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My question is why does Resistance takes up 22GB of space? I know what the dev team said that it each of the 40 level is 300MB an there's high quality cutscene.

The cutscene I've seen in the first few missions was a slide show :blink: ;;

To those who have expereince GOW and pick up this game please let me know your thoughts, the textures are really low res on R:FOM and does not have details like GOW, but somehow it take up 22GB of space :blink: ;;

Posted (edited)
  Gunbuster said:

My question is why does Resistance takes up 22GB of space? I know what the dev team said that it each of the 40 level is 300MB an there's high quality cutscene.

The cutscene I've seen in the first few missions was a slide show :blink: ;;

To those who have expereince GOW and pick up this game please let me know your thoughts, the textures are really low res on R:FOM and does not have details like GOW, but somehow it take up 22GB of space :blink: ;;

They aren't low res textures. And a lot of the space is taken up by audio as well. 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 sound is supported. If you have teh setups it becomes a much appreciated feature. It's INsomniac...the Raqtchet and Clank guys...they were never the leaders in pushing a system graphically. For a lauch title on a new system, I think it's a pretty good job.

GOW is nice, and looks great. They are two different types of games though. Is Gears prettier? Yes. Is it better? Well, hard to say since I haven't played Resistance at length yet. I admit that I am not into FPS's as much so I might wind up still liking Gears better. BUu I hardly think R: FOM is the reason I am buying a PS3.

Edited by Gaijin
  GutsAndCasca said:

I just recently bought my 360, right before Gears came out; as far as I know, it's the only reason to own a 360.

Dead Rising and Chrome Hounds are both excellent games for the system.

On the PS3, Best Buy has one set up you can play. Looks like the only playable game is NBA, though. It's kinda pretty. The sweat was far too much, though. My wife was there with me, she looked at it and said, "That man is made of plastic!" Really does look like all the players are laminated in glossy plastic. That's just a nitpick with that game, though.

The trailers looked really nice. Looking forward to see what developers manage to get out of the hardware.

Posted (edited)

WTF is wrong with people....

Three PS3 campers and news reporter hit in drive-by shooting

at least no one was hurt

and if you have a PS3 game that is 720p and an HDTV that can't display 720p your game will be downgraded to 480p...

PS3 Downscales 720p on Incapable TVs

Only in Wisconsin lol :p

Man injured in sprint for place in line

West Bend - One person was injured early this morning outside the Wal-Mart department store in West Bend as a crowd of about 50 people lined up for a chance to buy one of 10 coveted video game systems the store has for sale.

Police have provided details of the incident late this morning:

An assistant store manager announced to the crowd, which had formed about 7 a.m., that the store expected to receive only 10 of the Sony PlayStation 3 game consoles, and that they would become available at 12:01 a.m. Friday.

The store official placed 10 chairs outside the store and directed the waiting customers to another area. At a signal, the customers were told to run to try to occupy one of the chairs. During the contest, a 19-year-old man ran into a pole and struck his head, injuring himself. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Police said the case was one of helping an injured person, and was not the subject of any criminal investigation.


Edited by dejr8bud

At least it was BB's, but BB's have killed in rare cases and of course could blind someone ("you'll shoot your eye out, kid!").

Earlier this year, some people were projecting that the PS3 would ost about $800 to make. They were close -

$840+ price tag for manufacturing 60GB PS3.

The 20GB version is like $805 to make thus Sony is losing over $300 making and selling that version. :blink: A year ago, Microsoft was losing like a $125 on each Premium 360; now they appear to be making a profit (now just about $325 to make). I predict a $50-$100 cut in both 360's by next spring.

  Apollo Leader said:

At least it was BB's, but BB's have killed in rare cases and of course could blind someone ("you'll shoot your eye out, kid!").

Earlier this year, some people were projecting that the PS3 would ost about $800 to make. They were close -

$840+ price tag for manufacturing 60GB PS3.

The 20GB version is like $805 to make thus Sony is losing over $300 making and selling that version. :blink: A year ago, Microsoft was losing like a $125 on each Premium 360; now they appear to be making a profit (now just about $325 to make). I predict a $50-$100 cut in both 360's by next spring.

