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Cool, if you fail logins by guessing, you get:

"You have attempted to access a page

that you are not authorized to view.

Your IP address has been noted.

Future attempts to access may result in legal action"

Posted (edited)

I foud it interesting that in tonights episode when Nathan went to visit Mohinder, Mohinder said that his father had identified 36 special individuals. I counted 17 that I know of so far, did I miss anyone?














Radioactive Guy

Invisible Man

Claire's Mom

Brian Davis

Also, weren't Sylar's victims also people with powers? He seems to have the ability to freeze people, so he must have absorbed that from someone at some point. How many specials did he off?

Spoilerish comment in inviso-ish text (can't match the background color exactly), sorry:

I was kind of bummed that Claire's moms power was pyrokinesis. I know it's not exactly the same, but kind of similar to the radioactive guy. And did you catch the glimpse of Claires dad in the next weeks preview? Is her dad Nathan?

somewhat spoilerish TV guide interview with Tim Kring

Edited by chowyunskinny
  David Hingtgen said:

Cool, if you fail logins by guessing, you get:

"You have attempted to access a page

that you are not authorized to view.

Your IP address has been noted.

Future attempts to access may result in legal action"

Has any one been able to get this to work?


Yeah, do just like it was written:

Login: Bennet

Password: Claire

You can only open up the first file though, others want different logins or passwords.

::edit:: Ack, too many quote layers, misidentified original source.

  justvinnie said:

I'm going to guess that Claire is HRG's real daughter and not adopted.


HRG: [in Darth Vader voice] Claire... I am your father!

Claire: (about to scream but stops, thinks for a second) Wait, that doesn't really change anything, does it? :huh:

My vote's for Lindermann.

  chowyunskinny said:

I foud it interesting that in tonights episode when Nathan went to visit Mohinder, Mohinder said that his father had identified 36 special individuals. I counted 17 that I know of so far, did I miss anyone?














Radioactive Guy

Invisible Man

Claire's Mom

Brian Davis

Also, weren't Sylar's victims also people with powers? He seems to have the ability to freeze people, so he must have absorbed that from someone at some point. How many specials did he off?

Indian kid that can enter dreams


This one was a very good episode, although I though Sulu would do more. Maybe later. I was suppised about Claire's dad. Make's Starbuck almost seem like a moral character! :p

So Sylar pulled a Lazarus, and now he's kind of untouchable again. I don't see him surviving(or at least remaining interesting) past this season.

Posted (edited)
  justvinnie said:

Indian kid that can enter dreams

I thought about putting that kid, but wasn't he identified by Mohinder's father before he relocated to America and created the list?


Guess I speculated correctly last week about who Claire's father is in my invisotext comment :p

Edited by chowyunskinny

Re: NCC-1701. Of course. The funny thing is---I expected Hiro to go "Sulu?!?!" upon seeing him the first time. Have to wonder exactly what is and isn't pop-culture in the Heroes world.

  justvinnie said:

HRG has no first name according to his DL.


yeah I saw that too. And the wife almost said his first name but the dog started getting on Sylar's leg.

Most boring Hiro episode. But Nikki/Jessica tasered the crap out of that lady... good... cuz it sucks that she was willing to tase Jessica and not think about Nikki. Nikki's the one that always gets beat up by the guards when Jessica leaves. Great ending on that part too. Peter's mentor is awesome too, good episode all around.

  chowyunskinny said:

I foud it interesting that in tonights episode when Nathan went to visit Mohinder, Mohinder said that his father had identified 36 special individuals. I counted 17 that I know of so far, did I miss anyone?

What!?!? You mean you didn't frame advance your TiVo to see the entire list including dead specials?


This episode was pretty bad in some ways. Peter's 'temporary power' was a far better gimmick then his 'remembers and has it now' power, because it keep him a random figure to deal with. Now he's Superman without the cape.

Hiro's little bit was flat, lame, and stupidly typical party-line shat! I hope several older japanese trekkies at home weren't watching this!

I completely hate how they've tied the invisible bum to Glasses. Even though it gives them a history it's a bad idea.

The current storyline is basic X-Men 101, with nearly EVERYONE suffering from some trumped up personal over done drama. Is there not ONE special that's actually gotten used to having their power instead of having it control them like some bad disease or philosophical moral coda!? :rolleyes:

What I did like was Sylar and how he's being to really show his how murderous he's become and just how bad his built-up rage really is. Nikki's 'little', and not so petty, revenge on Jessica for being 'normal'. However Claries dad really should've been Glasses because it further cuts her to the bone with all of the betrayals.

  David Hingtgen said:

Re: NCC-1701. Of course. The funny thing is---I expected Hiro to go "Sulu?!?!" upon seeing him the first time. Have to wonder exactly what is and isn't pop-culture in the Heroes world.

