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To me, DL has always been a likeable character... and one that has always tried to do things right (by at least someone), in spite of all the bad cards he has been constantly dealt. I think the problem was that he never got much screen time and as the stable one, his parts were often overshadowed by Nikki's. His end is disappointing and while I can see how it fits for Nikki's plotline and how it makes a statement about life and death, I still think they completely flubbed handling the actual death.

As for the twins.... I don't mind their characters or powers, but I'd rather see a Nissan commerical instead of their story pieces. It's basically the same thing over and over and unlike Claire constantly mutilating herself or Issac painting in Season 1, there's not the slightest bit of variety either. I've reached a point where, as in Monday's episode, I can be quite happy with what's going on, but then the slightest hint that the next few minutes might be about the twins deflates that completely.

Never seen anything with Kirsten Bell in it before and didn't like Elle when she first showed up, but now I appreciate both the character and Bell's acting (unless she's naturally a sociopath). Elle came across well rounded (ironically enough for a character that not well rounded) and you can sympathize with her a bit while disliking what she does at the same time.

I do agree that it seems either too convenient or really dumb that you'd lock one potentially god-like superhero in a room with a vent directly to a long lived, potentially twisted individual who has demonstrated purposes contrary to one's own and not at least bug the rooms. Not monitoring Peter's medication intake when he could potentially level the entire complex wasn't very bright either. I'm hoping it means there's something deeper than is obvious going on, but the show has demonstrated completely dropping the ball more than once, so I wouldn't be surprised either way.


Agreed, lack of monitoring the prisoners and be totally oblivious to the fact that Peter was being manipulated by Adam was way boneheaded for an organization like The Company.

Unless the whole thing was an elaborate scheme orchestrated by Adam, with The Company in it with him all along...

Notice how Adam was able to walk thru walls just by touching Peter... I thought Peter absorbs other's powers, now he can give them at will too?!

Going by the paintings, it looks like Mohinder will eventually shoot HRG in the eye when he refuses to give up Claire to help Nikki out...


I watched Mondays ep. and by the end felt that the entire reason why it was shown was due to the writers strike.

Every key 'flashback' scene, except for Hiro's bs, was shown and nearly all of the niggling character questions were quickly tied up and the "season's" ending confrontation between Peter & Sylar were advanced into the final phase. In a way this has saved the season because it's been very boring and just poorly written because it stayed with most of the existing characters but kept on bringing in more characters overloading both the show with cast and the viewer with unneeded materials. They badly needed to have only a few of the characters from first season and the rest new characters/powers. Also having a good portion of the story "Internet Only" certainly doesn't help the show either!

Sophomore year dip. <_<

Notice how Adam was able to walk thru walls just by touching Peter... I thought Peter absorbs other's powers, now he can give them at will too?!

Peter got that power from DL, and DL was shown carrying Nikki through a wall with him on at least one occasion

Peter got that power from DL, and DL was shown carrying Nikki through a wall with him on at least one occasion

DL's power affected anybody in physical contact with him.


I think the reason why the Adam hasn't aged because his regenerator-type abilities keep the person from growing 'old' ie there's that ideal age around 30 or so where instead of everything would start to decay and go south just didn't happened and his body was able to stop that. But I'm wondering how a mercenary, even a cowardly one like him has never gotten a decent scratch that would heal up oddly quick. Also leading me to believe regeneration is 'triggered' by a first death like Highlander. Even Peter didn't use his until he was pretty f*ed up.

And does anyone believe that it's a coincidence that Peter was stuck in a cell next to Adam, that just happened to have a grate in the wall so they could converse easily?

I was smelling conspiracy, too. :adjusts tin foil hat: :ph34r:


has this been posted here? havent been watching heroes so I haven't been reading the thread that much. This documentary is really bad, I wonder if it's done on purpose... cuz it's really bad. But the illustrations are good... I don't think they know what "ronin" means even though it's definition been explained in popular culture repeatedly.


followed by this



Looks like the Peter/adam story will hot up somewhat. I supose now Peter has Healing blood too so will never age etc.