Hmm...the article is interesting. I'm disappointed the Sony took their time in the development of this system and rushed to manufacturer a incomplete system with 200 PS2 games not working on it.

Anyways this might be a huge suprising to you guys but. my local Best Buy is getting.....40 PS3 consoles :o , I do not know how the hell that is possible with the amount being shipped to the states but damn that is alot of PS3. As of now deadghost(My big bro) is camping out there with a friend, he is number 10, and initially they said they were going to have 8 PS3. I don't know but that is freaking insane! Over 60 people are camping there, with a for sure chance they we are getting one, he wants to resell it.... :(

I'm like so objectified to that, its a damn PS3 and he wants to sell it!!! :ph34r:

Oh its the 60GB version...so yah. I'm trying to convince him to not sell it.

But the only way is if you guys can send him some PMs and make some posts here, saying nice things to him and persuade him to keep the PS3. ^_^

Hopefully he won't sell it. I hope...

Posted (edited)
  Ishimaru said:

Hmm...the article is interesting. I'm disappointed the Sony took their time in the development of this system and rushed to manufacturer a incomplete system with 200 PS2 games not working on it.

Less than 200 out of over 8100 is poor and incomplete? c'mon. And some of those are duplicate SKUS too (Greatest Hits/best collection re-releases are counted each time). Hardly crappy backwards compatibility.

There are other real valid points that warrant scrutiny on PS3.

Edited by Gaijin
Posted (edited)

In regards to the dilemma of reselling a PS3, think of the benefit of reselling it to someone with the "gotta have it now" mentality. I'm sure you guys have heard of the $10K ebay auctions for the PS3, right? I'm not saying you can earn 10 large but you'll definitely profit from a resell. Gaming wise there's nothing to gain by having the PS3 in your hands tomorrow morning unless one of the launch titles is some killer 'app that you must have.

Pocket the extra cash and in 3 months, walk into your local Target and pick a PS3 off of the shelf for retail price...

Edited by myk
Posted (edited)

I agree with myk, let him sell it to some impatient person who's willing to pay 3 times the MSRP. That said, there's no way I'd be willing to camp outside any store to buy a game system just to resell it.

Edited by mister_e

Has anyone else heard about this?

Taken from IMDB

New Debacle for Sony

In the latest embarrassment to strike Sony Corp., the company acknowledged today (Wednesday) that many games designed for the original PlayStation and PlayStation 2 consoles are not compatible with PlayStation 3. News of the problem follows the rash of bad publicity over production delays involving the device, consumer hesitancy over the company's Blu-ray high-definition DVD devices, and especially a recall of laptop batteries that the company had manufactured.


  Mr March said:

Has anyone else heard about this?

Taken from IMDB

New Debacle for Sony

In the latest embarrassment to strike Sony Corp., the company acknowledged today (Wednesday) that many games designed for the original PlayStation and PlayStation 2 consoles are not compatible with PlayStation 3. News of the problem follows the rash of bad publicity over production delays involving the device, consumer hesitancy over the company's Blu-ray high-definition DVD devices, and especially a recall of laptop batteries that the company had manufactured.

Been discussed on the previous page and before.

  Gaijin said:

Less than 200 out of over 8100 is poor and incomplete? c'mon. And some of those are duplicate SKUS too (Greatest Hits/best collection re-releases are counted each time). Hardly crappy backwards compatibility.

There are other real valid points that warrant scrutiny on PS3.

  rnurmin said:

More news from the Bay Area :)


My wife told me that the Sony Metreon in San Francisco already has about 800 people lining up to buy the PS3 :wacko:

Because they have about 700 Ps3 for sale. Probably the only store in the whole USA that has that much Ps3 for sale.

  rnurmin said:

More news from the Bay Area :)


My wife told me that the Sony Metreon in San Francisco already has about 800 people lining up to buy the PS3 :wacko:

How many are they getting? :wacko:

  F360° said:

Because they have about 700 Ps3 for sale. Probably the only store in the whole USA that has that much Ps3 for sale.

I figured around there...thanks. I have no info on that or teh Sony Style stores.


One of my bosses has about 3 of them preordered. He plans to keep one and ebay the rest for profit. The bastard.


