actually, Hurin, according to this schematic, it does have knees.

Hurin: Well I'll be damned! Though, it's not really clear that those "knees" can rotate all that much.



Conversation as it went (dramatic liberties taken):


Jim: This toy should really be able to bend its knees and turn its head. It needs to be more dynamic.

Hurin: You do realize that it doesn't do any of those things in the series or movie, right? It doesn't even have knees.

Jim: So what! It would be a better toy if it did! And the box shows it turning its head. Besides, I'm sure it can turn its head since I just broke mine to make it do so. And Rocky never took a crap on-screen!

Hurin: That image on the box doesn't show it turning its head. Here's a larger version. See?

Jim: So what! The anime is stupid anyways! It looks better turning its head. More dynamic! And it should be able to do flying kicks. So it's stupid that it has no knees!

Hurin: You can't be serious. The Macross just doesn't do that stuff! It doesn't have knees because it doesn't need them.

Jim: Oh yeah? Well, if it doesn't have knees, how does it walk then, tough guy?

Hurin: :mellow:

Everyone: It doesn't walk!

Jim: Oh. Well, it's just a stupid toy for a stupid kid show. Oh, and I've never seen it.

Hurin: Should you really be calling the show stupid here? What point does that serve? And isn't it a bit moronic to assert that the toy needs knees so that it can walk when in fact, it doesn't walk. . . ever? Haven't you just demonstrated that you're too ignorant about why the SDF-1 appears the way it does to contribute intelligently to this conversation?

Jim: What!?! You called me a moron! (REPORT!) Help help! I'm being repressed! Oh, and Macross is stupid.

Roy: This is retarded.

Jim: Oppression! Tyranny! You're calling me a retard! Oh, and Macross is lame.

Larry: Actually, Hurin, according to this schematic, it does have knees.

Jim: See! I was right all along! I've proved it has knees! Though I had no evidence to base it on and it's just sheer dumb luck, the Macross does have a joint there! The anime (that I think is stupid and irrelevant to what makes a good toy) has proven me right!

Hurin: Well I'll be damned! Though, it's not really clear that those "knees" can rotate all that much. So, I'm not sure I'd call them "knees." Thanks for pointing that out.

Jim: I was right! Also, Macross is lame. You all like a kiddy show and inferior toys! And Mechamaniac can go f' himself.




(let's not forget the multiple warnings)


The point is that if anyone wants to have the first conversation, there'd be no problem.

Even now. Discussion of whether the Macross has knees, elbows, or an appendix is welcome.

Posted (edited)

They should've made an a$$hole on the toy to let all the waste from the inhabitants get disposed from. That would've been cool! Guess MW fans just like their toys constipated. B))

Edited by soze

mega - Would have been easy to give it knees and a head that could turn. But it's still an okay display piece.

a non arguementive statement/opinion.

hurin - I think it would be cool if it rode a unicorn, but it didn't have one in the movie! :lol:

made your point, but no need for the sarcasm as some people will take it the wrong way.

mega - the least you can do is to give it better articulation and stay away from a toy design that's completely outdated.

avoids responding to sarcasm and replies with a non arguementive statement/opinion

hurin - When you're designing a toy that is based on a design from a movie, you tend to want to make it accurate to the movie's design.

a very polite response

mega - Look on the box, the head is clearly turned to the right. Can't care less for the show btw. But I take it Macross fans are happy with inferior toys

could've done better without the last part, so no argument there.

hurin - sniped

that a whole lot of unneeded sarcasm knowing the dude was getting all worked up but the princess leia figure had penis killed me! :lol:

mega- No, you see the anime version on the box, and the head is turned on that one.

ignores more sarcasm and use images on a toy box to make a point on a fan site.

*note to self...never use box images to make a point. :p

hurin - i call bullshit, prove me wrong.

mega- post a pic of whats on the box, gets pissed and resorts to using sarcasm himself

hurin - a polite response.

mega - How does it walk then with no knees? Unless it's not seen walking in the movie? Anyway, it looks way better with a turning head, makes for more dynamic poses.

a most silly statement as he clearly has no idea that the macross floats around, i laughed when i read his post. :lol:

from there its pretty much downhill since everyone started using sarcasm to make fun of the guy and when that happens, its hard to not get pissed off. its happened to everyone atleast once, and i don't know a single person who enjoyed it.

i'm not against or for anyone(and no i don't have anything against hurin, he and i are on good terms AFAIK), i just felt he(mega) got driven to the point of getting banned because people were so unrelenting. the initial comment he made about the toy turned into a flame war, and of course in true MW fashion, people busted out their electric powered fans because it fun....but i've been guilty of this too in the past so i'm no saint.

anyway, this isn't my site, so its not my decision who stays and who goes, i just thought a banning required more of a reason than that.

