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I'm not knocking them for trying but....

sucks you have to join to watch or see more.

i chose not to join up. what i did see wasnt impressive

Posted (edited)

The mecha designs are quite bad in my opinion. For example, the Ben Dixon VF-1A and the Max Sterling VF-1A do not look the same. They have totally different heads and different shoulders. So how are they both VF-1A's?

Edit: Added pics

Ben Dixon VF-1A


Max Sterling VF-1A


Edited by mister_e

It's totally gundamized, completely impractical VF designs that are all customized for each pilot, strikes me as very stupid. Some of their zent stuff isn't too bad though, and the their SC bioroids and equipment look more correct. But, all of their human stuff, except for the SDF-1, is wildly off and just fugged up.

Posted (edited)

Looks TRON-ish to me.

Our main goals are to incorporate more detailed / dynamic battle sequences, to fix inconsistencies from the original series, yet still keep most of the original storyline and feel of the series.

This "goal" is too funny. Its site creator had better be a 14 year old or something cause only then i won't be ashamed of doing stuff like these. Robotech Zero eh? XD

Edited by wolfx

Gundam fans incorporating MSG mecha styles into Macross. Without doubt. The designs scream "Pilfered from Mobile Suit <insert model here>". The fan designs don't even look like the destroids, which is what heavily armored mecha in the Macross universe should look like (and by extension, "The Macross Saga").

I applaud the effort and enthusiasm. But I'm thankful this is a Robotech labelled fan project :)


Disappointing... though, in a way, it is wise of them to make designs removed from the original - saves themselves from a few lawsuits. ;)

It is quite disappointing that the creators have a limited imagination and can only raid other well-known mecha series for robot 'parts'. Look beyond the anime, young grasshoppers. Look to reality. :ph34r:


Looks decent... not great, but decent. You have to at least applaud their effort. It takes a lot to do something like this in one's spare time. I'm not sure what their main contributor's "status" is when it comes to 3D work but for an amateur they have some moderate skill. Now, if these guys "worked in the field" then I'd say I'm disappointed, but for a fan-made "basement project" most likely done in their spare time with little to no pro help or skill it's not that bad.

I think the big thing hanging most people up is the name association. If they would have just called it something other than "Robotech" and forced the instant mental comparison to the real deal it might be more interesting to more people. IMHO what is hurting them the most is not creating their own story and characters but borrowing someone else's... a common weakness in a lot of the amateur work I see. Nobody likes making their own characters, they instead copy someone else's design. Yeah, sure, great... you can build Nightcrawler... but I'd be more impressed if they made their own story and characters. After all, when you create the world who is to say it's "too gundamed up"?


Like some of the others, I give them points for effort. This is something they're doing out of love of at least one franchise so that's honorable. Sure, the designs might not be something up my alley, but you have to admit that just about any new mech design would look similar to something already out there. Think of the preponderance of mech shows out there and how funky something would have to look to seem completely originally... especially if it's still going to transform into a jet.

Posted (edited)
  mister_e said:

The mecha designs are quite bad in my opinion. For example, the Ben Dixon VF-1A and the Max Sterling VF-1A do not look the same. They have totally different heads and different shoulders. So how are they both VF-1A's?

Edit: Added pics

Ben Dixon VF-1A

Max Sterling VF-1A

Talk about f*cking things up. I feel moreso nauseous than ever now, dind't help my hangover at all.

Edited by kensei
Posted (edited)
  areaseven said:

Yes, those mecha designs look absolutely perfect...

Can't agree with you, or Triumph, more.

Edited by gerwalk25

The mecha look like cheap plastic toys, and the characters look like an attempt some kid made to draw while in the 5th grade! PLEASE!!!! You're right... this is GREAT... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!


oh man I remember that fan project.......thought it looked like crap.....why dear lord WHY do a retelling of a robotech story to screw it up even more when your a fan?! ........gah!


As usual with Robosh..t fans it's a mediocre attempt, even the pilot designs look like gundam seed stuff, I feel sad for these guys, instead of doing these they should be designing a new house for the teletubbies, talent is not someting they have...bleh...

Posted (edited)
  Mephistopheles said:

Gundamish? Eh, the VF-1 designs they came up with look more like Robotech's VF-6/Alpha fighters at least they do in battloid configuration.

don't worry about it, the boys here love to complain that things received the gundam treatment, you should go back and read what they had to say about the MPC convoy toy when it came out...

however, those designs do suck. I don't understand the design philosophy that says futuristic = angular miss-mash.

Edited by eugimon

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