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  justvinnie said:

I wonder HRG can suppress people's powers?


Microwave? Yeah, I'm going with microwaves.


  Wes said:

Microwave? Yeah, I'm going with microwaves.


Horn Rimmed Glasses

  justvinnie said:

true, but I thought maybe its a red herring. Haitian wasn't present with Sylar but he still can't use his powers. Also Haitian dude's powers seem mental based so may he can suppress only those.


They established in the last episode that all the powers are mental. The brain is the source.

  JELEINEN said:

They established in the last episode that all the powers are mental. The brain is the source.

mental? It's DNA based. Sylar is stealing their DNA structure, How? I dont know. But that was in the conversation between Sylar and HRG. Which doesn't really explain Peter's power again.

  >EXO< said:

mental? It's DNA based. Sylar is stealing their DNA structure, How? I dont know. But that was in the conversation between Sylar and HRG. Which doesn't really explain Peter's power again.

Sure, the powers are the result of genetics, but they're powered and controled by the brain. Dr. Saresh said this flat out in the last episode. Control the brain (a la the Hatian) and you control the powers.

  JELEINEN said:

Sure, the powers are the result of genetics, but they're powered and controled by the brain. Dr. Saresh said this flat out in the last episode. Control the brain (a la the Hatian) and you control the powers.

Well, you don't really need to be superpowered to succumb to that do you? ;)

Unless your A1, then it would be "control the doorknob..."


what if the bits of the brain that control the powers, for peter, were akin to stem cells in peter and able to take on the characteristics of the powers around him?

  Dangard Ace said:

Next week will be the mid-season hiatus. Heroes will restart in the new year. The weekly online comics will still continue.

I thought they said next week is the last episode before the x-mas/winter hiatus. Unless, that's what you meant

I'm from Asia, can someone explain to me what's mid-season hiatus or winter hiatus and how does it affect the series Heroes?? Is it mean that we don't get to see Heroes until next year? Sorry, just not sure of "how things works" in the US. ^_^

  Repiv_Onex said:

I'm from Asia, can someone explain to me what's mid-season hiatus or winter hiatus and how does it affect the series Heroes?? Is it mean that we don't get to see Heroes until next year? Sorry, just not sure of "how things works" in the US. ^_^

These aren't typical - the first time I've seen it was for Battlestar Galactica. But they're just not showing new episode for a little while during the normal new-TV-season (fall till late spring) for whatever reason.


Actually, they are quite typical. But most networks haven't made an issue of it till recently.

In Asia, most television programming is made in a single continuous block. An entire series is made until it's done. There's only a break in programming if there was a pre-scheduled preemption. In the US, it's a little different. Television works in seasons (normally September to April/May, December to February, late May to October). This keeps a series going on for years and years because only half a year of weekly episodes are shown within a year. There are periods where the networks have special programming for that time of the year. These preemptions are normally during times of the year where people are likely to take a vacation, i.e. summer, or during Christmas or during a big sports event, etc.. So during this time, networks will delay showing a program until that time has passed. It's very common, but only recently have networks begun to make an issue of it. It's also used to avoid showing reruns of a season. Battlestar Galactica is not an exception to the rule. BSG purposely delayed the start of it's season to avoid facing a mid season hiatus and reruns. A side effect of BSG's schedule is, that it will end it's season much sooner than most other shows (by early April). People wanted no reruns, and few interruptions so expect the season to end sooner than most other shows. Heros will return next year after the Christmas/New Year's time has passed to finish of it's season.

  azrael said:

Actually, they are quite typical. But most networks haven't made an issue of it till recently.

In Asia, most television programming is made in a single continuous block. An entire series is made until it's done. There's only a break in programming if there was a pre-scheduled preemption. In the US, it's a little different. Television works in seasons (normally September to April/May, December to February, late May to October). This keeps a series going on for years and years because only half a year of weekly episodes are shown within a year. There are periods where the networks have special programming for that time of the year. These preemptions are normally during times of the year where people are likely to take a vacation, i.e. summer, or during Christmas or during a big sports event, etc.. So during this time, networks will delay showing a program until that time has passed. It's very common, but only recently have networks begun to make an issue of it. It's also used to avoid showing reruns of a season. Battlestar Galactica is not an exception to the rule. BSG purposely delayed the start of it's season to avoid facing a mid season hiatus and reruns. A side effect of BSG's schedule is, that it will end it's season much sooner than most other shows (by early April). People wanted no reruns, and few interruptions so expect the season to end sooner than most other shows. Heros will return next year after the Christmas/New Year's time has passed to finish of it's season.

wow, thanks for the explaination above, now I understand. ^_^

  Skippy438 said:

Theory: The Haitian is just a psychic manifestation HRG puts in the minds of those around him, or vice-versa.




