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I can't afford to go online myself. Additionally, I don't want the rest of the world to know how bad I am at video gaming anyway...

  myk said:

Must...not...give...in...to...new console...madness...

It certainly is hard to give into ridiculous prices and poor game selection. ;) There hasn't been a "must-have" launch title since Mario 64, so I really don't see why so many people rush to buy a new system as soon as possible. Too expensive, too few decent games, too much hassle and for what? Being able to brag about how you got the gottest new system?


Ya the first batch of games for the PS3 is really disappointing. Mostly sequels or recycled ideas.. yawn I'll be sticking with my PS2(a launch one no doubt) a little while longer.


SCEA Launch Titles:

Resistance: Fall of Man

NBA 07

Genji: Days of the Blade

Third-Party Publisher Titles:

Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII / Ubisoft

Call of Duty 3 / Activision

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 / Electronic Arts

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion / Bethesda Softworks

F.E.A.R. / Vivendi Universal Games

Full Auto 2: Battlelines / Sega

Madden NFL 07 / Electronic Arts

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance / Activision

Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire / Namco Bandai Games

NBA 2K7 / 2K Sports

Need For Speed Carbon / Electronic Arts

NHL 2K7 / 2K Sports

Ridge Racer 7 / Namco Bandai Games

Sonic the Hedgehog / Sega

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 / Electronic Arts

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas / Ubisoft

Tony Hawk's Project 8 / Activision

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom / Sony Online Entertainment


  Keith said:

It just sounds so...busy! What ever happened to just popping in a disc, playing a game, and turning it off. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't need internet in my video games! I do however need import playability!

once you've played a good game online with a good group of people it adds a dimension that you don't want to play without! almost every game I play on my 360 is online (Chromehounds, Ghost Recon, Halo 2 and Phantasy Star Universe next week).

ofcourse theres games I play offline like Oblivion but thats usually only when I get bored of my online games ^_^

  dejr8bud said:

Ya the first batch of games for the PS3 is really disappointing. Mostly sequels or recycled ideas.. yawn I'll be sticking with my PS2(a launch one no doubt) a little while longer.


thats a dissapointing line up <_<

  yellowlightman said:


Have We Reminded You That We're Full of poo?

No it's true. Imagine my shock when I got home with my new Xbox 360, plugged it in and turned it on only to find out it won't even play any games until I buy a HD-DVD ROM and subscribe to Xbox Live :rolleyes:

  Radd said:

Sony PS3 actually does cost less than the Xbox 360.....according to Sony.


A few things lacking in Sony's analogy:

1) Neither version of the PS3 comes with a component cable. The $399 360 does.

2) The analysist talks about needing to buy a wireless controller for the core 360... someone forgot the core 360 comes with a controller to start with (even if it's wired) so buying the wireless controller now gives the consumer two controllers to use...

3) Sony's online service... supposedly "free" even for online play, but it's still unknown to what extent the individual game companies may tag on user fees and look at the fiasco invovling Gran Turismo HD (paying hundreds of dollars to get ALL of the available content).

And regarding HD DVD and Blu-Ray DVD drives, if I ever get either one, I want a stand alone player separate from my game system(s). That way if my movie player dies, my game system(s) aren't also hosed and vice versa.


Some more recent PS3 news:

Sony may not hit shipment targets. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Sony doesn't meet 500,000 (400,000+100,000) for the combined US and Japan launches.

No Achievement System for PS3 Games.

Sony to replace Sixaxis batteries if they fail. Price of having internal, non removable, batteries.

  Apollo Leader said:

Neither version of the PS3 comes with a component cable. The $399 360 does.

Have the contents been finalized/confirmed yet?

Not that it really matters, though. I already have a 6' HDMI with the PS3's name on it. They're readily obtainable for $20 and less from Frys, if not online from Monoprice.

Which of those titles will actually be available at launch? No stand outs. I'll be avoiding Oblvion, at least, but I may get the Fight Night 3 for the PS3 since I've passed on it for the 360 so far (for my own 360 at least, I certainly played it enough with friends) and it does look a bit sharper from the screenshots.