Well I can't blame him. Ebay auctions are hitting $2500 for this f'ing thing.

You can make 2 grant per PS3 instantly!!!!!

My local best but has like 20 people CAMPING with tents and everything.

Talk about nonsense.

  Roy Focker said:

One of my bosses has about 3 of them preordered. He plans to keep one and ebay the rest for profit. The bastard.


One of our local channels ran a story this morning about campers at the Santana Row Best Buy in San Jose getting egged by drive-byers talking trash about how the XBox360 is better. Hilarious!

Posted (edited)

Just for a heads up it may be too late but just to keep everyone aware.

IPB Image

Even some stores are giving out PS3, so even if you guys don't camp you have some chances; Also somebody needs to take pictures of the event in LA or some other city in SoCal.

Should have mentioned this some time ago, oh well there are going to be loads of campers in LA thats one thing for sure. Just about 4 in a half hours guys, I will be posting pictures either today or later tomorrow.

Damn this console has more popularity then the Wii, why couldn't Nintendo advertise a bit...everyone I know is all PS3. Oh well cant be a fanboy of one company all the time. Bleh...

Edit: The production numbers are cut so they're could be less, but a 100 is still a lot. Here is the page:Source

Edited by Ishimaru

PlayStation 3 Lacks Upscaler to 1080i

Reports are flooding in that PlayStation 3 is unable to upscale its video output, leaving many with older HDTV's, including those from Sony, out in the cold of standard definition.

Early word came in from the NeoGAF forums, where users with 1080i TV sets tried to run Resistance: Fall of Man, only to find that the game would force a switch down to 480p. The reason behind this is that Resistance runs at a native 720p resolution. If the game is played on a television that does not support 720p, which applies to many older HDTV models, then instead of upscaling to 1080i to retain its HD status, it downscales to 480p, losing much graphical fidelity.


the radio just ran a story on campers in Wisconsin in line only to resell it on eBay. <_<

its raining here and campers are anxiously waiting for it to sell in about 50 minutes.


geez, even though i am going to have two handguns on me, and a shotgun and rifle in the cruiser, when i go pick this thing up, i am not paying with cash. it's called debit card or credit card. the $$ is in the bank, take it off my card. who goes around carrying that much cash on them????

most i ever have on me is $200 and that's because that's the most my ATM will let me take out in a day. and that $200 is only in my pocket for less than an hour because my wife's gonna take some, my kids will take some, etc.


guess i could pick mine up at gamestop when they open just in case someone decides to rob them and my system will be gone before i get to work in the afternoon.


Its a sad state of affairs when you've got to be loaded up just to pick up a game system.

People can be retards. They deserve a boot to the head for stealing from kids (parents etc.)


Man that makes me sick seeing people are willing to spend 10 grand on a stupid gaming platform. People really do need to get a life and realize, it's still going to be there.........2 years from now......it was on record sony wont even do a PS4 for almost a decade.

Here in oregon, there are a group of ppl by Portland Airport who have been waiting in line since Monday, in another location a group of guys got robbed at gunpoint and had all their crap taken away.

Me, I'll probably wait till Janurary or Feb before I even decide to get a PS3 if I'm lucky.

  Macross73 said:

Its a sad state of affairs when you've got to be loaded up just to pick up a game system.

People can be retards. They deserve a boot to the head for stealing from kids (parents etc.)

No what REALLY a sad state of affairs is when the stores KNOW from experience that this will happen and not get the proper police protection.

But then again any one who's spent more then 30 bucks on a plastic model really shouldn't be pointing fingers either. <_<

  Roy Focker said:



I mean what's the point of getting it day one?

Some people are nuts.

Getting it on day one is fine if you didn't do any waiting in line though. :D


Yet another story <_<

1 shot in Conn. Playstation waiting line

One shot and 15-20 people robbed at gunpoint.

I haven't heard anything like that yet around here in Chicago. The only story here that has been reported to death is some stupid pregnant woman who is selling her PS3 so she can have a nursery. She hates videogames. She's expecting 3,000. <_<

I was supposed to go as a bodyguard for one of my wife's student aids last night. Luckily(for me) she decided to get her PS3 in the next shipment at the local EB.

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