I wonder why Peter isn't doing so well. I'm going to guess that absorbing Sylar's powers is causing his powers to go haywire. Does he just gain Sylar's base power or all of them? We know that he can use the power instinctively. Because of his multiple encounters with "specials", did meeting Sylar somehow allow him to rewrite his own DNA? But the encounter wasn't long enough with Sylar to complete the process... We know that Peter must come into contact with Ted at some point. So the arc of the story must turn to Peter learning to control his power (which is discussed in Tim Kring's spoiler interview). I'm interested in knoing where this is going.

Sylar himself seems not only capable of extracting other "specials" powers but improve on them, presumably becuase his power allows him to understand theirs better then even themselves.

Where the hell is Matt, Nikki, D.L. and Micah's storyline going? They seem peripheral to the STCSTW arc.

Lastly, Hiro really needs to get a grip on his powers. I can't wait to see that scene played out.


  justvinnie said:

Where the hell is Matt, Nikki, D.L. and Micah's storyline going? They seem peripheral to the STCSTW arc.

Lastly, Hiro really needs to get a grip on his powers. I can't wait to see that scene played out.

The Matt story I'm guessing is going to follow the Haitian guy (don't feel like looking for his name), which will lead him to the cheerleader, etc....

Nikki, D.L., and Micah's story does seems kinda odd.... They should try to bring their story closer to everyone else.

And yes Hiro does need to learn how to control his powers. But the problem is, every time he jumps, his story changes, which makes his story really hard to keep track of.


After the last episode, I'm beginning to think Nikki does not actually have a special ability, but rather her sister Jessica has the power. What if Jessica can transfer her consciousness/self to any host? If she were to leave Nikki, Nikki would just be a regular person again.

Just a theory.

  mister_e said:

After the last episode, I'm beginning to think Nikki does not actually have a special ability, but rather her sister Jessica has the power. What if Jessica can transfer her consciousness/self to any host? If she were to leave Nikki, Nikki would just be a regular person again.

Just a theory.

I tend to look at Nikki as the Hulk...That split personality is the source of her powers.

  justvinnie said:

I wonder why Peter isn't doing so well. I'm going to guess that absorbing Sylar's powers is causing his powers to go haywire.

The more I see of Peter and his story the more I think that he has several powers but become active at different times and are often jump started via contact with others. I base this on the 2 scenes where he sends the visions to his friends dying father and how he seems to dreamwalk to people he knows.

Where the hell is Matt, Nikki, D.L. and Micah's storyline going? They seem peripheral to the STCSTW arc.

This is good because it doesn't need to be mixed with the main arc. If it was then you've got your basic X-Men team set-up. Boring! Besides they need more material of the remainer of the season and next seasons.

Lastly, Hiro really needs to get a grip on his powers. I can't wait to see that scene played out.


I'm seeing Hiro going to a Buddist Temple to become a Monk soon because he's getting crazy with his powers and time/space traveling pyschos aren't much tv fun.

Maybe it's me but doesn't that chick in the wheelchair look like an ideal Wonder Woman?


Sorry... but does anyone know the exact date that Heroes will be resumed from this "season break"? This Ep11 is the very last episode for this year isn't it?


11 is the last until Jan 22nd.

I think the Nikki, DL, and Micah arch is mainly to show how one family would handle this phenomenon. You've seen it throughout the others, but in their case all of them have abilities.

