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  Gaijin said:

You needed a review to see that a Gundam game was goinmg to be bad? :p

There have been the occasional good gundam game. Gundam DX, Zeonic Front, I havn't played MS Legend or Saga or whatever its' called but it looks cute... hmm I kinda like Girin's Greed too, and the G Generation games.

  Gunbuster said:

You are being sarcastic, right? :blink:

Sadly no I am not :mellow: , I heard there wont be any shipments till march. If things go right this 2 weeks for x-mas, I might make profit, of course I am takeing a risk.

  Gaijin said:

You needed a review to see that a Gundam game was goinmg to be bad? :p

The Capcom developed Federation vs. Zeon and Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam are good and even the Bandai devloped games turn out fun every once in a while (I liked Encounters in Space for example). Pictures and movies of Crossfire go all the way back to the 2005 E3 when Bandai showed what they expected the first PS3 Gundam game to look like so I had some hope that all this development time would result in a decent game for the system launch.


More impressions: Resistance is awesome...not being a fan of FPS's much but this one does have me hooked now. Damn you Insomniac.

Did anyone here get it? Or rather..did anyone else even find a PS3? :D


Speaking of trying to find a PS3 at all,

Only 125,000 -175,000 PS3's were released for the North America launch last Friday. If I recall correctly, the PS1 launch in the US/NA somewhere in the 150,000 - 250,000 range back in September 1995.

Just a few months ago, Sony was touting a launch worldwide of 2 million systems. Since it appears that somewhere under 250,000 systems were released between the 10th and 17th, looks like Sony missed their original production estimate by over 80%. Not good...

  Gaijin said:

More impressions: Resistance is awesome...not being a fan of FPS's much but this one does have me hooked now. Damn you Insomniac.

Did anyone here get it? Or rather..did anyone else even find a PS3? :D

How is Resistance compared to Gears of War?


Gears of War isn't even a FPS, right?

  Oihan said:

How is Resistance compared to Gears of War?

Hmmm...Gears is prettier..no doubt there. Resistance is no slouch though. They are really two different kinds of games since Gears is a 3rd person game and Resistance is a FPS. Both have terrific multiplayer and single player. Resistance has some of the coolest weapons ever in a FPS though and multiplayer 40 people is frantic fun. I'd give a slight nod to Gears so far since I am not so much a FPS fan even though I enjoyed this one immensely(still playing through too). Both are superb though.

  myk said:

Gears of War isn't even a FPS, right?

Nope. Really is apples and oranges.

  Gaijin said:

Hmmm...Gears is prettier..no doubt there. Resistance is no slouch though. They are really two different kinds of games since Gears is a 3rd person game and Resistance is a FPS. Both have terrific multiplayer and single player. Resistance has some of the coolest weapons ever in a FPS though and multiplayer 40 people is frantic fun. I'd give a slight nod to Gears so far since I am not so much a FPS fan even though I enjoyed this one immensely(still playing through too). Both are superb though.

Nope. Really is apples and oranges.

Man, I've been looking at Resistance: Fall of Man and it looks awesome. How is the story mode/storyline? As interesting as it sounds?


it looks like the game to get too bad I wont be

playing until later next year when theres

more systems to go around. Also I've been

hearing from buyers and Gamestop that the

system wasn't really ready and that drivers

or whatever have to be loaded before they

could actually play :angry: I know Sony

wanted to get this out but still...

  meh_cd said:

Man, I've been looking at Resistance: Fall of Man and it looks awesome. How is the story mode/storyline? As interesting as it sounds?

It is very good. Honestly it is one of the better FPS's out there...storyline is actually interesting.

  Macross73 said:

it looks like the game to get too bad I wont be

playing until later next year when theres

more systems to go around. Also I've been

hearing from buyers and Gamestop that the

system wasn't really ready and that drivers

or whatever have to be loaded before they

could actually play :angry: I know Sony

wanted to get this out but still...

You had to download an update to access the Playstation Store and use the browser etc. mainly. You could play the games out of the box. :)



One of the biggest reasons for me to pick up a PS3, in the near future, was the rumor that import PS1 and PS2 games would play on the system without modding. It would beat having to find a modded PS2, or have one shipped from Japan.

Well, now that little fantasy was crushed. So, I'll just wait until sometime next year.

Still looking forward to Killzone 2. And hoping for an Ace Combat release on this system.

Not to mention the first Macross PS3 game. :)


I still have the not even remotely realistic hope that sony will sell some kind of import support firmware as a downloadable extra...

  Keith said:

I still have the not even remotely realistic hope that sony will sell some kind of import support firmware as a downloadable extra...

