JELEINEN Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 David Hingtgen said: They could just "strip" Sylar of his powers----plenty of cliches to use. Actually, if they wanted to do that, they've already set up the means for it. As for cliff hanging the season finale, Tim Kring has already said that the NY bomb arc will be resolved this season. Some great lines in this episode: "I thought I threw you out a window" "What am I thinking now?" "Your last thoughts"
chrono Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 David Hingtgen said: They could just "strip" Sylar of his powers----plenty of cliches to use. But.. but that would be CLICHE! ------ If Sylar comes back in season 2 than I've got to dub him Magneto and be done with it and just write off the show for watching. Because it's little more than Rising Stars. Where's the 'Common people dealing with extraordinary powers' angle at anymore?
baronv Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 So what exactly was Hiro's father's powers? Was is the super sword fighting? And did Hiro learn to be a kick ass sword master from just a few hours with his dad? I thought at least maybe he'd freeze time with his dad to keep learning or something.
azrael Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 baronv said: So what exactly was Hiro's father's powers? Was is the super sword fighting? And did Hiro learn to be a kick ass sword master from just a few hours with his dad? I thought at least maybe he'd freeze time with his dad to keep learning or something. They'll probably explore his dad's powers next season. Wielding a sword is most likely a skill....not a power.
David Hingtgen Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 My guess was that Hiro's dad's power is "the ability to teach people really well, really quickly". I'm half-serious. Maybe he can mentally impart knowledge/skills. He's a living Matrix. My current question---how come Matt didn't "hear" Thompson sneaking up behind him? Can he hide his thoughts well? How would one do that? Even HRG can't do that, he needs the Haitian to mentally hide from Matt.
dr_vandermeer Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 A friend of mine had a cool thought - what if George Takei's character is the very sword master he's telling his stories about to Hiro? Maybe he's an immortal, or he ages very very slowly.
David Hingtgen Posted May 15, 2007 Posted May 15, 2007 That would make him greatly pre-date the "sudden evolution" of humanity though. It seems it's a recent thing, only 1 or 2 generations ago.
Skippy438 Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Hiro loved the story of the Samurai vs. the dragon, reminds me of the painting we see of Hiro fighting a dinosaur.
dr_vandermeer Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 David Hingtgen said: That would make him greatly pre-date the "sudden evolution" of humanity though. It seems it's a recent thing, only 1 or 2 generations ago. Hmm, maybe...I still like the possiblity of it though. We'll see, I guess. I'm sure there's still a whole lot of story to tell. If there's anything I've learned from 'Lost', it's to not take anything characters have said at face value.
justvinnie Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 David Hingtgen said: My guess was that Hiro's dad's power is "the ability to teach people really well, really quickly". I'm half-serious. Maybe he can mentally impart knowledge/skills. He's a living Matrix. My current question---how come Matt didn't "hear" Thompson sneaking up behind him? Can he hide his thoughts well? How would one do that? Even HRG can't do that, he needs the Haitian to mentally hide from Matt. Clear your mind, youg Padawan. Let the Force be your guide. Matt can only hear thoughts. If you have no thoughts... vinnie
Wes Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 David Hingtgen said: My current question---how come Matt didn't "hear" Thompson sneaking up behind him? Can he hide his thoughts well? How would one do that? Even HRG can't do that, he needs the Haitian to mentally hide from Matt. He just wasn't thinking. Matt only seems to get "voices" right now, so his power is still rather weak. Quote They could just "strip" Sylar of his powers----plenty of cliches to use. I was always thinking at the end Peter could use Sylar's power against him once(if) he beats him. Then he'd have the powers Sylar aquired premenately. I'm saying Sylar dies in a week, and Candice is really a man(baby!)
Dangard Ace Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 I don't think Sylar is going to die. Tim Kring likes Zach Q. too much and has reportedly been trying to sign him for Season 2. My guesses for next week. Peter vs Sylar fight. Peter ups/evolves his power so that he absorb/remove someones else's power into himself and depowers Sylar. Peter goes crazy and Claire shoots/tranqs Peter so he's unconcious/coma. Sylar will either be in the hands of The Company or will have escaped but be shown as retaining only his original abilities.