Finally! People die in this episode. Doubts are put into some, despair in others but like I said on 9thwonders regulars need to die to push the story along. I love the last word in the episode. Shades of a previous episode in Season 1. lol!


Yeah, he had all the good lines this ep. Honestly, I'd watch "The HRG show".

The last 30 secs etc I thought were obviously foreshadowed.

As for Parkman--I'm surprised he went through with it.

Yeah, he had all the good lines this ep. Honestly, I'd watch "The HRG show".

The last 30 secs etc I thought were obviously foreshadowed.

As for Parkman--I'm surprised he went through with it.

Quoted for truth.

The HRG Show = The Man Show. :p

HRG death and rebirth was foreshadowed with Kensei's blood healing Nathan so when Bob took Claire's blood it became 75% obvious that they'd use it to bring him back. I was only unsure if they'd do it since Mohinder kept whining how he needed Claire's blood to save Nikki.

One reason why I think people like HRG so much is because he humanizes the show. He's normal doesn't have any powers but he can affect the world of Heroes immensely by what he knows/does. That and because we can understand him wanting to do anything to protect his family, his daughter. It's why we sit on the couch cleaning the shotgun when the first boyfriend knocks on the door. :p

IMO Parkman's going to become power drunk and evil/misguided soon.

Shades of a previous episode in Season 1. lol!

Yeah shades... really small ones but shades none the less.

Off'ing HRG

was a brilliant move, but would've killed the show since basically the rest of the cast/characters stinks. Shame the rest of his 'cliffhanger' was crap though.

Empathic Cop. Thrown out. Became Daddy's boy. Dead character. Needs off'd.

The Indian doctor. Would someone just kill this annoying guy already. He doesn't move the plot along and has no real part in the show any more.

Watching this show right now is watching the Hindenburg burn. Hella neat visually, but without feeling or relevance. Thank god the series is done.

::Edited by a Mod for major spoiler::


Now, will we get to see more HRG before we hit the Winter break and whatever episodes come after that or will we have to wait till next season? There was an article in the LA Times which doesn't look good. With only 11 out of 24 episodes in the can, we're gonna be a little short changed on the HRG lovin.

As for Parkman--I'm surprised he went through with it.

did he get the name of the last person in the photo? I saw the photo had a yellow sticky above her, but totally missed if it had a name on it or not.

Finally! People die in this episode.

I'm sorry who?! Nobody new anyways... Ending was a cop-out.

I think Parkman's tastes of the Darkside will be alittle amusing.

So is the seaon going to end in 2 weeks? That's it for the year? I hope they don't rush this ending into something stupid. I would rather wait a year and enjoy a finished product.

did he get the name of the last person in the photo? I saw the photo had a yellow sticky above her, but totally missed if it had a name on it or not.

IIRC it was Victoria Pratt.

I'm sorry who?! Nobody new anyways... Ending was a cop-out.

Keito died...again. HRG died ..... and was resurrected. So that's two that died that episode....even if they did bring one back in the end.

Yeah shades... really small ones but shades none the less.

snip....blah blah blah

Let's spell it out. Last season Claire

Bennett on autopsy table after having branch taken out of her head. "Holy Sh...!" This season HRG Noah Bennett on bed with healing blood pack waking up to "Oh .....!" Like father like daughter.

Next question is where and who's got HRG? Is that a Company cell with Claire's blood or is that some obscure place with Adam's blood?


I know I've been downloading the episodes or watching on nbc.com....I would be watching them live if my dad didn't get b!tchy over his stupid spanish soap operas or "novelas" <_< i guess the man needs some type of hobby :rolleyes:

I wonn't mod a fellow mod's posts, but c'mon DA, have a little respect for spoilers...


Not even spoiler worthy material. The future paintings have ALWAYS been correct so the viewers already knew what was going to happen weeks ago! :p:lol:

((Yes NY does blow up! They've only saved it once, but according to both last seasons "future past" eps. and this seasons Sylar kill of illusion girl.... these only reinforce that the future WILL happen. ^_^ ))

@DA, it would be Claire's not Adam's. Would you waste his on a mere field agent especially when Claire's was so handy and easily gotten?