My last 360 purchase was Lego SW2, which was quite fun. I'm considering Dead Rising but the rest will be waiting to see the PS3 offerings and if/when I can get one (I still refuse to preorder or stand in line), but it's not really in doubt that I'll get it.


accessories for the PS3.

In conjunction with its Gamers' Day event being held in San Francisco today, Sony revealed the first accessories for the PlayStation 3. The initial batch of add-ons for the next-generation console, which launches in the US on November 17, will be relatively modest, consisting of just four devices.

First up is the PS3 HDMI cable, which many high-definition televisions require to display graphics in 1080p resolution. The omission of the cable from the basic PS3 package caused a bit of a stir when it was first revealed in August, and its price probably won't help matters. The PS3 HDMI cable will sell for $49.99, higher than most HDMI cables on eBay (which can go for as low as $9.99), but lower than the "generic" PS3/360 HDMI cable that was listed on GameStop for $99.99. However, since the PS3 has a standard HDMI port, any HDMI cable should work with the console.

Far more affordable is the PS3 Memory Card Adapter, which will retail for $14.99. Though not necessary for saving PS3 games, the adapter is required for loading game saves from old PlayStation 2 and PlayStation memory cards. The PS3 is fully backward compatible with both consoles, and PS2 and PlayStation games will be made available for download Xbox Live Arcade style via the PlayStation Network Platform.

Sony will let gamers purchase extra units of the PS3's Sixaxis controller for $49.99 each. With its built-in Bluetooth wireless connectivity, the PS3 will support up to seven controllers at once, without a next-gen equivalent of a multitap extension.

As it did with the PlayStation 2, Sony is selling the media remote for the PS3 separately. The Blu-ray Disc Remote will go for $29.99 and will provide single-button controls for most of the PS3's media functionality.

Speaking of Blu-ray, Sony is planning to include a single movie on the high-definition format with each PS3 for a limited time, much like it bundled a UMD movie with the PSP in 2005. However, while the UMD film was Spider-Man 2, whose comic-book roots and special effects had undeniable gamer appeal, Sony's choice for the PS3's BD movie--the Will Ferrell NASCAR comedy Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby--will puzzle many.


Posted (edited)
  Macross73 said:

thats a dissapointing line up <_<

No worse than this 360 launch line up a year ago:

“Amped 3†(2K Sports)


“Call of Duty 2†(Activision Inc.)


“Condemned: Criminal Origins†(SEGA Corp.)


“FIFA Soccer 06 Road to 2006 FIFA World Cup†(Electronic Arts Inc.)




“Kameo: Elements of Power†(Microsoft Game Studios and Rare Ltd.)


“Madden NFL 06†(Electronic Arts)


“NBA 2K6†(2K Sports)


“NBA LIVE 06†(Electronic Arts)


“Need for Speed Most Wanted†(Electronic Arts)


“NHL 2K6†(2K Sports)


“Perfect Dark Zero†(Microsoft Game Studios and Rare Ltd.)


“Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie†(Ubisoft)


“Project Gotham Racing 3†(Microsoft Game Studios and Bizarre Creations Ltd.)


“Quake 4™†(id Software and Activision)


“Ridge Racer 6†(Namco Ltd.)


“Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06†(Electronic Arts)


“Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland†(Activision)

Dreamcast still had the best launch lineup in console history.

Edited by Gaijin
  Gaijin said:

Dreamcast still had the best launch lineup in console history.

It was good balanced launch and it had Soul Calibur to boot. :)

But if I did get the PS3 i would have gotten the Gundam game, RR7, Resistence Fall of Man, and one or two others. Probably would stick with the 360 version of COD3 because it will probably have better online play then its PS3 counterpart.


Was going to mention DC, but already was.