JELEINEN Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 All they need to do to get rid of Sylar's powers is give him Molly's virus. Like I said, the set-up is already there.
Jolly Rogers Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 David Hingtgen said: My guess was that Hiro's dad's power is "the ability to teach people really well, really quickly". I'm half-serious. Maybe he can mentally impart knowledge/skills. He's a living Matrix. My current question---how come Matt didn't "hear" Thompson sneaking up behind him? Can he hide his thoughts well? How would one do that? Even HRG can't do that, he needs the Haitian to mentally hide from Matt. He could always think in Japanese or some other foreign language, which points to another plot hole from the Five Years Gone episode... if HRG thinks in Japanese, Pressman wouldn't have been able to get Claire's location before killing HRG.
Dangard Ace Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 JELEINEN said: All they need to do to get rid of Sylar's powers is give him Molly's virus. Like I said, the set-up is already there. That's no fun. All Sylar'd have to do is kidnap Mohinder and drain him like a vampire....and let's face it, Mohinder's the world's smartest dumb guy. Jolly Rogers said: He could always think in Japanese or some other foreign language, which points to another plot hole from the Five Years Gone episode... if HRG thinks in Japanese, Pressman wouldn't have been able to get Claire's location before killing HRG. That's five years into the future. Parkman may have taken night courses by that point.
JELEINEN Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 (edited) Dangard Ace said: That's no fun. All Sylar'd have to do is kidnap Mohinder and drain him like a vampire....and let's face it, Mohinder's the world's smartest dumb guy. Instant plot for season 2. Save the Indian, save the world. Edited May 16, 2007 by JELEINEN
Jolly Rogers Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 I think all Fortune 500 companies are already outsourcing.
Gaijin Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 Jolly Rogers said: He could always think in Japanese or some other foreign language, which points to another plot hole from the Five Years Gone episode... if HRG thinks in Japanese, Pressman wouldn't have been able to get Claire's location before killing HRG. Or...he was so scared shitless, he forgot to.
Max Jenius Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Hmmmmm, I may have to pick this up on DVD. I missed the first episodes and they're no longer online. I like watching things in order.
chrono Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 !@#$%^&*()_+!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*(!!!! The ONLY good part to tonight's show was the fact that Nathan stepped-up and decided to lead instead of being lead. That straight up was the best of the seasons high points! Hiro...... mister goddamned asian quantum leap boy. farter needs to teleport into a farting rock. It's excessively tiresome time jumping bullshit that's been done dozens of times better in mydrid shows. BTW Hiro doesn't time-jump Linearly, the vegas time-jump proved that and it was further reinforced by the diner girl, he time jumps side ways into other realities. Dead black guy flashback. Saw it coming from the beginning when Peter absorbed nathan's powers and his dreamwalker power. OR there is an Omni-path in the world. The Sylar ending...... massively disappointing. Well the series was entertaining, shame it has no future now. ----- Did anyone else notice that Ted's death was painted by the 'future-painter'?
Dangard Ace Posted May 22, 2007 Author Posted May 22, 2007 Live blog going on right now with Tim Kring and Hayden Panettierre.
Max Jenius Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I've only seen the first and last episodes of this season... so I'm kinda lost. Seemed interesting... but I don't know... I get this feeling that the writers are rather pretentious.
Wes Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Wow talk about a blow that your ancestors would feel! But I was hoping for more of a fight than that. I guess they won't do much on TV shows...
trueblueeyes Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Too tired to type much, but I like the season finale. It wasn't exactly what I had expected or hoped for but it was okay. Just a few quick questions. Looks like Hiro will be meeting Kensei. A brand new face or one he already knows very well? Any thoughts on the new bad guy Molly mentioned? And I know Sylar is alive but I am very curious about his escape into the sewer, expecially with the way that blood trail looked. Did he crawl away or was he dragged into the manhole?
EXO Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I wish Hero would have killed Sylar... by chopping him in the forehead... would have been an awesome ending.