Posted (edited)

do not disturb,

I'd take issue with a bit of that (big surprise!).

But I have a Dr. Appointment that I'm leaving for this very moment. So I'll edit this post later and add a bit if the mood should strike me.

----------Begin Edit------------------

Sorry this is so long!

  do not disturb said:
hurin - I think it would be cool if it rode a unicorn, but it didn't have one in the movie! :lol:

made your point, but no need for the sarcasm as some people will take it the wrong way.

Though there was certainly sarcasm later on. I certainly wouldn't characterize attempts at humor via analogies to be sarcasm in my first few posts.

  do not disturb said:
mega - the least you can do is to give it better articulation and stay away from a toy design that's completely outdated.

avoids responding to sarcasm and replies with a non arguementive statement/opinion

See, I wouldn't characterize how he responded as non-argumentative. Just restating a position in a different way while ignoring counter-evidence is, to my mind, an intellectually dishonest way of going about a discussion. I pointed out that the toy is accurate according to the anime, and that it should hardly differ from the anime just to suit his personal (ill-founded) feelings about how the Macross should pose. He ignored this and instead wanted to talk about prior toy designs (which also were accurate! Not that he would realize this.).

As you said, my next reply was long and very polite while I tried to get through to him.

It was at that point where he said that he doesn't give a crap about the anime, and that we must just like inferior toys because we don't share his opinion. Now, you essentially give him a pass on that. But actually consider what that means. It means, essentially: "Those who disagree with me like inferior things. Those who want anime-accurate toys like inferior toys." At that point, we're quickly leaving the realm of polite, civilized discussion. And, as I said, at this point, I don't believe I've yet been sarcastic or even aggressive. Rather, he realizes he's losing ground and starts to get nasty.

It's only at this point that I get a bit sarcastic because I realize that he's not the type to say: "Well, I guess I just wish it would be a bit more dynamic, but if it's not that way in the anime, I guess that's just the way it is." So, yeah, I make a joke or two there via more analogies (that are still intending to make a point). And some sarcasm creeps in. . . but on the whole, I think I still maintained a measure of decorum. I certainly wasn't flaming him.

To be clear, he doesn't get pissed at this point because of what I've said, he's pissed because he's wrong. And he's not the type to be able to admit that he might be in error and just move on. Instead, he just barrels forward and muddles into more bizarre stuff like the "Rocky is never shown crapping" logic and the "If it doesn't have knees, how does it walk" conundrum.

Now, at this point, I'm annoyed because the guy is just spouting ignorant, ridiculous nonsense, and totally ignoring inconvenient facts (such as the larger image I then post of the head not turning). And by this time, it's pretty apparent what type of person we're dealing with here.

The "Where's Hurin now?" taunting was the last straw. Especially since, when he wrote that, I was attempting to actually find evidence for the debate. I was further annoyed by his ability to say that what the Macross does in the anime is irrelevant, and then latch onto what it does in the anime whenever it did suit him. So, at that point, the gloves are off. Yet, I still don't think I crossed a major bright line in behavior considering the things he was saying by this time.

Going back a little though. . .

  do not disturb said:
hurin - i call bullshit, prove me wrong.

mega- post a pic of whats on the box, gets pissed and resorts to using sarcasm himself

Well, technically, I posted the pic, not him. He wasn't big on providing evidence. And I actually said: "I call bullshit. Where on the box?" I didn't ask him to prove me wrong. I asked him to just back up one thing that he was saying. And when he pointed out which image, I immediately got a sinking feeling because I knew that the image was too small to show anything. . . so I knew I was either dealing with someone who was dishonestly claiming that it "clearly" showed something that it did not (and hoping I wouldn't bother to check or get a bigger version). . . or just totally unfamiliar with how the Macross looks and was confused by the image. Either way, I found myself just thinking: "Great. Now I have to go find a larger version of that just to get this guy to freakin' shut up already."

There was a lot of that. Just a sense that this guy was so far off his rocker and so ignorant of what he was talking about that it was going to take a lot of work to convince him of anything. The "how does it walk" was a "ding ding ding!" moment. Where, if he had just been a more reasonable person, he might have just said: "Oh, I didn't know. Still, I wish it posed more dynamically. But I understand it's just not in the nature of the design."