And I think Peter just got an infection of some kind and it's a convenient way to add more suspense after Claire was saved. I could care less about what it is truely

I found how easy it was for Issac to activate his powers now kind of a kill-joy. I'd figure he'd have to learn how to meditate or something but just squint his eyes like Hiro? Lame as when he does it

But I was interested to see Eden and the Haitian act against Claire's father. Shows they aren't true believers in his group and can use the cover for their own purposes


Thanks Wes... so it's really 7 weeks before the next episode comes. ;)

Does Slyar still be able to possess Eden's power(by eating her brain) as Eden had blew her own brain off?

btw can someone explain why did Slyar was able to break out from the prison when Eden came to see him? Why don't he get off eariler?? Sorry, I'm not smart :mellow:

  Repiv_Onex said:

Does Slyar still be able to possess Eden's power(by eating her brain) as Eden had blew her own brain off?

Whoa!! Where did this idea that Sylar eats people's brains come from? He's a super villian, not a zombie. Wait!! Maybe he's a super zombie villian!! :p

  mister_e said:

Whoa!! Where did this idea that Sylar eats people's brains come from? He's a super villian, not a zombie. Wait!! Maybe he's a super zombie villian!! :p

lol omg I always thought he ate the brains! So he just look at the brains to learn their ability??


Peter's cough: the two theories I've heard that make since is a. Ted is somewhere nearby and he's starting to channel the radioactivity and b. he picked it up from Claire (they mention she had a similar problem as a baby in an earlier episode).

Eden obviously killed herself to prevent Sylar from getting her power. I think Mr. Bennett was using the Haitian to nullify his power when he visited Sylar. When Eden visited him, the Haitian was with Claire.

Speaking of which, man I want to see what's up with him going against orders to wipe Claire.

Oh, and best line: "I really need to get that sword."

  JELEINEN said:
Eden obviously killed herself to prevent Sylar from getting her power. I think Mr. Bennett was using the Haitian to nullify his power when he visited Sylar. When Eden visited him, the Haitian was with Claire.

Speaking of which, man I want to see what's up with him going against orders to wipe Claire.

Oh, and best line: "I really need to get that sword."

That's the weird part; if Haitian wasn't around the prison that Slyar was in, Slyar could have break through the prison anytime eariler. Why would he waited till Eden visit him? And if it was really haitian present that nullify Slyar's power(I do believe so, it's the only explaination), how would Mr. Bennet missed such an important part and asked Haitian to be absent from nullifying Slyar's power??

btw, how Slyar got ppl's power?

And yeah, I always qouted a best line from every episode as my MSN personal message. My best line for this episode is "How do u stop an explosing man?!". I like your best line too.

  JELEINEN said:

Peter's cough: the two theories I've heard that make since is a. Ted is somewhere nearby and he's starting to channel the radioactivity and b. he picked it up from Claire (they mention she had a similar problem as a baby in an earlier episode).

Eden obviously killed herself to prevent Sylar from getting her power. I think Mr. Bennett was using the Haitian to nullify his power when he visited Sylar. When Eden visited him, the Haitian was with Claire.

Speaking of which, man I want to see what's up with him going against orders to wipe Claire.

Oh, and best line: "I really need to get that sword."

I'm guessing that Peter's cough has more to do with HRG than Claire. Also, when HRG is talking to the Haitian coming out of the police station, is the Hatian guy answering back?

  >EXO< said:

I'm guessing that Peter's cough has more to do with HRG than Claire. Also, when HRG is talking to the Haitian coming out of the police station, is the Hatian guy answering back?

How would he get it from Mr. Bennett?

  JELEINEN said:

How would he get it from Mr. Bennett?

No idea... It just seemed that he starts coughing whenever HRG is around. I'm not gonna offer any explanations, just that observation.


I re-watched it again today and I must have missed something. I dont quite understand if Peter is sick b/c of

outside influences like HRG or is it b/c he died and came back to life. Also wouln't Peter absorb all of Sylar's

Powers when he was fighting him. I kinda of figured that he'd be just as strong even if he was un-aware of

Sylars abilities just kinda like with Claire's healing ability.

  Macross73 said:

I re-watched it again today and I must have missed something. I dont quite understand if Peter is sick b/c of

outside influences like HRG or is it b/c he died and came back to life. Also wouln't Peter absorb all of Sylar's

Powers when he was fighting him. I kinda of figured that he'd be just as strong even if he was un-aware of

Sylars abilities just kinda like with Claire's healing ability.

Peter doesn't keep the powers. He can just use them when he's near someone else who has them. He did use Sylar's TK. If you look closely when the locker doors got thrown at him, he deflects them around himself.

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