But, in a weird sort of way, I think the PS2 might have had the best launch ever. Read: all the PSX games to try again. I spent 95% of my PS2's first week replaying old games, seeing how they looked. Xenogears and FF8 are still among the most notably improved. FF7 is pretty much only affected by battle backgrounds, but it's very obvious. FF9/Chrono Cross are pretty close in that they're affected all around, but not as noticeable as FF8. (I still remember that the "meltdown" spell gets messed up visually on a PS2)

  David Hingtgen said:

Was going to mention DC, but already was.

But, in a weird sort of way, I think the PS2 might have had the best launch ever. Read: all the PSX games to try again. I spent 95% of my PS2's first week replaying old games, seeing how they looked. Xenogears and FF8 are still among the most notably improved. FF7 is pretty much only affected by battle backgrounds, but it's very obvious. FF9/Chrono Cross are pretty close in that they're affected all around, but not as noticeable as FF8. (I still remember that the "meltdown" spell gets messed up visually on a PS2)

True...but the PS3 won't enhance PS2 games in any way this time around.


No enhancement is a fair trade off if it will be able to play PS2 & PS1 imports out of the box (still crossing fingers). Besides, with the online connectability, graphics upgrading is still possible in the future.


The launch line up is a bit scarce, but I think I may pick up Gundam even though I don't plan on getting a PS3 until MGS4 comes out....and I'm sure it'll be cheaper later too, but somehow I'm still compelled.


Was there some big video game event near SFO today? I saw a bunch of younger people dressed very oddly walking around the Marriot. There seemed to be an inordinate amount of people dressed as cats... There were also what appeared to be girls dressed in traditional Dutch attire (Okay, I have no idea what country the attire was from, but it was definitely traditional). I figured it might have been a comic or video game convention and lots of people were dressed up like stuff i was totally not familiar with.

  Keith said:

No enhancement is a fair trade off if it will be able to play PS2 & PS1 imports out of the box (still crossing fingers). Besides, with the online connectability, graphics upgrading is still possible in the future.

Sorry...PS3 imports yes...PS1 and PS2 imports no.

  Gaijin said:

Sorry...PS3 imports yes...PS1 and PS2 imports no.

Has that been officially confirmed? Until it has been, I'll thank you to not jinx it!

  Keith said:

Has that been officially confirmed? Until it has been, I'll thank you to not jinx it!

Actually, it has been confirmed since before E3 2005...it was never in the cards for PS1 and PS2 imports to be playable on the PS3...when the PS3 was first announced to be "region-less", it was made clear that it was only PS3 games. Only rumor and speculation even brought the PS1 and PS2 import scene into the equation.

As of Oct 19th, it's still a no. ;)

Posted (edited)

ya its been known for awhile that import PS1 and PS2 games wont work on a US PS3. Kinda sucks but I'll have to keep my pearl white big bodied PS2 to play imports.

some more PS3/PSP news

Sony's Phil Harrison revealed some future plans for PS3 and PSP:

Sony will begin to sell games, videos and music on the PlayStation Network, which can be downloaded and played on PS3.

In the next PSP firmware upgrade, you will be able to transfer PSone games from PS3 to PSP and play.

In future games offered online can be played on both PS3 and PSP.

PS3 is region-free, but PS2 is not, therefore Japanese PS2 games still won't run on American PS3

The next-gen EyeToy peripheral will appear early next year

The target age group for PS3 is between 20s and 30s.


Edited by dejr8bud

I realized that I wouldn't be able to obtain a PS3 for quite sometime. So... I broke down and bought an Xbox 360... but I'm still gonna' get a pS3 eventually, of course. :D


I was hoping the PS3 could at least do "one more step" for PS1 games. Though I was REALLY hoping for some PS2 enhancements. (Valk Profile 2+anti-aliasing=bliss)

  Apollo Leader said:
Sony to replace Sixaxis batteries if they fail. Price of having internal, non removable, batteries.

ouch.... I was wondering if those super cool "Sixaxis" controllers were going to have replaceable batteries like a cellphone but I guess not....

