Beware of Blast Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Yeah, this one's worth the movie ticket. You also get to catch ol' Stan get mistaken for a sithlord in a pyjama. RDJ was ssssmoking! The only minor gripe was that so little happened in that movie - compared to the first spidey movie at least. Quote
promethuem5 Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 (edited) My new favorite movie.... Ever. The after the credits bit was PERFECT! Edited May 2, 2008 by promethuem5 Quote
BlueMax Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 just caught it today, and I must say, much better than I expected it to be. RDJ was totally awesome! Quote
Knight26 Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 The C-17 in the movie, is one I work with daily, and any sharp eyes look at the lower pilots window, we inserted two little jokes in there, not sure if they are visible there. But hey if they do, my custom VF-1D is a star. Quote
Sundown Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 (edited) Saw it last night. Very, very, very good. Had wit and heart, fantastic and fun dialogue, and was pretty faithful to the comics to boot. I dare say that Iron Man just might be the best superhero movie, period. areaseven said: I just came back from the theaters, and I must say Iron Man ranks up there as one of the 10 best comic book/superhero movies ever made. Only top 10? I'm not even sure I can say there have been 10 really soilid superhero movies, period. I count: Iron Man Batman Begins Burton's Batman Spiderman I (2 and 3 were fun but had their weaknesses) Superman I and II The X-Mens were fun but had nowhere near the depth, quality, and faithfulness of feel to the comics as the other movies. So now Iron Man is competing with Spiderman I and Batman Begins as my all-time favorite. I feel that in action, dialogue and story, it's more fun than Batman Begins and more craftily executed than Spiderman. And it was devoid of huge cornball gaffs that plagued the Supermans, like the magic amnesia kiss and flying-around-the-world-to-turn-back-time gag (though it was cool when I was 7). And I give it major props for making a faithful rendition of a second-tier character really work in a movie, when so many liberties could have been taken and it could have gone so wrong. Edited May 2, 2008 by Sundown Quote
Apollo Leader Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 I saw it last night with some friends. Definitely a solid comic-to-live-action film. Unfortunately I left during the credits and missed the complete ending. Might see it again tonight. Quote
Apollo Leader Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Knight26 said: The C-17 in the movie, is one I work with daily, and any sharp eyes look at the lower pilots window, we inserted two little jokes in there, not sure if they are visible there. But hey if they do, my custom VF-1D is a star. That's pretty cool. Will have to look for that. Quote
baronv Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Just saw it, pretty good movie. The non-Iron Man scenes were pretty standard to me, but the IM action sequences were fun and exciting. Seeing IM in action against the terrorist as they're attacking families was my favorite scene. In comparison to the other previous Marvel movies, I say it's up there with Spider-Man, X2, and Hulk (I'm one of the few who liked Lee's version). I liked the comedy used that it didn't try and go overboard. My one nitpick of the movie is how Stane was able to pilot and knock IM around so easily after strapping on the Iron Monger suit for the first time without any training. Still, it's a comic book movie and it was fun. Now going to look forward to both the new Batman, Hulk, and Indy movies. Quote
HoveringCheesecake Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 Saw it last night, going again tonight. And I'm not even a huge comic book fan. Quote
azrael Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 baronv said: I liked the comedy used that it didn't try and go overboard. My one nitpick of the movie is how Stane was able to pilot and knock IM around so easily after strapping on the Iron Monger suit for the first time without any training. Still, it's a comic book movie and it was fun. Now going to look forward to both the new Batman, Hulk, and Indy movies. Stane probably learned more about the suit off camera. I just watched it. It wasn't that bad, surprisingly. Good start to the franchise. I do feel they did cut it down a bit for time, but otherwise, it was good. Quote
eugimon Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I really liked it. I thought it was one of the better comic book movies out there and I can't wait for iron man 2 to come out. Quote
kanedaestes Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 Well Stane isn't dumb. Is is no where near as smart as Stark but he remade his suit so I am sure he would know how to work it. I read an early review where they said how would he know how to pilot the suit? Well after seeing the movie it is obvious, he made it using stark tech. That's like how would i know how to work something i made that is based off another design. I made it. Yes i want to see it again and stay behind for the credits. Also the movie has already made 35 mil domestic and 22 overseas and it isn't even Saturday yet, or at least not late enough for theaters to be open. Quote