Anyways, while I don't think you and I still have an ongoing beef, and I'm happy to discuss this with you, I do think maybe our prior altercations are subtly coloring your interpretation of these events. I just get the feeling that you tend to cut him more slack for his statements and are more prone to giving him the benefit of the doubt. Whereas, in my case, you are more likely to see sarcasm and inflammatory language where I don't believe there is any. But, that's fair since this is the internet and tone is difficult to determine.

Whew, I'm spent.



Edited by Hurin
  Hurin said:

do not disturb,

I'd take issue with a bit of that (big surprise!).

But I have a Dr. Appointment that I'm leaving for this very moment. So I'll edit this post later and add a bit if the mood should strike me.

no problemo. i would imagine your issue would be with the PMs he sent to guys(mods/admins) that i/we weren't privy to. i have no idea what he said but i'd imagine he used a good varitey of 4 letter words to release his anger! :D

BTW, if you(or anyone else in charge) feels my responses are dragging this thread down in anyway, please feel free to delete them, it no biggie, or PM me to discuss further. :)

  do not disturb said:

anyway, this isn't my site, so its not my decision who stays and who goes, i just thought a banning required more of a reason than that.

It does...and the reasons were in order...

1. Flaming.

2. Needless reporting of thread/posts.

3. Not responding to warning. IE - Flaming again

4. Telling a Mod to go F himself and declaring that he was "done with this place anyway"

Plus, it's been proven that the guy was an arsehole on another forum where he got the boot as well. Sure, that was after the fact, but validation is validation. Not that I need any because in my opinion, aside from indirectly proving that the Macross has frakking KNEES, he was contributing not a damned thing, and bringing the thread down. Additionally, he was attacking US, not just myself, and the other mods, but US, OUR SITE, that we all know and love. He was attacking Macross in general, and sorry, but this definitely isn't the place for that.

Could it be much more cut and dry?


Um, wow! I don't drop by the board for a while and I miss all the fire works...

The knees are a shock to me, I remeber those scenes now, but it never occured to me before that there was any kind of bend. I always thought the legs were unjointed.

Makes me wonder if there is more to that strange Gerwalk mode Macross pic I saw in another thread (can't seem to find it right now). I'd assumed it was a piece of fan art, but mabey there was an original intention to give the Macross a gerwalk mode that was never used (probably not).

  bsu legato said:

I still think that the SDF-1 should have included a gunpod, or perhaps a beam saber of sort. Who's with me? Let's have a show of hands.

A giant baseball bat to make a couple of homerun hits with the Zentraedi ships would be soooo much more violent and make the toy so much cooler:lol:

just kidding. :lol:

  dr_vandermeer said:

Blazing Sword! :ph34r:

It would be stupid for it not to have one! I mean, even if it never appears in the stupid, kiddy show, think of how cool a toy that would be! It's lame that they didn't give it a sword. Especially because we never see Hikaru take a crap! And, if it doesn't have a sword, how does it defend itself against the other giant robots with swords?

  jenius said:

You all laugh.... but didn't Battle7 actually sport a gun pod???

Yup. The gunship was detachable and served as a "gunpod" for Battle7 in attack mode.


yea.... anyone see that transforming video guide from that one guy from toybox or something...

after watching that and reading his review... kinda makes me wanna get one.... but yea... i'm hoping and playing the waiting game that this will drop in price....

however he did say that it was limited and that WAVE won't me making another run of these.... anyone else having trouble getting one??? it looks to me they're still readily available at a lot of sites....

  kiririth said:

however he did say that it was limited and that WAVE won't me making another run of these.... anyone else having trouble getting one??? it looks to me they're still readily available at a lot of sites....

but thats what any seller would say when they want to sell something.

"its limited edition" ....if its limited, why doesn't it say so on the box?

"rare collectible"...how can it be rare if it just came out?

"very hard to find" .....well if its on ebay, then it ain't that hard now is it.

"don't miss out".....miss out on what exactly? spending my money?

"once its gone, it'll never be released again".....you work for wave? are you their spokesperson?

sales people(i'm one of them) are satan's children. we'll tell you anything to make you spend your money...sometimes even give up your first born! :ph34r::D


I dunno, when HLJ sells out, I start getting nervous and usually go into "panic buying" mode wherever I can find it. As I did in this case. :(

  do not disturb said:

but thats what any seller would say when they want to sell something.

"its limited edition" ....if its limited, why doesn't it say so on the box?

"rare collectible"...how can it be rare if it just came out?

"very hard to find" .....well if its on ebay, then it ain't that hard now is it.

