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Well it's not that big of a deal unless you're really a diehard Nintendo fanatic....the classic controler already looks Super Nintendo like, and if you give it a little paint job it'll come closer....I'm not heart broken at all over this one.


I grabbed the Wii Zapper with Links Crossbow Training. Pretty damn fun. It just uses the ZTP engline and makes fun score based gun games out of it but its a blast.

Also finally got around to Metroid Prime 3. Diggin that was well.


I guess wii's are sitting in costco's and not moving here in MN. they come with mario party 8 and an extra controller...A friend of mine said there was a full pallot at his local costco and nobody was buying them.

I also got a couple of wii zappers. They are really fun but it makes my hand cramp up a little. Not the most ergonomic design.

  jwinges said:
I guess wii's are sitting in costco's and not moving here in MN. they come with mario party 8 and an extra controller...A friend of mine said there was a full pallot at his local costco and nobody was buying them.

I also got a couple of wii zappers. They are really fun but it makes my hand cramp up a little. Not the most ergonomic design.

Really? Maybe it's because people like me had no idea they were there because they avoid Costco. I'll have to check that out, my wife wants a Wii for Xmas.


Well, how many of us actually afford a costco membership?

I havent stepped into a costco in 3 years...and i disiked being there, so meh.

But I am enjoying mario 64 I mean galaxy :p

  Hikuro said:
Well, how many of us actually afford a costco membership?

I havent stepped into a costco in 3 years...and i disiked being there, so meh.

But I am enjoying mario 64 I mean galaxy :p

Oh yeah, I forgot about the membership thing. Guess I wont be going there for a Wii.

I just picked up the Wii Zapper earlier today.

Not bad for $20.

How'd you get it for 20 bucks? Retail on that sucker is 24.99. :mellow::huh:

  Hikuro said:
How'd you get it for 20 bucks? Retail on that sucker is 24.99. :mellow::huh:

TRU has em for $19.99. :mellow:

  Hikuro said:
How'd you get it for 20 bucks? Retail on that sucker is 24.99. :mellow::huh:

I saw that Gamestop was charging $25 bucks, but I was under the impression that it was always supposed to be $20. That's why I held off, I figure I'll look next time I'm at Target or Wal-Mart.


Yeah, I just found it odd. Everywhere I've gone I've seen it 24.99 retail....might be a new release thing or something I dunno?

I finished the first galaxy of Mario...man I can't believe how much this plays similar to the Mario 64 game....and I guess that's why I like it and maybe so many others?

I was a little disorentaited at first, but I've gotten use to it and all the controls rather easily....however I HATE that Sweet Candy Galaxy and the Ray surfing....it took me a good while and I still can't beat Sweet.


Late to the party.

Finally got around to Metroid Prime 3. Holy crap is this game awesome. Easily one of the best games I have played this year.


So 2 weeks ago I picked up a wii to sell on ebay. Turns out that my sister in law wanted it so I let her have it instead. Today I'm walking through the mall and walk into gamestop and ask if the wii's are looking pretty sparse this year and the guy and the counter says, "Wii have one left"... :ph34r:

So I said I'll take it. He yells to the back for someone to grab it and before it gets to the front there are 4 calls from people looking for one within about 3 minutes.

Next stop Ebay. <_<:mellow::rolleyes::lol::lol:B))

I think I have a knack for finding these things. Last year I bought a total of 8 on 13 inquires before x-mas (4 for myself and relatives and 4 went to ebay). The year I've got 2 in 2 inquires. :ph34r:


Dude, dont wanna sound rude but why? why do you need a wii to sell on ebay to make a quick buck?

There are parents out there trying to get these for their kids and its hrd enough for some of these parents to spend 250 on this.

Everytime I go to a game store, theres some parent looking for one.

and dude, youve bought over a dozen : / granted, you gave most to family members....but still.

sorry, I just find it unfair to alot of people who after a year, are still trying to get one.

  Hikuro said:
sorry, I just find it unfair to a lot of people who after a year, are still trying to get one.

They need to do with game systems what they did with the iPhone. ONE PER CUSTOMER!!! The eBay whores that go into the store and buy up as many as they can really get under my skin.

Nintendo's fault for not making enough.

Can't blame people for trying to make a buck.

Yes you can. People don't need to buy 2 dozen Wii's in a life time unless they're OCD'ed on clean products or something.

I'm not trying to razz on him, I'm just stating, I find it very unfair that some people spend alot of time to get this product and then there are people who buy an abundence of them so they can double the normal price for the unit.

They need to do with game systems what they did with the iPhone. ONE PER CUSTOMER!!! The eBay whores that go into the store and buy up as many as they can really get under my skin.

