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Make sure you don't hold down the ctrl button while you are using your scroller on the mouse. One direction will make it smaller the other will make it bigger.

Although....I did suddenly see EXOs sig blow up to gigantic proportions while the rest stayed the same...


Kensei beat me to the mouse wheel thing.

Regarding signatures suddenly getting huge:

  Hurin said:

This is pretty minor, but people should be aware of it. The newer IPB version seems to inperpret bbcode font size numbers differently. But only once re-submitted.

For example: I had size=7 in my signature for one of the lines. It looked fine, until I went in and edited my signature today. I didn't change the size of that line, but upon submitting the changes, that line was huge.

So, just be aware when editing signatures and posts that font size changes will be interpreted differently upon submission and you should probably adjust accordingly (I find "5" is the new "7" where font size is concerned ;)).



  Hurin said:

Kensei beat me to the mouse wheel thing.

Regarding signatures suddenly getting huge:



actually, the mouse wheel thing doesnt apply to just the boards, it messes with IE as well.

  Lightning 06 said:

actually, the mouse wheel thing doesnt apply to just the boards, it messes with IE as well.

Uh, yeah. That's what we were saying. Never said it was a Forums thing. ;)


i redid my sig when I noticed it. For some reason this new version does not recognize the size=0. so it makes the type bigger than size=1. and I reduced the type size=7 to size=5. I tried the wheel thing but it made all the other types in my screen way too small to read.

I blame you Hurin!

  Hurin said:

Uh, yeah. That's what we were saying. Never said it was a Forums thing. ;)

ah, my mistake, I misread it.

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