They couldn't even if they wanted to. The games were region restricted for a reason and that was to appease the publisher of the game. Same like movie region coding.


Stop stomping on my dreams! Besides, for a licensing fee, perhaps they'd consider such an upgrade.


Do you think it would be difficult to have a japanese ps3 converted to american? Maybe they are easier to get in japan? If sony were smart they would just include all languages in the system regardless of where it were purchased.


I could be off here... but I think the Japan region will be the same as the USA region from now on. So, I don't think any conversion will be needed. I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm wrong.


Do you really doubt they'll achieve 500,000 sold? All it takes is enough PS3 hardware getting out there and it's practically a license to print money.

  GutsAndCasca said:

I could be off here... but I think the Japan region will be the same as the USA region from now on. So, I don't think any conversion will be needed. I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm wrong.

Blu-ray and PS3 games will work since US and Japan are in the same region, but they are enforcing DVD/PS2/PSX region coding so no US releases will currently work for those 3.

  Uxi said:

Do you really doubt they'll achieve 500,000 sold? All it takes is enough PS3 hardware getting out there and it's practically a license to print money.

Er, it's 500,000 sold to reach profit. That means it'll take a lot more to hit the sort of profit game companies would like to see from their investments. By my understanding, 500,000 is a significant number in this ending generation, where the PS2 holds an unprecedented portion of the market.

The chances of Sony replicating that dominance does not seem good. Sony had a lot of things in their favour with the PS2 launch that they do not have with the PS3. I'd say there is a good chance that market share will wind up being spread more evenly this time around. If so, that will only make it more difficult for developers to sell in the numbers they need to justify their initial investment in developement costs, at least if they want to create games that really take advantage of the PS3's hardware.


Yeah just look at how many game have "Player's Choice" or "Greatest Hits" on them - they are million+ sellers. There's not too many of them.

  dejr8bud said:

well this didn't take too long

Blu-Ray Already Ripped on PS3

You can rip and dump the discs...you cannot play the code on them though. Same thing has happened withthe 360...people in the first week managed to dump the games...no way to use the files though. WIth Blu-ray though, even if the encryption IS cracked, the upcoming released discs can use an alternate encryption...thus limiting the piracy factor. It is one of the reasons some studios favor BD over HD-DVD.


And again, that's 400,000 on a console with an unprecedented lion's share of the market, over the course of many years.


We're echoing the sentiment, and putting it in the perspective of how difficult it is for popular games on a console as established console like the PS2, versus how much more difficult those numbers will be for games made for the PS3 which may never reach the PS2 levels of market saturation.


More feel good PS3 news...


WILMINGTON, N.C. - A teenager accused of robbing a student of two new Playstation 3s on the day the popular game consoles were introduced was shot to death by police sent to arrest him.

Peyton Strickland, 18, was killed Friday at a house he shared with three roommates, New Hanover County Sheriff Sid Causey said.

"If this boy would've come to the door, opened the door, we probably wouldn't be talking," the sheriff said Sunday.

Roommate Mike Rhoton said Strickland was unarmed, but may have been holding a video game controller when he went to the door as it was bashed in by officers.

Authorities promised Monday to fully investigate the fatal shooting. "No one is above the law and no one is beneath its protection," District Attorney Ben David said. He declined to discuss details of the case.

The State Bureau of Investigation is examining the case and three deputies on the team were placed on paid leave, normal practice whenever officers fire their weapons, Causey said.

Arrest warrants alleged that Strickland, a student at Cape Fear Community College, and a University of North Carolina-Wilmington student stole two PlayStation units from another UNC-Wilmington student that day.

The sheriff said the robbery victim had waited three days in line to buy two Playstation 3 units for $641 each at a Wal-Mart. He was unloading the units at his campus apartment when one man beat him to the ground while another took the PlayStations, Causey said.

The sheriff said Strickland was shot by members of a a special police unit who went to help university officers serve warrants. He would not say why the special team was assisting.

Strickland's dog, a German shepherd, also was shot to death.

The second man named in the warrants was arrested at another address and was released on bail on Saturday, authorities said.

The nationwide introduction of the Sony game system on Nov. 17 was marked by rowdy crowds and store stampedes. One buyer waiting in line at a Connecticut store was shot by armed robbers.


I heard about this. Not suprising, since I live less than an hour away from where it happened.

There generally is more to the story than the media reports. But we won't hear anything until the investigation is completed.

Just another example of stupidity over a damn game console. I love gaming too, but all of this nonsense is just ridiculous.

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