Granted, but I feel the system is flawed unless that person's name and resident address is entered into a store computer. But if it were, someone could buy it at a gamestop, then go to a target, then Bestbuy, then FRY's, then Gamecrazy, etc etc.

As I said, it's fine if you wanna buy them for your family and what not, but once you start selling them to make some money you kind of cross the line...250 is affordable, but when your talking about what a kid wants for christmas and a parent trying to make their kid happy : / it's sort of a low blow to the parent.

I don't see many parents buying 360's or PS3's cause of their high end price.

  Hikuro said:
Granted, but I feel the system is flawed unless that person's name and resident address is entered into a store computer. But if it were, someone could buy it at a gamestop, then go to a target, then Bestbuy, then FRY's, then Gamecrazy, etc etc.

Yes, but the chances of them getting one from each of those places in one day are nil. By the time they get their one system from one store, it's a good chance that the other stores will be sold out by the time they get there to snag another one. Especially when there are long lines of people waiting to get one.

  Hikuro said:
I'm not trying to razz on him, I'm just stating, I find it very unfair that some people spend alot of time to get this product and then there are people who buy an abundence of them so they can double the normal price for the unit.

Well, life is unfair...? Seems like a silly thing to whine about.

  Hikuro said:
Dude, dont wanna sound rude but why? why do you need a wii to sell on ebay to make a quick buck?

There are parents out there trying to get these for their kids and its hrd enough for some of these parents to spend 250 on this.

Everytime I go to a game store, theres some parent looking for one.

and dude, youve bought over a dozen : / granted, you gave most to family members....but still.

sorry, I just find it unfair to alot of people who after a year, are still trying to get one.

dang, if you been looking for a year and have not found one yet, then you are not trying hard enough. A few months ago I was seeing Wiis everywhere I went. The problem is people want to wait until November to buy the hot christmas present. You simply have to plan ahead and avoid the whole holiday hassle.

  yellowlightman said:
Nintendo's fault for not making enough.

Can't blame people for trying to make a buck.

Who knew it'd be this popular? I think Nintendo was the most suprised.

dang, if you been looking for a year and have not found one yet, then you are not trying hard enough. A few months ago I was seeing Wiis everywhere I went. The problem is people want to wait until November to buy the hot christmas present. You simply have to plan ahead and avoid the whole holiday hassle.

Yeah you get into debates with those Ebayers, I'm not even gonna start. Best thing I can say is you're spending time or money. The Ebayers have spent the time, so you spend the money if you want to get one stress-free. There are some tricks to it. Try Sam's Club(on the Costco thing, haven't seen one near me, but I haven't updated my Sam's Club thing in forever. It's hard for a single man to get $40+ worth in savings...) as they were often overlooked, but not much anymore. Then try online retailers, checking once a day around noon. I think that's when Amazon and some others like to update. Or just get a bundle. I got one from CircuitCity, just returned the extra stuff and I got my Wii.

If it's the thought that counts, you're not putting alot of 'thought' into it if you're just walking to the store! ;)

  Wes said:
Who knew it'd be this popular? I think Nintendo was the most suprised.

It's been a year. They should have figured it out by now. But then again they're probably keeping production numbers as low as possible to drive up demand, so.

  yellowlightman said:
It's been a year. They should have figured it out by now. But then again they're probably keeping production numbers as low as possible to drive up demand, so.

I've always been skeptical about this idea. I'm pretty certain Nintendo is making as many as they can to maximize their profits. What good is it for them to withhold supply to drive up demand? That doesn't create more customers, it creates fewer customers who are willing to pay more. However, Nintendo doesn't benefit from those customers paying more, since it's the scalpers, and the scalpers alone, who reap those profits. The idea that a console developer deliberately keeping supply down creates more customers seems kinda like the tail wagging the dog to me.

The thing for console developers, all console developers, and especially early on in the life of a new console, is to get as many consoles as possible into as many homes as possible to create that install base that will lure developers to your camp. Console development and production is such that console makers are pretty much getting their shipments out of the factory as quickly as they can to make a launch date they'd announced much earlier. Add to this that said launch date is almost always near Christmas, and you're pretty much guaranteed that it will be difficult to have enough units on shelves for everyone.

After a while, demand generally falls to a level that the console developer can more easily keep units on shelves. However, if demand doesn't die down, the console remains difficult to find. The Wii is still selling like hotcakes. As late as Wario Ware's release, at least, people were still willing to wait overnight outside a store because there was supposed to be a shipment that night.

Now, one could argue that said console maker should simply open up new factories to produce more units, and depending on the level of sustained demand, that may be true, the tricky part is figuring out how long you can sustain that level of demand without spending too much on new production facilities. We've seen time and again that there is no guarantee that a successful console developer one night might not suddenly find themselves the least popular console developer the next.