Xbox360 wins again... its got rumble and you don't have to wait for Sony to mail you a new controller while your third friend sits on the couch controllerless... :p

  dejr8bud said:

That plain sucks for importers. The funny thing is since Sony is wanting the PS3 to be region free for its games, I think they would want the import scene to flourish.

With what Sony is doing to companies and websites like this, we as Macross fans should consider ourselves lucky. Harmony Gold could have much more agressively pursued some of the importers (like the Valkyrie Exchange, Big Bad Toy Store, et al) then they did. They made some threats back in late 2000 and 2002, but to my knowledge they never took anyone to court.


BTW, what was the final word on Sony making the PS3 and PS3 games so you couldn't either buy used ones or rent them? There was a concern that Sony was setting up the security for the games and systems so that if you bought a game, it would only work on the system you initially play it on. Since I haven't heard anything in a while, I presume Sony dropped this idea.

Posted (edited)
  Apollo Leader said:

BTW, what was the final word on Sony making the PS3 and PS3 games so you couldn't either buy used ones or rent them? There was a concern that Sony was setting up the security for the games and systems so that if you bought a game, it would only work on the system you initially play it on. Since I haven't heard anything in a while, I presume Sony dropped this idea.

They didn't drop the idea...it was never in the PS3 cards. The rumor was one stretched out of something thought of years ago...it died there and was only brought back as a negative rumor about the PS3.

Edited by Gaijin
Posted (edited)
  Apollo Leader said:

That plain sucks for importers. The funny thing is since Sony is wanting the PS3 to be region free for its games, I think they would want the import scene to flourish.

With what Sony is doing to companies and websites like this, we as Macross fans should consider ourselves lucky. Harmony Gold could have much more agressively pursued some of the importers (like the Valkyrie Exchange, Big Bad Toy Store, et al) then they did. They made some threats back in late 2000 and 2002, but to my knowledge they never took anyone to court.

They have re-sellers agreements they have to adhere to. Lik-Sang broke many European laws and sales agreements. Companies that do usually get fined. Lik-Sang is choosing bankruptcy to avoid paying fines and placing the blame on Sony. This way they come out looking good in the public's eyes. The lawsuits aren't bull and even hold more water than Immersion's copyright about rumble.

They really can't blame Sony...they've been warned many times. This is nothing like Harmony Gold and Macross. It is more akin to if HG started selling Macross 7 and Plus stuff tomorrow and being told by Japan their license doesn't cover that and doing it anyways for years.

And if anyone out there thinks this is "bad" by Sony, you have no ideas what Nintendo has done behind closed doors. Sony's tactics in this incident are legal and justified. Nintendo is the worse of all even trumping MS in business practices.

It won't really matter in the end...like most HK fly by nights, Lik-Sang 'll set up shop again with a new name. Just like HK Bootleg DVD guys and DVD player manufacturers.

Edited by Gaijin

I'm far from being a biased game system fanboy, but is it my imagination or have there not been a string of bad PR moves from Sony lately that have cast an increasingly bad image on them? I usually don't listen to the rabid usually fanboyish complaints about Sony, Microsoft, or gasp even Harmony Gold, but in this case, everytime I check a game website, there's a new article about something Sony does to piss off the game buying public.

Posted (edited)
  Seven said:

I'm far from being a biased game system fanboy, but is it my imagination or have there not been a string of bad PR moves from Sony lately that have cast an increasingly bad image on them? I usually don't listen to the rabid usually fanboyish complaints about Sony, Microsoft, or gasp even Harmony Gold, but in this case, everytime I check a game website, there's a new article about something Sony does to piss off the game buying public.

Lik-Sang is just playing the "martyr" in this instance. All the other import places play by the "rules" even when they err on the grey areas...Lik-Sang went beyond. Their whole business model revolved around taking large risks that may end up in lawsuits...it was only a matter of time.

Edit: Confirmed...they were only asked to stop importing PSP's to Europe. This is just a "wahhhh! I'll show you...I'll ruin your name! " deal.

Edited by Gaijin
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