drifand Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 (edited) The only iffy cut, I felt, was at the Firemen's Benefit Charity Ball, where after the blondie reporter showed Stark some photos of his weapons at work in Gulmira and then suddenly we're outside with Stark remonstrating with Stane about under-table arms deals. Seems at that point, there were some 'upset-looking' people in the crowd... I think it was a segue from a longer scene inside where Stark probably created a fuss before they 'took it outside'. Otherwise, all the hardware testing and suiting-up was pure mecha-goodness. And the cabin attendants on Stark's private jet! Yes, I would like some 'hot sake'!! :-) Edited May 3, 2008 by drifand Quote
wolfx Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 The suiting up reminds me of the Starcrat 2 Trailer. Quote
Sumdumgai Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I was never a fan of Iron Man, but I had to see this movie and it kicked major @$$. It's competing with Batman Begins for my favorite comic-book movie. Quote
EXO Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 Sumdumgai said: I was never a fan of Iron Man, but I had to see this movie and it kicked major @$$. It's competing with Batman Begins for my favorite comic-book movie. Ditto, except replace BB with The Crow. One of the best things since Aliens... a real cinematic delight will turn on all the mech freaks out there.... LIKE ME! Quote
Scream Man Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I loved Iron Man, even as a kid. Ive always been a sucker for robots or guys in armour. Just always thought it was a cool concept. Hasbros Iron Man figures arent bad either. i have ever IM figure (Except one, dammit) since the start of the Marvel legends line, so I plan to get all the movie ones. Quote
the white drew carey Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 It was great, but I have to agree about Stane being so good so quickly. Quote
MisaForever Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I have to say this is one of the best if not THE best super hero movie I've ever seen, better than Spiderman or X-men. Quote
Loner Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 the white drew carey said: It was great, but I have to agree about Stane being so good so quickly. Well, he is The Dude. Quote
eugimon Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Stane did say that Iron monger was more advanced than the Mk III, so maybe it had easier controls more AI control over the motions of the suit where the MK III seemed far more reliant on Stark's active involvement. Quote
chowyunskinny Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Loner said: Well, he is The Dude. AND Flynn Quote
Mr March Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 (edited) Iron Man (2008) Genre: Live Action Film – Action Adventure This summer movie season starts with a surprisingly strong comic book adaptation from director Jon Favreau and starring the unlikely Robert Downey Jr. in the lead role. This time Marvel Studios offers up one of their lesser known super heroes but like his namesake Iron Man is a near bulletproof film that leaves recent offerings from bigger superheroes like Spider Man and Superman coughing on his contrails. Robert Downey Jr. stars as Tony Stark, unscrupulous weapons manufacturer and charming billionaire ladies man. Stark runs afoul of terrorists armed with his own goods during a sale in Afghanistan, who then kidnap Stark and force him to build more weapons. With help from fellow captive Yinsen (Shaun Toub), Stark builds a crude armored suit to escape, but Yinsen dies aiding him. Once safely back home, Stark becomes a changed man and has a mind to refine his armored suit for more noble purposes, but neither his witty assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) nor his executive partner Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges) are happy with the consequences of Stark’s new found conscience. Iron Man may not be the smartest or most believable super hero film ever made, but it’s easily one of the finest. Director Jon Favreau was wise indeed to rely heavily upon a well-paced script, gut-pleasing humor and a strong lead to position his comic book film far above the competition. The special effects are well-crafted rather than innovative and it is this diligent filmmaking appearing in all aspects of the production that ultimately makes Iron Man a success. The film can feel a bit predictable and a little contrived at times, but who even cares when a movie is this much fun? Fortunately, Iron Man also benefits from a lead as finely crafted as the mechanical suit itself. Robert Downey Jr. completely owns his role as Tony Stark, aggressively devouring the moral repulsiveness of the character as equally as he does Stark’s drive and professionalism. The charm and humor of Downey’s Stark draw us into what is an initially despicable character, but it is the unapologetic ambition of Stark that allows the audience to appreciate his flaws that in turn prove to be virtues. Helping Downey along the way is an impressive cast of actors that all add strong performances in each role, including a lovable turn from Terrence Howard as Jim Rhodes (and a not-so-subtle nod to Rhode's future role as War Machine). The film remains a wonderful thrill ride with plenty of laughs from start to finish and is never dull despite running a little over two hours. Rating: 4 out of 5. While Iron Man sometimes offers what we’ve seen before, it offers what it has with a proficiency few films have dared attempt. Within that small group of the best cinematic super hero adventures, Iron Man is proudly counted among them "Can" you feel it? Edited May 4, 2008 by Mr March Quote