Oh no, Star Trek exists, it's just that Hiro's dad looks alot like Sulu to us non-Japanese types. Let's be honest, they all look alike to us unless we've seen alot of them. ;)

So back me up/shoot me down some othe those who've been more attentive during the episodes, as I don't always catch the episodes as they air, mirrors or anything that casts a good reflection is the catalist for the Nikki/Jessica switch, correct?

  Wes said:

Oh no, Star Trek exists, it's just that Hiro's dad looks alot like Sulu to us non-Japanese types. Let's be honest, they all look alike to us unless we've seen alot of them. ;)

So back me up/shoot me down some othe those who've been more attentive during the episodes, as I don't always catch the episodes as they air, mirrors or anything that casts a good reflection is the catalist for the Nikki/Jessica switch, correct?

I don't think so, they are just a convenient way to show the two aspects of Niki interacting with each other. Niki and Jessica interchange with or without reflective surfaces before.



I found the episode pretty good. Nothing spectacular but there was a decent bit of character development. For a moment there I thought Mr Muggles was gonna bite it lol

Now that it's been revealed that Peter is able to retain 'powers', I wonder if he managed to remember Sylar's? He was in pretty close contact, and he did use Sylar's telekinetic powers to deflect objects back during his confrontation in Claire's high school.

Still surprised to find out that Nathan is Claire's dad... that would make Peter her... uncle? Nathan still looks too young to be her dad though.

  the_foul_fowl said:

I found the episode pretty good. Nothing spectacular but there was a decent bit of character development. For a moment there I thought Mr Muggles was gonna bite it lol

Now that it's been revealed that Peter is able to retain 'powers', I wonder if he managed to remember Sylar's? He was in pretty close contact, and he did use Sylar's telekinetic powers to deflect objects back during his confrontation in Claire's high school.

Still surprised to find out that Nathan is Claire's dad... that would make Peter her... uncle? Nathan still looks too young to be her dad though.

The actor that plays him is 41, which is easily old enough, even if his character is a few years younger. My guess is a college indiscretion.

Since Hiro has made Star Trek references in previous episodes, I'd say it has to be part of the Heroes universe.


No comments on last night's episode?

Amazing how it segues right into our last topic--though I'm thinking the writers predicted the obvious question from the previous ep. :)

  David Hingtgen said:

No comments on last night's episode?

Amazing how it segues right into our last topic--though I'm thinking the writers predicted the obvious question from the previous ep. :)

Not a whole lot to say. No real revelations happened, and the Sylar thing was shown in the preview.


The one cool thing was that Matt can hear both Nikki and Jessica. I love how the writers manages to put people's powers up against each other. No Peter this week... that's good, I don't like it when shows get too involved with one main character and forget about the others.(Lost)


For a guy who can hear others thoughts, Matt sure is a schmuck! I think it would be cool if Matt realizes what a loser he is and sprials down the dark path such that Season 2 is him as the major villain. Because seriously, he's the least interesting character on the series. He hasn't grown since day 1!

White guy shows up at my door.

"Hi, I'm Mohinder Suresh."

"You don't look Indian to me."

Slams door on his face.

Seriously was it me or did anyone not find that really funny? That's like this one time a white dude stole my credit card and used it. It had the little photo of me in the corner as a security measure. He signed my name. I don't know how he could have gotten away with it when he obviously looks nothing Asian like, and sure as hell wouldn't have my very non-Western name.

Lastly, I'm wondering if Peter is able to keep other's abilities because he met Sylar? After all that IS Sylar's ability. He just incorporates them into him reflexively. Ultimately, the problem with this is Peter is going to be the damn most powerful person in the show. Sylar is already pretty damn powerful (which he needs to be as a villain).


  justvinnie said:

Lastly, I'm wondering if Peter is able to keep other's abilities because he met Sylar? After all that IS Sylar's ability. He just incorporates them into him reflexively. Ultimately, the problem with this is Peter is going to be the damn most powerful person in the show. Sylar is already pretty damn powerful (which he needs to be as a villain).


Sylar's ability is to figure out how things work. His stealing powers is an indirect result of his power (he kills someone, figures out how they do what they do and modifies himself).

After last night's episode and the fact that Bennet's people only ever found the TK, I suspect that Sylar can only use one power at a time. He has to re-configure his brain to switch (no indication of how long this takes though).

  JELEINEN said:

Sylar's ability is to figure out how things work. His stealing powers is an indirect result of his power (he kills someone, figures out how they do what they do and modifies himself).

After last night's episode and the fact that Bennet's people only ever found the TK, I suspect that Sylar can only use one power at a time. He has to re-configure his brain to switch (no indication of how long this takes though).

Not according to the latest graphi novel.


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