Sumdumgai Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Wow, missed the manhole and trail of blood because my tv's bunny-ears suck. I'm gonna have to rewatch it tomorrow. I was hoping for more of a fight. Although Nikki/Jessica clubbing Sylar was a pretty fun moment for me.
dr_vandermeer Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 (edited) Not bad. Solid. Guess I was expecting a more "explosive" finale. Well, one with a little more happening at least. Wasn't terrible, but wasn't great IMO. Hiro vs. Sylar seemed a little anti-climactic to me. Oh well, bring on Generations! Interestingly, my friend's cool thought from last week just might turn out to be true. You heard it here first! I also have a feeling that Lost's season finale will be waaay better than the one for Heroes. Edited May 22, 2007 by dr_vandermeer
EXO Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 dr_vandermeer said: Not bad. Solid. Guess I was expecting a more "explosive" finale. Well, one with a little more happening at least. Wasn't terrible, but wasn't great IMO. Hiro vs. Sylar seemed a little anti-climactic to me. Oh well, bring on Generations! Interestingly, my friend's cool thought from last week just might turn out to be true. You heard it here first! I also have a feeling that Lost's season finale will be waaay better than the one for Heroes. Not that the timelines are never contradictory in Heroes, but if that's his dad in the samurai suit then why doesn't future dad give Hiro more credit... I mean wouldn't he know that Hiro was going to be a hero? Well I guess we should watch and see... just something that crossed my mind. But I agree that the fight was somewhat anti-climactic... I would have been OK with Sylar, Parkman and the Petrellis deaths. It would have been a brave choice to kill those guys off. Tragic sacrifices are good payoffs.
justvinnie Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 >EXO< said: But I agree that the fight was somewhat anti-climactic... I would have been OK with Sylar, Parkman and the Petrellis deaths. It would have been a brave choice to kill those guys off. Tragic sacrifices are good payoffs. American entertainment, ruled by what the masses want, even if its stupid. But when you yield to the lowest common denominator, you just get crap. Look at the crap Hollywood has spewed forth. Look at reality TV. Tim Kring has yielded to the masses. He kept Sylar. He's not changing the cast. The season finale was sucky IMNSHO. Sure it wrapped up the bomb in NYC plot, but didn't elicit the excitement or emotions that "Company Man" did. I didn't yell and scream. I didn't get all sad. Here's how I would have ended it. Peter, Hiro, and Sylar engage in an apocalyptic fight that brings NYC to the brink of destruction. Hiro finally gets to stab Sylar. Sylar goes critical. Peter uses his TK to create a blast shield around them so that the explosive force funnels upwards, thus fulfilling Isaac's painting. Hiro teleports to save himself but is thrown back in time. He's stuck forever in the past and figuratively become Kensei's sword. And thus a cycle forms for the Nakamura family line where Kensei is the ancestor of Hiro. In generating such a massive shield, Peter dies from the total exhaustion of all his strength. Sylar dies cause he can't regenerate. As it stands, Isaac painted something that didn't happen. That's something that has NEVER happened in the series. The 3 most powerful people are still alive (Peter, Hiro, Sylar). Nathan's alive (God knows how). The only good part of this ep was when Niki whacked Sylar good. I have low hopes for next season. vinnie I agree with this thread on all the naysayers.
David Hingtgen Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I was waiting for someone to say it sucked, I just didn't want to be first.