@DA, it would be Claire's not Adam's. Would you waste his on a mere field agent especially when Claire's was so handy and easily gotten?

It's been 24hrs but I'll spoiler this post as well. Come tomorrow there will be no more spoiler bars.

If we assume that HRG is definitely in the hands of the Company then that's a valid and easy point.


a) we know Kensei heals and his blood heals others. We've been shown this when they healed Nathan.

b) We've seen Claire regenerate. We've seen Claire heal. We have not seen Claire's blood heal other. Her ability may not have developed to the stage that it can be transferred to others yet.

c) We see HRG in what looks like a generic hospital bed and with his shot out eye regenerating and healing. We see him regain consciousness and sit up but we don't see anybody around him or any identifying marks of where he is.

So the question remains:

Who has him and who's blood is in that plasma bag? The Company with their only bag of Claire's blood? or Adam and Peter who are also trying to take down the Company?

The obvious answer would be The Company since it makes the most sense but this show likes taking the obvious and turning it inside out.



If we assume otherwise suddenly you've got yet another group manipulating things, but without a single bit of background nor introductions never the very end of the season. Not even "The X-Files" series pulled that! And they pulled alot of stuff. <_<

So I can't buy into that. <_<


Ah but this wasn't originally supposed to be the end of the season just the end of Chapter 2 and the setup for Chapter 3 both of which are part of Season 2.

Current groups:

This generation of Heroes.

The Company(previous gen of Heroes).

And the group that are killing the Company (Adam and Nightmareman...and now maybe Peter).

Not really a last minute introduction of a manipulating group is it?


The most interesting part will be when Peter realizes that Kensei and Hiro are mortal enemies. The question is whether or not Peter has recovered all his memories. Now, the problem is that the storylines, while interesting are too separated. What the hell is going on with Sylar. I wonder if he could please kill the whiny brosis combo.

I wonder what exactly is Kensei's motivations these days. And how much of this destroy the company bit is real.

Matt could be very interesting, his powers seem to be even better than Eden's now. He can read minds and make suggestions. That could potentially make Peter even more powerful if he comes into contact with Matt again. And it makes him more than capable of defeating Sylar.

I hope eventually, Hiro finds a way to get the memory of Kensei wiped and implant false ones, and take him back to feudal Japan. Then kill the original Kensei.... hey may be if he cuts off Kensei's head and teleport it into a volcano, regeneration might not happen.


Oooh, that's a point--does Peter only copy "known/current" abilities and power levels, or can he "level up" what he's learned just like the person he copied from?

Oooh, that's a point--does Peter only copy "known/current" abilities and power levels, or can he "level up" what he's learned just like the person he copied from?

How scary would that be... imagine if he can level up all his abilities, he could be bloody invincible. This makes me wonder if Peter is already effectively ageless due to his association with Kensei.

Ah but this wasn't originally supposed to be the end of the season just the end of Chapter 2 and the setup for Chapter 3 both of which are part of Season 2.

Current groups:

This generation of Heroes.

The Company(previous gen of Heroes).

And the group that are killing the Company (Adam and Nightmareman...and now maybe Peter).

Not really a last minute introduction of a manipulating group is it?

I wouldn't exactly call them 'a group'. Far too many different agenda's on each others plates. Adam has a grudge about being confined for decades. NMM has grown a conscience for some lame reason. And Peter has been so mindfarted be EVERYONES own little personal agenda's from the shows beginning that he'll just tag along with about anyone who makes sense. :lol: So it's too loose for it to be called a group.

kalvasflam, I can't see Hiro doing anything about revenge. He's accepted his fathers death even though he could've gone back and fixed his whole bit of stupidity to begin with.

Oooh, that's a point--does Peter only copy "known/current" abilities and power levels, or can he "level up" what he's learned just like the person he copied from?

How? He hasn't killed anyone yet. Not gonna earn any EXP off of just running. He's goning to have to hit up some serious goblins or slims or something.

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