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Have to admit even though that skywarp repaint needs a little touch up work here and there, the flat paint job looks much better than the glossy one from earlier. I'd pick that up if it were an official release. :D

Posted (edited)

These pics are convincing me to get this now instead of wait for a toon colored 'scream.

So is the stress mark problem just a few people or has everyone noticed this problem when transforming it? How sturdy is this say compared to the altetnators? Starscream is my favourite decepticon along with Soundwave and Devastator.

But if they do another Masterpiece and get around to doing megatron, I hope they do G2 tank megs. (not the g1 gun) My reason I think is that Tanks, Planes, and Cars are popular vehicles and they look good as toys. With the G1 Classics megatron....I would so not want something similar like that as a masterpiece aimed at adult collectors. Fluro colors are a massive turn off. I never really liked the idea of him being a gun that much anyway. (in the end, I care more about the coolness of the toy above other things)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Couple of updates:

The missing thumb arrived in the mail today. Excellent service from BBTS!

It has been installed, and in the process of doing that it finally hit me why his fingers couldn't grab things very well. Most of them had been installed upside down/backwards.

Simply rotating them 180 degrees solved the disjointing problems I was experiencing when I tried closing the fingers around anything.

I also checked for stress marks around the wings when I transformed it this time, and I can't find any at all.

Either I'm completely missing the location, or some of them just aren't built correctly, because I can't really see how these parts could be stressed enough to discolor in the first place.

Also, while in plane mode I've started equipping both the missiles and the laser cannons.

Cannons go on the wings, and the missiles go on the arm mounts (which in plane mode become the sides of the fuselage). It looks pretty good, IMO, and not seriously out of place.


I am mixed. The new color is growing on me, but I think I still want to wait for a toon colored one. If I see a deal too good to pass up (say <$90), I'll probably go for it, but until then I can probably wait.


On the quality of construction. It is way below par in this category, there are a number of things that are just slopppy execution for a masterpiece. Its closer to a Toynami Masterpiece than it is to MP1 Masterpiece.

The main thing is the weak wing joints. I have used the wing joint about 5-10 times. First I only had a single stress mark, but last night the wing joint cracked in half in 2 places. Now the rest of the joint on that wing is developing more stress marks and it seems to only be a matter of transformations before it breaks off completely.


Ouch. I'll definitely wait awhile (if not indefinitely). Why can't they make at least such fragile and stressed pieces out of diecast? It's just like the backpack hinge for the Yamato. :grumble:


This particular wing joint problem is especially retarded.

1. there is not enough clearance for the joint to actually move.

2. the plastic there is extremely small and thin.

3. they even put a panel line right across that joint, and guess what it cracked along the panel line

Besides this major problem the toy really is very, very nice, but not without other minor flaws.

Posted (edited)
  R_Deckard said:

On the quality of construction. It is way below par in this category, there are a number of things that are just slopppy execution for a masterpiece.

Granted, my sample size is extremely small, but it seems to me that the quality of the MP line in general has declined since the beginning.

My MP-01 felt solid and extremely well put together. Everything lined up perfectly, all the colors matched between the plastic and painted metal, sprue attach points were well trimmed and showed a minimum amount of discoloration because they were properly and cleanly trimmed. It very much felt like a high quality "Masterpiece".

The MP-04 I got at the same time as Starscream is a different story, however. There are larger gaps between parts, the fit isn't quite as good as MP-01, especially in transformation. Sprue marks are much more visible and more rough, the painted metal is a different (darker) shade of red than the plastic, the exhaust stacks are not as completely chromed, there were some stray red paint smudges on the silver trim band on the cab/chest, etc. Even the accessiories such as Megatron and the rifle don't seem as crisply detailed or painted or assembled as the "original" MP-01.

While it's still a well built toy, it feels far more mass produced than the MP-01. If the -04 were my first exposure to the MP line and MP Prime I'd still be very pleased with it, but when viewed against the original MP-01 which set my expectations for the MP line, I have to say I'm slightly disappointed.

Starscream overall looks to be an excellent bit of engineering - even more impressive than Prime in that respect. But the quality of the assembly and especially the QC seems to be rather lacking.

There's no question in my mind that any half hearted attempt at QC would have caught the issues on my MP-03, and should have caught at least the paint smudges on my MP-01.

I can't speak for MP-04, but at least for -03, I'd like to think the issues we're seeing are the result of a new, complex toy being produced by inexperienced workers who will rapidly improve their skills.