"don't miss out".....miss out on what exactly? spending my money?

"once its gone, it'll never be released again".....you work for wave? are you their spokesperson?

sales people(i'm one of them) are satan's children. we'll tell you anything to make you spend your money...sometimes even give up your first born! :ph34r::D

but they guy wasn't a seller..... he was just reviewing the toy AFAIK..... but yea.... you can never tell when a toy is gonna become short in supply and then people will start buying....

i guess it's just a scare tactic to get people to buy saying its limited...

  kiririth said:

yea.... anyone see that transforming video guide from that one guy from toybox or something...

after watching that and reading his review... kinda makes me wanna get one.... but yea... i'm hoping and playing the waiting game that this will drop in price....

however he did say that it was limited and that WAVE won't me making another run of these.... anyone else having trouble getting one??? it looks to me they're still readily available at a lot of sites....

Actually it's CollectionDX. :) WAVE is sold out, but yes online retails should have some for now.

  do not disturb said:

but thats what any seller would say when they want to sell something.

"its limited edition" ....if its limited, why doesn't it say so on the box?

"rare collectible"...how can it be rare if it just came out?

"very hard to find" .....well if its on ebay, then it ain't that hard now is it.

"don't miss out".....miss out on what exactly? spending my money?

"once its gone, it'll never be released again".....you work for wave? are you their spokesperson?

sales people(i'm one of them) are satan's children. we'll tell you anything to make you spend your money...sometimes even give up your first born! :ph34r::D

I am NOT a sales person. I am a reviewer and writer for Collection DX. Which by they way anything I review I do PAY for myself. My comments where based on information from HLJ when I watched them change the listing on their site a week BEFORE they had filled my preorder from "PREORDER" to "DISCONTINUED". That implies to me WAVE sold their run.


they discontinued supply on hlj.com, my favorite place to by macross. However, I picked it up from toywave.

  Hurin said:

I dunno, when HLJ sells out, I start getting nervous and usually go into "panic buying" mode wherever I can find it. As I did in this case. :(


I caved in too after watching the video. I just love hearing that clicking sound. The only issue for me was its size, so if I treat it like a SOC, I might feel better. :)


Something close to the 1/48 size (toe to head) would be impressive. :rolleyes:

Actually, you wonder why Yamato hasn't try the SDF-1. It's transformation is straight forward, its iconic appeal gurantees sales, its size is perfect for big boxes, and more importantly, Yamato can issue the arms (Movie and TV version) as separate toys to make more money using the same main body mold. Sound like good business to me.... :huh:

  Dante74 said:

I'll take my chances, slim as they might be, and wait for Yamato to do an SDF-1.

This looks nice, but it's just too expensive for its size.


I also puzzled as to why Yamato hasn't made the SDF-1 Macross.


I know you mentioned they had no plans a couple of months ago. Any chance you could bring it up at your next meeting? Trust us that it'd be a BEST seller if it could stand toe to toe with a 1/48 VF-1.


Are you sure you want it toe to toe, it is not very big :p

  UN Spacy said:

Trust us that it'd be a BEST seller if it could stand toe to toe with a 1/48 VF-1.

  Mowe said:

Something close to the 1/48 size (toe to head) would be impressive. :rolleyes:

Actually, you wonder why Yamato hasn't try the SDF-1. It's transformation is straight forward, its iconic appeal gurantees sales, its size is perfect for big boxes, and more importantly, Yamato can issue the arms (Movie and TV version) as separate toys to make more money using the same main body mold. Sound like good business to me.... :huh:

Actually, the differences between the TV and the Movie version are more than just the arms. you would need a whole new sculpt for it.

But it is a guaranteed moneymaker.


Damn I am in the office, can't remember the details, but may be exchangable parts that can comes off from a main frame, that would be cool.

  kensei said:

Actually, the differences between the TV and the Movie version are more than just the arms. you would need a whole new sculpt for it.

But it is a guaranteed moneymaker.

  Mowe said:

Are you sure you want it toe to toe, it is not very big :p


As long as it's sized between Takatoku's 1/3000 and Wave's 1/5000 that's fine with me.

  Mowe said:

Damn I am in the office, can't remember the details, but may be exchangable parts that can comes off from a main frame, that would be cool.

Like a Bandai MG or PG Gundam. In that case, forget Yamato and let Bandai do the work! :D


I know, if only Bandai has more love for Macross... :(

  kensei said:

Like a Bandai MG or PG Gundam. In that case, forget Yamato and let Bandai do the work! :D

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