Dangard Ace Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Saw it today. Best. Super. Hero. Movie. To. Date. Doesn't hurt that I loved the Iron Man books since the intro of the Silver Centurion Armour. Quote
Keith Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Definately an awesome movie. If it was missing anything, then I'd have to say it could have benefitted from an Itano Circus or two. Why bother having the Jericho Missile do a burst break-up if it can't do an Itano Circus? Also, not too familiar with the comics, but does Iron Man usually have Gundam style leg Vernier? Regardless, a great movie. Even my girlfriend (whom upon first seeing the trailer & asking "what is that," to which I replied "Iron Man," which turned into a comedy routine of repeats since she thought I was talking about hte song) enjoyed it. If they can keep this up for the next two movies, all the better. Quote
Radd Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Loved it. Absolutely loved it. To be honest, the story was paper thin, but it was fun, and nothing really stood out to make me go, "Hey, wait..." And the movie was certainly fun from beginning to end. Downey Jr. as Stark made this film as great as it is. Perfect casting. All around great cast, but Robert Downey Jr.'s Stark was just brilliant. There really wasn't that much "action" for a super hero comic, but it certainly didn't hurt the film at all because he just kept being so damned entertaining. I loved how there were all sorts of little homages, allusions, and foreshadowing for future sequels, too. Add to that, the action scenes were really well done.Unlike previous Marvel movies like Spider-Man, I never found myself sitting there, giggling over the CG. Sure, the CG sequences were more or less obvious, but they didn't really slap you in the face with a 10-foot high LOOK AT OUR CG sign. In addition to better effects and rendering, I suspect tighter animation helped that out, too. So far this year's "summer blockbuster" season is starting off on the right foot. Quote
CoryHolmes Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 The only thing it was lacking was more of Iron Man. Batman Begins has the same issue where we don't get enough of the hero doing the heroic stuff. Quote
wolfx Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 CoryHolmes said: The only thing it was lacking was more of Iron Man. Batman Begins has the same issue where we don't get enough of the hero doing the heroic stuff. I agree. And the final battle was kinda meh cuz Iron Man had a low tech Arc Reactor so the suit's full capabilities were not used. Don't remember it firing a repulsor beam at Iron Monger. Quote
CoryHolmes Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 wolfx said: I agree. And the final battle was kinda meh cuz Iron Man had a low tech Arc Reactor so the suit's full capabilities were not used. Don't remember it firing a repulsor beam at Iron Monger. Though we did get the Uni-Beam. But either way, we needed more of Iron Man in the film. Quote
drifand Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Ahhhhhhh we need a Bandai SPEC IRON MAN!!! Fully articulated base figure with snap on diecast armor! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Quote
Hikuro Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Just got back from the film.....uh, it was okay. Good popcorn flick, and I thought Jr. did a good Tony Stark no complaints....just in my opinion the film dragged on in to many areas. Still, if there's a cool collectors edition dvd, I'd buy it. Quote
UN Spacy Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 drifand said: Ahhhhhhh we need a Bandai SPEC IRON MAN!!! Fully articulated base figure with snap on diecast armor! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! I 110% agree. Iron Man is PERFECT for a SPEC figure. Quote
M'Kyuun Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 (edited) chowyunskinny said: AND Flynn AND the Starman I also agree with Bandai maing a spec figure; if they can do it for Eva... The thing I like best about Iron Man, besides the cool armor, is the fact that he's Marvel's answer to Batman, i.e. a genius who trains himself to use mind, body, and technology to fight crime, except Stark has no qualms about using various projectile weapons to kill, and he can fly. Beyond that, their public personas parallel quite well. Edited May 4, 2008 by M'Kyuun Quote
the white drew carey Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 eugimon said: Stane did say that Iron monger was more advanced than the Mk III, so maybe it had easier controls more AI control over the motions of the suit where the MK III seemed far more reliant on Stark's active involvement. Yeah, I found that kind of incredulous, as well. "Hey, we can't make a miniature arc reactor like Tony Stark, but we can make an armored suit that is better... EVEN THOUGH WE'VE NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO STUDY THE MKII OR MKIII, only the MKI MADE FROM SCRAPS IN AFGHANISTAN!!!" Quote
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