Or it could just be a nearly complete turnover in workers between the days of MP-01 and now. Or any number of things. In any case, the problems I'm seeing are definitely ones of inexperience or lack of skill or QC. All of which should be possible to solve with a bit more attention to detail. I'm not seeing any particular deficiencies in the design or concept of the toys themselves, the problems appear to be in the execution.

Maybe they're just trying to rush too many out the door at once.

In any case, to rate all of my recent acquisitions in order of overall quality from best to worst (which includes both engineering and execution), it would go roughly as follows (IMO):

1. MP-01

2. VF-0S

3. MP-03

4. MP-04 (Trailer)

5. MP-04 (Prime)

The -01 and the 0S are pretty close in terms of how I feel about them. The engineering in the 0S is far more impressive, however I feel that MP-01 probably edges it out just barely due to all the diecast used in the figure. It just feels incredibly solid, and ultimately that plus the assembly quality means that it can handle just about any pose I throw at it. While the 0S also has wonderful articulation, my sample is a touch too loose in places to hold every pose I can put it in, so I'm much more limited in how I can display it.


Some additional thoughts on MP-03:

View the transformation instructions as a guideline only. Do not follow them step by step. Doing so will overstress certain parts. Instead look at what you're attempting to accomplish, identify the parts on the toy that need to be moved and how they need to move, and then adjust the instructions accordingly to produce the least stress possible during the transformation. Certain areas such as the wings, freeing/stowing the arms and when to free/stow the tail assemblies are best done using different timing or methods than the ones shown in the instructions.

Unfortunately, figuring out exactly how to modify the transformation can really only be done once you've done it or have seen it done once already. I will say that this is the first 'transformer' (or should I say variable toy if I'm applying it to VFs as well?) I've seen that has had instructions that are improperly laid out and can lead to damage if followed precisely. Which is again, (IMO) a QC issue. I'm not convinced that someone actually took the time to sit down with a final copy of the production instructions to transform a production copy of the toy. They'd have caught some of these things if they had, and would have likely revised the order a bit.

Edited by BinaryFalcon

update on my situation:

i got my replacement part from BBTS.. thanks Joel & Crew !

i'm curious if they have these special ordered from Takara, or is there just a donor MP03 ? heh. well thanks again.

my SS is now complete and everyone here @ work likes it.. however they dont like the mechanically scanned array.... we're on AESAs now!! sheesh..


I've noticed that some US Alternators have "abbreviated" instructions compared to the JP Binaltechs (Smokescreen for sure)---which leads to problems---you simply CANNOT do it how the US instructions show---it's obvious the guy who re-did them just looked at them and THOUGHT that eliminating a few steps to save some paper would work--but it doesn't. I wouldn't be surprised if MP SS was the same, since MP Prime had such long, detailed instructions--they probably edited the instructions at the end to save some paper, and eliminated some useful steps in there.

  David Hingtgen said:

I've noticed that some US Alternators have "abbreviated" instructions compared to the JP Binaltechs (Smokescreen for sure)---which leads to problems---you simply CANNOT do it how the US instructions show---it's obvious the guy who re-did them just looked at them and THOUGHT that eliminating a few steps to save some paper would work--but it doesn't. I wouldn't be surprised if MP SS was the same, since MP Prime had such long, detailed instructions--they probably edited the instructions at the end to save some paper, and eliminated some useful steps in there.

God, glad to hear that I wasn't an idiot when it came to my first Alternator.


Let me guess: shoulders/arms, mainly the wheels? Yeah, there's a couple very USEFUL steps in the Binaltech instructions that the US ones simply omit. You cannot physically do how the US ones show--you have to do the entra arm/shoulder rotations that the JP ones have. If you fiddle around enough, you'll figure it out. But it'd be a whole lot easier if that part wasn't omitted for the US release. You can get scans at BWTF.com to compare.

  David Hingtgen said:

Let me guess: shoulders/arms, mainly the wheels? Yeah, there's a couple very USEFUL steps in the Binaltech instructions that the US ones simply omit. You cannot physically do how the US ones show--you have to do the entra arm/shoulder rotations that the JP ones have. If you fiddle around enough, you'll figure it out. But it'd be a whole lot easier if that part wasn't omitted for the US release. You can get scans at BWTF.com to compare.

Bingo. I spent a half an hour twisting those things around until I found out what worked and what didn't. I'm not like some people who can figure out the transformations without the booklet, so I was getting pissed.


Exactly---by trying to follow the incomplete instructions, you'll actually get messed up---you assume they're right, and so blindly keep trying "their" way. Doing it yourself is a lot better in that case.