justvinnie Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 David Hingtgen said: I was waiting for someone to say it sucked, I just didn't want to be first. farting stupid writers! Hana's now a ghost in the machine. It gets worse and worse. vinnie
Dangard Ace Posted May 22, 2007 Author Posted May 22, 2007 Gotta admit the ending wasn't what I was expecting but made sense. Still I was looking forward to a Sylar vs Peter all out power fight but in the end I wasn't disappointed. Let down, yes but not disappointed. justvinnie said: Here's how I would have ended it. Peter, Hiro, and Sylar engage in an apocalyptic fight that brings NYC to the brink of destruction. Hiro finally gets to stab Sylar. Sylar goes critical. Peter uses his TK to create a blast shield around them so that the explosive force funnels upwards, thus fulfilling Isaac's painting. Hiro teleports to save himself but is thrown back in time. He's stuck forever in the past and figuratively become Kensei's sword. And thus a cycle forms for the Nakamura family line where Kensei is the ancestor of Hiro. In generating such a massive shield, Peter dies from the total exhaustion of all his strength. Sylar dies cause he can't regenerate. Wasn't going to happen. The Heroes were fighting to prevent the bomb from destroying NYC but they also don't want people to know that they're "special". They'd immediately be hunted down. If that became the case then all the fans would be out screaming that it was an even bigger rip of X-men's Days of Future Past story arc. With regards to powers, none of them are very skilled or powerful, except for possibly Sylar, with their abilities. Future Peter could have done all that you outlined in your scenario but that's in five years. Present Peter has a ton of abilities but he has crap control. He only has access to them when he's getting the tar beat out of him. Lastly funnelling up a nuclear explosion/fallout? That's about the last thing you want to do. All those movies about nuclear fallout tell me this. justvinnie said: As it stands, Isaac painted something that didn't happen. That's something that has NEVER happened in the series. The 3 most powerful people are still alive (Peter, Hiro, Sylar). Nathan's alive (God knows how). The only good part of this ep was when Niki whacked Sylar good. I have low hopes for next season. vinnie I agree with this thread on all the naysayers. Ah but the bomb/NYC explosion did happen. Remember when Hiro first saw it? It was in the future and it was daytime. As long as Hiro remembers it it happened because it's what started him off on his journey.
EXO Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 trueblueeyes said: And I know Sylar is alive but I am very curious about his escape into the sewer, expecially with the way that blood trail looked. Did he crawl away or was he dragged into the manhole? I think he dragged himself off because the roach is suppose to symbolize how he evolved to become the ultimate survivor. justvinnie said: American entertainment, ruled by what the masses want, even if its stupid. But when you yield to the lowest common denominator, you just get crap. Look at the crap Hollywood has spewed forth. Look at reality TV. Tim Kring has yielded to the masses. He kept Sylar. He's not changing the cast. The season finale was sucky IMNSHO. Sure it wrapped up the bomb in NYC plot, but didn't elicit the excitement or emotions that "Company Man" did. I didn't yell and scream. I didn't get all sad. Here's how I would have ended it. Peter, Hiro, and Sylar engage in an apocalyptic fight that brings NYC to the brink of destruction. Hiro finally gets to stab Sylar. Sylar goes critical. Peter uses his TK to create a blast shield around them so that the explosive force funnels upwards, thus fulfilling Isaac's painting. Hiro teleports to save himself but is thrown back in time. He's stuck forever in the past and figuratively become Kensei's sword. And thus a cycle forms for the Nakamura family line where Kensei is the ancestor of Hiro. In generating such a massive shield, Peter dies from the total exhaustion of all his strength. Sylar dies cause he can't regenerate. As it stands, Isaac painted something that didn't happen. That's something that has NEVER happened in the series. The 3 most powerful people are still alive (Peter, Hiro, Sylar). Nathan's alive (God knows how). The only good part of this ep was when Niki whacked Sylar good. I have low hopes for next season. vinnie I agree with this thread on all the naysayers. I don't think it was that bad. I think it was too safe but the finale still rocked. The thing I don't get was that Nathan thought that that was the better way out, but shooting Peter would have been a better alternative... just shoot him to stop the blast then pull out the bullet later... tadaaa!!! done! everyone happy.
Dangard Ace Posted May 22, 2007 Author Posted May 22, 2007 >EXO< said: I think he dragged himself off because the roach is suppose to symbolize how he evolved to become the ultimate survivor. I don't think it was that bad. I think it was too safe but the finale still rocked. The thing I don't get was that Nathan thought that that was the better way out, but shooting Peter would have been a better alternative... just shoot him to stop the blast then pull out the bullet later... tadaaa!!! done! everyone happy. I was expecting Peter to start radiating like poor dead Ted in Company Man. Then to give Claire a belt of Tranqs to sedate Peter except one wouldn't work so she'd stab him with a handful sending him into a coma but saving the world. Would make the tag "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" more meaningful in a physical way. Though she did act as Nathan's conscience before she dove out the window...
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