  LL Cool VF1J said:
dang, if you been looking for a year and have not found one yet, then you are not trying hard enough. A few months ago I was seeing Wiis everywhere I went. The problem is people want to wait until November to buy the hot christmas present. You simply have to plan ahead and avoid the whole holiday hassle.

No Ive had one for almost a year. I tried getting it on a black friday, my ass freezing since 3 am, only to have a gamestop employee an hour late saying "I didnt know." which I called BS on.

However didnt get a wii, I was I think 8 of 6.

Got a 250 gift card, kept in touch with my GS contact, and camped up for 14 hours in the snow, sitting in a lawnchair with a sleeping bag keeping me warm.

I think on that day when I got it, there were 5 units and 25-30 people in line and I was number 1.


I've had my WII for 6 months now and bored to death of it. Sure the motion thingy is fun and all, but it's the same as the NO-GameCube. Good game once every 5-6 months and then waiting...waiting...waiting...

I'm only holding onto it because for some ungodly reason Nintendo Snagged the Monster Hunter Franchise from Sony... I do NOT want to have to swing my controller 92340923 times to kill ratholos. Or, god forbid, make a wrong movement on the motion controller and get one-shotted by an easily aviodable attack from Fatalis or something, Monster Hunter is frustrating already as is.... though since the WII has a lanyard I can throw the controller in Anger without worrying woot :p

Posted (edited)
  Hikuro said:
Yes you can. People don't need to buy 2 dozen Wii's in a life time unless they're OCD'ed on clean products or something.

I'm not trying to razz on him, I'm just stating, I find it very unfair that some people spend alot of time to get this product and then there are people who buy an abundence of them so they can double the normal price for the unit.

Granted, but I feel the system is flawed unless that person's name and resident address is entered into a store computer. But if it were, someone could buy it at a gamestop, then go to a target, then Bestbuy, then FRY's, then Gamecrazy, etc etc.

As I said, it's fine if you wanna buy them for your family and what not, but once you start selling them to make some money you kind of cross the line...250 is affordable, but when your talking about what a kid wants for christmas and a parent trying to make their kid happy : / it's sort of a low blow to the parent.

I don't see many parents buying 360's or PS3's cause of their high end price.

It's ok, I'm not offended or anything. Yeah I've sold a couple...but that's the only way I get to keep one. My wife's totally against the idea of spending over $200 on a game system. As far as picking up extra's this year...I wasn't planning on it and I just happened to go into 2 stores at the right time. If another family member or close friend wants it...its theirs. Otherwise it either will go up on ebay 2 weeks before xmas or to a charity auction. Years ago, I donated a ps2 to a charity that auctioned it off for $900 when they first came out. It just depends on how much I've given to charity this year, I gotta check with the my accountant. Also when I do sell them on ebay I usually just sell them as a buy it now for $50 over retail rather than the guy trying to double his cash on them. Most likely a relative or friend will claim this one too. I kind of like the surprised look on a relatives face when they find that I have one that I'm willing to part with.

Also like many of you I'm pretty sick of my wii too. Although I did buy the new wii zapper which is fun. Overall, I'm much more pleased with my PS3. To bad I had to sell a butt load of my macross toys on here to get the PS3.

Edited by jwinges

I got a ton of Wii games thru the deals going on recently. I've played a little of Super Paper Mario, and I was just playing the Umbrella Chronicles. Pretty fun shooter, and it can be 2-player. I hate trying to shake the controller back-and-forth because it doesn't always work right.

  • 3 weeks later...
Nintendo have updated their Japanese Virtual Console page, and in doing so have left an alluring little tease. They're displaying eight console boxes when there's only six consoles on the VC, with the remaining two boxes greyed out. Did Nintendo suddenly get big on asymmetrical websites? Not likely. Expect two more consoles to be announced, and announced soon, with one (hopefully/probably) being the Master System, and the other, a complete mystery.


  David Hingtgen said:

One can only hope. And if they do, I really hope they bring the Saturn versions of Megaman 8 and SotN, as they were both two of my favorite PlayStation games, and I was sorry I never owned a Saturn so I could have had those games with the extra content.

  • 4 weeks later...
  mikeszekely said:
One can only hope. And if they do, I really hope they bring the Saturn versions of Megaman 8 and SotN, as they were both two of my favorite PlayStation games, and I was sorry I never owned a Saturn so I could have had those games with the extra content.

If Nintendo would release some kind of update that'd let the Wii play actual Saturn & or Sega CD disc's, I'd run out & get one now!


SSBB now delayed another month. At least it'll come out before MGS4 and GTA4.

Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we’ve had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th.

I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you hold on just a little longer. Thank you for your patience.

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