Even if the Alternator instructions ARE complete(enough), they still get VERY vague at points. I've been left several times wondering "What the HELL did they do there?"

Someone needs to tell Hasbro that a static picture with a colored arrow isn't always enough, and a static pic with 3 seperate arrows going in diffrent directions is NEVER adequate.



Hasbro--you're allowed to use drawings other than directly from the front, and directly above. Angled shots help a lot. As does choosing the CORRECT angle.

How many times have you had no clue what was going on, because there were those 3 arrows, but the "from overhead" drawing looked almost identical before and and after, yet a sideview would have clearly showed what moved? If the piece moves "towards the camera" it's really not going to be obvious what happened.


*Raises hand*

DH, you're on the money with this one. As I recall, the instructions for Grimlock and Wheeljack Alts gave me FITS. Hell, they still do, especially when it comes to manipulating the shoulders and rotating the lower arms to their correct position for vehicle mode.


I'll try to becareful with mine I don't want a repeat with what happened to my Garland.

Mine should arrive on Monday or tuesday.


I like what Deckard did with moving parts to different spots, but I didn't want to make that much modification nor copy his placement exactly. What annoyed me was how the bottom of the wings were just flat in robot mode, so....

I popped the front part of the conformal tanks off the intakes and put them back on the wings for robot mode, which makes it a little similar to the pre Froating head Prototype.

Me likes the pointy ends :D



Posted (edited)
  JB0 said:

Am I the only person that remembers BOTH versions as being Kawamori designed?

Here's the translation from his interview in the Instruction Book:

* Has there been a lot of changes from the early designs?

"This time I have supervised MP-3 Starscream's as a continuation from Hybrid Style 02 Convoy. When I was looking at the Starscream prototype that Takara Tomy had made, they told me, "We don't mind if you make significant changes," so this was an opportunity to put forward various proposals.

Kawamori Interview translated

so from reading that interview, i'm pretty sure his involvement started with this



Edited by chowyunskinny
  R_Deckard said:

On MP-03 you definitely want to raise the middle back piece out and up first before folding the wing joint.

Yeah, but how do you do that, since there are no parts to grip in order to pull it out without first folding the wings? Unless you wanna use the airbrake to yank the whole piece out, but then you'd just end up breaking that instead.


chowyunskinny--did you glue them on, or is there a peg or something that'll hold the intake kibble on the wings? Because I *very* much planned to do that if I ever got one. I figured it'd work, but you make it seem like it takes almost no work at all to make it happen.


Heya David,

Theres sort of this t shaped tab where you can push it up towards the wing and then twist it out and it holds. It doesn't lock super tight, but it's enough to hold them on if you are gonna display him. I guess you could glue it but not sure how that would affect transformation back to jet.



  Renato said:

Yeah, but how do you do that, since there are no parts to grip in order to pull it out without first folding the wings? Unless you wanna use the airbrake to yank the whole piece out, but then you'd just end up breaking that instead.

Assuming you've already gotten the intakes and 'shoulder guns' into place:

1. Work the wingroots on both sides OFF their pegs on the 'FAST Pack' sides.

2. Grabbing both wings at the rear and close to the fuselage, lift and tug together so that...

3. The central piece with tabs over both wings is LIFTED off it's own peg.

4. Now gently jiggle each wing under and away from the central piece's locking tabs.

5. Continue folding wings over etc.

Also, for unfolding the arms, it's a lot easier if:

1. The hip-kibble is pulled out to the sides first, so that...

2. The small pegs on the closed forearms are not trapped.

3. Continue as per instructions...

  chowyunskinny said:

Here's the translation from his interview in the Instruction Book:

* Has there been a lot of changes from the early designs?

"This time I have supervised MP-3 Starscream's as a continuation from Hybrid Style 02 Convoy. When I was looking at the Starscream prototype that Takara Tomy had made, they told me, "We don't mind if you make significant changes," so this was an opportunity to put forward various proposals.

Kawamori Interview translated

so from reading that interview, i'm pretty sure his involvement started with this


Stupid froaty head ruined it. :)


I'd be very interested in seeing his take on more Transformers myself, even if I don't agree with his changes to SS.

Like have him design Jetfire. No seriously. A Transforming F-14.


Have to find somewhere to put the arms. Trying to make a Jetfire F-14 would totally ruin Kawamori's apparent goals. The F-15 works because it has a deep, flat belly. F-14 has a whole lot of nothing between the engines.

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